China and Russia are officially teaming to take down the west; it is no small matter. Several days ago, in the shadow of the Chinese Olympics, the two countries declared a “no limits” partnership, one spanning earth and space, trade, security, and energy, artificial intelligence to redefine what amounts to a “human right.” In short, the gloves are off. See, e.g., China, Russia partner up against West at Olympics summit; New Russia-China alliance latest diplomatic, strategic blow to Obama.
This public agreement is both a matter of practical and strategic concern. In the short term, it suggests China will have Russia’s back if they invade Ukraine, and even if they take on a NATO country. On the flip side, Russia will vouch for China – in the UN and elsewhere – if they tackle Taiwan, India, or Asian targets of opportunity. See, e.g., China joins Russia in opposing Nato expansion; Putin and Xi Proclaim Bond as Russia Deploys More Forces Near Ukraine; Gravitas: A Russia-China military alliance against NATO?.
This accord also suggests a likely shift toward militarizing space and then declaring either that this is not being done or is within legal constraints, which it would not be. With this will come joint defense of the indefensible on land, sea, air, trade, and head-to-head with the West.
Why is this happening now, and what are the strategic implications? The first question is all but obvious. American leadership is flagging badly, both in perception and reality. Perception is America has a doddering, last-legs president, hardly able to speak without loss of memory. To that, add a vice president unpopular within her own party, more prone to gaff than cogency.
The reality? China and Russia see opportunities. They witnessed the most extraordinary display of failed political preparation, international diplomacy, and military engagement in decades – when the US stumbled out of Afghanistan, trailed and harassed by a terrorist group we had gone there to extinguish. The Afghanistan withdrawal was blood in the water.
The result was a rethink, or perhaps an accelerated assessment, leading to the view abroad that Biden-Harris are not up to the task of responding militarily to any international act of aggression, let alone prepared to make real their vague, late, overblown idea of deterrence.
To a Communist or autocratic leader, ideological sharks with sharp teeth and no apologies for inhumanity, adventurism, lying, or opportunism, this is the time. The China-Russia alliance is not the only sign of predators leaning in, enemies of democracy, individual liberty, and established Western norms being encouraged, preparing to hunt, confront, and challenge us in all ways.
Iran is now looking to accelerate their nuclear program, if they cannot coerce, cajole, and achieve permissions and a lift of sanctions in Vienna. North Korea has resumed missile launches, no doubt encouraged by China.
Most worryingly, American allies around the world are beginning to wonder if the great powerhouse of freedom, of individual rights, defended at any cost, of self-determination, democracy, respect for minorities, rule by majorities, and much that is just and good about humanity – is in retreat.
Where, they are asking, is the America that we have long known? Leader of the free world, determined to hold enemies of liberty and justice accountable, unshrinking, historically larger than life?
The answer is not clear – not under this Administration, not yet. This new China-Russia pact suggests, in a way that should hit the West with new urgency, that the answer had better become clear fast, and without further equivocation.
If we are not clear that our values matter, and wherever they are practiced by allies, they will be defended, we will soon find ourselves wishing we had. This bold declaration by China and Russia – suggesting our values and strength are both ebbing – had better be met firmly.
The answer is to make clear we are who we have always been, and thus to embolden and support our allies. We should swiftly coordinate a firm response, announce what amounts to a counter-pact, one joined freely by all free and aspiring nations around the globe – to oppose the rise of any new, ideologically twisted, humanity-suppressing Communist-autocratic axis of evil.
In short: If we do not make clear what we stand for – and what we will do to defend what we stand for – we will stand for nothing, falling to our failure of courage. This is the time to stand.
Both China and Russia see a weak, feckless leader in Joe Biden. Which of course you already know RBC. For the matter, they see the entire Democrat Party, at this point, as kindred partners aligned with the ideals of socialism, if we want to be brutally honest about it. So of course, both Putin and Xi are going to do everything they can to take full advantage of the situation for their own benefit. This latest agreement between Russia and China has been something both countries have been working towards for quite some time now. Neither Putin nor Xi are stupid, weak men lacking either focus or drive.
With the announcement over the weekend that the United States is giving the Iranians virtually everything they want, in exchange for nothing from the Iranians in return, it is clear the United States is intentionally ceding whatever remaining influence it may have on the global stage to other nations. Your solution of a counter pact with our allies would make perfect sense, if this administration and the Democrats as a whole, were NOT in power and running the show. Unfortunately, they are and given the disastrous performance of the Biden administration over past year on the foreign stage, this administration has undermined both our credibility and resolve with all our allies to the point where most are no longer looking at the United States as a reliable, competent leader.
By the way, I expect we’ll soon hear that the United States is dropping all economic sanctions against North Korea as well. That we will resume the appeasement policies that existed during the Clinton through Obama administrations towards that country now that Kim is back to test firing missiles again.
RBC, your article reminded me of a Bible passage from the Book of Daniel, Ch. 2, verse 21: “And God changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” Our country has fallen away mostly from the word of God. Our current society has been calling evil good and good evil. God has been trying to get our attention to come back to his ways but the people are ignoring and therefore the nation gets chastised with bad leaders who are unknowingly do the work of God. From a secular point, look at the periods of history where power cycles through various regions of the world. This power has been in the West, the USA, for the last 250 years. The high point was at the end of WWII and has been declining since. This power has been shifting to the East (China) for the last 50 years. The nation must retains its sovereignty as best it can but our heyday as a powerhouse of the world is no longer there.
& Biden does Zero day 1, coming WW3
American Citizens WAKE UP
You can see this trial on various platforms like Gettr, Rumble, and I hope AMAC will help put it out.
“Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.”Charlie Ward Join My TELEGRAM Channel: Charlie Ward Show @TheCharlieWard
The old adage repeats itself – China and Russia is the new improved form of the Axis from WWII and I bet they have two partners, North Korea and Iran. And what is worse, Biden and the democrats are no different than the indifferent Western leaders prior to WWII.
I’ve always believed the last federal election was allowed to be stolen by Nancy Pelosi and an assortment of sell-out cronies. And now, that they have the political power they thought they wanted, CCP and Russia are seizing the opportunity. Taiwan invasion is a certainty now. Followed by whatever boundaries Russia decides on. And, American hardware will not deter them. Feckless fools have sold the American taxpayer to China and Russia.
We are in big trouble. We can no longer fight back with our vote, it means nothing since it has been stolen.
Biden is no match for these two. America needs a strong leader and it will only be under President Trump that some semblance of order will occur. Trusting in God Almighty!
Like “murika” does? WHO is putting troops and missiles on whose borders? WAKE UP !
NO Trump-GOP (barf) Jebus-Allahwhobu-aliens-white hats-ascension/rapture(bs) will save AmeriKa…we are on our own..
“Well there ain’t no use to wonder why
Whoopee, we’re all gonna die”! – Country Joe McDonald
He’s recalling the way things were with him and Obama. “Well, we use to do this, and we use to do that”. Well yes, we use to $h1t outside be we don’t anymore. He had better get a better grip on what to do and how to do it before Americans are learning how to speak Mandrin and the USA becomes the USC (Unit Section of China).
What the Sam Hill does that have to do with now since they didn’t do all that well? Bragging about not winning doesn’t accomplish much.
As an aside how many rockets has North Korea launched in the past few months? How many when Trump was in.
I have a foreboding feeling regarding Ukraine and Russia I’m afraid it will be the beginning of the third world war. God Bless and Protect America
I told some people in 2020 that I feel like we have stepped into the book of Revelation. I believe we are seeing prophecy unfolding.
Neither China nor Russia are our friends. They are like the Democrats and will do whatever it takes to keep and expand their power. Biden will do nothing to protect our country. He’s so in bed with China and Russia that he would probably give them the keys to our country if he thinks it will keep him in power.
they make it PUBLIC
It has been obvious to me for the past three years that we are in a cold war with Communist China, just as we have been with Russia. Most Americans don’t recognize that and continue to buy nearly everything made in China, supporting their efforts to build their military and their economy. We should be strengthening our alliances with our allies in preparation for war. If China and Russia join forces, they can depend on North Korea, Iran, Syria, and other Communist countries to join them against us. Boycott products made in China.
Stay out of it!!!!!! We have no business meddling in that part of the world. We have enough problems here!
What would we do if Russia started building bases in Mexico???
News ? This is not news. The only news is that you have left out Kim Jong IL of North
Korea. The average dimwit know these these 3 forces are evil. How about some real
news ?
Bad enough that we lost all respect with the most questionable and in all likelihood rigged banana republic election, Then a terrorist group that was kept completely underground for years takes down a super power in Afghanistan and takes control of billions of dollars in our most modern weaponry,and is definitely going to be used against our country and our NATO defenses. Now we are pretending like nothing is happening as we frolic along in a corrupt communist country in winter Olympic Games and Nancy pelosi warns our athletes there to keep there opinions about CCP to themselves or there will be dire consequences for them? Biden has completely compromised our military with woke commanders and left our country completely open to a cyber attack which would completely destroy our country and instantly KILL MILLIONS OF INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS! He’s a demented walking talking DISASTER and we’ve never been on this kind of danger before. Russia and China are allies and they believe that the timing is perfect to take over everything. Putin is 70 yrs old and CHINA owns all of our leftist progressive socialist democrats. Oh and without our own resources to power our military ( opec and Russia are our main source of all our vital oil and gas supplies) we’re a sitting duck. Also we let our worst enemy ( besides our own current administration which besides letting terrorists and millions of illegals over our southern border) unleash a highly questionable virus or possibly a planned bio weapon to wreck havoc on our country and the World. The timing of all of this couldn’t just fall into place as it has, this was a definite planned strategy to take all of western civilization down and collapse everything. And let’s not forget CHINA produces almost everything for our country incl our vital medications and everything else!guess who takes over.
Sometimes we need an abject failure to illustrate how awful things can get and how much we long for the days when we didn’t have such a disaster in the White House. Biden and Harris and their administration have educated us, I hope, in exactly what not to do. This is not rocket science.
Opportunists know exactly when to pounce. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, quiescent terrorist groups both domestic and foreign…they’re all lining up to make their move. Instead of strengthening American values and safeguarding our resources, biden has squandered any prosperity initiated by President Trump. I’m constantly amazed by the monthly increases in grocery store prices, and gasoline is on the rise.
At a time when our country should be courting support for freedom and building alliances around the globe, biden is weakening us and turning the United States into the butt of the joke. Who’d want to be on that team?
This could certainly confuse the Biden regime. How can Progressive Democrats oppose Russia while catering to Communist China if the two are working together? Next to join them, Islamic foes.
Both China and Russia see a weak, feckless leader in Joe Biden. Which of course you already know RBC. For the matter, they see the entire Democrat Party, at this point, as kindred partners aligned with the ideals of socialism, if we want to be brutally honest about it. So of course, both Putin and Xi are going to do everything they can to take full advantage of the situation for their own benefit. This latest agreement between Russia and China has been something both countries have been working towards for quite some time now. Neither Putin nor Xi are stupid, weak men lacking either focus or drive.
With the announcement over the weekend that the United States is giving the Iranians virtually everything they want, in exchange for nothing from the Iranians in return, it is clear the United States is intentionally ceding whatever remaining influence it may have on the global stage to other nations. Your solution of a counter pact with our allies would make perfect sense, if this administration and the Democrats as a whole, were NOT in power and running the show. Unfortunately, they are and given the disastrous performance of the Biden administration over past year on the foreign stage, this administration has undermined both our credibility and resolve with all our allies to the point where most are no longer looking at the United States as a reliable, competent leader.
By the way, I expect we’ll soon hear that the United States is dropping all economic sanctions against North Korea as well. That we will resume the appeasement policies that existed during the Clinton through Obama administrations towards that country now that Kim is back to test firing missiles again.
RBC, your article reminded me of a Bible passage from the Book of Daniel, Ch. 2, verse 21: “And God changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” Our country has fallen away mostly from the word of God. Our current society has been calling evil good and good evil. God has been trying to get our attention to come back to his ways but the people are ignoring and therefore the nation gets chastised with bad leaders who are unknowingly do the work of God. From a secular point, look at the periods of history where power cycles through various regions of the world. This power has been in the West, the USA, for the last 250 years. The high point was at the end of WWII and has been declining since. This power has been shifting to the East (China) for the last 50 years. The nation must retains its sovereignty as best it can but our heyday as a powerhouse of the world is no longer there.
& Biden does Zero day 1, coming WW3
American Citizens WAKE UP
You can see this trial on various platforms like Gettr, Rumble, and I hope AMAC will help put it out.
“Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.”Charlie Ward Join My TELEGRAM Channel: Charlie Ward Show @TheCharlieWard
The old adage repeats itself – China and Russia is the new improved form of the Axis from WWII and I bet they have two partners, North Korea and Iran. And what is worse, Biden and the democrats are no different than the indifferent Western leaders prior to WWII.
I’ve always believed the last federal election was allowed to be stolen by Nancy Pelosi and an assortment of sell-out cronies. And now, that they have the political power they thought they wanted, CCP and Russia are seizing the opportunity. Taiwan invasion is a certainty now. Followed by whatever boundaries Russia decides on. And, American hardware will not deter them. Feckless fools have sold the American taxpayer to China and Russia.
We are in big trouble. We can no longer fight back with our vote, it means nothing since it has been stolen.
Biden is no match for these two. America needs a strong leader and it will only be under President Trump that some semblance of order will occur. Trusting in God Almighty!
Like “murika” does? WHO is putting troops and missiles on whose borders? WAKE UP !
NO Trump-GOP (barf) Jebus-Allahwhobu-aliens-white hats-ascension/rapture(bs) will save AmeriKa…we are on our own..
“Well there ain’t no use to wonder why
Whoopee, we’re all gonna die”! – Country Joe McDonald
He’s recalling the way things were with him and Obama. “Well, we use to do this, and we use to do that”. Well yes, we use to $h1t outside be we don’t anymore. He had better get a better grip on what to do and how to do it before Americans are learning how to speak Mandrin and the USA becomes the USC (Unit Section of China).
What the Sam Hill does that have to do with now since they didn’t do all that well? Bragging about not winning doesn’t accomplish much.
As an aside how many rockets has North Korea launched in the past few months? How many when Trump was in.
I have a foreboding feeling regarding Ukraine and Russia I’m afraid it will be the beginning of the third world war. God Bless and Protect America
I told some people in 2020 that I feel like we have stepped into the book of Revelation. I believe we are seeing prophecy unfolding.
Neither China nor Russia are our friends. They are like the Democrats and will do whatever it takes to keep and expand their power. Biden will do nothing to protect our country. He’s so in bed with China and Russia that he would probably give them the keys to our country if he thinks it will keep him in power.
they make it PUBLIC
It has been obvious to me for the past three years that we are in a cold war with Communist China, just as we have been with Russia. Most Americans don’t recognize that and continue to buy nearly everything made in China, supporting their efforts to build their military and their economy. We should be strengthening our alliances with our allies in preparation for war. If China and Russia join forces, they can depend on North Korea, Iran, Syria, and other Communist countries to join them against us. Boycott products made in China.
Stay out of it!!!!!! We have no business meddling in that part of the world. We have enough problems here!
What would we do if Russia started building bases in Mexico???
News ? This is not news. The only news is that you have left out Kim Jong IL of North
Korea. The average dimwit know these these 3 forces are evil. How about some real
news ?
Bad enough that we lost all respect with the most questionable and in all likelihood rigged banana republic election, Then a terrorist group that was kept completely underground for years takes down a super power in Afghanistan and takes control of billions of dollars in our most modern weaponry,and is definitely going to be used against our country and our NATO defenses. Now we are pretending like nothing is happening as we frolic along in a corrupt communist country in winter Olympic Games and Nancy pelosi warns our athletes there to keep there opinions about CCP to themselves or there will be dire consequences for them? Biden has completely compromised our military with woke commanders and left our country completely open to a cyber attack which would completely destroy our country and instantly KILL MILLIONS OF INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS! He’s a demented walking talking DISASTER and we’ve never been on this kind of danger before. Russia and China are allies and they believe that the timing is perfect to take over everything. Putin is 70 yrs old and CHINA owns all of our leftist progressive socialist democrats. Oh and without our own resources to power our military ( opec and Russia are our main source of all our vital oil and gas supplies) we’re a sitting duck. Also we let our worst enemy ( besides our own current administration which besides letting terrorists and millions of illegals over our southern border) unleash a highly questionable virus or possibly a planned bio weapon to wreck havoc on our country and the World. The timing of all of this couldn’t just fall into place as it has, this was a definite planned strategy to take all of western civilization down and collapse everything. And let’s not forget CHINA produces almost everything for our country incl our vital medications and everything else!guess who takes over.
Sometimes we need an abject failure to illustrate how awful things can get and how much we long for the days when we didn’t have such a disaster in the White House. Biden and Harris and their administration have educated us, I hope, in exactly what not to do. This is not rocket science.
Opportunists know exactly when to pounce. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, quiescent terrorist groups both domestic and foreign…they’re all lining up to make their move. Instead of strengthening American values and safeguarding our resources, biden has squandered any prosperity initiated by President Trump. I’m constantly amazed by the monthly increases in grocery store prices, and gasoline is on the rise.
At a time when our country should be courting support for freedom and building alliances around the globe, biden is weakening us and turning the United States into the butt of the joke. Who’d want to be on that team?
This could certainly confuse the Biden regime. How can Progressive Democrats oppose Russia while catering to Communist China if the two are working together? Next to join them, Islamic foes.