
National Security , Newsline

Canadian Truckers – Freedom in Action

Posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Canadian truckers are mad about government overreach. The Canadian Government – supported by Biden – hit them “like a ton of bricks” for peacefully protesting. They remain, despite a court order, at a northern border crossing. Hard truth? This is freedom in action.

How can a Canadian Prime Minister, shamelessly reinforced by the Biden White House, demonize peaceful acts of civil disobedience, akin to our First Amendment?

Fact: Canadian truckers in Ottawa have peacefully gathered, children in tow, to tell Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau they want a conversation, end to overreach, sick of mandates. 

Fact:  In response, they were vilified, stripped of protest rights, in some cases stripped of sustenance, unable to get a hearing for basic grievances. In 1979, thousands of American farmers on tractors filled Washington DC. That could happen again, as the idea is spreading.

Big question: How can free citizens be denied a basic right to seek remedy for grievance? How can they be foreclosed from saying their government overstepped, restrictions damaging lives?

How can a free person be so boldly disenfranchised? If in Canada, when will it happen here? And how – exactly – does this differ from leftist protests in 2020, which were all allowed? Is there a different standard for leftists and freedom-focused protests? Is that the new normal?

The Canadian Prime Minister lambasted these peaceful truckers, who set up “moon bounces” for kids and just want to talk on the vaccine mandate. The government declined, says the protest “has to stop,” is “an insult to truth,” and victimizes the nation. Really? See, e.g., Freedom Convoy: Trudeau calls trucker protest an ‘insult to truth.’

On the flip side, the freedom-focused truckers are not backing down. Despite a court order to disperse, they see themselves as a “freedom convoy.” One emblematically said, “We’re not caving in, we’re not moving, we’re not backing down.” Should they not be heard? See, e.g., ‘We’re not backing down’: Canadian truckers share message to Trudeau.

Said another: “Just know that every trucker out here, we’re willing to go to jail, we’re willing to lose our trucks,” when speaking with Fox News. Half of them have already suffered losses.

Meantime, the Biden Administration seems preoccupied by their own mandates, ready to back Trudeau, even working to help him break the freedom protest – not speaking to the core issue, extended, persistent, life-changing government overreach and the public reaction to it. See, e.g., Truckers convoy in US could disrupt Super Bowl, Joe Biden’s State of the Union, DHS memo says.

The real tragedy is front-and-center, getting little ink. Free people, whether they speak on social media, in their schools or town meetings, come by foot, on tractors or trucks, should be heard. 

Freedom of speech – the ability to peacefully protest government overreach – is as fundamental to self-government as any right enshrined in our Bill of Rights, or parallel Canadian provisions. When governments push unconstitutional mandates, suppress, and fail to redress – rather than accommodating concerns and free speech – they tread a dangerous line. People see, and resist.

Today, that line is on the US-Canadian border, in truck cabs, on lips of freedom-loving citizens to our north. Tomorrow, it could be here. Listening to – and communicating with – those who respect freedom is what leaders should do, not default to increasingly indefensible mandates.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Trudeau invoking Emerg Powers to take down Convoy

2 years ago

Trudeau: the embodiment of the Wizard of Oz in real time…no heart, no brain, no courage!

2 years ago

Good to see someone, somewhere that is willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms in the face of government oppression. Go truckers!!!! I only wish we had that kind of spirit still alive here in the United States. Also, it is NOT surprising to see the how easily petty little autocrats, like Trudeau and his “progressive” (socialist) administration, quickly resort to invoking so-called emergency powers to try and crush any meaningful resistance to their autocratic rule. It’s what socialists everywhere do when they face a united front against their unilateral rule. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time until Trudeau unleashes the military to “restore order” against Canadians that are been completely peaceful to date in their protest against his edicts.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

we gave up the manhood willingly and became tha wards of the big father in Washington no need for delusions

2 years ago

Trudeau, Biden, Harris and Pelosi should be made to occupy the same jail cell for what they’ve done. Since Vietnam days, I have never witnessed such blatant pigheadedness and single-minded stupidity in government. This will not end well. The absence of a national transportation of product will raise prices and contribute to even more riots. WHAT are these fools thinking? Hopefully, military personnel and LEO’s will have enough integrity to not enforce the attempted Marshal Law that’s coming. Keep yer powder dry, folks.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Broke through the Iron Curtain here this morning. Fox News & Friends identify themselves as not belonging to the Mainstream Media Censorship and Blackout Agenda. Gee Willikers they actually talked about Hillary spying on the Trump Administration, Children in the State of Virginia who have a lawsuit regarding Face Masks, and Trudeau Playing Dictator. Turn to MSNBC and you get NOTHING & I do mean NOTHING. CNN has lost its ratings much like Biden & Company. CNN approximately 25% of the nation watching. Biden & Company; (if you count the rats leaving the White House with their little suitcases), maybe, 25% approval. Everyone is wondering where and when is the next chess move from Biden Corporation? Will there even be a State of the Union Address? Oh, yea, March. However, what is the next distraction event; (also, called a ‘false flag event’?) You know, Trudeau has all the bank accounts in Canada under surveillance? Russia in the background. Pelosi says we have to stand for democracy; and help the Ukraine. (The democrats have such a great track record promoting democracy too: like defunding the police, demonizing the police, face mask mandates, Wokeism, destroying historical statues, and demanding that everyone take exactly the same medical remedies for everything.) Free of charge; of course! Stay Tuned outside of the Iron Curtain and get a glimpse of just what could be next. Our Founding Fathers would turn over in their grave if they could see this malarkey. May God Preserve Us & This Beautiful Country!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Once again Captain Obvious you speak the truth of things we already know. Now tell us what we can do about all of this BS because as sure as the sun rises in the east, it’s going to happen here. Please don’t tell us how the next election will cure all our nation’s ills, because no limp wristed spineless Republican is going to save us after the next election.

What are we going to do to save this nation?

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

Count me in if it comes here! It’s time to make a real stand and bring these out of control tyrants to their knees. How can they possibly imprison millions of us at one time? Let’s do it.

2 years ago

How can we send money to them now that many funding platforms have been compromised? Dump money from a helicopter?

2 years ago

Our government, full of Fascists, is ready to be taken down and rebuilt.
America doesn’t have a real government any longer. What we’ve had since the 80s is a corrupt bunch of wealthy thugs in office to rob our till to give it to themselves and their pals, while they harm the citizens.
This government needs destroyed. New people, and new laws must be brought in and reformulated, with actual CONSEQUENCES included for violating our Constitution and their oaths.
Immediate removal from office for the above.
No pensions upon retirement.
The same health care we get upon retirement.
But first and foremost….politicians MUST live by any rule they foist on us. Period. No exemptions for themselves.
America has a right to a government that protects us.
Not foreigners.

2 years ago

Love Mr. Charles’ article of truth. BUT, now what? What can people do when the government goes this far past and is willing to put people in jail for “freedom of speech” and voicing the American freedoms? There must be a better way. Government should be removed itself when it comes to this much power (communistic rules). This is not freedom. Who is going to listen. Who is going to remove the suppression?

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

We’ve allowed the government to install Progressive WOKE idiots into every official position. From the DOJ, to the FBI, to our Supreme Court, and our Military is now compromised with weak thin skinned weenies!! How does anyone have a path to sanity from here? The citizens are weak, now our entire country is weak. We saw what the Demonrats did in our 2020 election. They lied and schemed against President Trump for four years, with barely a move from the Republicans. Oh sure, they rattled their Sabres and got each other all riled up, but that was it. They were totally clueless as to what Nancy, Chuck, and Schiff were actually capable of in our last election. Not entirely sure if Mitch didn’t also have something to do with it. With all our government agencies compromised how is anything, by any one of us going to get things turned around?
I’m thankful for this one thing that I am absolutely sure of; Almighty God is in charge! I’m not saying I’m not afraid for this country where God is concerned, because I know He’s ‘angry with the wicked everyday.’
People in this country have turned to God for His mercy and forgiveness, but is that going to be enough now? Only God knows how far we can slip. Like the scripture says about the unjust Judge; he said, ‘even though I fear not God, I will relieve this woman of her enemy, for her continual pressing upon me to intervene.’
God said to ‘listen to what the unjust Judge saith.’ Just keep praying God will bring our country back to HIM!!

2 years ago

At this point in time I do not see how this is going to end up well for any side. And Hannity is bashing Canada & Trudeau over handling of Covid is not the smartest thing to do. Hannity must reaize that USA has the most deaths & cases of any country in the world, so we should not be bashing anyone, but we should figure out why this happened this way in the Greatest country in the world.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

Trudeau and the liberals must go. Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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