
National Security , Newsline

Democrats Officially Call for Court-Packing with Bill Introduction

Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2021
by AMAC, Alex Ayers

democratsYesterday several House and Senate Democrats held a press conference to tout their bill to pack the U.S. Supreme Court. The legislation would expand the court to 13 justices from its current nine. The effort is being led by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Representatives Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Mondaire Jones (D-NY), and Hank Johnson (D-GA). Rep. Mondaire Jones went as far as tweeting, “Supreme Court expansion is infrastructure.” A response to a common retort from skeptics at Democratic plans to include many social issues in an upcoming infrastructure package.

Several additional Democrats in recent months have expressed support for court-packing, including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). One prominent Democrat, however that has not embraced the idea is President Joe Biden but has endorsed the idea of a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court.

Conservatives quickly reacted to the plan questioning what nefarious plans Democrats plan to pass that need a packed court to allow. Republican legislators were ready with a response by pointing to Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) bill that would make a constitutional amendment to set the number of Supreme Court Justices at nine. The Constitution currently allows the number of justices to be set by Congress; however, the number has been set at nine since the 19th Century.

The Senate filibuster limits the likelihood of court-packing legislation passing; however, many progressive groups continue to urge Senate Democrats to end the rule. AMAC members have sent more than 145,000 messages to Capitol Hill urging members to oppose filibuster repeal and stop the “For the People Act” that would end election integrity measures passed by many states.

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3 years ago

The Democrats were VERY open and up-front about their intention to pack the Supreme Court before the election, should they ever regain control of the White House and of both houses of Congress. As they were with a number of other items on their agenda. All that is stopping ANY of these bills from sailing through Congress is the Senate filibuster and really just one Senator. How long Joe Manchin can hold out against the relentless arm twisting and countless offers for anything he wants from fellow Democrats is debatable. The future of the republic should NOT hinge on one lone Senator’s will to resist endless pressure and bribes from a party that is now completely controlled by the far left.

As for this particular bill, the Democrats are merely following through in order to ensure that they can completely consolidate their hold over the federal government, in all three of its branches, on a permanent basis. That’s what Socialists and Marxists do to ensure their power can never be effectively challenged by peaceful means.

They are also actively working on the means to ensure they remove the non-peaceful means as an option as well. They have spelled that out as well. Again, also what Socialists and Marxists regimes all do to retain power, once they have it. Elections have consequences. Even those that are won through fraud and manipulation, if the people do nothing while they still can. Meanwhile the best the GOP minority leader in the Senate can muster is yet another half-hearted response that would put most people to sleep. Are we having fun yet?

3 years ago

They suck! I hope it turns around and bites them in the ass! All I can think of saying is: F… them all!

3 years ago

So it wasn’t unfair that the DEMS had a packed court 4-50 years . The replubicans only 2 years. There wasn’t enough time 2 change anything 2 keep their power. If the replubicans had a spine in 4 years whrn theh gey reelected they should do the same pack the court. Making the dems go back 2 normal justices. They must know people r mad. They will get kicked out. But thats only if replubicans can grow a SPINE IN 4 YEARS

3 years ago

The Progressively Communist Democrats are NO LONGER COMMITTING POLITICAL SUICIDE. They NOW KNOW that THEY CAN STEAL any ELECTION by VOTER FRAUD! … So they really DON’T NEED TO PACK THE SUPREME COURT, just ignore it. … After all, what did the Supreme Court ever do to invalidate this past Presidential Election?

Our only real option is to threaten secession AND MEAN IT! … But don’t hold your breath on that happening!

The Republican Party is Gutless! … When have you ever heard of ANY Republican referring to ANY Democrat as a COMMUNIST???

3 years ago

Let’s go America, these anti America,anti Freedom, socialist democrats are now trying to politicize the courts in an effort to totally eliminate free speech and the Real Citizens ability to throw out traitors,and corrupt democrats ruining Our Country!
This plague of run away failures have forgotten they work for Citizens, and do what we say!
Please, band together and end this attempt at turning America into a third world communist one like china,Russia and Venezuela.
Our final chance to eliminate the democrat treason and protect Freedom

3 years ago

It’s time for 80 million Real Americans to March to Washington and stop the tyranny of jobama and the Democrat traitors!

Jerry Lessardd
Jerry Lessardd
3 years ago

To date ,the Socialist Democrats have stolen the election,our first Amendment rights ,our freedom in the guise of a deadly virus Covid 19 ,fighting to take our second Amendment rights,and now our voting rights and defense of our Constitution and legal system.We need to put the brakes on this madness not complain about it,we need to take Control of America before we have no America as we have always known it an loved. Democrats don’t wait for elections to dictate and control they force their corruption on American Citizens.Joe Biden and the Socialist controlled Congress and Senate must be stopped. We the America people are the Government ,not a bunch of make me rich and powerful racist bigots hell bent on destroying and controlling this Country.Impeach all politicians violating our Constitution and intent on forcing socialism in our Free Country.That includes the office of the President ,all the way down to Aldermen.We need to Take America Back before we can Make America Great Again.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

You all see what ‘they” are trying to do to OUR Country? They are on a tear, hurriedly making changes, knowing their time is limited. Their damage will take years to reverse, if even possible, and the distractions they keep throwing out to keep us preoccupied, are providing good cover for their nefarious activities. Just how much abuse are we willing to take?

3 years ago

If the border crises is not stopped and solved it is not going to matter if this packing of the court is stopped or if HR1 is not stopped our America will never be the America we grew up in.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Does anyone besides me think this might start a revolution if it comes to pass, it will destroy our way of life and our freedoms.

3 years ago

You can count on the Democrat Party to prioritize what’s best for their party even at the expense of killing what is best for Americans. And as any honest knowledgeable person can see, the rigged POTUS election that installed HIdin’ Biden was the first major step in this direction. Constitutional democracy is in peril now if this forced minority partisan trend pushed by the DemocRATS isn’t stopped. Turns out that rigging the election worked well for the DemocRATS self-interest policy role of seizing all power at the Fed Gov’t level. Wake up Americans!!!!

3 years ago

Democrats cheated to put Biden in the WH as Obama is sure Biden and Harris will do as Obama instructs. We have Communists in charge of our country now and we can not continue to sit back and wait for our Republicans in office to take a stand against the take-down of America as it seems they don’t care. They assume they will be fine afterwards. Too bad they don’t understand that after the Communists takeover, they then kill the “useful idiots” as they understand they can’t be trusted.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

The Demonrats really put their heavyweights up front on the SC steps. The best that they can do is Markey and Nadler plus the obligatory standins??????? Others supporting this are AOC and Granny Warren. What a strong bench. I am ashamed to state that I live in Taxachusetts and two of these jokes are our senators. THERE DID NOT SEEM TO BE GREAT OVERALL SUPPORT FOR THIS GARBAGE! IT MUST BE TOXIC AS THE SPEAKER SAID SHE WOULD NOT EVEN BRING IT TO THE FLOOR FOR A VOTE. THESE CLOWNS JUST WANT TO LOOK RELEVANT AND THEY ARE ONLY DOING THIS TO GET THE JUSTICES “EXCITED.” PLUS/PLUS. PAY ATTENTION TO HR40 BEING PUSHED TODAY. IT HAS ONLY BEEN AROUND SINCE 1/03/19. CHECK IT OUT!

Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
3 years ago

As always, when the liberal socialists (Democrat Party and its useful idiots) are unable to get their way fairly and ethically, they simply cheat and fix the outcome in their favor. Anyone who dares object is labeled as bigoted or racist or some other phobic moniker against their chosen Trojan Horse. While their hypocrisy and disingenuousness border on comedic, the real tragedy is how many gullible persons actually swallow their anti-American lies and political poion. America’s most treacherous enemies are firmly ensconced within her gates in positions ot trust and authority.

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago


Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

DIMMs/Marxists hate our Constitution and hate our country. They currently have several blatantly unconstitutional bills through the House and awaiting action in the Senate. Citizens of WV and AZ, contact your DIMM senator and tell them to vote AGAINST these radical bills!

3 years ago

I agree with JK on defunding Congress. I wonder why Judges are left or right-shouldn’t they just interpret the law. They should leave their politics out of the political parties. We all are seeing a Socialisit/Communits take over of our Great Country. Led by Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schummer et. al and don’t forget who owns the Media Fake News Companies along with the Socialist owners of the Big Tech Companies. All these Hypocrites are laughing all the way to the bank while watching the demise of our Great Country. How did these Hypocrites get in office? Don’t they take an oath to defend our Constitution like we did in the military? They are all traitors as far as I am concerned. They have sold out our Country. Talk is cheap. Action is required here.

3 years ago

I guess if you can’t get your way, which is how many of the Democrats and socialists and communists who work in our government are behaving and trying to work their evil ways, they will just make & try to pass their own agendas! Quit messing with our constitution and the way our government has been run for a long, long time as set forth by our forefathers, who are probably flipping over in their graves right now!!! We need to root out the idiots in our government… and believe me, there are plenty of them!

3 years ago


Patty Ann
Patty Ann
3 years ago

if this does not get stopped it’s just plain bull$hit!

Barry Courtnay
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago

As a Conservative with common sense ideas, we are at war. Some Where, Some How, We Have Lost Our Way. Not that long ago we felt we were a free nation. Now we are told every day if your white you are racist, if your black your life matters, if you are Asian women working in a massage parlor there are hate crimes against you. We have allowed the government to categorize what we do and how we do it. We don’t make our own decisions anymore, we have to turn on a television to fine out how we feel. Not many people care, as long as whatever is going on is not a immediate threat to them. No one thinks about what really is happening. The freedoms that our fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers fought for is being lost. If we continue to allow this takeover we will not ever have a free country again. I am just a simple man, that cares about what has happened to this country in just a short period of time. We need to turn this around (the takeover). If you want to organize a peaceful march, please comment on this note. Together we can make a difference. As always, research, don’t believe anyone or anything without research.

3 years ago

So what else is new? They’ve told us what they plan on doing and their doing it. They are going to continue down the road towards Socialism/Communism step by step, and will continue doing so until we the people get some balls and say NO MORE! Every last one of them need to be rounded up and tried for TREASON.

The Republican party is acting like this is all going to go away in a few short years and all we have to do is wait it out…WAKE UP!!!!! The Dem’s are doing everything in their power to stay in power and to never relinquish it again.

3 years ago

Lies Lies no good Marist ba@@&@$

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

The old adage is “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” The Swamp House and Senate should clean up their own act before they corrupt America any further. Make the 22nd Amendment apply to ALL politicians! No more than two terms for any carpetbaggers, mountebanks, pettifoggers, scallywags,
Rhinos, Machiavellians, Quislings, subversives, and/or traitors to our Constitution.

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

The Democratic Socialist Communist Nation of Islam Nazis have made a mockery of all three branches of government; supposedly, armed with the Constitution as a backdrop. Do any American Patriots that do uphold the Constitution’s values, really care what they do, say or enact anymore?

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Leave well enough alone! USA is a democratic country not a communist one!

3 years ago

To quote Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “If anything would make the court appear partisan it would be that,” she said. “One side saying when we’re in power we’re going to enlarge the number of judges so we’ll have more people who will vote the way we want them to. So I am not at all in favor of that solution to what I see as a temporary situation.”

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
3 years ago

God Is NOT asleep. He Is Working behind the scenes. Listen to the accurate prophets. “One of these days” God’s Gonna Do “Suddenlys”. If “they” do not get right with God, they will lose either their positions, or their lives. Bible Says WHEN these occur, do NOT rejoice that anyone lost their job or life. Rejoice only: 1. in God; 2. Rejoice for our freedoms & liberties restored.

3 years ago

The solution to all of these problems was put in the constitution by our founding fathers who were soooo smart and inspired by God himself. Look at Article V; it says that the states and the people have a right to call for a convention of states in order to propose amendments to the constitution to repair and make corrections to errors in a peaceful and leagal way. Look up Convention of States that is the solution that is bigger than the problem.

3 years ago

These pseudo “American” leaders pose a CLEAR AND PRESENT “D A N G E R” to our Lives, Liberties & our Pursuit of Happiness…. and MORE Importantly, that of Our Children & Grandchildren! THEY MUST BE STOPPED, IF OUR REPUBLIC IS TO BE SAVED AND CONTINUE TO BE BLESSED BY GOD AS WE HAVE BEEN IN THE PAST.
We need “righteous” leaders; NOT “pious” puppets !

3 years ago

I think it’s time someone get to the bottom of what is actually going on in our White House. It’s time to clean the house

3 years ago

I hope you’re right Will

3 years ago

The left destroys everything it touches. Sure seems to be true. SCARY…

3 years ago

What a blatant act, stack the deck of Supreme Court so they will vote for our party. How dumb do they think voters are? No matter what party wants to do this, is that like cheating.

3 years ago

Another subject, why should Washington, DC become our 51st state? Our founding fathers wanted our nation capital in a neutral area. Write your representatives & voice your opinion on this. This would make two more Senators & nation capital in the middle of a new state, does that make any sense.

Zeig Heil
Zeig Heil
3 years ago

Another steal from the vast majority of people who voted for a Real Patriot, President Trump. I believe the real vote was at least 2 to 1 for the person who should be in office. There were 133 million eligible voters, but there were 155 million votes cast. What does that tell you about the democrats? Of course we’re racist because we tell the truth. All they have is to try and shut us up with their phony name calling!!!

Ron F
Ron F
3 years ago

I agree with Patriot Will below. In fact, I’ll bet Nancy won’t even bring the Bill up before the House. This is real fire that would consume the adversaries of Democracy.

3 years ago

How can anyone any longer support the Democratic Party with their ludicrious laws. This is not JFK Democratic Party anymore. Kennedy and Roosevelt probably rolling in thier graves.

3 years ago

If they succeed in this idiotic idea, we can kiss goodbye to most, if not all our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Republic and the very country itself!

3 years ago

The democrats seem like fascist to me. The dems are everything, they called President Trump.
You can’t make this up.

3 years ago

Just another idiotic idea of the devil disciple Dems. I can’t wait to see them all go down!!!! And, I can’t wait to say to all the supporters of these pieces of garbage ” I told ya so”!!!! I am faithful that this will happen (hopefully soon. Donald, I miss you!

Thomas Dickins
Thomas Dickins
3 years ago

The Biden Regime is trying to codify election fraud as national law on top of allowing the rest of the world to come here and have the working class of this country pay for it.
They would never leave the door open to their home for months and hang a ‘Free Beer’ sign on the door. That is what they are doing to the U.S.

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