
National Security , Newsline

From Oval Office, Trump Says Border Wall Would Make Nation ‘Safer Than Ever Before’

Posted on Wednesday, January 9, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Trump Decision Syria border wall saferPresident Donald Trump made an emotional plea last Tuesday night for Congress to pass a border security package that includes funding for a steel wall, to minimize the number of victims of violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

His proposal for a steel wall and other border security measures would make America “safer than ever before,” Trump said.

“Over the last several years, I’ve met with dozens of families whose loved ones were stolen by illegal immigration,” Trump said during his first prime-time address from the Oval Office, which took place in the third week of a partial government shutdown over his insistence that Congress make good on past promises to build a barrier along the southern border.

“I’ve held the hands of the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers. So sad, so terrible,” Trump said. “I will never forget the pain in their eyes, the tremble in their voices, and the sadness gripping their souls.”

The president added:

How much more American blood must be shed before Congress does its job? For those who refuse to compromise in the name of border security, I would ask: Imagine if it were your child, your husband, or your wife whose life was so cruelly shattered.

In his 10-minute address, Trump talked about the murder of a police officer and the rape and murder of an Air Force veteran, crimes that police said were committed by illegal immigrants in California. He also noted cases of illegal immigrants accused of murdering Americans in Georgia and Maryland.

“This is the cycle of human suffering that I am determined to end,” he said.

Trump is trying to reach a deal with congressional Democrats to secure funding for a border wall and fully reopen the government after the partial shutdown that began Dec. 22.

The president said he will hold his third meeting in a week with congressional leaders from both parties Wednesday at the White House. He is scheduled to travel to the southern border Thursday.

Trump noted that Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., was among the Democrats who voted for the 2006 Secure Fence Act, legislation passed by Congress that called for more than 700 miles of fencing or other barriers along the border.

But Schumer and other Democrats now oppose the policy because he supports it, Trump said.

He also referred to comments from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who  has called a border wall “immoral.”

“Some have suggested a barrier is immoral. Then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences, and gates around their home?” Trump asked before answering his own question.

“They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside,” he said. “The only thing that is immoral is for politicians to do nothing and continue to allow more innocent people to be so horribly victimized.”

The president asked Congress for $5.7 billion for construction of a steel border wall. He also asked for funds for additional Border Patrol agents,  immigration judges, and related resources.

Trump said that “thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now.”

Congress has funded most of the government. The current shutdown affects only about 25 percent of the government, including the departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Homeland Security, State, and Transportation. The shutdown also affects about 800,000 federal employees, all of whom will get back pay when the impasse ends.

“The federal government remains shut down for one reason and one reason only,” Trump said. “Because Democrats will not fund border security.”

The president ended his speech by urging:

To every member of Congress: Pass a bill that ends this crisis. To every citizen: Call Congress and tell them to finally–after all of these decades–secure our border. This is a choice between right and wrong. Justice and injustice. This is about whether we fulfill our sacred duty to the American citizens we serve.

Minutes after the president finished speaking, the top Democrats in the House and Senate made their own televised argument to Americans in response.

Pelosi complained that the government shutdown withheld paychecks from “800,000 innocent workers.”

“The president is rejecting bipartisan bills that would reopen government over his obsession with forcing American taxpayers to waste billions of dollars on an expensive and ineffective wall–a wall he always promised Mexico would pay for,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi said Democrats support infrastructure improvements at ports of entry and new technology to scan for drugs coming across the border.

“The women and children at the border are not a security threat, they are a humanitarian challenge, a challenge that President Trump’s own cruel and counterproductive policies have only deepened,” Pelosi said.

Schumer, standing beside Pelosi and speaking after her, accused Trump of using the Oval Office to “manufacture a crisis, stoke fear, and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.”

“We don’t govern by temper tantrum,” the New York Democrat said. “President Trump has appealed to fear not facts, division not unity.”

Earlier in the day, the White House Office of Management and Budget announced that tax refund checks will be sent out despite the shutdown.

In his remarks, Trump referred to some of the statistics in a new report from the Department of Homeland Security.

According to the DHS report, from fiscal 2017 to fiscal 2018 officials posted a 73 percent increase in fentanyl, one of the deadliest drugs, confiscated at the southern border. That amounts to 2,400 pounds.

The department also reported a 38 percent increase in methamphetamine at the southern border over the last fiscal year, and a 38 percent increase in heroin.

Criminal organizations gain $2.5 billion in annual profit from smuggling migrants into the U.S., the DHS report says.

In fiscal 2018, which ended Sept. 30, Customs and Border Protection agents caught 17,000 adults at the southern border who had criminal records. They captured 3,755 known or suspected terrorists entering the U.S. in fiscal 2017.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement also apprehended 6,000 members of gangs, including the violent MS-13, at the border.

The report states that the past five years saw a 2,000 percent increase in asylum claims, yet 72 percent of migrants report making the journey for economic reasons, so they wouldn’t qualify for asylum.

The report says 60,000 unaccompanied children and 161,000 family units arrived in fiscal 2018. About 50 migrants per day are referred to medical providers.

Customs and Border Protection determined 31 percent of female migrants say they were sexually assaulted on the journey to the U.S.

Immigration courts have a backlog of nearly 800,000 cases and 98 percent of family units and unaccompanied alien children never are removed from the country, the report says.

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Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

President Trump made an excellent case for construction of a border wall with Mexico. But I think he missed an opportunity to point out where the priorities lie with Congressional Democrats. The first act of the new Democrat controlled House was to again refinance abortions world wide. Abortion remains the leading cause of death in the world. While President Trump is trying to protect America from the dangers of illegal immigration, the Democrats have set their priorities on murdering the unborn. This fact could have been influential in persuading more moderate Democrats to reexamine their Party’s priorities. Most Democrats are clueless about the subversive evils of their own Party. The President was much too nice to the Party that doesn’t understand “nice” anymore.

6 years ago

For many many years every single POTUS said they would fix the problem at the border and NONE of them did. NOTHING worked and the system is broken, SOOOOOOOOOO why not give the thought of a border wall a chance!?!?!? These stinking democrats hate Trump so much that they can’t think straight, and it’s mostly because HE is the one doing what he said he would. All the democrats are worried about now are votes and their lack of control. AMERICANS NEED PROTECTION NOW AND IF IT’S A WALL I AM FOR IT. Like he said in his speech they all have huge walls around their properties to keep what they love inside!!!!!!!!!!!

6 years ago

Finally we have a President who is doing what we the people want. But he is being stymied at every turn. Last night I hoped to see his speech and the communist rebuttal. I checked all the major networks (PBS, ABC, CBS and NBC, and maybe Fox, I don’t know if we get Fox in this market, I am not a vidiot so am unfamiliar with TV) and NONE of them broadcast the speech, so far as I can tell. Why? Are sitcoms more important? You know the answer.

The left have taken over every discussion and twisted it to their benefit. Note that they are all referring to this as “Trump’s shutdown”. They say that the shutdown and all its purported terrible outcomes are all due to Trump’s failure to “compromise”. Does anyone ask why they don’t compromise? It’s not like this is the end of the world, even if you accept their assessment of the wall. Where is the outcry? But back when our little comrade was in office (I can’t even repeat the slug’s name without getting queasy) it was always the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS’ shutdown, their failure to compromise. But do we hear ANYONE calling the left out for their “my way or the highway” attitude? NO! And that in turn is a good part of the reason why we are in the mess we are in.

Sari W.
Sari W.
6 years ago

PUBLIC FUNDING TO BUILD THE WALL!!!!! If Pres. Trump asked, “WE THE PEOPLE” for the money, EVERYONE would be shocked to see how much we’d send! (As long as the fund is set up properly, legally, in a LOCK BOX, so that ALL funds go only to the wall, ICE, boarder patrol, etc.). SPREAD THE WORD!!!!! Thanks

Vorginia Otto
Vorginia Otto
6 years ago

Mostpftjedrigshavecpmeinthrough legal myth points. He needs to get government going again if he wants to help thecountry

6 years ago

Illegal aliens are not the enemy, say the left. Correct. Illegal aliens are the symptomatic results of the REAL enemies: democrats, mainstream media, Soros, Hollywood, etc. Pathetic treasonous hypocrites all of them.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
6 years ago

Fact: If you do not support securing our border with appropriate funding, then you are supporting an open border which is effectively what we have today.

If you oppose a border wall yet claim to support border security, then you must provide an effective alternative to a wall. The simple truth is that while no wall can be 100% effective, it is far more effective than any alternative proposal that I have yet heard. To claim you oppose a wall because it is not effective is a lie. Of course it will help though less than 100% effective. More tools may be needed at some point.

Fact: We have millions of people in our country today who are here ILLEGALLY. They include some percentage of violent criminals including drug smugglers, human traffickers, gang members, and possible terrorists. The accurate percentages mean nothing! It is also fact that these illegal aliens are costing our social programs in benefits far more than they contribute in taxes. They also encourage lower paying jobs that then deny Americans those jobs at higher wages. Every word of that is true. It has been a huge and growing problem for decades.

Fact: Some past presidents including Obama supported a border “fence”. The difference between a “wall” and a “fence” is semantics!

We have had a desperate need to secure our border for decades. Some politicians and media have paid lip service to that need while opposing any real solutions including funding. The funding is a nit compared to the magnitude of the problem! We fund foreign aid annually far more than our border wall would cost. Those politicians are the problem, not the solution.

How can any “compromise” be reached on this? Either the border is effectively secured or it is not. There is no middle ground.

After decades of tepid and false promises by Democrats in particular, President Trump has drawn a much needed line in the sand. I applaud him.

It is obvious that border security will never be funded without a very firm stance being made in its favor.

A government shutdown is a disgrace. But it was never necessary. The House passed a bill with the required $5 billion funding for border security last year, the wall, but that bill was filibustered by Chuck Schumer preventing a vote in the Senate. That directly and solely caused the shutdown. Trump did not cause it, Schumer did. Claims to the contrary are a lie. Passing legislation to end the shutdown without the border security wall being funded is a phony ploy that prevents the solution and deserves to be vetoed. Any halfway intelligent idiot should see that. We have been playing that game since at least 1986. I want the federal government reopened but not at the expense of a secure border.

Re. the statistics quoted by President Trump in his national speech, I cannot and will not testify to their accuracy because the accuracy does not matter!! Nitpicking numbers serves no purpose except to distract from the main message! The thrust of those statistics is what matters. The truth is that a lot of criminal activity, some violent, some resulting in many American deaths particularly from the drug trafficking, comes across our southern border including possible infiltration of terrorists. That is a provable absolute fact regardless of specific numbers. Concentrating on numbers to accuse the President of lying is nothing but a distraction from the fact he is right! Those playing that game of diversion including Democrats and their media comrades deserve condemnation regardless of the statistical accuracy!

Why is this so hard for so many to understand?

Build the d***** wall! It is a very effective first step towards a secure border!

6 years ago

Stand your ground, President Trump!
How much longer will we have to put up with the carnage committed by these criminals? The drug problem alone claims as many American lives every year that were lost in Vietnam. Thousands of homicides every year, not just the few mentioned by the president last night. Hundreds of billions of dollars spent every year because of an unprotected border. Hundreds of thousands crossing the border every year.

Time and time again, through several administrations, the Republicans in Congress negotiated a secure border with liberals, and never got what they were promised. All the MSM and the libs once again are saying “Open up government, and then we’ll talk about the border.” Well, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, three times, four times…shame on me.” STAND YOUR GROUND, MR. PRESIDENT! You are our last hope!

6 years ago

What is going on at the border is just plain evil. Can you imagine a loved one being killed because the DNC’ommunist Party did not care a dam about your security? The Left supports open borders so they don’t have such a tough time getting illegal votes through our system. We need to specifically put in an immediate death penalty on the person that does that crime and maybe the politicians that made it possible. We are losing control in this country solely due to politics. Term limits will be a start, folks! It is hard to believe a person as mentally deficient as Waters or Pelosi can get re-elected for 40 years. That alone is criminal.

John Meyer, Sr.
John Meyer, Sr.
6 years ago

The Democrat response was in a word pathetic. What has happened to the Democrat party? This is no longer the party I used to vote for! This is why I joined AMAC and why I will vote Republican in the next election.

6 years ago

I know I will make some unhappy with my comment, but when Pres. Trump brought up the murders of American citizens by illegals that have a history of violent crime, have been deported and then sneak back in, if they are caught, should be dealt with immediately. I don’t mean thrown in jail, taken out & disposed of properly. Then take their remains, throw back over the border with a note pinned on them that this is what will happen to illegal criminals when caught. If it happens to a few, others may change their minds about coming over.
I wish Pres. Trump showed video of Schumer, Hillary & Obama making the case for border security.

6 years ago

Running for President, candidate Trump said that he would build a wall and that Mexico would pay for it. Now he is being derided because he wants our government to fund the wall, that his claim that Mexico will pay is empty rhetoric. Well there is more than one way to pay for something. It could be argued that the Trump administration’s cleaning up of the NAFTA mess realizes enough savings to pay for the wall, in essence making “Mexico pay for the wall.” The man said Mexico would pay for the wall, he did NOT say Mexico would hand us a check up front. I do not consider this a broken promise, rather a work in progress.

Joel Young
Joel Young
6 years ago

Nothing before the wall.

6 years ago

Stand your ground President Trump! Do not open the government for them and talk later. They will lie to you and the same thing that happened to Reagan’s amnesty will happen to you! One of Pelosi’s family members stated she “could cut your head off before you knew you were bleeding.” These are vicious, self serving demon rats. God help us ! Pray for President Trump and for Vice President Pence’s safety! May His angel’s surround
them as a shield.

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
6 years ago

Pelosi complained that the government shutdown withheld paychecks from “800,000 innocent workers.” Meanwhile, she tries to ram through legislation that hands funds to the UN to abort children worldwide. Hypocritical swamp creature.

6 years ago

I think half of them in congress are getting big pays under the table from the Mexican drug cartel.

6 years ago

Trump should get babysitting pay for having to deal with Nancy and Chuckie! He need to tell Chuckie he won’t cave to HIS temper tantrums!

Thomas H
Thomas H
6 years ago

We finally have a President trying to do the right thing for Americans. On the other hand, we have an “unbiased” media telling us that Trump is only a liar who hates Americans and is doing everything to make our lives more difficult. Unfortunately, the media always wins!

6 years ago

Fed-gov lent money to GM so they wouldn’t go bankrupt while they built some new plants in China. Make GM repay the $11.2 Billion they still owe us taxpayers!
Then the hypocrite congress can authorize the money needed to build a wall like those jerks have around many of their homes!~

Bob L.
Bob L.
6 years ago

“Make America safer”
Chain and padlock, from the outside, the gate in the wall around Nancy Pelosi’s home, while she is inside.

6 years ago

I’ve contacted my Congressmen about this. They need to know that we are watching them.

6 years ago

Ask Israel if walls work. Also, ask all the California Dems ( Pelosi @ Waters ) if the wall around their homes work to keep
unwanted illegals out!

Joyce D Wilkinson
Joyce D Wilkinson
6 years ago

I believe Pres. Trump has the best interest & security of this nation, at heart. ??

6 years ago

While I fast-forwarded through the comments by Schumer and Pelosi after our President’s speech, I couldn’t help but be reminded of a billboard from one of the “Dumb and Dumber” movies. On fast-forward I saw that their mouths were moving (and only their mouths, they looked like the puppets that they are) but they weren’t saying anything. I was also reminded that, “Immigration has a significant effect on the distribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives for three reasons. First, seats are apportioned based on each state’s total population relative to the rest of the country, including illegal aliens and other non-citizens” No wonder that New York and especially California want to keep an influx of illegals.

6 years ago

I agree with President Trump ONE THOUSAND % build the wall/ barrio secure our border… The DEMORATS NEED TO GET OFF THEIR HIGH HORSE and for once put the AMERICAN TAX PAYERS DESIRES first and not their PETTY POWER HUNGERY SELVES
WE THEJ PEOPLE DEMAND TO BE HEARD…. build the wall and get this country back on track… enough is enough with this nonsense .

Mic J Palazzolo
Mic J Palazzolo
6 years ago

Safer AND wealthier, as well. Far more should be said by Trump regarding the cost to US citizens
and taxpayers to transport, care, feed, house, clothe, educate and medically treat these illegal
societal parasites.

6 years ago

Hold the line, President Trump. Pelosi and Schumer are out of touch with reality and are only out for political gain. Two idiots in search of a Sanitarium.

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