“Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to — I don’t see an ending to this…This issue will destroy New York City.”
This dire warning last September, just six months ago, from Mayor Eric Adams predicting that New York City was headed for destruction because of the euphemistically termed “migrant crisis.”
Adams didn’t stop there, “Every community in this city is going to be impacted. We have a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut — every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us.” All of that is true, and the $12 billion also happens to be the amount city officials say the migrants will cost the city in just over three years.
Despite those catastrophic warnings, what have the New York Democrats done in the last six months? They decided to work on distributing prepaid debit cards to hundreds of illegal immigrants already enjoying free hotel rooms in New York City. The distribution of the prepaid cards to 500 migrant families is just the pilot for a $53 million program, which they intend to expand. I guess that $12 billion deficit that was going to kill the city needed a little booster shot. And yes, Mayor Adams, the “migrant crisis” won’t have an ending when you keep creating incentives for people to come.
The cards, we are told, are supposed to be used only for food and baby products only. The illegal immigrant has to sign an “affidavit” promising to use it only for that. Okey-dokey. And we’re assured city bureaucrats will keep an eye on what they’re using it for, and they can revoke the cards if abused. Sure.
Many simply wish that politicians, when spending our tax dollars, would have the same empathy for American citizens as they do illegal immigrants. But for some reason, that’s not the case with the Democrats. For perspective, Bryan Llenas at Fox News reported the $53 million prepaid card scheme is more than twice what New York state plans on spending in 2025 for:
- Department of Veterans Services $21M
- Office of National and Community Service: $18M
- Division of Human Rights: $25M
- Cancer Services Program: 19.8M
During the pilot, the migrant families will receive the card pre-loaded with up to $350 a week for six weeks. In one month, illegal immigrants could receive $1400 in what is essentially food stamps. And yet, Newsweek reports, “The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) predicted in October 2023 that the average monthly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) amount given to a recipient would be $219 for a single-person household for 2024. The average for a family of four will be $713, meaning that if the prediction is correct, the migrant cards are loaded with at least twice that…”
Free hotel rooms. Free prepaid debit cards. Free healthcare. It almost seems as though Democrats want the crisis to continue. Biden’s actions certainly indicate that. Last month we finally saw the result of Biden’s open border and the success of the incentives offered by blue states. In figures that come from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) we now know, “Nearly 7.3 million migrants have illegally crossed the southwest border under President Biden’s watch, a number greater than the population of 36 individual states…” Moreover, “Taken together, nearly 10 million migrants have crossed into the U.S. illegally during the Biden administration, a record Biden’s critics assert could only be achieved by intentionally refusing to enforce the law.”
Make no mistake, this is a deliberate policy as the Democrats were shocked by Trump’s success at re-gaining control of our borders and the immigration process. This catastrophe is by design and meant to not only punish Americans for daring to want secure borders, but appears to be an effort to make it impossible to regain control of the country’s immigration process. It is the ultimate gambit to make America’s sovereignty, and American citizenship, meaningless.
Important values, customs, and laws are being crushed under the boots of the Democrats—financial independence gone, privacy gone, censorship thriving, squatting mocks the sanctity of home ownership, classical education destroyed, police abandoned, military unprepared, and now foreign nationals valued more than our veterans, seniors, and disadvantaged.
In the meantime, Adams has also announced that body scanners will be placed in the subway to catch “bad people carrying bad weapons.” Now innocent, law-abiding people will have to be body scanned to get into the subway because New York defunded the police, won’t arrest the “bad guys,” and when they do they release them right away. Maybe we could spend that $53 million for illegal immigrants on more transit cops instead. But no, that would ruin the point of using chaos to “fundamentally change” the United States while expanding the totalitarian boot of government.
Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
The streets of America are indeed paved of gold, if you happen to be an illegal alien under Democrat rule. Dozens of illegal aliens have created YouTube and Instagram sites to get the word out to the rest of the world, on cell phones also provided by the American taxpayer via the federal government, that the Americans are stupid and will shower you with all sorts of freebies and money. If only you set one foot inside their country from their southern or northern boarders. Yet the American people continue to sit back and watch the systematic bankrupting and dismantling of their country continue unabated under the policies of Democrats. So, who are the real fools in all of this at the end of the day? Hint: It isn’t the illegals as they are making out quite well in all of this.
Our corrupt government is providing a long list on incentives for other countries to dump their least desirable citizens, their criminals, their mentally ill, their uneducated or completely illiterate non-productive members of society on our doorstep for us to take care of for the rest of their lives and the lives of any children they may have along the way. The Democrats have said numerous times that what they want is “comprehensive immigration reform” (mass amnesty, an expedited path to citizenship and of course voting, which will ensure permanent Democrat control forever) for the nearly 50 million illegals now residing in this country today. There is NO INCENTIVE for the Democrats to stop what they are doing, because they know the American people, as a whole, won’t do anything to stop what they are doing. Some countries around the world have demonstrated how to properly handle this level of overt corruption in the past, but we clearly aren’t going to be pursuing any of those measures. So, I guess we, as a whole, will just have to dig deeper to pay for all this nonsense until we look like Venezuela or Zimbabwe.
Everything is going to plan from the Socialist point of view. The nation is going down the tubes and what is happening in the big cities will eventually filter out into the rural areas. Time to wake up and smell the roses before it gets to be too late.
Shows me that Democrats hate US legal citizens and residents who work and abide by the US Constitution in favor of un-vetted people from who knows where who enter the US ILLEGALLY. Goodbye US republic.
America has tens of millions of citizens and legal residents who are suffering, yet Biden and his cohorts keep on giving billions of dollars of aid to illegals who are coming into this country and acting like they have more rights than legal Americans. This phenomenon makes absolutely no sense, unless there is a deliberate effort to destroy the USA. Tragically, the Biden cabal is indeed purposely shredding the American Constitution and throwing our country into deeper and deeper anarchy.
The plan to replace white Americans with black and brown and even yellow thrown in is thriving and doing well. The left wants a lower IQ populace that obeys them to the letter. Legal residents that come here and came here over the years didn’t get that kind of welcome. 65 years ago no legal resident that immigrated to the US could not get food stamps, paid healthcare, could not vote for the first 5 years in this country. People came here with money in their pocket to start out. Not holding up their hand. These migrants have no papers we don’t know who they are, their background or if they have a police record. They are not coming here as a talkinghead on MSNBC likes to say, to build this country. No, they want all the perks that not even poor American citizens get. The left with the dems and ole Joe’s help are buying voters. Because 17 million people will organize and come for ole Joe if he does not pay them. Like New York City will collapse under this plan and the rest of America will follow. There is no way that the government can pay billions and billions to the Ukraine, the Middle East, to Iran and the migrants when we are already 36 trillion in debt. What follows will be economic collapse. Our money will be worthless. The whole middle class will be poor but there is no money for them. Especially the white race. We either will get sick and die, starve, or suicides will rise. Like the children during the pandemic suffered from loneliness and being estranged from their friends and support groups. Parents were just as upset. Families were divided over the vaccine, which destroyed the family unit and being two years away from school in many dem states those children will be lost either by suicide or by fentanyl use. Parents are just as devastated. And what are those in power doing. Sitting on stage at Radio City Music Hall in aviator sunglasses and laughing their heads off over half the population in America. Not about getting ole Joe elected but how to eliminate that half. The elites paid 25 million for the privilege to attend to see the Gods make their proclamation.
Amazing how much illegals are getting, while Americans are only getting screwed and the bill!
Well, after all, Obama did promise us fundamental change. Trump suppressed it for 4 yrs, but here we are.
To Hell with our Legal Citizens, Seniors, Veterans, and the working 2-3 jobs just trying to make ends meet. As someone said a while back, “America will never be taken by force, it will be taken (destroyed) from within. “Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but, we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism.” Seems no one can state factually say who said these lines but how true.
I could use one of those $1400 a month prepaid cards because, hate to tell you, Joe, BIDENOMICS IS NOT WORKING! Sorry. Next time I’ll “whisper” for emphasis….
Jesus said Satan is a thief who is come to steal, kill, and destroy.
Sound familiar?
If elections are “free and fair” as the dims insist that they are, we could potentially see the biggest RED wave that’s happened in a long, long time. It realistically could be a wave of MAGA…er…mega magnitude. We’ll see; because I’m not delusional enough to believe that elections are clean. I KNOW otherwise.
This democrat agenda to turn America socialist infuriates me. I won’t be around in 20 years but my kids and grandkids will.Why would these fools want to throw away our country. What about the millions who have died since the revolutionary war? All who gave all and all who gave service for what? Is it time to take up arms because they have even hijacked our voting system. Our youth have been brainwashed for the most part. To those who signed the Declaration of Independence, I am sorry.
Yes, that’s right!! As far as the “Democrat” party is concerned, ask not what they should do for their country, but, what their country can do to increase the power and privilege of their most depraved, dishonest, criminal, top-echelon leadership!!
Excellent article. Now, Illegal Aliens and the Communist democrats are promoting Seizing Americans Homes for Dictator Beijing biden’s Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion to live in for free and you pay their bills. Just like the Billions in Medical Bills from Illegal Alien Terrorist he expects you to pay for. NO BS.
The Fascist liberals expect you to surrender your Home or be confiscated for their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion so they will vote for the Communist democrats Illegally like they are currently voting Illegally now.
Another Dictator Beijing biden and Communist democrat Party move of Destroying the United States and putting Americans LAST like he has since his first day of Illegally and Unconstitutionally in the WH from Election Interference and Election Fraud.
The Fascist liberals now want STEAL your home for Criminals here Illegally.
Are you hearing about this on the news you watch?
Carter signed the bill creating the federal Department of Education in 1979. Nowhere in our Constitution does it authorize the federal government access to any of our education system. It only took the rotten communists/democrats 45 years to brainwash our kids into believing communism was the best way to go: the democrat/communists did not tell our kids they had to kill over 125,000,000 humans who would not bow down to communist control so they (communist) could control every thing people did in their countries. Guess what: it didn’t work because every country communists got control of is a disaster – Venezuela is a classic example. Did you know that a little over 100 years ago Venezuela was one of the richest countries in the world: look at it now.
We American citizens are in a fight to save our way of life, all the freedoms we take for granted and our wonderful Constitutional Republic. It’s way past time for everyone of us to hold politicians accountable for what they have done to our country.
We should throw the human communist/globalist trash out of our country ASAP.
When Trump wins the election in early November, Biden will be the President until Trump’s inauguration in late January of 2025. Biden will use the power of the Presidential Pardon to pardon all illegal aliens before he leaves office. Then it will only be a matter of time before the Democrats win a future election and they will be able to pass legislation completing the transition of our government to a communist style of government. I pray that I am wrong.
DIMMs throw money at all of their voting blocs. Bums, illegals, dopers, and billionaires. The whole Obama “bailout” went to phony companies like Solyndra that fattened billionaire DIMMs bank accounts!
Buying Votes
NYC is home to some of the dumbest people in this country who ironically consider themselves the elite with the best food, best entertainment, best museums, best state performances and best everything else.
Us not so elites out here in flyover land are amazed at the violence and crimes allowed to happen in NYC! In fact, a lot of New Yorkers and several million other leftists think being a socialist country would make their lives better. Be like NY!
Solution: Let NY become a socialist state, try it out, feel the experience and let the sane places know how it goes. Oh, right. it would look like NY does now only worse.
Democrat voters do this to themselves. They vote for the crime, lawlessness, high taxes, government surveillance, government control, illegal migration and open borders. then they call us names for being Trumpers.
IDIOTS !!!!!!!
Obama warned us in his speaches and the weak minded just informed it…remember…’’in order to transform America we must first tear it down’’. That is just what the democrat party is doing.
It would be so easy for the Republican House to withhold any taxpayer dollars used to benefit the illegals. Let the Democrats fundraise among their supporters to pay for the illegals or have the DNC fund these programs. We have to stop the Democrats from this wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars and take credit like it’s their generosity. The Republicans should not sign onto any Omnibus Bills that include any money going toward the illegals and should create legislation that forbids illegals from EVER VOTING in our elections.
This LIBERAL CITIES BROUGHT THIS UPON AMERICA. Now that America has been invaded all at the welcoming of the Biden administration, the price is being paid. Biden just hopes the democrats will register and allow the illegals to vote for him. I believe that has been the plan all along.
Stop the “give aways” and send them back to the border. Spend the money to finish the wall and enforce our laws on immigration. I, as a US citizen, cannot go to any other country and demand that all my bodily needs be taken care of and that I be provided with food, clothing and housing for free.
When there is no more money to be thrown I very much doubt they start reaching for their own wallets
The communist democrats are just doing what is required for the globalist agenda to be accomplished. Anyone that says they won’t vote for Trump because of his attitude but would welcome 4 more years of this insanity is just plain stupid. It never ceases to amaze that there are so many brain dead American citizens. Only God Himself can save us now and if we think we are above needing His help, then we have sealed our fate. Pray if you will for God to intervene and watch what He will do.
“Dire warnings” from the Mayor of New York without any solutions. Good little, Democrat.
Wouldn’t Tammany Hall be impressed how the modern day Democrats are recruiting voters?
This is so unfair to the residents of America. Our own people are suffering.
Joe Biden allowed our country to be invaded by millions of illegal invaders including possible terrorists and he acts like he’s doing this country a favor. His senility camouflages his reasoning but he’ll still get a lot of votes from those who hate this country.
Every day Tens of Thousand legal American citizens are assaulted or murdered by illegal criminals,allowed to enter the USA.
If you doubt this look at the increasing homeless population.
It has been “too late” for a very long time, it started in the 1980s with 30,000 Mexicans being brought into the United States and given animosity, and it continued until now.
These characters are not “migrants’ but the democrat socialist’s slaves to serve their masters. This will result in a collapse in the economy and violence will erupt.
ATTENTION: American Citizens are NOT OBLIGATED to support illegal immigrants. Every one of these individuals had an opportunity to APPLY to come here LEGALLY but they chose to bypass our Legal process. You must consider their reasons WHY they chose that path: 1. to escape their criminal past that another infraction would escalate their future to maximum charge. 2. Because their Country is in turmoil. Well, their “turmoil“ became OUR problem because? There are a multitude of steps they can take within their OWN Country or immigrating to a nearby Country without having to pay a cartel $30,000! Where did they get that $ to begin with? George Soros? If they worked for that $, then they had a pretty good job there. It would have been CHEAPER to APPLY to the United States of America legally, just to name a few. Think about this. Do your research. How does the Left gain? The IMPACT upon our own Citizens is devastating. Really? You don’t see how? Okay, how many illegals are you able to claim on your income tax as DEPENDENTS? You’re paying for each one’s housing, meals, medical care (can you afford your OWN?), mobile phones & internet, clothing (do ANY of these illegals have dirty clothing showing wear instead of Nike’s & branded clothes?), & now NYC is providing $1,000 debit cards to each all @ YOUR TAXPAYER EXPENSE! And for how long? So when our bridges collapse, firefighters & LEO’s leave their profession due to lack of income because their employers are unable to get funds from their State or Federal Government, just to name a few, what then? Face it. Biden & his willing Administration has created the meltdown of our Society as a whole & our Nation is on the brink of annialation. Ask yourself why your taxes have increased substantially since 2020 yet the Government keeps getting paid, with INCREASES not decreasing & phenomenal PERKS, all @taxpayer expense. Why can’t Citizens claim THEM on their tax returns?
Yes, all the free money and benefits, illegal aliens come here, live in their squalor and filth, and like the Marxist left, they destroy all they touch, bring disease, drugs and crime. Now they are taught and encouraged (by our own gov’t.) to squat and steal a person’s home and property. They come here, delivered by the Biden/Obama administration, and they are here only to take and use with no intention of ever making any contribution to the land that “gives” them milk and honey. Worse, the government sides with the illegals over American taxpaying citizens and law enforcement actually does this enforcing because “they’re just doing their job.” So much for the oath to the Constitution. But my hat is off to those in law enforcement who DO support the Constitution and tell the gov’t they will not enforce illegal rules and laws.
If it’s in violation of the Constitution, then it’s breaking the law and this can be followed all the way to the top of the political food chain.
Never in the history of the world has there been a greater act of treason against a free country or her people. The criminals in the capitals and they’re all blue or uniparty RINOs: corrupt, feckless and purely evil.
Send all of them, and their anchors, back.
The clown-kaykaykay show known as the democrat party and those who embrace them are trying to hide the fact that they’re racists in disguise. The best way to fool others is to pretend you’re contrary to what is otherwise documented and filmed fact. Democrats hate foreigners and ethnic groups of any type as much as they do blaks and will do anything, even spend money, to hide their hates.
As the man in the movie ( The Dogs of War ) said: ” Welcome to Zangaro”. That’s what this country is turning into, and you are supposed to take it seriously and go with the flow. In the movie titled Red Dawn, Cuba was the invader. The “invader” is already here, it’s our own government: it’s Blue Dawn. The government of the United States is not your friend. It is the friend of every illegal alien they are flooding this country with. It is the friend of every criminal that roams the streets of our cities, in particular those in democrat run crap holes. The government of the US are the “horse soldiers”. Ask any American Indian what happens when the “horse soldiers”, i.e. the men in blue show up: nothing good. We are starting to live in Occupied Europe, only we aren’t in Europe and it’s not the Wehrmacht doing the occupying; it’s our own government. The day to start thinking like the maquis may come sooner than you think. And totalitarians hate resistance, jut look at the political prisoners from January 6th locked up in our very own version of the British prison at Long Kesh, aka The Maze.
Upset? You ought to be. You go to the airport and get x-rayed ( nothing could go wrong there, right? ) searched by TSA (take something away) and be glad those clowns don’t have guns, or there’d be more Ashley Babbits. It’s all in the name of safety & security. In the mean time, the southern border is wide open. The “front door” of the house, so to speak, is secure; the rear has nothing but a screen door flapping in the breeze. They wonder why recruitment is down for our military. They don’t get it. They are clueless. And before anyone starts, yes I served in our military from 1980-1983: MOS 19E tank crewman.
Government is government; how it’s used is important. The number one killer of people on this planet is government. It’s responsible for over 100 million deaths. Governments build camps,they build gas chambers, ovens; they dig pits for the executed. The British gave us the term “concentration camp”. They were used by the Brits during the Boer War in South Africa. The US, yes us, built camps to house Americans of Japanese ancestry during WWII. Our term: internment camp – how polite of us. All brought to you by Franklin Roosevelt ( what a kind man- sarcasm) and it was given the okay by our Supreme Court.
Have nice day
The “Democrats” seem to be pushing us towards a widespread implementation of U.N. Agenda 21, which is a program that would put most suburban home-owners out of their single-family homes and out of their cars, and place them in urban housing projects like those built in the 70’s, with public transportation being the only means of travel. The politicos and captains of industry, of course, would live in sprawling estates in the coutry, outside of these crime-spree-type urban centers.
UN Agenda 21 is not an urban legend. It is real, and I urge you all to Google it and read about it.
The Fascist democrats once again as usual putting Americans LAST over CRIMINALS and using OUR TAX DOLLARS to support Dictator Beijing biden’s Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion.
Nobody should file taxes this year and quit paying for Illegal Aliens getting everything that is for Legal American Citizens.
Bidenflation is wiping us out and Dictator Beijing biden gives everything to his Criminal buddies as CRIME RISES because of his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion.
When are people going to learn?
Democrats have become ENEMIES of our nation! They are supporting an INVASION across our southern border and are aiding and abetting the invaders! FIRE all the traitorous Democrat congressman, and their chief rat Joe Biden!
Hey you moronic voters – STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT !!!
I hate what our nation has become. I hope I am wrong on this; because of cheating Biden will win again then step down so the “puppets” can take over. I am white, conservative, Republican till I die.
I pray that Trump wins and closes the border with Mexico for a while and takes various actions pertaining to this mess that Biden created. He should declare the cartels in Mexico a terrorist organization. I feel that American troops must enter Mexico to wipe them out. The Mexican government is corrupt and won’t do it. Get the wall up and finish it along with the border patrol being able to use more force on illegals with clubs and weapons. Round them up fast and have a single area in every state where they can deport them armed with troops with live fire weapons and have the authority to use them. I’m just disgusted with Biden and the democrats destroying the country.
This is exactly what they want. And Adams can feign concern as he is unaffected and the illegals will vote for him (or whatever democrat is running). So the more he lets in (through the crocodile tears) the better it is for him and his “party”. We will observe this again in November when Brandon “wins” again, by a landslide, overnight. The millions of illegal and dead people votes will assure this. This fix is in and has been for a long time. It will be worse this time as there are millions more illegals here now.
It’s called Cloward-Piven. You know who is in the basement with his own friends running America.
Since Joe was sworn IN years ago to date
That is exactly how it was planned by George Soros, AOC, and Obama. Their hatred and resentment for Americans has been obvious.
Talk about discrimination—Americans zip/ illegals everything. But the Americans get to pick up the tab and receiver nothing in return. Sounds like robbing Peter to pay Paul. Where is NYC’s Robin Hood going to appear?
Let’s not forget about the asylum seekers and refugees.