
National Security , Newsline

Deadly Echo – 101 Police Shot

Posted on Thursday, April 7, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

“Defund Police!” cried Democrats in 2020 and 2021. Law enforcement officers were physically attacked, deemed “systemically racist,” demeaned, demoralized, and devalued. Nationwide, recruiting, training, and retention plummeted, while homicides spiked, and now – The Echo. 

In 2022, 101 police officers so far have been shot “in the line of duty,” 17 fatally, a 43 percent increase from one year ago, a 63 percent jump from 2020.

This is beyond sad, and causality is clear. It is hard not to see. Leading Democrats, activist organizations, and media created a vicious, indefensible, objectively damaging campaign against police and their role in preserving rule of law, public health, and safety.

For a time, the lie worked. Anti-Trump sentiment, political polarization, hysteria, race-baiting and generalizing incidents to national derogation – produced a strong anti-police sentiment.

As police got vilified by top Democrats, communities became less safe, minority and female gun ownership rose, police departments were “defunded,” rogue groups unpoliced in riot zones.

Before being gradually undone by common citizens, Marxist activists – many of whom were embedded in the so-called activist groups – pressed their case, got lots of attention, and spun.

Marxist and racist “Critical Race Theory” or CRT curricula abounded, got advanced in school systems across the country, and anyone opposing it was called racist. Only when parents spoke up at school boards, did the tide start to turn and CRT’s growth slow.

Meantime, law enforcement at large – those who put on a badge, vest, and gun to come to your aid every day – continued to be vilified, condemned, and defunded by Democrat politicians.

All this amounts to the foundation for – now. Untruths were pushed and fanned in a way that encouraged mob thinking. Whenever this kind of thing occurs, the outcome is dark.

The Echo of what leading Democrats did – at local, state, and federal levels – in 2020 and 2021, beyond monetary, personal, and community damage in 200 cities, from Seattle and Chicago to Atlanta and Washington DC – continues today.

The Echo of 2020’s political frenzy, unnecessary and unjustified histrionics, overgeneralization about dedicated, dutiful and other-regarding Americans in law enforcement, persists in 2022.

The sad fact is reckless politicians, inflammatory activists, and those with ideologically Marxist, anarchistic, violent, and anti-rule of law ideas – clearly anti-constitutional – left an imprint.

As the National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) reported last week, political attacks on the police are devastating. Beyond demoralization, defunding, diminished recruiting and retention, elevated suicides, and ambushes, 101 officers were shot in just the first third of 2022. 

This represents an astronomical jump – more than 60 percent – from the violent 2020 numbers for the same period.  The FOP described this turn as “a crisis” not seen in living memory.

What is the answer? Simple – Honor those who honor you by risking their lives for you every day. They do not ask for accolades, political benefits, or attention – they ask for respect, for what they do.

And when elections – moments of political accountability – come, remember who was on which side, who supported rule of law, calm waters, safe streets, and peace – and who defunded police. 

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2 years ago

Predictable outcome for the policies promoted by the Democrats. Simple as that.

2 years ago

You could not pay me enough money today to be a Police Officer ! To Serve& Protect people who would just as well spit on you and wish you harm. They are the ONLY thing between the Scum of the Earth and you , without them the Strong would TAKE whatever they wanted from you ! I have NEVER had to call 911 in my 65 years , BUT I have slept Safe&Secure knowing they were always there if I ever needed them ! GOD BLESS OUR POLICE ????‍♂️

R.S. Helms
R.S. Helms
2 years ago

Short but very good Article.

2 years ago

Multiple police officers in family, they put their lives on the line every single day, whether in or out of uniform! Thanks to the current regime that seized power in our country, they all have targets on their backs, with their hands tied preventing then from doing their jobs to serve and protect. That means none of us are safe! I guess, we just have to wait a little longer, and nobody will be allowed to own anything (except the elites). Even if it comes to that (which we need to stop) the criminals out there will just increase shooting us — a real duck hunt. Speak up, vote, watch the votes, serve where possible, or else it will truly be too late for our great nation to survive!

James P.
James P.
2 years ago

Democrats OWN this.

james michalicek
james michalicek
2 years ago

Who are the people that shoot these officers? Every adult found guilty of this crime should have their name and photo published so the American public could see who they are.

2 years ago

I have a theory about why the Democrats wanted to destroy our law-enforcement here in United States. I made a video that I think explains it pretty well. DESTROY THE REPUBLIC or The Real Reason they want to Defund Law Enforcement

Dr. George R . Rivera, Jr.
Dr. George R . Rivera, Jr.
2 years ago

It does not help when, internationally, Police are being used to enforce Tyranny. Trudeau in Canada is but one example. People should rightly resist any such militarization of local law enforcement – but to assault and kill police officers who are at car wrecks, stopping domestic violence, interdicting drugs and violent gang activity in the protection of the public is an insane buy-in to the Left. Remember that the NAZI Party and all of their cohorts are on the Left! Do Not Be A Tool.

2 years ago

This all seems very suspicious and who push by the Democratic House Representative…

2 years ago

AMAC is preaching to the choir. Conservative people and conservative thought are just a bubble of inconvenience for CCP and DNC. Does anyone seriously think that voting will actually matter anymore. Liberal/progressive politicians are not scared of this election cycle. They KNOW they’ll win because they’ve learned that cheating with impunity works. There is no rule of law that will convict them. They answer to no one. There are only taxpayers without a voice in America. For as much as I love AMAC and it’s dedication to critical thought, there is no amount of positive thinking or ‘good vibes’ that will change the future of America.

Look at what DNC has done to the American taxpayer in the last five years! No one was there to defend the taxpayer while Nancy Pelosi and every other privileged elite hypocrite spent tens of millions of dollars to perform a coup on a sitting president! LOOK AT THAT. It’s UNTHINKABLE in America. And yet, here we are. Reading AMAC, feeling somewhat encouraged by enlightening articles like this with nowhere to go. The future can not hold good things for the American taxpayer. And, it’ll be due to people like Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer. . . All these people know is greed.

2 years ago

Criminals are not facing significant consequences therefore they co tinue on their path of violence. Washington State is a prime example of this. Officers now need probable cause to stop a suspect. Probable cause means you have enough to arrest on and that can take time to reach that level. Evidence to include DNA must be processed to confirm ID and in the meantime nobody can be stopped to start conversations or preserve additional evidence. Another disservice to the citizens.

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