
National Security , Newsline

China’s Belligerence Is Going Nuclear

Posted on Friday, September 3, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Kliegman


As the eyes of the world continue to remain locked on the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan, China continues to prepare for war at an alarming rate.

This month, the U.S. Army released a report detailing how China has enhanced the range and accuracy of its ballistic missiles. The range of the DF-11, the most widely deployed short-range ballistic missile of the Chinese military’s Rocket Force, has more than doubled, and its precision has improved significantly. The newer DF-15/16 missile, meanwhile, has also undergone similar improvements.

Crucially, both missiles can employ conventional and nuclear warheads. This is especially troubling given the rapid modernization of China’s nuclear weapons. Indeed, China is making its nuclear arsenal larger, deadlier, and more accurate. The increasingly sophisticated missiles to carry these warheads have also made the People’s Liberation Army all the more capable — and threatening.

Beyond simply increasing the effectiveness of their weaponry, evidence has emerged over the last two months that China is expanding its arsenal of nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) on a scale far beyond what experts and government officials expected.

In late June, researchers at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in California obtained commercial satellite images showing Chinese construction of what appears to be 120 new silos for ICBMs in the desert near the northwestern city of Yumen.

A few weeks later, nuclear experts at the Federation of American Scientists discovered through satellite imagery that China is building what appears to be a second field of silos for launching nuclear missiles. This field, which is in a much earlier stage of development, may eventually include about 110 silos and is located in the desert near the city of Hami in eastern Xinjiang — the same region where China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs.

And just two weeks ago, the Washington Times revealed that US intelligence has identified a third Chinese missile silo field under construction.

Adm. Charles Richard, the commander of US Strategic Command, said earlier this month that the construction amounts to an “explosive” expansion of China’s nuclear capabilities. “We are witnessing a strategic breakout by China,” he also said at a conference on missile defense. “The explosive growth in their nuclear and conventional forces can only be what I described as breathtaking … frankly, that word ‘breathtaking’ may not be enough.”

Even more concerning, Richard told the Senate Armed Services Committee in April that he ordered all briefs on China’s nuclear weapons to contain no intelligence vetted more than one month earlier “because it’s probably out of date” that quickly. “I can’t get through a week right now without finding out something we didn’t know about China,” he said.

The admiral explained that China is capable of accurately deploying nuclear weapons anywhere within its region and “will soon be able to do so at intercontinental range.” Plus, he added, there are indications that the Chinese military has moved some of its nuclear forces from a peace-time status to a “launch-on-warning” and “high-alert” status, meaning weapons are armed for launch as soon as Beijing detects an incoming enemy missile. 

Richard’s testimony came days after the American intelligence community wrote in its annual threat assessment that China “will continue the most rapid expansion and platform diversification of its nuclear arsenal in its history, intending to at least double the size of its nuclear stockpile during the next decade and to field a nuclear triad.” A nuclear triad refers to a country’s capability to field nuclear missiles that can be launched from land, submarines, or aircraft.

Even the diplomats are worried. A State Department press release recently said that Secretary of State Antony Blinken “also noted deep concern with the rapid growth of [China’s] nuclear arsenal,” and that the buildup “highlights how Beijing has sharply deviated from its decades-old nuclear strategy based on minimum deterrence.”

Some analysts say not to worry about this rapid modernization because China has far fewer nuclear weapons than the U.S. They are sorely mistaken. 

Indeed, we don’t actually know how many nuclear weapons China has. Recent assessments put the figure anywhere from the low 200s to about 350, while the U.S. has an estimated 3,800 warheads (less than half of which are deployed while the rest remain in storage). But the common estimates for China appear implausible considering the Defense Intelligence Agency reported in 1984 that China had between 150 and 160 nuclear warheads. It seems unlikely that China has expanded its arsenal so little over the past 37 years as they have become exponentially richer, more powerful, and more militarily aggressive. 

Moreover, Russian and Taiwanese estimates put the Chinese nuclear arsenal at anywhere from 450 to 1,800 weapons — along with enough fissile material for potentially thousands more.

Regardless of size, however, Beijing is building a “larger and increasingly capable nuclear missile force that is more survivable, more diverse, and on higher alert than in the past,” to quote the intelligence community’s threat assessment. Not to mention the fact that their missiles will be more accurate and more deadly than ever before.

Moreover, the Chinese military is developing a greater ability to survive a massive nuclear attack and respond with a massive nuclear attack of its own. This means China would effectively achieve a form of nuclear parity with the U.S., even with far fewer warheads, in a situation reminiscent of the arms race with the Soviet Union in the 20th Century.

Ultimately, however, what makes China’s nuclear modernization so dangerous is that they consistently refuse even to entertain any discussions about arms control. To quote the intelligence community’s threat assessment once again, “Beijing is not interested in arms control agreements that restrict its modernization plans and will not agree to substantive negotiations that lock in US or Russian nuclear advantages.” This attitude dates back decades, to the days of the Cold War.

Combine aggression with opacity and a refusal to engage in constructive dialogue, and the result is a toxic brew that should alarm American officials.

Of course, undergirding all this nuclear activity is China’s not-so-secret intention to displace America as the world’s most powerful country. China is building up its nuclear forces and other military capabilities to deter and prepare for war against the U.S. and American allies.

In response, the U.S. has no choice but to address the Chinese nuclear threat by following through on modernizing its own nuclear forces. To protect American interests at home and abroad, Washington must ensure the United States’ nuclear posture toward Beijing is clear and forceful.

The Chinese are no longer trying to hide their belligerence or their global ambitions. They think this is their century and they are on the march. Much like the Cold War, the U.S.-China rivalry will determine the fate of the free world, and nuclear weapons will play an important role, casting an ominous shadow across the entire geopolitical chessboard.

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3 years ago

Or retreat to the nearest basement corner,stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.

3 years ago

We as a nation are projecting weakness , the ‘coup’ has many ripple effects that are just now taking shape. The cowards and traitors running things are leading us to destruction and eventually demise .

Lynn K Chitty
Lynn K Chitty
3 years ago

It’s no wonder that no one from anywhere else in this galaxy have contacted us? What’s the point of having multi megatons of nuclear weapons, how many does it take to kill a civilization?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

With Do Nothing Joe, expect WW3?? EZ to see coming

3 years ago

This is heartbreaking.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

As the last eight months have unfolded, the Chinese see the Americans as weak and undisciplined. They will continue to flaunt their power in economic and military might. The United States continues to have chaos in so many areas of our government, and that will provide the Chinese the stage for more emboldened moves that hinder more cooperation between our two countries. The Communist Chinese want more power, and they could care less what the world thinks of them. The O’Biden administration and the Marxist Democrats have allowed the Chicoms to do about anything they want without resistance from America.

3 years ago

Whoever is running this county is letting it happen.

3 years ago

When China chooses to attack the USA it won’t be a long conflict. They will overwhelm our cowardly military leaders in no time. Missiles will devastate major cities. Gen’l Milley WOKE will beg for peace from his masters.
It is only a matter of time.

3 years ago

I am scared to death that under the incompetence of the weak Biden administration, we are going to be at war in the next year…on our own soil. Several nations hate us and our freedom, and they also have the capability to launch an offensive that could injure and damage our assets. Biden wouldn’t know what to do or how to react. That is terrifying.

D. Brown
D. Brown
3 years ago

Meanwhile, our Military is busy studying “white rage”, “inclusivity”, hoisting LGBTQ flags at our embassy’s, ferreting out any conservative-thinking soldiers etc., etc. We are heading towards a preventable “Armageddon” with these Clowns in charge. I only hope the first bombs drop on them!

3 years ago

When I read these reports on China’s expansion of both silo launch facilities and increased warhead production in June and July, I thought this might actually get someone in the Pentagon or the intelligence services to wake up and try to get Biden’s handlers to pay attention. Yet all I saw throughout the summer to present was the Sec. of Defense, Joint Chief Gen Milley and other other high ranking officials endlessly drone on about various “woke” issues and the dangers of so-called white supremacy. Which is a fiction of their minds. Our so-called POTUS was busy telling us how wonderful everything was in Afghanistan, while telling now former President Ghani to lie about the reality on the ground in Afghanistan. Not a peep or any recognition from anyone in the Biden administration or the Pentagon about the growing threat from China. That is NOT surprising as the Biden administration doesn’t consider China a threat. They are simply viewed as economic competition and even there, the administration is blowing smoke up you know where when it comes to acknowledging reality.

Lets put some real numbers on what China likely has in terms of nuclear weapons. China has never agree to be part of any nuclear arms control treaty or allowed an outside, independent assessment of their actual nuclear capability. They have been given a free pass for decades on virtually everything they have done and it is no different in this area. The numbers of warheads quoted in this article are from decades old estimates, which were never verified as accurate. I’ve seen more recent estimates that put the nuclear warhead could as between 2,000 and 3,000. China has always prioritized its military and it would be foolish to think they would not have been expanding their nuclear arsenal as the same time they were expanding the military capabilities elsewhere over the years. So these multiple new fields of missile silos, that are in addition to the exiting Chinese missile silos we already know about, are not being built to stand empty. Nor would the Chinese go to the time and effort to build these new land launched missile facilities to just put conventional warheads in them. No military power does that these days. They are all nuclear capable. In the meantime, the Biden administration views our national defense as something it can cut to pay for more social welfare programs to buy votes. Kind of a serious disconnect wouldn’t you say? Ignoring the reality of the threats we face does have cost, whether we want to admit it or not.

The Chinese would NOT be as openly aggressive and bold as they are, if they didn’t have the means to back up their threats with force. The CCP is very deliberate in how they approach adversaries. That includes having sufficient nuclear weapons to challenge the United States. Washington can continue to ignore the growing threat from China if they want, but that doesn’t change reality. In the global game of chess, it seems the Biden administration is busy playing checkers and loosing badly.

3 years ago

China probably has nuclear equipped satellites than can plant “mushrooms” on our major cities.Biden will surrender to his Chinese puppet masters and we are done. I lowered our flag to half staff for our fallen Marines and will keep it at half staff in respect for the death of our country.

3 years ago

Time for a united Western world to embargo all Chinese goods, ban travel to China and trade and exchange, and any type co-operation with China, including Chinese exchange students, or travel of Chinese within the United States, or any Western country. Support for any and all Chinese resistance against the CCP should also be supported. The state sponsor of terrorists like the Taliban should not be given the time of day in the civilized world.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

While China, grows stronger, the losing Generals like Miley will push their critical race theory and climate change crap down our throats and leave Billions of Dollars in military property in foreign Countries, so our enemies can have the benefit of it. The destruction of our military is nothing short of treason and the President should be Impeached and along with him, he and the Generals should be court marshaled and serve federal prison time.

3 years ago

Its past time for the Second Coming!

3 years ago


3 years ago

Fear not People, we’ll soon have a “New” diplomat with previous ties to dealing with China and his name is Hunter Biden!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Based on the current leadership in DC or lack thereof, It believe it is safe to say China believes they can take America to lunch at will…They most certainty have taken our northern neighbors to lunch, i.e. China owns & operates Canada, our immediate next-door neighbor…Going back now to at least the ’70’s China’s business acumen has far outpaced the US, especially in the EXPORT business…
Trump begins bringing US corps. back home through tax incentives & other things that were advantageous for them to return home only to lose them through the JRB’s cruel taxation policies on corporate America, once again some have gone back to Mexico as well…
China STEALS our technology & reverse engineers so much of it, i.e. look at some of their aircraft, you would swear it was Made in America…China potentially is extremely dangerous left unchecked.
Take a look at America’s current potus & his behavior towards China, that is most chilling & worst still is our WOKE military commanders in some of our military. This is the scary part currently in light of the ( 2 ) 100% WOKE Joint Chiefs of Staff generals sitting in the Pentagon. Milley’s take on Marxism, Communism, socialism & other woke ideologies as explained by himself should be troubling to anyone who has had the displeasure of listening to this man, clearly something is NOT right inside this man’s mind…
Look what is happening to our nation in rapid fashion I might add.
With the STOLEN 2020 election & the STOLEN Georgia general election allowed to stand as is, America has fallen down a spiral hole we can’t seem to get out ourselves out of…The enemy is at the gates & that enemy is the subject matter of the above article…
Lest we forget, China INTERFERED in the United States 2020 elections & as yet, they have NOT been held to account. By definition, it was & continues to be an act of war committed against America…
God bless America,
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

New Zealand news today: Islam terrorist stabs 6-people & police shoot him within 60-seconds. If this happens in USA, the police are scrutinized & probably sued by some lawyers. The USA must start backing our police force & obey the laws instead of breaking laws. I salute NZ police quick actions.

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
3 years ago

Yeah, China has Biden on their payroll, and he states, they are nice folk, not our enemy???

John Bonds
John Bonds
3 years ago

China is considering invading Taiwan as you read this. They know all they have to do is tell Biden he has a time limit to remove American troops and he will comply. They pretty much can do what they want under the present administration.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

Well written! John Adams stated that our constitution was written for the governance of a moral people. It was not suited for the governance of any other people. Yes, we the people have failed.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

“They” need to be hit / wiped out first. Patton said that we would have to fight the yellow dogs sooner or later. Do it now.

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

Not to worry! When Joe’s pals in the CCP light up DC with their ICBM’s all our problems with the Swamp and the “Green New Deal” will be over.

3 years ago

Well, it’s in God’s hands, now. I don’t think even Trump could rein in China at this point.

3 years ago

Not to worry! joe and his democrats will just hand the USA over to china..

Jerry L
Jerry L
3 years ago

So, should we start learning to speak Chinese so we can communicate with our new masters? Or shall we just continue to get their orders thru our own “government”? They should probably know, I make a pretty grumpy subject.

Gads, could it get any worse? Don’t answer that. We all know it can. But our opportunity to stop it is getting slimmer every day.

3 years ago

As soon as O’biden stole the 11/03/21 election, we lost the war with China. They are going to keep steeling everything from the US. Jobs, purchasing power, etc. The Congress has sold out to China as much as O’biden. Now everyone that voted for Trump is sick with Covid or some sort, thanks to O’bidens open boarder policies. This alone will change the radical racism in America. I grew up next to a mexican family in Calif. Very nice hard working people. Great neighbors. Now 70 years later we could not be neighbors. That is the legacy of the Democrat Party: HATRED! Our KIDS hate everyone. Are untrusting of their elders. So I gues it is time to die and leave the mess for the kids to figure out. That is Obiden, Pelosi, AOC and Squad legacy You can try to learn Chines. They will never see you as any thing but inferior. The Chinese are the most RACIST society on earth except the middle east. This next year and a half are going to be trying times.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

If you were China, would you entertain ANY discussions with Joe Biden? Why, of course NOT!! He would NOT know what you are talking about anyway, NOR would he care–just don’t bother him as he needs his naps!!

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

The yellow dogs are going to take us into a nuclear war. I’m telling you.

3 years ago

Here’s a news flash for Joe and the crew. China is NOT our friend. I pray that we will NEVER face a nuclear attack. If we do however, I hope the first missle hits Washington D.C.. I would NEVER want to see ANY of my fellow Americans die, but Washington would be the most logical target. I only hope and pray that whoever is in control would retaliate (if they are able) and not sit around dumbfounded trying to decide what to do. America is in a very dangerous place right now. Only God can save us.

3 years ago

Why doesn’t this surprise me? Joey opened the gates for China, Russia, Iran, No. Korea to rush right in. Thanks a lot Mr. Joey Boobhead. Hope you go first.

3 years ago

Our stupid and foolish politicians are going to take the US to slaughter. Silly Pelosi and Schumer are going to waste TIME and MONEY on January 6th event. What fools they are to ignore the real enemy.

Charles Nolan
Charles Nolan
3 years ago

I hope that our military will detect Chinese preparations for war, and wipe them away in a massive first strike. One US warhead could destroy anyone of these missile fields. If we lose a few major liberal cities, which are in very poor shape, we may be better off without them.

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