Biden’s Immigration Policy – Dangerous Mess

Posted on Tuesday, March 2, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

President Biden’s immigration policy is a mess. Go figure. His executive orders, draft legislation, operational changes, and public statements are contradictory, confusing to onlookers, and threaten America’s public’s health, safety, and security – however defined. Here is why.

In the biggest baffle of the moment, Biden has swiftly upended Trump policies protecting the Southwest border.  He halted border wall construction, reprogrammed security monies.  He revoked a third-party agreement with Mexico detaining refugees and asylum seekers claiming “persecution” by their country of origin, since they do not fear Mexico.

He reinstituted Obama’s “catch and release” program for illegal crossers, hoping they return for a hearing – which most do not.  He doubled down welcoming illegal “unaccompanied minors,” promising not to deport but find a home for them, detaining in the same facilities Trump used.

Biden nonsensically issued guidance making the term “illegal alien” by federal employees impermissible. He barred deportations for 100 days, an action reversed by a federal judge, but not settled.  His proposed legislation is worse, institutionalizing incentives for illegal entry, fast tracking illegals to citizenship, lifting limits and parameters in place for decades.

The result has been an unmitigated disaster – a mass surge of illegals, especially unaccompanied minors, no place to put them and no end in sight. See, e.g.,—-heres-what-you-need-to-know/ar-BB1e1hNe?ocid=uxbndlbing.

“So far this year, Border Patrol has apprehended more than 75,000 people crossing the border illegally” or “double one year ago” and “highest in the last 10 years.”  These are the caught. See,  Moreover, 13,000 unaccompanied minors are expected in May.  See, e.g.,

Stepping back, Biden is deprioritizing US citizen health and safety – for a narrow Democrat constituency. See,   All this is mid-COVID, as ICE concedes no border COVID tests – at a time of rampant reinfection, mutation, no masks or distancing by illegals.

Then, on February 24, Biden “lifted the freeze” on green cards – which President Trump had put in place to protect US citizens in our job market. He reversed visa restrictions aimed at protecting American workers during the COVID-19 economic downturn. See, e.g.,;

Let us get the facts right. Trump authorized visa limits during COVID to protect US job seekers. He did this by barring new foreign nationals from competing for US jobs.  Data is essential to understanding why Trump’s policy made good sense – and Biden’s makes absolutely no sense.

Pre-pandemic, the US economy was buzzing, US labor market tight, US unemployment at 3.5 percent, with 5.7 million Americans seeking jobs in February 2020. Today, daily COVID infections exceed third-quarter 2020 – and the crisis continues.  US unemployment is up to 6.3 percent, with 10 million Americans seeking jobs.

Why would any president increase foreign nationals competing in the US market? Answer is – no good reason, unless willing to disenfranchise US citizens to satisfy a narrow political constituency, widen potential illegal voting, or prioritize international approval over US citizen health, safety, and employment.;  Think:  Does it make sense to prioritize foreign interests in employment over unemployed Americans, particularly with half not unemployed by choice – but by government action?  No.

For the record, the US already makes available 50,000 visas to immigrants “underrepresented” in the US.  Looking ahead, listen for the “sound of silence” end of March.  Trump’s order restricting issuance of other visas, H1B, L1, J1, and H4, ends March 31. Biden shows no signs of extending it. You might say, “Katie bar the door.”

Added insight:  Biden’s damaging immigration policies are like what he did to the energy sector. Prioritizing international approval and a slice of his base over US jobs, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, effectively ended fracking, nobbled offshore drilling, raised oil and gas prices, and sacrificed US energy independence – for what he thinks is his party’s gain.

On energy, as on immigration, Biden is content to give away thousands of American jobs to foreigners.  He takes money from US citizen pockets and puts it in foreign pockets.  He is glibly ushering in high energy prices, foreign dependence, and inflation – which lowers the value of the dollar.  In energy, as in immigration, policy seems to be “Forget America First,” not surprisingly the exact message he delivered to a “Virtual G-7” meeting last month.

Messy and dangerous is getting bizarre.  Biden’s legislation would limit future presidents’ ability to regulate immigration. Unconstitutional, the idea is strangely akin to announced plans for restricting presidential authority over nuclear weapons.  On what basis?

Again, why? The answer seems to be preemption of future presidents’ ability to prioritize US citizens over foreign nationals.  The “why-within-the-why” is likely the same as above.  In Biden’s world, party politics and international approval are paramount.  American citizen interest in preserving citizenship, good jobs, low energy prices, health and safety, rank second.  Go figure.