
National Security , Newsline

Biden’s Immigration Policy – Dangerous Mess

Posted on Tuesday, March 2, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

BidenPresident Biden’s immigration policy is a mess. Go figure. His executive orders, draft legislation, operational changes, and public statements are contradictory, confusing to onlookers, and threaten America’s public’s health, safety, and security – however defined. Here is why.

In the biggest baffle of the moment, Biden has swiftly upended Trump policies protecting the Southwest border.  He halted border wall construction, reprogrammed security monies.  He revoked a third-party agreement with Mexico detaining refugees and asylum seekers claiming “persecution” by their country of origin, since they do not fear Mexico.

He reinstituted Obama’s “catch and release” program for illegal crossers, hoping they return for a hearing – which most do not.  He doubled down welcoming illegal “unaccompanied minors,” promising not to deport but find a home for them, detaining in the same facilities Trump used.

Biden nonsensically issued guidance making the term “illegal alien” by federal employees impermissible. He barred deportations for 100 days, an action reversed by a federal judge, but not settled.  His proposed legislation is worse, institutionalizing incentives for illegal entry, fast tracking illegals to citizenship, lifting limits and parameters in place for decades.

The result has been an unmitigated disaster – a mass surge of illegals, especially unaccompanied minors, no place to put them and no end in sight. See, e.g.,—-heres-what-you-need-to-know/ar-BB1e1hNe?ocid=uxbndlbing.

“So far this year, Border Patrol has apprehended more than 75,000 people crossing the border illegally” or “double one year ago” and “highest in the last 10 years.”  These are the caught. See,  Moreover, 13,000 unaccompanied minors are expected in May.  See, e.g.,

Stepping back, Biden is deprioritizing US citizen health and safety – for a narrow Democrat constituency. See,   All this is mid-COVID, as ICE concedes no border COVID tests – at a time of rampant reinfection, mutation, no masks or distancing by illegals.

Then, on February 24, Biden “lifted the freeze” on green cards – which President Trump had put in place to protect US citizens in our job market. He reversed visa restrictions aimed at protecting American workers during the COVID-19 economic downturn. See, e.g.,;

Let us get the facts right. Trump authorized visa limits during COVID to protect US job seekers. He did this by barring new foreign nationals from competing for US jobs.  Data is essential to understanding why Trump’s policy made good sense – and Biden’s makes absolutely no sense.

Pre-pandemic, the US economy was buzzing, US labor market tight, US unemployment at 3.5 percent, with 5.7 million Americans seeking jobs in February 2020. Today, daily COVID infections exceed third-quarter 2020 – and the crisis continues.  US unemployment is up to 6.3 percent, with 10 million Americans seeking jobs.

Why would any president increase foreign nationals competing in the US market? Answer is – no good reason, unless willing to disenfranchise US citizens to satisfy a narrow political constituency, widen potential illegal voting, or prioritize international approval over US citizen health, safety, and employment.;  Think:  Does it make sense to prioritize foreign interests in employment over unemployed Americans, particularly with half not unemployed by choice – but by government action?  No.

For the record, the US already makes available 50,000 visas to immigrants “underrepresented” in the US.  Looking ahead, listen for the “sound of silence” end of March.  Trump’s order restricting issuance of other visas, H1B, L1, J1, and H4, ends March 31. Biden shows no signs of extending it. You might say, “Katie bar the door.”

Added insight:  Biden’s damaging immigration policies are like what he did to the energy sector. Prioritizing international approval and a slice of his base over US jobs, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, effectively ended fracking, nobbled offshore drilling, raised oil and gas prices, and sacrificed US energy independence – for what he thinks is his party’s gain.

On energy, as on immigration, Biden is content to give away thousands of American jobs to foreigners.  He takes money from US citizen pockets and puts it in foreign pockets.  He is glibly ushering in high energy prices, foreign dependence, and inflation – which lowers the value of the dollar.  In energy, as in immigration, policy seems to be “Forget America First,” not surprisingly the exact message he delivered to a “Virtual G-7” meeting last month.

Messy and dangerous is getting bizarre.  Biden’s legislation would limit future presidents’ ability to regulate immigration. Unconstitutional, the idea is strangely akin to announced plans for restricting presidential authority over nuclear weapons.  On what basis?

Again, why? The answer seems to be preemption of future presidents’ ability to prioritize US citizens over foreign nationals.  The “why-within-the-why” is likely the same as above.  In Biden’s world, party politics and international approval are paramount.  American citizen interest in preserving citizenship, good jobs, low energy prices, health and safety, rank second.  Go figure.

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3 years ago

The so-called Biden administration’s immigration policy is only messy if you ignore the ultimate endgame of the Democrat Party. By allowing an open spigot of illegal immigration, coupled with the planned quick path to citizenship (and voting rights) for the approximately 40 million illegals already in this country, the Democrats achieve their desired endgame of perpetual control of Congress, the White House and ultimately, over time, the Supreme Court by having overwhelming numbers of Democrat voters to win any election. Coupled with the proposed voting law changes outlined in H.R. 1 / S.R. 1, the methodology the Democrat Party intends to utilize to achieve their goal is painfully obvious.

It’s all about maintaining a complete grip on power indefinitely. Plain and simple. Every action the Democrat Party and its members propose or actually implement is to achieve that end goal. All the other references to concerns about the Democrat Party wanting international approval or any perceived concerns about the well being of American citizens simply serves to deflect away from the real rationale driving their actions.

The Democrat Party is not only telegraphing their intent and means to achieve their goals, they are shouting it through a megaphone over the air ways, via the MSM, to the public on a daily basis. Several world news organizations around the world seem to understand all this just fine. There are actual real news outlets still out there, that report the news fairly and honestly. They are deeply concerned that the American people, for whatever reason, continue to DO NOTHING in the face of this obvious plan. It’s not like the Democrats are being subtle.

People all over the world are fighting to get a tenth of the freedoms that Americans still enjoy. Look at Myramar or Hong Kong as two recent examples. However here in the United States, it seems the best we can muster is a collective shrug of the shoulders, as we roll over and go back to sleep. Pretty sad and a terrible example to freedom loving people around the world.

Victoria Johnson
Victoria Johnson
3 years ago

You say “He reinstituted Obama’s “catch and release” program for illegal crossers, hoping they return for a hearing….”. They’re not “hoping they return for a hearing”, they’re counting on them not returning for a hearing. They want them to disappear into the interior until they can make them citizens which will make the need for a hearing moot.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Immigration policy also to Spread Wuhan virus X1000 since illegals go anyplace
Whole nation at risk aside rise in more crimes

3 years ago

Joe is keeping his record perfect. He is and always has been an utter failure at everything he’s ever done!

3 years ago

Joe is incapable .. The video he said ill take question ok Nancy? There was no audience. The video suddenly ended? Joe is being used .. remove Joe Put President Donald Trump who won the election that was stolen

Walter Grell
Walter Grell
3 years ago

It’s all about the individual best interest versus what’s best for the country.

Ed Shick
Ed Shick
3 years ago

Every thing Trump did was for America , I took an oath and was a Combat Medic in Korea ! I really can in no way think Biden Won , as I follow the Republican Party , I am 90 No one has went off the deep edge like Joe Biden on going for Communism , Well ther are more like Obama and Schiff , Pelosi Schumer and others in Congress , They now have a Fence! We should get the Fence done on our southern Border , and the voting age Biden wants to drop should go back to 21, and we need the NRA

3 years ago

They have made a mess of everything they have touched. Immigration is just the policy getting the most attention right now. Energy, the economy, the military,
the budget, voting rights and more are being bent and twisted to a socialist agenda.
By pushing immigration to the forefront, the dems are hoping the public will forget
about the other issues, as they work towards destroying America as we know it.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago

Biden is against American workers! He and his party’s only aim is to destroy this country!

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

Biden is an idiot.
Harris is too.
Pelosi is three.
Schumer is four.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Pandemic issues, illegal boarder crossings, over-taxed medical systems due to boarder policies, flooding the market with illegal workers competing against Americans who have lost jobs, minors with no supporting family system…..and on and on. And O’Biden says that we are Neanderthals.
Well, I would like someone to comment on one positive thing he had done for Americans since the 20th of January. This is a sham….an outright fleecing of America. He is both ill with dementia, and controlled by a others in all things he says and does. His handlers are Marxist Democrats with their sights on power and control of everything in our country. From counter culture to the razor wire wall around the Capitol Building….there is nothing that O’Biden had done in a positive way for this country. These failures will be with us for years. I would be willing to bet that even the moderate Democrats did not buy into this garbage.

3 years ago

He doesn’t care! He doesn’t have to live with them! Remember this is the same guy who wanted the door knobs in the White House replaced

3 years ago

He should be brought up on murder charges for anyone killed due to this stupid policy.

Constance Tyler
Constance Tyler
3 years ago

Biden was put in place by the Bilderberg group to completely take down our country as planned many years ago.

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
3 years ago

I cannot begin to comprehend how these minds work this way!

Dominic Cisco
Dominic Cisco
3 years ago

What this is clearly is Comrade O’s 3rd term. He’s just working from home like so many others. All of his criminal friends [Comey, Shift, Harris and comrades] are there pushing the buttons for him.

3 years ago

Treason is to good for the dumpiest President we ever had ! Guess what we to to people that are traitors

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Biden’s immigration policies are an abomination to our country, but then again so is he in general. The fools who voted for him voted for the destruction of our nation which he might actually accomplish. There has not been one single policy of his that betters our nation or improves things for our citizens. The sad thing is that we expected it. Now here’s the worst part. If the Democrats manage to get it implemented, they will force enough election fraud that we may never recover. Using the phony claim of voter suppression, they are pushing policies that may prevent a fair and honest election ever again.

3 years ago

how is it that the dictator chinajoe gets away with this? impeach that bum before he does more damage

3 years ago

Joebama along with those pulling the string won’t stop until they completely destroy America.

3 years ago

Your words “Party politics and international approval are paramount” is the key!! And I want to add, we having a sitting President who is mentally not all there. The 2 times I’ve heard him speak this year (I can’t even say ‘after election’ because I don’t believe it was legitimate), Obiden stutters, has trouble completing sentences, doesn’t remember he got vaccinated and his wife finishes the sentences for him is truly a physical and mental health condition that is evident to me. Keep praying that our God will help us!

3 years ago

Aren’t we happy the November, 2020 election was stolen so we could be blessed with “sloppy Joe?”

3 years ago

The last poll on Biden’s approval rating was 61% , so I guess 61% of the voters believe he is doing a good job. I guess were missing something?

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Since Biden wants to let illegals into the USA, he should have to pay for them himself at his own expense and also he held accountable and responsible for any and all crimes they commit!!

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
3 years ago

Biden’s immigration policies weren’t intended to be effective to protect our Country or observe the law; they were intended to carry out the Democrat political agenda.

Patriot bro
Patriot bro
3 years ago

Does anyone wonder why ammo is flying off store shelves. Now you can guess why the razor wire and troops are staying at the capitol.

3 years ago

I am worried about his foray into gun control. Did he not take an oath to defend the Constitution? Common sense is concealed carry reciprocity throughout the country.

3 years ago

What would anyone expect from this loony old man with dementia// Why don/t the immigrants who came here legally and worked hard for their citizenship rise up and demand this current situation comes to an abrupt end//these illegals will not only destroy some cities ,,but will take your jobs. Who ever voted for this dimwit deserves the blame and as the saying goes=you got what you deserve//

Paula Henley
Paula Henley
3 years ago

Biden seems to favor foreigners over American citizens.

Sandra "Sandy" Cheuvront
Sandra "Sandy" Cheuvront
3 years ago

He is a communist. Communists want to destroy freedom and they will stop at nothing to do it. The writing is on the wall. God has already blessed America.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

All true Bobby. On top of that, SCOTUS has dismissed 3 of DJT’s appeals against sanctuary cities. Why? Because it has become an institution presided over by overt political hacks and blatant COWARDS. RIP United States of America…it was great while it lasted. What sickens me is that it is during my lifetime that it died. Did I say died? What I meant was murdered. Murdered by traitors and cowards. Murdered by the enemy within.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Biden (the Brain Fart President) is a King Midas in reverse – everything he touches turns instantly to sh*t! Biden and his Demshevik handlers are all Charter Members of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position they espouse or embrace, the exact opposite is usually true). Their immigration policies are but one example of this.

They are totally intoxicated with their political power, pure and simple. There is no rationality in their actions, other than the rabid pursuit of their dystopian political ideologies and to pander to (and payoff) their support base. The saddest part is that they are using our own government against the American people and simply don’t care about the harm they are doing.

These Demshevik traitors are prima facie evidence that the Trump Derangement Syndrome is still alive and well, and continues to metastasize unabated into a most virulent form. Their every action serves to confirm (actually reconfirm) their TDS affliction and their addiction has become firmly and irrevocably entrenched. Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!

3 years ago

Thousands of illegals are being sent to Tucson Az. opening the floodgates to more crime, disease and poverty. Thank you socialist liberal leftist for helping to destroy the America our forfathers fought and died for to protect . Liberalism is a mental disease.

3 years ago

Actually, Biden is the dangerous mess who doesn’t know his butt from his elbow…and the puppet master is Soros. When are folks going to wake up and realize, whether Republican or Democrat, they will be paying the price for the destruction of this country by this horrible man?

Barry Courtnay
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago

Has anyone been hearing of the National Guard getting sick after eating bad food in Washington? I have not heard any national news CNN, Fox, CBS, NBC say anything about this. How rotten are the leaders that these people are protecting? This administration has the worst record for the first two months of any administration in history. The time has come the states take back the power the federal government has stripped us of. The southern border is going to be an epic disaster, the covid bill is nothing more than a wish list for the left. I am in a blue state right now, looking to move to one of the Carolinas or Tennessee. This is a shame that people have to move to get away from tyrant governors like many in the blue states. I have a concern that Joe Biden has yet to give a news conference. Plus the people around him are making excuse after excuse why he is having so much trouble speaking every day. Saying that’s just Joe. He is the leader of the free world, it’s time he takes this role to heart. Write your representatives no matter if they are Democrats or Republicans and let them know of your concerns. I have contacted some of my state’s representatives with no answers back, which is no surprise. I have had better luck with leaders of other states than my state of Michigan. They’re some good leaders trying to stop the mass takeover of our rights that we were born with. ( GOD given RIGHTS). Let’s all show the bad leaders, that we know who you are and if you don’t start representing the people, we will find someone that will. Have a Bless day!

3 years ago

The democrats are the tool of the devil. Until we get term limits and stop big government we are in trouble.we the people own this country not the government.

3 years ago

Biden has no clue where he is. He sold out America long ago. Maybe we should listen again to the Navy LT that was in business with the Biden’s. All seemed to be getting greased by China. These illegals are not being medically screened or treated are they? Are you willing to have them move in next to you during this Pandemic and financially support them? I am not-no longer willing to support them. If one American citizen dies from these Illegals, we need to put Biden and the rest of these Socialist Dems in jail where they belong. Oh, that would leave us with the dope smoking Harris and then Pelosi would move into the no 2 seat-What a joke. They all need to go to jail too. We all know this election was a fraud and no one is doing anything about it. Thus, we suffer the consequences. Great Representatives we have-what a Joke.

3 years ago

King Herald Biden (See Matthew New Testament) wants to let everyone cross borders regardless of employment skill set or Covid test results yet he gets bent out of shape when states relax masking rules.

3 years ago

You kind of blew the headline there, AMAC. Just “Biden – A Dangerous Mess” would have been more correct!

3 years ago

The left and their elites are all globalist! They don’t care about the average citizen unless it’s to exploit them for power and control! One world government is the left not the right and Biden is just marching to the Obama orders that Obama started years ago! If Hillary had beat Trump, she would have been the one doing this crap! The country voted for this mess so the country is getting what it wanted! Hope all those who voted for the left remember this come next election.

3 years ago

This is Obama policy intended to destroy USA capitalist system/economy and insure the Communist/Demo-rat party 20 to 30 million new voters to replace the fraudulent phony ones the used to steal the 2020 election. It surely is not that hard to figure, is it??

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
3 years ago

I get very annoyed as someone who cam here legally, We all know that with every iilegal immigrant the Dems add another voter to the corrupt election debacle. Its time to draw a line and say no more. If they are wanting immigration reform lets do it through Congress and theSenate, not with the stroke of a pen!.

Artbur Warmack
Artbur Warmack
3 years ago

Initially I laughed at the waste of tens of millions of dollars in fortifying the Capital Building and then the Speaker and her lemming Democrat House followers began churning out nation ending bills that will destroy our way of life and indeed make our country unrecognizable from what we have loved and supported all of our lives. Perhaps Nancy “Skeletor” Pelosi is right in fearing the people attacking Congress as Congress sure is attacking the American People. The crap they are forcing on us all is getting so horrendous that one wonders if it might be time to utilize the Second Amendment for its intended purpose and that is and always has been for the American People to fight against a potential tyrannical government. Sadly we now have an incredibly tyrannical government.

Jane CA
Jane CA
3 years ago

It looks like the only way to stop this is Impeachment of both Biden and Harris and declare Pelosi incompetent to run this country. Then lets have a legal election for President!

3 years ago

Biden is a clueless idiot. I am sick of reading about him and turning him off. He is mortgaging the future of this country.

3 years ago

I fear for our country!!! Biden is making a mess of our country and seems to be a puppet for a crazy CA woman to get back at Trump rather than caring for the welfare of the American people

Richie Naples
Richie Naples
3 years ago

he has become a king without any thought for Americans what’s new

Roy Ruprecht
Roy Ruprecht
3 years ago

Democrats feel they have gotten all they can from the American people. And what they haven’t got freely they now are trying to take. Allowing these people in to the US will give them a new voter base. They also know that they stand a good chance of losing both houses in 2022 so they are trying to pass as much of their leftist agenda as the can.

3 years ago

Biden and the left’s actions are only confusing if think about them from a normal American’s perspective. Meaning someone who loves the USA, want to grow the economy, concerns about the pandemic spread, etc.
When you put Biden’s actions in the context of the left’s real objective, a permanent power grab, they all make sense.
Biden has done the following;

  • Stopped border enforcement openly inviting millions of new illegals into the country
  • Signed an exec order making it illegal for states to challenge relocation of illegals into their states
  • Proposed a quick 3 year path to citizen ship for the 20+ million illegals in the country

When you look at it as a power grab to ensure the left wins in 2024, here’s how it fits. Millions of new voters (illegals) that have a >90% probability of voting democrat. Millions of new dem voters that can be relocated across the country into conservative states. And why a 3 year path to citizenship instead of the normal 8? Because when millions of new leftist voters become citizens in 2023, they are now eligible to vote in the 2024 election.
Looking at every action by the Democrats in light of their true objective and every one of their actions and new law proposals make sense.

  • Statehood for Puerto Rico and DC: more democrats in the house and senate helping to ensure permanent control
  • Mandated 1619 and BLM/woke training: indoctrination of future voters
  • Lowering voting age to 16: indoctrinated youth can impact elections quicker
  • Removing voter ID requirements: Enable rigged elections

The list goes on and on.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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