
National Security , Newsline

Biden Using Border Disaster as Campaign Stunt

Posted on Friday, October 6, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
President Joe Biden walks with U.S. Border Patrol agents along a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico Border, Sunday, January 8, 2023, in El Paso . (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

First, they want it, and then they don’t. There’s an “immediate need” for restarting the border wall, then there isn’t. They’re building the wall, but they insist it won’t work. The Biden administration and its various stooges just can’t keep their gaslighting straight.

After years of telling us that the border was closed and secure, the Biden administration and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas at first implied there was an emergency at the border. There is suddenly an “acute and immediate need” for a… wall. That’s right. The government itself reports about 245,000 illegal entries in the Rio Grande Valley Sector during the current fiscal year. Customs and Border Protection sources tell reporters there were more than 260,000 encounters in September alone.

Now, Mayorkas is scrambling to ensure we know he has no confidence in their border plan. “There is no new Administration policy with respect to border walls. From day one, this Administration has clarified that a border wall is not the answer.” But they’re doing it anyway. Got it.

Yet, the Biden administration has now waived over two dozen federal laws so that these sudden champions of border security can restart Trump’s wall, the very thing Biden campaigned on not doing. In fact, during his 2020 campaign, he told NPR, “There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration…” He was pandering to the Trump hatred they nursed and relied on to get into the White House. Destroying the southern border was a pathological hate-based reaction by Biden and his mob. We wanted it, Trump wanted it so that it would be destroyed.

Take this from the Biden regime’s current flip-flop-flip – Nothing has changed for Biden or those obsessed with keeping our border wide open. This sudden (fake) passion about border security was meant as a distraction, a method with which to gaslight Americans into making them think Biden is serious about securing the border—a laughable assertion. This is busy work in an attempt to convince Americans they care. And they can’t even keep their lines straight.

Moreover, construction on “a few miles” of border wall will also provide video for vulnerable Democrat campaign ads during a time when two-thirds of Democrats want someone other than Biden to be the nominee. That disaffection is a disaster for Democrats as it will be felt from the top to the bottom of the election ballot.

No doubt polls are indicating the American people have had enough and are pushing the Biden White House to try to display some fake empathy about the issues. When Gallup asks, “What is the most important problem facing the country today?” their poll released last week reveals that of “non-economic problems,” the most important problem for Americans is “immigration” second only to “the government/poor leadership.” That same poll finds “Fifty-three percent of Americans believe the Republican Party will do a better job of keeping the country prosperous over the next few years, whereas 39% choose the Democratic Party. A slightly larger majority, 57%, have greater faith in the Republican Party to protect the country from international terrorism and military threats, while 35% favor the Democrats.”


Biden and his mob know exactly the damage they’re causing and are likely confident they have other methods with which to continue the immigration, crime, and economic abuse inflicted on this country. Sure, they can put up a few more miles of wall for election season, but their plan to keep the catastrophic flow of migrants will continue apace.

Through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Center for Immigration Studies has discovered the new method that Biden is using to fly in as many migrants as possible. And it all involves a DHS smartphone app. They report:

“DHS cajoles tens of thousands of intending illegal border-crossers per month to instead go on the CBP One smartphone application and make an appointment with U.S. officials at land ports of entry instead of crossing illegally. After making an appointment, DHS invites these inadmissible aliens to walk over to the American side at the land ports, where U.S. Customs officials quickly ‘parole’ them in, allowing them to travel to a city of their choice in the nation’s interior.”

It doesn’t end there. “But one of the least noticed, mysterious, and potentially the most controversial of the new rechanneling programs that use the CBP One app allows migrants to take commercial passenger flights from foreign countries straight to their American cities of choice, flying right over the border — and even over Mexico,” reports CIS.

“Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Colombians, while they are still in countries south of Mexico, request ‘advance travel authorizations’ through the same CBP One mobile app and take commercial flights (at their own expense) directly into U.S. airports, where U.S. Customs officers parole them into the nation, sight unseen, and in numbers publicly unknown.”

I can hear the laughter in the Oval Office right now—“Sure, tell the boneheads out there we’re building a wall. That’ll calm them down. As long as they don’t notice the app and the flights, LOL!”

But don’t take it from me that they have no intention of securing the border and are ‘building the wall’ because they know it won’t impact their open border agenda. Mayorkas has already backtracked on his language, and now the Big Guy himself told reporters on October 5th that, of course, the wall he ordered and waived 26 federal laws to implement “won’t work,” and all this hullabaloo was because they had to spend the money and he couldn’t stop it. Sure, Jan, it’s a paperwork funding snafu forcing him to do the meaningless border busywork.

Biden wants to pretend he’s not abandoning a campaign pledge in service of a  campaign stunt by whining that he’s being forced by evil border wall funding rules. As our country continues its socio-economic deterioration, the reality is what it always has been for the Democrats— gaslighting, manipulation, and propaganda–  revealing that what’s happening to us and the country is exactly what they want.

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1 year ago

Of course, the just announced new 20 miles of border wall (after just having sold off the construction supplies that Team Biden left to rust in the desert for pennies on the dollar) is a political stunt ahead of the 2024 election. As we get closer to the election, I fully expect we’ll see a number of so-called flip-flops designed to create a false narrative that Biden has changed policies or otherwise become suddenly aware of the damage his policies have done. It is all a massive head fake to try and sway 2 to 5 percent of the uniformed masses to think Team Biden has learned its lesson and is moderating its socialist policies. In short, it is merely a carefully choreographed plan to swing just enough votes to the Democrats to sway the election in the Democrats favor.

Of course, the MSM will do its part and parade a steady stream of the usual talking heads to promote the action as “solving the undocumented migrant crisis” or some other similar narrative to again play to the largely uniformed segment of our society whose views are shaped daily by whatever the MSM tells them to think on a daily basis. If this wasn’t all so easily predictable, it might be somewhat amusing. However, there is nothing amusing about watching the intentional undermining of the country by this administration at every turn.

1 year ago

This stunt that ole Joe pulled yesterday shows exactly how much he has been lying, manipulating, brainwashing the American citizens. From day 1 he has been at it and now we have proof. The lies that a quarter of a million people came into this country this past year while it is a monthly occurrence. 1.5 million getaways since ole Joe is leading us. Building 20 miles of border wall doesn’t mean anything it’s a show so he can say the border wall doesn’t work. We need better emigration laws, he keeps saying. Well come up with a better law. I have one go back to the laws from the 1950’s. Only legal immigrants, needing a sponsor, pass a physical, speak the language, receive a visa then and only then are you allowed to travel to the US. Everyone coming into this country to live should be vetted before crossing the border. Applying on an app and getting a number is not enough. America is the only country in the world that allows foreigners in en masse without conditions. These people are not being pursued in their own country. They are only coming here for the riches. Those 7 million that have come in are costing the American taxpayer billions of dollars to provide for them. Even sanctuary cities and states are screaming the loudest, we don’t want them.
All this is is an election ploy to show Trump and his supporters that the wall doesn’t work. And ole Joe can say I tried you people that are screaming to fix the border. It is all smoke and mirrors we are being lead by an incompetent and his cabinet and the deep state.

1 year ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Publicity stunt to build 20 miles of wall

1 year ago

Its just like Biden and the gang to cause a problem and then make a grand showing like they are fixing it. It’s all scripted and heartless and self serving. This is the true meaning of hypocrites.

1 year ago

Does China and Russia have “secured” borders? If anything they would want to expand their borders! . . . Lying Crooked Joebama Biden DOESN’T WANT A SECURED BORDER! The Democrats ONLY think that every illegal that they allow into America would show their gratitude by then becoming a loyal “Democratic” follower! He’s ONLY reacting to the polls that show that the vast majority of all Americans WANT THE BORDERS CLOSED! By closing the borders its making a Liar out of him which he promised NEVER to do! I don’t remember whether he stated his Open Borders policy before or after he got elected. I don’t think it was before otherwise many people might not have voted for him even though they “STOLE” the Presidentcy anyways!

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

The money was appropriated for the wall. They could not get their hands on it no matter how hard they tried. Money must now be used for the wall or lose it. So they will milk what they can out of it. Also follow the money, watch who gets the contracts.

1 year ago

Biden wanted all the illegals here Let’s round them up and take Biden and his supporters, put them on the other side and build the wall

Fred Horton
Fred Horton
1 year ago

It was obvious from the very first time I heard it that it was all about admitting that the idiot’s policies were a failure. I know it, you know it, and everybody knows it. Well they finally pulled their heads out because their political asses are up against the wall (or lack of it) they are scrambling to save their seat at the table of power. They, Democrats, have alway been more interested in the party not the country. Well Joe sorry buddy the people are not as stupid as you would like to think. Thanks for bringing the USA to the brink of failure, all for your greedy political desires.
So sorry Joe what you and your’s are doing is just TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!

1 year ago

Jackass! Anyone falls for this BULL… they are braindead! How low can they go? Never seen such a farce as this administration. Absolute demonic.

1 year ago

Does anyone expect less of joe and his communist pals? This creep would not know the truth about anything if it so much as came up and bit him in the behind. How does this joker do all he does to our country and actually look in the mirror with any conscience at all? Old george soros is probably enjoying every moment of this idiot in office. It is my understanding that traitors of our country are executed – well joe?

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

You have to give the Biden Administration and Joey credit. They know how to create a disaster. Then figure out a way to blame President Trump and the Ultra MAGA’s. With the help of the mainstream media and the DNC propaganda machine the uninformed hard line Democratic base will buy it hook line and sinker.
“Joey is our hero. He’s securing our Southern Border. He’s building a Border Wall, something President Trump couldn’t do”.
Are the floodgates and other gates on our Southern Border still welded open?

Jack Priest
Jack Priest
1 year ago


Guy Buttersnaps
Guy Buttersnaps
1 year ago

It’s not a campaign stunt – it’s a set up for another planned election theft.
Don’t you people get it?
They come up with something – border wall, soccer moms, covid response, etc. so that after they STEAL the election, they can point back and say – voters reacted to this or that or whatever….blah blah blah…. and stupid people fall for it.
There is only ONE reason Biden is in office – ELECTION FRAUD.
There is only ONE way he stays in office – ELECTION FRAUD.
Wake the hell up!

1 year ago

Give out the app, and let’s flood it with calls repeatedly, tie it up, screw with them, etc.

Blue Daisy
Blue Daisy
1 year ago

Don’t even bother Biden. We know what you’re up to. Just go away quietly. You are a disgrace to the nation!

1 year ago

I’m glad someone finally sees through brandon’s latest scheme!

1 year ago

Good analysis, Tammy. We’re awake and aware and listening. I wouldn’t believe this administration if I was standing in sunlight and they told me it was cloudy. But, sadly, many people don’t trust their own senses.

1 year ago

Joe realizes that the Democrat Party is in a bit of trouble a year before the next election so he has to make some amends with the American people to try to win the next election!! BUT, I don’t think people are going to be so quick to forget all of the problems that Biden and his administration has put on the American people!! This is a political stunt, a sham; Joe is a charlatan and an arrogant man!! This sudden concern for the border and the wall is all hyperbole with no substance!! I know what he said but I don’t believe anything he says!! He has been playing a game with the border and using illegals and citizens as pawns!! It’s despicable!!

1 year ago

Lest we not forget, Biden and Co. have taken Texas to court multiple times to STOP them from installing border barriers.
And if you look at a map of the border showing where the wall was constructed already, where there is no wall, and what Biden is proposing, you’ll see that this “major announcement of Border Security” is addressing probably less than 1% of what is left to be built. Pretty much the equivalent of approving the replacement of 5 bricks to reconstruct a burned down house.
So hell yes, this is all being done for the sake of buying votes. They are picking a small section to build simply so that they can “we support our southern border”.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

This stage coach has been hijacked by robbers and now we are their hostages

1 year ago

Biden might be doing something at the Southern Border, but he is still flying immigrants into airports all over the country. And this is just a lie to get re-elected. Once he’s in again, it will be the same old thing.

1 year ago

this idiot just stumbles on someone else`s work

1 year ago

Not to mention Biden sold what was left of Trumps wall to Canada for scrap! And he had all the gates welded open. He is a traitor and needs to be imprisoned

1 year ago

Yes and since the liberals only listen, read on the phones, and/or watch CNN, The View, etc., they will actually believe their “Emperor Biden” is going to fix this problem!
With more of our money…

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Surprised that Dictator Beijing biden doesn’t have his Cult Leader H. clinton running his Fake campaign Stunt since she’s a master at lying too.
The entire Fascist liberal democrat party needs to be DEPROGRAMMED.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

The only reason why the Biden administration is doing this now is because there is an election coming up in 2024 and the polls don’t look good for them.l

1 year ago

Well, of course, this is a political campaign stunt and I hope that most Americans are smart enough to know that!! Joe nor his Czar, Kamala Harris, have had any concern for the border for 3 years and now they want us to think that, suddenly, they care?? I don’t buy it for a second!!! This isn’t one of the issues that can be suddenly stopped, Joe!!! People are on their way here from all over the world because you, Joe, invited them!!! Now, not only are the southern states, cities and towns being inundated with illegals and the financial burden is tremendous but the northern states, cities and towns are being included in the sharing of those expenses only because Governor Abbott insisted that they share and shipped a bunch of illegals to their blue states, cities and towns!!!!!
There will be no rounding them up at any point because proper records cannot be kept with the shear numbers of illegals!!! Joe and Kamala are laughing at the state they have put our republic in!! We are broke, we are borrowing like there is no tomorrow and Joe is just letting it happen!! Unless we get a good conservative Republican in the White House and a significant lead of good people in the House and Senate, this isn’t going to stop!!! But we have to get rid of these RINOs and old fogies who only want to listen to their party elite and don’t want to listen to their constituents!! They have talking points and agendas but they aren’t necessarily looking out for us as a nation or us as a people!!! I’m very discouraged, dissatisfied, disappointed in our government!!!

1 year ago

I will believe when it when I see it but I sure won’t trust Biden and his purpose. It will not be for the good of the American people but for the hopeful re-election of a bunch of lying cheating Democrats-Socialists-liberals who care for no one than themselves. God help us and protect us from the likes of our present political “leaders.”

1 year ago

We are being PLAYED folks! Only Legislatures MAKE LAW. Biden (Executive branch) has NO Constitutional power to waive or even make any laws. This is another election ploy/hoax. Why, because there is an election coming up and Buy-den is loosing miserably in almost every category of the polls, to Trump. There will be NO wall built. The left wing marxist radicals of the Demorat party absolutely do NOT want a wall built. The left has publicly stated that, they will not stand for it. They will personally rip apart any section of a wall that is actually built. This is all about control, power and staying in office.

1 year ago

This is so disgusting, it’s beyond words… Do they really think we are this stupid as to believe their constant lying? And they’re getting Trump on exaggerating a little his net worth on loans he already have paid off! How much worse can this stuff get?

1 year ago

Too little too late. The Democrats don’t do anything to benefit the country unless they have too. The polls show that a large majority of the American people want to Southern Border secure and now it’s affecting the Democrats politically. Mayorkas should be arrested for loitering for all that he has done to protect our Southern Border. We’ve proven that walls do work as Trump demonstrated and Israel has know for years. It’s a cheap publicity stunt that no one is buying and the Democrats know it.

1 year ago

Worst POSPOTUS we have EVER had!!!

1 year ago

Anyone voting for Biden is a traitor to this country!!!!

1 year ago

I hope Joetard the Traitor is watching what is transpiring in Israel as I type this post. We have a porous border with only God knows what kind of evil is coming in.

Robert Nilson
Robert Nilson
1 year ago

May be a stunt but Brandon it’s trying for brownie points cause election is close at hand . He is failing in every aspect of the word. My vote still goes with Trump.

1 year ago

This is a smoke and mirrors trick. Biden wanted to give a moment of doubt to those who see his policies as a wide open border. The next day he claims that if congress had redirected the money, this moment would not happen. He had a democrat house and senate for 2 years, but he blames the republicans.
This method of passing an appropriation and insisting that it be spent or is lost should stop. The problem is the idea that it is other people’s money.

1 year ago

FANTASTIC article and SO POINT BLANK CLEAR, thanks to Tammy Bruce’s always superb and intelligent approaches to these things. Hey Tammy, wanna run for Speaker of the House?!

1 year ago

Alas, Joe has decided the US has made its quota on drugs and Terrorist for now.

1 year ago

Biden is also using any thing he can as a political stunt for the 2024 election and keep your mind off the real problem

1 year ago

Whoever did not see this tie in has not been paying attention. Left wing useful idiots will, of course, see no disgusting hypocrisy here.

Ed G
Ed G
1 year ago

Democrats play to win. Republicans play to lose gracefully. Game over, I’m afraid.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Hopefully, they’ll build an actual wall since Joe thinks all they need is some stairs or a sand bag to keep people out.

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
1 year ago

The really disgusting and demeaning aspect is that POTUS thinks we believe him and his crude machinations.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 year ago

What an ignorant comment, “r.r.” Contributes nothing of value to the commenting on this article. Try again.

1 year ago

Is it CLARABELLE or PUNKYDOODLE the 15 year old AMERICA HATER spewing his nonsense again?

1 year ago

Hey…FJB, the majority of the American people are not as stupid as you seem to think. We DO have memories, and recall the moronic moves in the first few weeks of you regime when you cancelled ALL of the policies of you far better predecessor, no matter how good those policies were for America. Waiting for your claim that the border wall was actually your idea ALL ALONG. America knows that the “emperor”;is, indeed, naked not matter what the “media tries to tell us.
Biden…Please, just shut up and go away.

1 year ago

We should keep sending all illegal immigrants to towns and homes near voting members of current Congress.

1 year ago

Immigration – here is an interesting article about immigration. The link to the article is There are several other articles related to immigration and immigrants. Be advised of the challenges to our sovereignty due to this terrible and irresponsible policy of our illegal government.

Oliver Holmes
Oliver Holmes
1 year ago

As usual, your missing the obvious, the WALL is going to be used to keep them from escaping Apprehension for Ghosty Joe WYMPS, whom have a more DIABOLICAL plan for the ASYLUM sneekerz…..

Wikipedia web page on computer screen. Wikipedia. com web page loaded on pixelated computer screen. Ditigital web page.
Deportation word gr. Deportation stencil print on the grunge white brick wall
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Washington dc, january 20, 2025:donald j trump the 47th president of us, at his inauguration party. photo of donald j. trump at his inauguration celebration in washington, d. c. , on january 20, 2025

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