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From Woke to Law: Realigning the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division to Correct Decades of Judicial Overreach

Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

Reviving the Constitution’s Original Meaning to Combat the Weaponization of Justice.

The Justice Department under the next Trump administration has a duty to remove protected classes for groups that have exploited civil rights laws to garner extra privileges and rights, over and above the rights of American citizens. Of note include illegal aliens and LGBT persons. Neither of these groups should have ever enjoyed the privileges of heightened scrutiny analysis within the purview of Title VII or Civil Rights law generally. These laws were never intended for such persons, however, over years they have been misapplied and misinterpreted, resulting in very real harms to society. In fact, heightened scrutiny analysis has no basis whatsoever in the text of the Constitution itself and can be rightly deemed anathema with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, though that is a separate topic worthy of its own discussion.

For decades, America’s civil rights jurisprudence has clouded and distorted the Constitutions’ original meaning and purpose. Activist judges, under the pretext of “judicial review,” have perverted the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment and other laws and constitutional provisions in service to a liberal ideology, now recognizably termed as “woke.” New standards of review were manifested into existence, such as “intermediate scrutiny,” which is used to adjudicate cases of alleged sex or gender-based discrimination. None of these developments have a relationship, directly or indirectly, to the text or original intent of the Constitution itself. Instead, they have been weaponized in many cases against businesses, schools, and legacy American citizens, creating hostile work environments that actively prioritize non-Americans while at the same time discriminating against men and native-born people in many cases. The result has been to establish and legitimize a new form of institutionalized racism, directed primarily at whites – who themselves increasingly are a numerical minority in many states. All of this has been made in service to an ideology born out of the civil rights movement that is oriented around a fundamentally Marxist view of history. This ideology perceives all historically disenfranchised and “wronged” minorities as needing legal recourse, in the form of extra-constitutional remedies that ultimately seek to establish absolute equality – now commonly described as “equity” – in real world outcomes. This is in sharp contrast with the far more limited goal of legal equality enumerated under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Whereas the former is ordered towards achieving equal outcomes, the latter establishes a baseline of generally applicable standards like fairness and justice for all parties regardless of background that courts must adhere to.

Arguably for the first time in decades an opportunity has opened for the DOJ to seriously reconsider our civil rights jurisprudence, much of which was devised by overzealous judges and courts while ignoring the text of the Fourteenth Amendment, or more recently, even the Civil Rights Act, whose framers certainly did not envision extending constitutional guarantees to transgender persons, under any circumstances. A significant portion of this debate will naturally be centered on the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, which is a department within the DOJ tasked with enforcing federal statutes prohibiting discrimination on a variety of factors. Those in favor of the division’s outright abolishment contend that our civil rights jurisprudence has been like a runaway train, often abusing its mandate to embark upon fishing expeditions to find cases of discrimination where none truly exist. Critics argue that the department has basically no redeeming value whatsoever. They maintain it should be shut down wholesale for violating the rights of Americans – including the speech and property rights of political dissidents, who are increasingly met with heavy-handed justice, under the pretext of civil rights.

On the other hand, conservative arguments for keeping the division open assert it provides an opportunity to right many of these wrongs directed against Americans, including many conservatives who have been punished for exercising their First Amendment rights to speak, assemble, and worship with alarming frequency in recent years. These arguments center on cases like the J6 political prisoners, who were denied due process, and incarcerated against their will in a federal penitentiary, merely for committing nonviolent crimes, which at their worst might have arisen to the level of misdemeanors. Other cases include those who exercised their right to speak freely – and point to systemic injustices across American society, such as election fraud, which our liberal superiors deemed verboten within the prevailing civil rights discourse.

These Americans, ranging from Rudy Giuliani to Douglass Mackey, all had their constitutional rights violated in the most egregious ways. For shining a light on election integrity-related issues, Giuliani was forced into bankruptcy with a 140-million-dollar defamation lawsuit. For posting anti-Hillary Clinton memes on Twitter, Mackey was sentenced to decades in prison. To our north, the Canadian government has cracked down on private citizens with alarming regularity who dare to “misgender” a person in authority, setting a dangerous precedent for liberals here to follow when they reclaim power. Thus, those in favor of keeping the civil rights division open would have to think creatively and seek out ways to dramatically reconceptualize how civil rights enforcement ought to proceed in the future.

The emphasis would shift from equal protection, which has been abused to no end, to other constitutional provisions – namely, the First and Second Amendments – which, in the history of civil liberties, have been woefully neglected in service to the catechism of woke. Alternatively, if due process and equal protection do remain a priority, it would require a major shift in focus. This might include a reemphasis on the rights of employers, and the injustices committed against them by lawfare and other forms of legal harassment – such as litigation following from not meeting a particular racial quota for hiring, or for preferring American workers to foreigners. Another priority might be the long waiting periods experienced by alien detainees awaiting deportation, and the due process violations that arise from not having a swift and efficient hearing. Those who had family members killed by illegally domiciled aliens, or who languished in prison for groundless charges, like the January 6th demonstrators, and had their civil liberties denied in the most brazen ways possible, also should be front and center as the sort of cases that meet this hypothetical shift in focus for equal protection litigation.

Although no small feat, the DOJ could help spearhead a revolutionary shift in how the federal government as a whole treats civil rights enforcement and update its priorities accordingly to meet the needs of the present day, recognizing we are far past the Jim Crow era. By and large, the United States has become a post-racial society, realizing Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. Our laws, thus, should be colorblind. To the extent civil rights laws (and related issues like protected classes, tiers of scrutiny analysis, etc.) are needed at all, it is to remedy not the injustices committed against minorities which no longer are affected by state-based discrimination to any meaningful degree, but rather a new group of minorities – white men, native-born Americans, heterosexuals, Christians, and political conservatives – who have over the past four years had their civil rights ruthlessly stripped away by regime hellbent on their censorship and political destruction. These are the protected classes that matter today, and will continue to matter in the coming decades as demographics continue to change, and America transforms into something quite distinct from its twentieth century antecedent.

Regardless of where the chips fall on the question of the Civil Rights Division – to preserve or eliminate – the question presents a broader challenge for the incoming DOJ, as well as an opportunity to revise our mostly antiquated civil rights precedent, mostly the product of liberal activist judges and attorneys, and hopefully establish a more meaningful application of constitutional justice. One that revives the Constitution in its original meaning and form, responsive to the civil liberties enshrined therein, and is deferential to the founding charter’s limited prerogative, which in the final analysis is based on maximizing ordered liberty and individual rights.

Paul Ingrassia, a graduate of Fordham University and Cornell Law School, is an Attorney; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the NYYR Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow Paul on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

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2 months ago

That is going to be a heavy lift for Donald Trump. The doj is totally corrupt. I’m confident he can do it, but the Democrat Party will fight him every inch of the way. The corruption is totally for the Democrat Party and against the average American, but the reform needs to be done. Nobody trusts the doj or the courts anymore for that matter. Only thing the Democrat Party stands for is a distraction of this country. The only one standing between us and total Destruction is Donald Trump. I believe he can do it, let’s support him all the way. Make America great again the best way to give the Democrat Party a wedgie

2 months ago

There are most definitely people in prison (Massey, the 86 yo lady praying at abortion clinic, etc) that should get IMMEDIATE presidential pardons. They will have to wait until the election is certified and MUST be DAYLIGHTED. Find a REAL journalist somewhere that will tell the true story of how and why these Americans had their rights taken away. Most people have no idea that Biden’s DOJ put an 86 year old grandma in poor health in federal prison!

Debra Cheek
Debra Cheek
2 months ago

Amen to every word and it’s about time. Like the author mentioned, the real piece of work will be to frame a successful and fair adherence to the Constitution – one that will mean enough to all parties to continue for the future. Sadly, there are die-hard wokesters and FAR left liberals who will strive to tear it all apart if they can.

Melinda C
Melinda C
2 months ago

There is so much work for the Trump administration to do, returning to Constitutional government. Four years is little time considering pushback from aggrieved liberals.

2 months ago

Agree 100%

2 months ago

Lets pray that the DOJ will FINALLY live up to it’s name. It sure hasn’t so far!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

There would not be one civil rights activist or fighter for “minorities” had there not been big bucks in it , remove the funding , there will not be one indignant voice , all the Al Sharptons certainly are not sharing their bounty with those in whose name they’ve making it for decades. Department of justice ,that title would be laughable had t not been so seriously damaged

2 months ago

2021 estimates of the racial make up of the United States is approximately as follows: White- 63.7%, Hispanic-18.9%, Black- 12.6% and Asian- 5.9%. I studied Advertising in college and as a hobby, monitor commercials on television and in print media. If you follow the racial percentages, commercials should contain 6 Whites, 2 Hispanics, 1 Black and 1 Asian. If you look at a Walmart commercial, this is usually not the case. Most advertising is targeting certain racial groups. Is this fair to all? You be the judge.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

It has been 60 years since LBJ [ well-known racist] signed the Civil Rights Act. There is NO widespread violation of anyone’s civil rights [ except maybe “deplorable” J6ers] at present. Certainly not gays, who are the richest “minority group” in the country. “Trans” are a fiction; one cannot change sexes! Illegal immigrants can just go home if they don’t like it here!

2 months ago

Biden has weaponized these groups to tge point they attack citizens all over the country. Biden keeps saying racism is rife in this country. No it was not he made it so by supporting minorities to the point it was mandated there were no women anymore so trans was the group to support, destroying little girls in process. So many children were butchered under Biden in the name of trans dysphoria which is not even a disease or anomaly. The majority were called racist by Biden and his division of a Nation is complete. Biden has the blood of all these children on his hand, all those killed by the invaders he welcomed into this country. Not one of them is an asylum seeker. All have been sponsored by either the govt of the country they came from or ole Joe flew them for free in the dead of night into our country. All against the immigration laws. Enough to impeach him on that charge alone. Then the Afghanistan debacle. The economy and the bankrupting of the country and then sowing sedition for the past 4 years. Let’s add the bribes from Ukraine, Russia and China and wherever else. Enough to have him spend the rest of his days in prison.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

Number one,cia,doj and every one of the nonobamba,soros,biden and more leftist cults are the army that the leftist democ RATS created.Why should we think that their agenda rules,it doesn’t.You progressive entities need to wake up,you are not alone,we are here to confront your sick agenda.

2 months ago

politicians just keep trading one form of discrimination for another in an effort to pander for votes. They are a disgrace the only people they care about are themselves. IMO

2 months ago

If they really want to send a message, they will not only address the political lawfare the left has waged, but the DOJ should assign a robust team to pursue expungement of all criminal records against all those caught up in the left’s unconstitutional lawfare. As much as they are able, make it as if it never happened, records wise. They should do this in an expedited fashion and also aggressively investigate federal judges and DOJ prosecutors, from every angle possible, who wilfully facilitated the left’s unconstitutional lawfare.
Send a f’n message! The damage that the left knowingly and intentionally inflicted on the nations faith and confidence in our justice and election systems may never be fully repaired, but that would be a dam ‘ed good start!

2 months ago

So happy that the Adults are in charge again.

2 months ago

I recently did some research on the Rule of Law, and your article is spot-on. “The Rule of Law is a concept that dates back to ancient Greek and Roman philosophers, but it was made famous by British jurist William Blackstone. It states that all people should be treated equally under the law regardless of their wealth or social position in society. Rules are not designed as a means for one group to gain an advantage over another, and they should never be used to punish or favor a particular individual. It is the basic foundation for the Constitution”.

Bradley Martin
Bradley Martin
2 months ago

Our legal history is diverse & broad. I find it encouraging that most of the comments reflect a balanced approach to law & society rather than extreme woke, far right or other tyrannical positions.
I find it very interesting in reading and studying the Bible that the principles of fair justice are clearly enumerated. For example: thieves restoring what was stolen plus a fifth or double depending on the offense; judges not looking on the poor or rich more favorably than a different economic class person in their rulings; quick execution of punishments to discourage other persons from criminal behavior; no bribes as it encourages corruption & alters just rulings; and many others.
These and other principles of justice that have been & are honored by most for many thousands of years. Most would serve us well if we restore them to consistent, balanced use and bring a lot of peace to most municipalities and thereby to our neighborhoods.
Being a mostly humble, confident Christian – life walker with Jesus, I know that a trusting relationship with Him as creator, God, friend & savior is the best way to restore balance, justice & peace to each individual life and thereby to one’s family, church, community, nation and the world. Despite our too often rebellious bent against Him and His standards, I encourage each of you to examine the evidence for the historical Jesus being all of these (& more) and decide on the evidence & testimonies to trust Him as such. And other committed Jesus’ disciples to deepen your relationship with Him & become more in love with Him, His people and a thereby a more effective, loving witness to others, family especially, of His love for us.
May the grace of God guide & protect each of you as you journey through this life into the next.

2 months ago

The politicians only care about being elected. They do NOT care about any of these groups.

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
2 months ago

The DOJ needs to be cleared of the totally corrupt individuals that are employed and all appointed directors, employees, and staff. President Trump needs to restructure the DOJ, and appoint someone with spine to clean up, clear out, and renew the DOJ. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party will fight him every inch of the way, and that includes the RINOs as well. I hope that the new Congress, House and Senate, can win this fight and take back our government, not only the DOJ, but the FBI and all other government agencies.

2 months ago

For an attorney and graduate of Fordham and Cornell, that was a sad execution of the English language. The next to last paragraph is 16 lines, with 9 of them compromising 1 sentence! That last paragraph is 9 lines, broken down into only 2 ‘sentences’ – except the 2nd ‘sentence’ isn’t even a sentence! You have good points. Getting through them is a gruesome feat of endurance! Sorry, you get a C- for trying.

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