
National Security , Newsline

Democrats Stung by Inflation

Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Democrats forgot something. When you spend three trillion dollars over an excessive four-trillion-dollar “regular order” budget, push debt over 30 trillion, kill half the energy sector – whether out of good intentions, ignorance, or to “buy votes,” inflation will sting. It does now.

Last data before Midterms show a trap door opening under Democrats, big time. Based on objectively indefensible macro-economic policies, pushed by Senate and House Democrats, Biden, Harris, and media mimickers, the Nation is in “free fall” toward a deep recession.

There is no mystery or speculation about this, despite denials – no surprise. This was predicted – including by AMAC – months ago. Democrats whistled past the graveyard with mass spending (trillions over revenue), ignoring reality. They tricked the media, but not The Economy Gods.

You cannot trick the market, not for long. What has happened is – even using a measure of inflation favorable to the government – Democrats produced a one-month inflation jump of one half of one percent, and 8.2 year over year, worst again in 40 years.

This is bad, but the reality is worse – and Americans are feeling it. Biden twice did a draw on our Strategic Petroleum Reserve – aiming to trick free markets into lower prices before November. It did not work, although it did reduce the Strategic Reserve to a risky low level, the lowest in nearly 40 years.

Never mind the Reserve is to keep us safe in wartime, not to meet a “political crisis” – of the Democrats’ own making – as a midterm rout looms. That is not why the Reserve was created.

Never mind that Biden’s thoughtless energy policy will drive oil and gas to prices not seen in the lives of most Americans, condemning many to cold – or worse – this winter, unable to afford basic home heat, let alone the costs of commuting.

Biden is hammering America’s seniors, hammering everyone on civilian or military, federal, state or private pension, on a fixed income, with any credit cards, mortgage, rent, variable interest rate loan, or need to commute to a job or educational institution. In short – everyone.

Never mind that the so-called Social Security COLA, or Cost of Living Adjustment, which is based on the third quarter of the preceding year, will not keep up with the escalating inflation rate. Last year, it was under six percent as inflation hit nine; this year, it is just over eight percent as inflation looks to hit double digits.

Never mind that Mr. Biden dumbly demonized America’s Middle Eastern allies including Saudi Arabia, while cozying to Iran, the top sponsor of terror, brutal repressor of human rights (kills thousands annually for dissent), and the world’s most vitriolic, radical Islamic regime.  

After snuffing out US energy independence – which would have saved Americans this winter, also keeping gas and inflation down – he begged Saudi for oil, which they quickly rejected. He then asked them to delay production cuts until after the Midterms, a cravenly political act. They laughed at him.

Then, returning Biden’s compliment, they stuck it up his exhaust pipe, cutting oil, production, raising oil import prices, and condemning America. All this is stunning, since Trump brought Saudi to the verge of joining Mideast peace accords, much as Reagan supported them for peace. Now, we have a total loss – another example of Biden’s failed diplomacy hurting Americans.

Never mind that all this was utterly avoidable, that Trump’s team left America with a roaring economy, inflation under two percent, growth hitting five percent, record employment, job growth, wage growth – and across every demographic in America, minority, and majority.

One last reality check: The reported inflation rate is not – in fact – the one you feel, the one that counts.  The way inflation measurement really works is that a “basket of goods” is the sample group. The problem is some things are disproportionately over and underrepresented.

So, in case you feel like your gas costs more than eight percent of what it did last year, you are right. Gas at the pump was an average of $1.98 a gallon on the day Trump left, now nearly $4.00 a gallon, nationally $3.91. Did prices dip a few cents two months ago? Yes. Change anything? No.

Real – broadly reported – numbers for things we need, especially seniors and those hit hardest, are shocking. And like everything else, the Democrats know the truth and will not talk about it. No accountability and no honesty in assessing the impact of their thoughtless policies on people.

Check this out. Real inflation, by way of examples, for “things that matter” are closer to what you feel. What is the real rate? Here are commodity references. Start with this: Inflation is up 13 percent since Biden took office yet only two percent throughout Trump. Does that matter? Um, yeah. 

Now add this. For commodities, as nationally reported, you are looking at over 40 percent inflation for used cars and airline tickets, over 30 percent for home heating (likely to jump), 30 percent for eggs (likely to hit a dollar an egg), 26 percent higher this year for rent than last, roughly 15 percent for milk, coffee, chicken, bread, likely to climb.

So, when push comes to shove, words – especially lies and two-steps – do not buy much gas, groceries, or home heating oil. You might not have liked Trump’s style, might not have liked Reagan’s, but damned if they did not understand economics, life, and costs. This crowd is “out to lunch” – and when the bill comes due in November – it may be high, as it is for the rest of us.

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2 years ago

RBC, thanks again for repeating all of the disasters that this Democratic Congress and administration have accomplished the past 2 years. One can only hope that the voters get rid of the ridiculous Congressional baggage and elect officials that will take action for the nation to get it back on course. Failure by the people to take action and vote in responsible officials will only result in more degradation in our nation.

Sam S.
Sam S.
2 years ago

All we are doing is talking about all this stuff and nothing is getting done. These leftists do not understand Law and Order, we have to go after them with Force it’s the only thing they understand. It is what they have done to the general population ever since Biden has been in there tried to force you to wear masks, force you to get vaccinated and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We need to go after them and put them on trial for the corruption that they have caused.

Rod Noll
Rod Noll
2 years ago

Attention All AMAC Members :
The Democrat Party has turned its back on Americans who love their country . Vote every last one of them out of office at every level, national, state, local and school boards. This is the last chance for Americans before this country turns into another socialist society ! Remember all the brave souls who gave everything to defend our freedom ! Show up & vote !

2 years ago

We are over 31 trillion in debt and no way out for the next generation but more taxes. Marxist democrats only believe in tax and spend

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Well put article about the TRUTH.
Nice to see.

2 years ago

The dems and msm can lie all they want, but when we go to the store for anything, grocery shopping, gas station and any home energy cost there’s no lie big enough to keep us from feeling the pain created by this administration. IMO

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

Mr. Charles, Everything you state rings of truth…. Does any of that matter to these Socialists ?
The mid-term elections will still be governed by corrupt voting machines and criminal poll workers.
The “Sheeple” in this country are too damn complacent to do anything but complain. No mass protests. No mass marches. The Republicans are useless in the face of adversity. Cowards. NO LEADERSHIP ANYWHERE !
I fear we are seeing the end of Democracy and Patriotism in America.

2 years ago

When we elect lame, so called Republicans, who refuse to act on behalf of their constituents out of self preservation and self interest, this is what we eventually get.

Jonathon Wayne Hood
Jonathon Wayne Hood
2 years ago

With all that you haven’t even touched on the “trillions of dollars” given away to several foreign countries without even promised that it would be repaid. Yes, Joe Biden and croanies are focussed on taking our funds and budget, out to lunch…

2 years ago

We just had our propane tank filled…100 gallons. The bill is over $400.00
we are retired and that is a huge bill. Thank goodness we had a decent garden, just had a cow butchered and have chickens. We’ve been cutting back everywhere and STILL we are looking at having to cash in some of our 401 just to pay bills. We were on target to meet all our obligations without having to do that until numbnuts usurped the WH.

2 years ago

Call me an election skeptic; no way Grifter Joe got 81 million plus votes when Obama’s best vote total was 65,899,660. There is not any realm of truth that Basement Joe could have beat Obama’s vote total let alone receive the most votes ever for president.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Democrats stung by inflation ,what about the nation and to the burning hell with democrats

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden and his Marxist followers are totally to blame for our horrible inflation. They spend monies like there is no tomorrow and destroy our energy independence like all the major oil producing countries are our strongest allies. Of course, there is a tomorrow, and most of the major oil producing countries would like nothing better than see the US self destruct. Biden’s policies are good for our enemies and bad for the American people. Biden can keep on proclaiming that our economy is doing very well, but any intelligent person knows things are very precarious. Inflation is very high and our supply chain is often disrupted by various factors. Real wages are going down, because inflation is destroying the buying power of the US dollar at a higher rate than are increasing wages. This doesn’t even take into consideration the very accelerated cost of living. No wonder about 3 out of 4 Americans are saying that their economic futures are looking bad to horrible. Biden and his incompetent cohorts do not deserve any allegiance at the November elections.

Jay H.
Jay H.
2 years ago

Just imagine what the inflation rate would be if they measured the same products in the “basket of goods” as the did in the 70’s & 80’s. Bidung has the liberal puke media working overtime to save his worthless POS administration!!!

2 years ago

Whatever Biden promises before the midterms, he will take back afterwards. The only thing this administration is interested in is getting votes. And they will do pretty much anything to get them.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

What are you going to tell your children and grandchildren when they become SLAVES after November 8, 2022, because you didn’t FIGHT for them, yourself, and OUR COUNTRY?
What will they think of you?
You can either STAND UP and FIGHT and VOTE. PROTESTING in streets and in front of the White House.
Or, you can go down on your knees and be DICTATOR Beijing biden and FASCIST Party SLAVES continuing to live like a 4th world country.
Will you Dishonor ALL those that have FOUGHT and DIED for OUR FREEDOMS or will you be an AMERICAN and FIGHT BACK?
Your children and grandchildren including our lives and country are in YOUR hands.
WATCH the movie ‘1984’ and compare what is happening today since DICTATOR Beijing biden ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY got in.
currently under DICTATOR Beijing biden and FASCIST liberals and be a SLAVE and NO LIFE going Mooo like cattle the way they want and you not questioning anything they say?
YOU decide.

2 years ago

“Brandon” and company are using smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and lies, lies and more lies knowing MSM will cover his a–. Come January 1st, if Republicans do take the House and Senate they better hold “Brandon”, Schumer, Pelosie, the Justice Dept, Homeland Security and every other department that are hell bent on destroying our Republic accountable, and not worry about what MSM spins to the low information public. We are in deep do do as a nation and congress needs to act fast and assertively to MAGA.

2 years ago

Inflation is alive and well and attacks my wallet and bank account on a daily basis. I know absolutely no one who is not experiencing this. They might say they aren’t but I believe that what they are living will rear itself in the privacy of the voting booth.

KC in Texas
KC in Texas
2 years ago

I, too, am fed up with the current administration and all the liberals in office, including any left-leaning “Republicans” that wear the name just to get the conservative vote. We need to be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing in this era of transition. Let’s vote in people of integrity who will truly be our representatives, not there in D.C. for their own glory and power. We need people who understand economics and are concerned for the welfare of our country as a whole; people who will look out for the future of this country.

I fear that if we continue along the path we are currently on, the United States will no longer be a country. I think there are a great many people who are discouraged and discontented with things as they are now. Many are hoping the mid-term elections will spark a change for the better. If they don’t, I’m afraid there may be some unexpected reactions from the general public, some that may surprise the liberals. If things get bad enough, I would be surprised to see retirees marching in the streets protesting the high cost of living. Wouldn’t that be a sight to behold? Then many others not previously inclined to physical protest might join in. Liberals beware. People can only be pushed so far.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Glad Inflation effects ALL OK DemsU voted for Joe U GOT this

2 years ago

Id be a darn sight more confident in November were it not for the zombies that still blindly vote D. This president should be at twenty percent approval and he would be if we had a semi objective media. Folks, D voters believe biden has had nothing at all to do with inflation and that high gas prices might even be a good thing; moving us into the magic realm of zero carbon and free electricity effortlessly flowing from wall outlets.

2 years ago

I hope you’re right about November Mr. Charles. I just have a feeling that nothing has changed in the election process since 2020. I just read on this platform last week, a guy from Philadelphia, PA, wrote about all the ballot boxes that have been placed around the city with more to come

2 years ago

Looking at the wholesale prices (producer price index), the recent .4% monthly increase foretells worse news ahead. A poll of economists predicted half that figure. Oops! Every value-added item, every middleman, every sale before that item gets to the retail customer will see higher prices attached.

So, despite the “great news” from the White House and that clueless spokesperson, inflation is here to stay for many months to come. Zip up the house, put some broccoli and dinosaur kale in the garden, and layer on the sweaters. Never trust another democrat; they have lying down to a science.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

The hate for President Trump first thing Biden did was shut down the pipeline I paid $ 1.79, when Biden did that the gas prices started to go up he would rather beg countries for oil and they all know it, they know he is weak and that is along with other Dems in Washington, and Russia and the rest of the world knows it very sad for our country.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

own $2 BILLION of our FARMLAND under DICTATOR Beijing biden?

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Democrats aren’t the only ones being stung by inflation. We are all feeling its bite.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Thanks to DICTATOR Beijing biden
for the 1st time in our Military History
our Military is Rated: WEAK.
And DICTATOR Beijing biden pushing for NUCLEAR WAR.
Add that to list with CONTINUOUS HIGH INFLATION.

2 years ago

Joe Biden can lie all he wants. We know what he’s doing and we know what he’s done.
Nothing good gets done by his administration. Total incompetence!

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
2 years ago

How can the democrats be stuned by something they worked so hard to create?

Any honest economist. Financial analyst or accountant could have to them they were creating inflation.

Just like anyone who thinks could tell you there were going to be terrible side effects from the new technology covid shots. To mandate them was beyond irresponsible to continue mandating them now with the side effects known is murder.

Just like restricting port and shipping workers based on the shots was going to cuase shortages. Then to add on top of that Newsom kicked all the semi’s older then 2011 out of california and that was the real cuase of the ongoing shortages.

Somehow democrats just seem to screw up over and over.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

Absolutely guaranteed they will cheat. Democrats cannot win unless they cheat and lie. Problem is the court and the media will back them

Peggy weber
Peggy weber
2 years ago

The last paragraph of this article just about says it all.

2 years ago

Its ALWAYS about the economy stupid. A famous phrase that Bill Clinton fully understood. Abortion,
police “brutality” ( what a crock) , reparations and all the social BS issues mean nothing compared to the economy. The economy alone will slaughter the dims in Nov. And it is caused, as stated above, by Biden’s spend at all cost program. The cost will be paid in Nov 2022 and 2024.
2 years of fame Joe ? Could have been 8.

2 years ago

We now know that SS will increase 9% next year because the dims are in control. This ridiculous
increase ( and I am a recipient) will only add to our unimaginable debt. Thus more inflation.
I received all the Covid payouts and should have received none of them. Yea, I could have sent them back ( and I’m sure many did) but I figured that I had been screwed inthe past and ,also, my father died at age 64 and thus received not a dime of SS. I want to live to be 110 just to stick it to Medicare and SS.

2 years ago

There is so much corruption in our elections the conservatives will need 3X the votes of the liberals to win. SO PLEASE VOTE!!!

Debra Larsen
Debra Larsen
2 years ago

If we can battle the cheating on votes we can start to stop this. If Dems don’t see this mess then there is no hope for the US.

2 years ago

I live in one of the “paradise states” controlled by the new Fascist Democrat socialist party where the half-witted Governor is running on the theme that he has a ‘surplus” after he went and told the good citizens of this state he needed to place Tolls on highways to cover the deficit he and his merry friends caused. They got this “surplus” by overtaxing us. This moron needs to be removed in this next election.

2 years ago

Amen Brother!
Keep th pressure on.

2 years ago

This article is exactly right. Anyone who supports Democrats and Joe Biden is blind to the truth or so focused on some meaningless cause that they have lost their ability to be intelligent. Stupidity often happens when any of us chooses to be blind to facts.

David S.
David S.
2 years ago

Seems we need a revolution to get anyone in government to do anything. Vote in more liberals and sit back and watch the republicans and democrats let the chew this once great country up. Revolution for political change and revolution out of hunger are two separate actions with two separate outcomes.

Craig Driver
Craig Driver
2 years ago

I have wondered how many Americans actually pay attention to what is going on outside their daily routines. I’m talking about voters here. How many are low information voters who will vote for the first person who will promise them economic security. Democrats promise a lot but hardly ever deliver. RINOs also promise Republicans yet seldom deliver. President Trump delivered on his promises. Democrats are liars and they destroy everything they touch. RINOs are liars and are not to be trusted either. America needs Trump and serious MAGA candidates.

2 years ago

They are not ‘out-to-lunch’, they are on the last leg of completely destroying the United States of America. Americans will have to pray, fast and beg the Lord to return to the center of our society. There needs to be repentance for the murder of all the babies who have been aborted with harry a care. Don’t want that baby – kill it. Now, the destruction of little children with demonic sexual perversion, even in pre-school. Gender confusion, little children don’t have gender confusion, as they are still learning what being a boy , or a girl is like. It is the demonic-controlled adults. Only God can save this nation and our children, but the adults who can bring God back are too busy acting like demons themselves. Wake up people, God can only save us if we call upon the Name of the Lord and ask for forgiveness.

2 years ago

GO TO; (Melody Jennings) and sign up to watch a ballot box. They want 10 people for each box.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago


2 years ago

Fed Debt has gone up 12-years straight thru both Obama & Trump. Biden claims he decreased debt by +300 billion in 2021, but the data I have seen showed another increase in 2021. What is the truth & so now we have 13-years straight of increasing debt thru both Republicans & Democrats. Congress must stop this spending for the sake of our future generations.

2 years ago

Doing this to have as many people dependent on the government so they’ll be duped into thinking the government will save them!!! Democrats/Communists in government ARE the REASON for ALL their ILLS!!!

2 years ago

“whether out of good intentions, ignorance, or to ‘buy votes’” Charles left out another reason, which may be the real reason: malice.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

I could comment but Merrick Garland is probably listening…

2 years ago

REALLY , the Democrats are stung . The ones trading stocks illegally , selling out America for their profit the ones pushing industries to near collapse such as the gas sector so the nutjobs can ride around in electric cars. How about the American citizen , anyone knows draining the gas reserves is a move by an imbecile then beg for gas from people that hate America. Do you remember the Arab spring and how the American citizens got gassed in that one !!

Voices Trump growing concept on the background
Large communist flag floating in the wind with a blue sky background
American Economy Becoming Stronger High Quality
DOGE piggy bank with american flag

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