AMAC Exclusive – By Claire Brighn

Joe Biden’s presidency has been replete with foreign policy disasters, from a botched Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 American servicemembers dead, to an embarrassing diplomatic flub with longtime American ally France, to the complete sellout of American interests in an effort to return to the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal. Yet despite these failures, the Biden administration continues to pursue the same losing approach to national security that has undermined American interests at every turn. Here are just a few examples.
1. Biden Has Precipitated the Worst Border Crisis in History
Arguably the most immediate threat to national security precipitated by the Biden administration is the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, where millions of completely unvetted foreign nationals are escaping or are simply being released into the interior of the country. Each successive month continues to set new records for border encounters, with more than 220,000 in March of this year alone. In addition, Biden’s failure at the border has paved the way for a massive increase in drug smuggling and human trafficking, bringing untold suffering to families and communities in Latin America and the United States.
Recent data released by the Department of Homeland Security also shows that 42 individuals on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the border since Biden took office. In a hearing on the DHS budget last week, DHS Secretary Mayorkas couldn’t say if any of these terrorists had been released or provide any assurances that more people on the terrorist watch list hadn’t escaped detection and entered the country.
Yet in the midst of the worst border disaster in history, Biden is plowing ahead with repealing Title 42, a move that border experts warn would exacerbate the already unmanageable situation at ports of entry.
2. Biden Abandoned Energy Security to Pursue a Radical Climate Agenda
On January 27, 2021, while signing executive orders that would cut oil and gas production, Biden said that “climate change will be at the center of our national security and foreign policy.” This is one promise Biden has certainly made good on, with Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby saying in October that the threat of China and climate change are “equally important.” Last month, Biden also vowed to make the U.S. military “climate-friendly.”
But the disastrous consequences of those policies have been made all too clear for working Americans as gas prices have reached all-time highs. Now, Biden has resorted to begging OPEC for oil, leaving the U.S. at the mercy of hostile foreign powers.
3. The Military’s New Chief Concern: Going Woke
As China grows more aggressive in the South Pacific, Russia is on the move in Eastern Europe, and American adversaries in the Middle East threaten more attacks on American soil, the Biden administration is preoccupied with wokeifying the military instead of gearing up to face down threats to the country.
Military personnel under President Biden have been subject to discharge on account of refusing the vaccine and forced to embrace left-wing ideologies like Critical Race Theory. As if that weren’t enough, under Biden’s FY2023 budget proposal which claims to be “one of the largest investments in our national security in history,” military funding would not keep pace with inflation, and over the long haul would allow China to close the defense spending gap.
Biden’s budget would also cut thousands of personnel across all branches and shrink the size of the United States Army to its lowest point since 1940. Moreover, after Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal saw his administration turn its strategic attention to the Indo-Pacific region, the budget would ultimately lead to a smaller naval fleet – even as China and Russia build ships at a frantic pace.
4. Biden’s Economic Policies Have Left the Country Vulnerable to Economic Warfare
As events of recent years from the COVID-19 pandemic to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine have shown, economic security is national security. In an increasingly interconnected global economy, great power struggles are now often decided in financial markets or trade wars, rather than on battlefields with tanks and rifles.
Donald Trump understood this, and ensured U.S. national security by creating a strong national economy. But less than two years into Biden’s presidency, failed Democrat economic policies have led to record high inflation and falling real wages. Consumer sentiment is now at a decade low, and the share of small businesses reporting inflation as their top problem is the highest it’s been since 1981 – and yet Democrats still want to spend trillions more.
The drastic implications of this economic downturn for U.S. national security are clear; in recent weeks, China’s President Xi has signaled that his country aims to outpace U.S. economic growth this year. Already, according to April’s IMF World Economic Outlook, China is on track to do just that. The stronger China’s economy grows relative to the U.S. economy, the more the country is at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party.
5. Biden Has Done Nothing to Secure Supply Chains and Food Supplies
It comes as no surprise that data trends show a strong economy and food security go hand in hand. But Biden recently warned of “real” food shortages following sanctions on Russia, highlighting a serious national security issue that his administration has failed to solve here at home. Fertilizer, glyphosate, and diesel prices – critical elements of crop production – are exorbitantly high, a trend which Biden appears powerless to stop.
Already, the USDA forecasts that “all food prices are now predicted to increase between 4.5 and 5.5%” in 2022 – and that’s after an expensive 2021. Food banks are also increasingly turning up empty shelves across the country.
Notably, other countries around the world are already kicking off a wave of protectionism to secure their own food supplies. But in the United States, Biden is doing nothing of the sort, and is instead proposing a new death tax which would, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation, be “devastating to American agriculture and the broader U.S. economy.” Moreover, it would reduce GDP by an estimated $100 billion over ten years.
The most important job of any leader is to protect his or her people, which in turn helps build a strong and confident nation. On both counts Biden has failed spectacularly, and his polling numbers have reflected as much. Should Biden actually want to fulfil his sworn duty to the American people, he would do well to look to the strength displayed by past U.S. Presidents in times of crisis – particularly his most recent predecessor.
Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.
The Biden Administration has been destroying our great Country from day one!
See you in HELL bas—d Biden.
No Cybersecurity Defense
Wasting tax dollars on social vs Defense
Defund Police
Look other way
You have got to be kidding. Only 5?!!
A breach of Oath. And treason. Put the firing squad together !!
There’s more than 5 but this is a beginning.
I really wonder if Biden knows exactly what he’s doing or if he’s just being fed all this baloney by Obama and co. Based on what I’ve seen, he may not be aware of the mess he’s made.
They know exactly what they’re doing. They’re “destroying” the foundation of our country! . . . It’s time to destroy their Socialist/Communist intentions now and forever! . . . Let’s Go Brandon!
#6…he is still alive.
Biden and hi commie are one of the biggest disasters to hit this country since its beginning. GOD HELP US SURVIVE ????????????
His very presence always reminds me of how our elections have been stolen right from under our noses WITH IMPUNITY! So much for the security of our elections.
Biden continually puts the exact location of our troops, as well as their “mission”, before the public
Only 5?
The only reason that Biden is getting away with his crap is because the American people are letting him. They are too (something) to even know their basic rights. If the American people were ignorant and unwilling to learn what there rights are this would not be happening. I blame us! EXECUTIVE ORDERS ARE ONLY CONSTITUTIONAL FOR THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH. THEY ARE NOT LAW AND WE DON’T HAVE TO HONOR ANYTHING HE SIGNS. PLEASE WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. READ THE CONSTITUTION! Only we can save ourselves and join the COS (convention of states) which can enforce Article V of the Constitution which gives the people the right to reign in the government overreach of power.
Executive Orders are not law. Pass this on.
All 5 are deliberate…that’s no longer even debatable. All 5 are part of this illegitimate regime’s attempt to cripple the United States. Deliberately sabotaging national security is tantamount to TREASON. There can be no other way of looking at it. Couple these 5 with the newly formed, 100% unconstitutional “ministry of truth”, headed by a proven radical and the use of the doj and fbi to further their agenda and we’re talking full blown fascism. In reality it’s even worse; most fascist regimes don’t intentionally destroy their own countries!
Biden and his party are all a big POS.
Why isn’t he being impeached? Where are our representatives who we put in office? They are doing nothing!
You can complain to your Senators, both of mine are entrenched Democrats who ALWAYS say we need “immigration reform”, which to both of them means an amnesty for up to 35 MILLION illegal aliens. The getaways since October are 300,000, the whole of last year it was 400,000, so we are on our way to MILLIONS here that only want work so they can send their $$$ to their home country OR the ones that succeeded in getting them over our border, and are NOW in everyone’s home town, here the line is out the door on the weekend of them sending their American earned $$$ back to somewhere else.
Bottom line…………….Biden is the WORST president this nation has ever had! And his administration is the worst we have ever had to endure. There is no silver lining on this cloud that hangs over our Republic……none.
It is intentional. How do people not see that this is ON PURPOSE?
The US military depends on people of disparate backgrounds and beliefs respecting each other to cooperate in teams to reach common goals to form our overall objective of defending the country. Trying to force them to unite in accepting uniform beliefs like wokeism (at heart a variant of communism) through critical race theory is very divisive by its very nature.
Reducing your military strength by cutting back on military assets (personnel and material) when your major threats to national security (China, Russia and Iran) are diligently increasing theirs makes no sense at all. Keeping up with fast changing technology is imperative. Biden and his buddies seem too dense to understand this. Our country is in peril.
Bringing up several other areas of personal choices that he theorizes could be challenged when the draft decision specified no other topics would be included shows that Biden hopes there will be riots.
Biden no longer has the mental capacity to do any of that. There are those behind the scenes telling him what to do using Obama, Jill Biden, and others as their messenger boy/girls.
Yep…..all well known. What might not be so well known is that the consequences of Bidens policies are intentional. Topple everything then rebuild according to globalist ideals. It is treasonous.
Where is Lee Harvey when he is really needed?
Everything Biden has done from day one, has hurt our country. This guy could not run a Koolaid stand.
It’s a longer list than 5. Let’s not leave off promoting domestic crime and disempowering our law enforment people.
Let’s Go Brandon!
VOTE OUT ALL DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IMPEACH BIDEN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void”.Marbury vs Madison, 5US(2. Cranch) 137, 174. ,176.(1803) “An unconstitutional act is not law; itconfers no rights; it imposes no duties;affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation,as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton vs Shelby County. 118 US 425. P. 442
Biden is a useful idiot for the extreme left, who wish to make the US into socialist utopia, with themselves in complete control of all wealth, which they distribute primarily to themselves.
If you finally stop blocking my comments, I might consider subscribing, though I doubt it. Anyway; Democrats are the Enemy Within.
1. Biden has done NOTHING!!
2. This is all from the Commie Globalists trying to kill the US.
obama, soros, gates, schwab. Etc.
Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved,there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogated them.” Miranda. vs Arizona, 384 US 446 p. 491.
These are all right wing talking points, most of them written in Moscow.
Thanks to President Biden, no more NATO (and that includes US!) folks will die fighting in Afghanistan! The previous two Presidents, including trump, promised to get us out and did not. President Biden recognized that we were just losing people and got us out!
President Biden passed an Infrastructure bill that will invest in our country – of course trump bragged about his but he did nothing. This bill will repair and improve our infrastructure, adding to our competitiveness.
Our military is treating all citizens with respect – some right wing zealots consider that wrong. They see military bases named after people who fought against the US and want to keep those names.
We are very lucky to have an honest, well experienced President like Joe Biden.
REMEMBER THIS IN NOVEMBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE GOP DOWN THE LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
REMEMBER THIS………………… REMEMBERRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*************************** VOTE GOP DOWN THE LINE IN NOVEMBER!!!! ***************************
This is what happens when REALLY STUPID people including some of my relatives vote personality over policy!! And really don’t their — from a hole in the head.
Joe isn’t all there. His handlers are doing a great job of running the USA into the ground. 22 & 24 can’t come quick enough.
Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for EVERYBODY!
Nobody ever says that any non-White country must solve some “RACE problem” by importing tens of millions of immigrants of a different race. According to the anti-White tyranny, they’re already diverse.
Diversity is just a code word for White Genocide.
why is the court systme allowing all these illegals here – i don’t give a damn that biden gave the ok. it’s flooding our country with (not goodness but )with badness! they are sick, their are criminals, sex nutz, drug dealers, and we good citizens have to foot the bill for them. bull crap! where is this helping our country???? it’s only helping the dums bc they will have the illegals vote illegally, and the dems will only lie and deny any of this. biden needs to go he is an imposter anyway – President Trump is the real president. he has proven his worth to this country
The biggest disaster to hit the US of America and the taxpayers is Joe Biden and his deep state friends. In a very short time, we live in a different America and it’s not good. Scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The border crisis began way before President Biden assumed the presidency.
Our military is the most advanced in the world and is stronger during the Biden Administration. Antivaxxers in the military obviously do not care for their fellow airmen, airwomen, soldiers and sailors. Their removal from the military is for the best.
President Biden has gotten our European Allies to assume most of the burden of the war in Ukraine.
President Biden has advanced oil and natural gas production while advancing wind and solar. He is advancing energy production that will allow us to not have to rely on dictatorships in Russia and Saudi Arabia. As well as Venezuela, (which ex President trump lost).
Protectionism and tarrifs will not help our supply chain. By the way, other than modestly higher cost, I have faced no shortage of food.
All five reasons are valid. Barack Obama stated that he wanted to Fundamentally change America. He in initiated the change during his Administration and Biden is following through and making great strides to achieve that Fundamental change. The key changes that I see, morality, Marx like division among races, CRT indoctrination of our youth and military, loss of military prowess around the world, runaway inflation and the movement toward socialism.
All five ways Biden is destroying national security should be be stated like he always counts numbers and says:
Number 1: “Biden clan”; Number 2: “Biden clan”; Number 3: “Biden clan”; Number 4: “Biden clan”; Number 5: “Biden clan”. That’s only if he doesn’t speak his numbers out of line. At times, he will say Number 1, then goes to Number 2, then goes back to Number 1. He makes me confused at times! What a mess he is!
congress Had Better Impeach Biden and Harris before they really dump America in The Trash They do not know any thing but demolish
Totally agree. We need a leader not a sleepy, Joe!
This lunatic needs to be stopped from destroying America. Thousands of lives were taken for our way of life. Now they’re pulling this crap for votes to continue destroying Our country. Enough is Enough !