
National Security , Newsline

“Beto” Says El Paso Is Safe Because of Immigrants and Asylum Seekers

Posted on Tuesday, April 2, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Beto O'Rourke speechFormer U.S. Representative Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D-Texas), who announced his run for the White House on March 13, addressed a gathering of 1,000 to 2,000 people in the border city of El Paso on March 30.

O’Rourke delivered pro-immigration statements that obviously were aimed at countering one of President Trump’s signature stances — securing the southern border to stop the flood of illegal border crossings into our country.

Trump has addressed the problem of illegal immigrants bringing crime to the United States, stating when he announced his presidential candidacy, “The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”

During his March 30 speech, O’Rourke touted what he claimed was a positive connection between immigration and El Paso’s crime rate, asserting, “We are safe, not despite the fact that we are a city of immigrants and asylum seekers. We are safe because we are a city of immigrants and asylum seekers.”

In January, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton provided the president with another explanation for the diminished crime rate in El Paso — the border fence.

“El Paso used to have one of the highest crime rates in America,” Paxton said. “After that fence went up and separated Juarez, which still has an extremely high crime rate, the crime rates in El Paso now are some of the lowest in the country. So we know it works.”

Last year, the Crime Prevention Research Center released fresh data on crime rates among illegal aliens in another Southwest border state, Arizona. A summary of the study on the organization’s website noted:

Undocumented immigrants are at least 142% more likely to be convicted of a crime than other Arizonans. They also tend to commit more serious crimes and serve 10.5% longer sentences, more likely to be classified as dangerous, and 45% more likely to be gang members than U.S. citizens….

If undocumented immigrants committed crime nationally as they do in Arizona, in 2016 they would have been responsible for over 1,000 more murders, 5,200 rapes, 8,900 robberies, 25,300 aggravated assaults, and 26,900 burglaries.

Joining O’Rourke during his rally was Representative Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), who replaced him in the House. Escobar welcomed those present to the “beautiful, magical, safe and secure U.S.-Mexico border,” adding, “When the border sends America her people, we are sending them our best in Beto O’Rourke.”

Escobar called El Paso “the capital of the border; the new Ellis Island,” ignoring the fact that the millions of immigrants who entered through Ellis Island did so legally.

During his talk, O’Rourke employed a type of “class warfare” theme that has long been typical of socialists and progressives.

“For too long in this country, the powerful have maintained their privilege at the expense of the powerless. They have used fear and division in the same way that our current president uses fear and division — based on the differences between us of race, of ethnicity,” O’Rourke said, without mentioning Trump by name.

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Ron Boutte
Ron Boutte
1 year ago

Anyone who thinks Beto is a God loving American is living in a cloud. He and his family know corruption and how to get by with it for generations. He is not anyone Texas or America needs as a leader. He proves each and every time he speaks. He is a liar and a cheat. Cute as a puppy though.

Bill TX3
Bill TX3
5 years ago

Snakes hiss and spew venom. We know democratic socialist by their hiss.

Michael Javick
Michael Javick
5 years ago

Another whacko nut job—GO marry bug eye Occasional Cortex—YOU ARE A GOOD PAIR–UGH

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

Hiding away from the real problem like Dems always DO, Hide from issues & pretend to care

Raymond Hudson
Raymond Hudson
5 years ago

Francis O’Rourke is the worst kind of Liar and Deceiver! He failed to use one shred of truth in his speech and even attempts to come across as man of color by using a nickname. Trust him not, he will not be with you when things go wrong!! He will also disarm you to ensure his ability to control! Shame on you O’Rourke!

Ed Shick
Ed Shick
5 years ago

I will go with Donald Trump ! He is all American and even donates his salary to our parks system ! What he promised he is doing in spite of the Socialist party

Big Al
Big Al
5 years ago

The odds are in the favor of O’Rourke when he chooses to address the rate of crime as a result of massive border invasion but will not pass the test of time.

5 years ago

Another idiot! Just pandering to future democratic voters. Problem is he pulled a lot of votes during senate run a now he and others think Texas will turn and vote for their ilk.
Hope not..

5 years ago

What if we construct a giant beautiful piece of art along the US-Mexican border….shaped like a wall?

Paul W
Paul W
5 years ago

Even obama’s former secretary of homeland security, Jeh Johnson, said that there is a crisis at the border. O’Rourke is a moron that eats dirt for regenerative heeling. His animated arm flailing and general goofiness lead me to believe that there is something wrong with him. There has been speculation as to why, but I’m not going there…yet. He’s erratic at best. I’m not sure if he’s so delusional that he believes what he’s saying, or just strategizing to make inroads with the low-info voters. His background is shady, like the rest of the “D” presidential hopefuls. Sadly, this clown seems to connect with the indoctrinated Millennials and Gen Xers.

Dolie Bond
Dolie Bond
5 years ago

Oh boy!! Mr. Beto, are you going to let all these people coming here illegally stay with you in your home? The thousands of them coming here? Will you feed them, find them jobs, teach them English? What in the world is going on with stupid people like you Beto? Flailing your arms around like you might take off: I wish you would get some common sense and open your eyes to the real world. El Paso is not Ellis Island, if they want to come here do it LEGALLY!!! Certain drugs are illegal; so are the thousands coming to our United States by just crossing the border without doing it the LEGAL way. What a nut case you are mr. beto.

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

What more can you say? Yet another example of the progressive (regressive) left’s twisted logic and lack of critical thought. Just remember, in almost every case their are two reasons people do or say anything…the GOOD reason and the REAL reason. I wonder what Robert Francis’ REAL reason is?

Irv C
Irv C
5 years ago

It is Mind boggling how anyone can conceive of or believe this Socialist/ Communist crap.

5 years ago

These clowns will say anything to achieve their diluted objectives. What JERK.

5 years ago

Just look at the mug shots of those MS13 gang members. A bunch of them were detained recently in Charlotte, NC. Who would be glad to call them “neighbor”? If Beto would, then there’s something wrong with him. People like Beto can’t see the forest for the trees. They can’t see the obvious connection between border safety and the means (the wall) that procured it. (Actually, they CAN see it, but it doesn’t fit their ideology, so they claim it doesn’t exist.)

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

Point of clarification in the article…Veronica Escobar is a Democrat, NOT a Republican.

Ralph Bretz
Ralph Bretz
5 years ago

Veto beto!!

5 years ago

Where do the Dems find these nut jobs like Beto, Cortez and others. Unfortunately they get elected by the people that buy into
their unrealistic nonsense and lies. They don’t even get their facts straight. it is time the American people woke up and realized what
is going on in our Country with the lies we are being told and the scare tactics they are trying to shove down our throats and into our ears.

5 years ago

Another “ASS” in the Party of “ASSES!”

Silas Longshot
Silas Longshot
5 years ago

Beatoff O’Rourke is beyond any doubt the worst con-man running on the extreme left ‘democrat’ ticket. But he is consistent with the democrat technique of ‘opposites’, meaning that whatever he (or 99% of any other democrat politicians) says, just ‘flip it’ as a concept or statement. If he says the above about illegals making the city safe, for sure it’s just the opposite as the crime stats prove. And as with all democrats, he’s deliberately blurring the line between ILLEGAL and LEGAL immigrants, as if they are the same status as far as the law is concerned.

Walter Rose
Walter Rose
5 years ago

Beto schmeto. This guy is a nothing sandwich. We hope the Dems keep diluting their chances for a 2020 win with these truly unqualified…

Phillip Pucher
Phillip Pucher
5 years ago

As an independent voter and thinker I find it tedious and insulting to be constantly lectured by the Democrats about the sanctity and saintliness of illegal immigrants who by definition are neither since they are breaking our laws by entering our nation illegally. There will be a price to be paid down the road for this deception on the part of Democrats. Of course, they don’t really care as long as they can shift the power back over to their party long term.

Here are some interesting articles about EL PASO for the interested reader:

“From our analysis, we discovered that violent crime in El Paso occurs at a rate higher than in most communities of all population sizes in America. The chance that a person will become a victim of a violent crime in El Paso; such as armed robbery, aggravated assault, rape or murder; is 1 in 258.” Source:

Another opinion: The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime — one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our nation’s most dangerous cities,” Trump said in his State of the Union address Tuesday. “Now, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of our safest cities.

5 years ago

I think that brainless jerks like Beto O’Dork should consider if the illegal immigrants were coming from Canada. Let’s say that the white population up there found it too cold and miserable and very little work to be found. What would Mr. O’Dork’s response be to that? (by the way, O’Dork is a Mark Levin name for him if you did not know).

5 years ago

And this Beto guy is running for President. Could you imaging standing in front of Beto and Escobar and hearing that our U.S.-Mexican border is “beautiful, magical, safe and secure..”? Who the heck were they talking to … wait, don’t answer that? People that voted for Democrats in 2018 and put them in charge of the House of Representatives may get something they’ll be sorry for, but then so will we. The other day, without any supporting data, Rep. Pelosi simply told DHS that … she didn’t believe their numbers so DHS didn’t need help … and that was that, no questions. Remember, remaining congressional Democrats are too busy investigating everything from Trumps parking tickets to good old Russian collusion, and Republicans are simply hiding under their desks. I’ve written to my Congressman and Senators so much … they quit answering. So I guess President Trump is our only hope, but then he needs help from his Party and he’s getting none. Now there have been suggestions, from ex-ICE and Border Patrol folks, to slow the formation of caravans start finding and deporting the “catch-and-release” aliens that failed to show up for their scheduled court hearing, and also to somehow penalize employers that are caught with illegal aliens in their employ. But then Democrats will likely judge-shop and find a very “patriotic” judge that will determine something/anything “unconstitutional” and stop the activity in its tracks. Around 2006, “W” tried to modify our immigration laws with a sprinkling of amnesty, but the American people wanted no part of that idea and rose up to stop it by letting their representatives know their wishes. That tactic should be tried again, it may be the only thing that would work. Sorry for the rant.

5 years ago

This man eats magic dirt. Asked his wife to eat baby poop. Has no concept of economics or knowledge of how the government works. He is delusional. He is the perfect poster boy for “Reasons not to vote for Democrats.”

5 years ago

O’Rourke talks about the powerful having privilege at the expense of the powerless! Well his party is responsible for that!!! They exploit the powerless, make them dependent on the Government, keep them thinking they are victims so they can be exploited every election cycle for votes! These folks know that these so called powerless folks will NEVER rise above poverty if this country becomes socialist. Socialism is all about the powerful getting more power while everyone else suffers!!! O’Rourke is lying and deceiving these people if they think he will actually help them!!! It’s all about helping himself and the Democrat cronies, NOT THE LITTLE GUY!!!! Never has been, never will be!

At least Trump and the Republicans, with tax cuts, and de-regulations are helping the little guy keep more of what they earn so the productive in this country can make their own decisions! I want Government OFF my back and if the folks listening to O’Rourke were educated, they would see right thru his deception!

5 years ago

Jesus said, “Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy.” Jesus said, “Satan is a LIAR from the beginning, and the father of ALL LIES.” So you know who Robert Francis O’Rourke’s real father is, Satan.

5 years ago

Ever hear him talk? Reminds me of an air headed high school student at a pep rally.

5 years ago

Dung heaps should not be given speaking privileges. Especially, dung heaps who ignorant of facts and history.

Chris Bixby
Chris Bixby
5 years ago

Someone forgot to proof read the the story. Representative Veronica Escobar is a democrat and the printing of this story indicates she’s a Republican. Not that there is a whole lot of difference anymore but lets keep the teams straight.
“Joining O’Rourke during his rally was Representative Veronica Escobar (R-Texas), who replaced him in the House.”

5 years ago

This fool is KNUCKING FUTTS!!!!!!!!!

David Lyday
David Lyday
5 years ago

This would be Bobby O’Rourke, the famous faux-Hispanic? Here’s a GREAT idea for Bobby the Chameleon. When he talks to Hispanic audiences, he sticks with “Beto.” When he talks to black voters, he could go to something like “Ice-B” O’Rourke. When he talks to Jewish voters, how about “Bibi” O’Rourke. Or maybe “Bugsy Segal” O’Rourke. “Mickey Cohen” O’Rourke. And down the line. He could be “one of us” to every audience worth lying to in Texas.
One way he could make El Paso safer is to use a designated driver when he’s drunk. That way he won’t have to flee the scene of a drunk car wreck he causes…like he did that other unfortunate time.

Chuck P
Chuck P
5 years ago

Just because Bozo says it’s true doesn’t make it so. He hasn’t offered any evidence or proof to his statements. It’s interesting to note that he is making this talking point AFTER the wall was built on the El Paso border.

Chuck P
Chuck P
5 years ago

It is important to remember that “Bozo” offers no proof or evidence that his talking points are true. It’s interesting to note that he is making these talking points AFTER the wall was built on the El Paso border.

Brad Krones
Brad Krones
5 years ago

One wonders just where the crazy libs find these nuts? This Beto character is a real moron. It surpasses belief…

5 years ago

Uh… Beto? Did you hear the part about the lower crime rate BECAUSE of the wall?

James D. Mele
James D. Mele
5 years ago

What’s with this phoney,why the nickname Beto. What qualifies him to speak about crime rates and border security. Politicians like him lie and distort the facts to fit their agenda. President Trump has the correct plan needed to secure our border and anyone who tries to sabotage his plan is an enemy of this country period. Comparing El Paso to Ellis Island only proves how little this idiot understands the difference between legal and illegal immigrants

David Schultz
David Schultz
5 years ago

He is just like the wealthy since he married a billionaires daughter. Go figure!

Mary Seres
Mary Seres
5 years ago

He is an idiot

5 years ago

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke reminds me of the experts back in 1912 that said the Titanic was unsinkable. America is being sunk by the so called safety of the immigrants and asylum seekers witch most are illegal. If they are making our America safer. So according to Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke they make us safer when we we give the illegals more welfare than the real American people (they get $5.692 to $4.431)
All Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is doing is rearranging the deck chairs and buying more comfortable ones for them when the ship of America sinks.
If this nonsense on the border is not fixed soon captain Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke or shall we call him Captain Smith will go down with America.

Pam L
Pam L
5 years ago

Last Friday, I became statistic 26,901 for Burglary victims. Beto can spew all he wants about how safe El Paso is – he has the luxury of being wealthy enough to live behind a wall. Ironic, isn’t it?

I don’t feel safe in my own neighborhood anymore.

John Edwards
John Edwards
5 years ago

Beto is an ignorant socialist who doesn’t know a thing about America.

Annie in Texas
Annie in Texas
5 years ago

Sure you are safe in El Paso, Beto. You sit in your home in the Historic Sunset Heights District, with your wrought iron window guards and wrought iron screen doors that 98 of El Paso homes have for burglary protection. How do I know this? Because El Paso was my home for 45 years. To know the truth of what goes on in El Paso one has to know a police officer or a fireman, then you will know what really goes on, and believe me a good part of it is NOT in the local news either. My best friend ‘s husband was a captain in the El Paso fire department, my stepdaughter works for them also,

5 years ago

Betoff is a shill for the loony wing of the DNC’ommunist Party. Well, that’s their whole party. Trump will win by the largest margin ever because he is bringing pride back into our party if we can get rid of the loser brigade.

Rick Sams.
Rick Sams.
5 years ago

Beto is another leftist Democrat idiot worse than Maxine Reed , Schumer, Pelosi, Cortez, Omar and Hillary.

5 years ago

Beto is such a lame person and anyone who voted for him or supports his is a nut job! This guy is so ignorant, I don’t know how he is able to exist!

John C. D'Amico
John C. D'Amico
5 years ago

Another smooth talking, tap dancing on tables, arms waving BSr! A charlatan who could sell cure all elixir easily to those who follow. This candidate and others presents a clear and present danger to our Republic!

Sgt. Preston
Sgt. Preston
5 years ago

If Beto thinks El Paso is safe, he needs to be put away someplace nice and secure (ie psychiatric hospital), where they can get him on some medication to help him think logically.. Perhaps he thinks El Paso is safe because he stays in luxury hotels and rides around in a fancy limo with security guards 24/7, but the rest of El Paso and most big cities is NOT like that at all. In most cities, people are murdered EVERY night. So, put Beto some place nice and safe before he can harm himself or harm someone else with his delusional statements.

Leonard mountz
Leonard mountz
5 years ago

We better get these Muslims out too they want America. And their doing a good job of taking are Government over if their not stopped. Trump should bring our military home and get rid of all these muslins before it’s to late.

5 years ago

Beto O’Rourke, is another lying ? Democrat. He is only interested in getting voted into office. He doesn’t care about the United States of America. He’s just like the rest of his party. They want a Socialist US, with high taxes and Big Government. He’d live high on the hog while the middle class disappeared.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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