
Elections , Newsline

Trump Won Thursday’s Debate Looking Stronger Than Ever, Biden Sends His Party Into A Frantic Search For A Replacement

Posted on Friday, June 28, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

There was no question who came out victorious after Thursday evening’s debate.  On policy after policy, from the economy to the border to foreign policy, President Trump hit it out of the park.

Biden stuttered and mumbled all throughout the evening.  His voice sounded weak; his hands shook; he looked every bit the octogenarian in terminal decline conservatives portray him – but even worse.  Afterwards Team Biden attributed this to a “cold,” but no cold explains the mental lapses, irritability, and rank incoherence exhibited by the man all throughout those embarrassing ninety minutes on stage.  

If it wasn’t already obvious, Biden is a mere figurehead for an administration that is beyond his control or capacity to understand.  He has no idea the destruction he has wrought upon our inner cities, the result of a wide-open border and chaos overseas that have flooded the nation with countless illegal aliens, many of whom are military age men that have ravaged every city in our country from coast to coast.

Nor does Biden recognize the harm caused by his fifty-year high inflation rates, or the weaponization of the justice system which has wreaked havoc upon an untold number of innocent American families who are being penalized for merely exercising their rights to speak and assemble by a vindictive regime out for blood.

President Trump is a genuine statesman and Biden a dithering fool.  President Trump has put everything into this presidential contest – he has been indicted by his political opponent, which is without precedent in all American history.  He faces a sham sentencing in less than two weeks, the product of a relentless witch-hunt that has been waged against him ever since the moment he entered the political arena nine years ago.

He has gone through all of that and stands stronger than ever.  Last night’s debate stood testimony to his own willpower, and the strength of the movement he leads.  He has reduced his opponent into a pathetic shell of a man.  To the point where even CNN and MSNBC, and really every major network, broke into panic calling for Biden’s resignation.  They need him to be replaced as their candidate because of how poor of a performance he gave.

Biden was the furthest thing from a competent leader.  Instead, he looked the part of central casting for a nursing home patient.  Undoubtedly, America’s enemies are emboldened by that grotesque display of weakness.  And our allies are shaking in their boots, counting down the days until the next Trump administration. 

For his part, President Trump was very diplomatic even though he shared a stage with the man now attempting to put him behind bars.  He was also gracious, at one point saying that he wished Biden would do a good job for the country – because we all would be the better for it.  Yet, Biden is not someone who is aware of the devastation his policies have brought upon this country, and that was clear based on his struggles to form a coherent sentence.

At one memorable point, President Trump called out his adversary: “I don’t know what he said at the end of his sentence there and I don’t think he knows either!”  But it was apparent already within the first three minutes of that debacle that Biden did not have what it takes.

Some were concerned he would not even last the full ninety minutes, let alone four more years.  This was the first presidential debate in recent memory that had commercial breaks – part of the rules agreed to between CNN and Biden’s campaign beforehand.  These rules were of course designed to give Biden every advantage. 

But even with the rules – and questions, which focused too much on irrelevant issues like climate change and Roe v. Wade, now settled law – rigged in Biden’s favor, he still failed.  Long before the debate had wrapped up, many Democratic operatives were pitching names for Biden’s replacement. Some were calling for an emergency meeting in Washington.  Expect there to be many discussions along these lines between now and the Democratic National Convention.  

However, Biden himself does not appear willing to step down.  In his mind, he did a good job.  There are also logistical problems with swapping him out, particularly at this late stage.  With each passing day, it becomes more difficult for the Democrats to do a last-minute switcheroo.  

There are tremendous risks to that as well: could they find a candidate who could match Biden’s popularity within the party at large?  Although Crooked Joe suffers from historically bad approval ratings, Kamala Harris is even less popular.  Who else do they have on their bench?  Gavin Newsome?  Hillary Clinton?  Michelle Obama?

Their bench is limited.  And creating a vacuum by removing him at this juncture only would lead to the prospect for party infighting, which nobody wants just months away from a critical election.

Regardless, all those questions do not really matter.  President Trump looked a formidable candidate: cool, calm, and collected.  The CNN debate forum helped facilitate a disciplined and focused performance on his part.  He was very knowledgeable on the major policy points that mattered, and adeptly used opportunities throughout to exploit Biden’s weaknesses.

President Trump has been for several months now enjoying some of the strongest poll numbers of his political career.  After that debate, his momentum will doubtlessly only gain in strength.  The Democratic Party remains as fractured as ever, and President Trump cuts the image of unity, which is exactly what our deeply divided country needs right now.

The 45th President’s closing remarks were some of his powerful of the night.  He dealt a fatal blow to Biden, while reassuring that he will bring America back up from near-extermination, close the border, end the weaponized justice system, reduce inflation, and have so many of the foreign conflicts – from Ukraine to the Middle East – resolved before he even steps foot again into the Oval Office and takes the oath as America’s 47th President.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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8 months ago

Biden was a complete disaster! I do hope President Trump will continue to be statesmanlike – the only knock on him by his detractors. The fact that CNNs poll showed Trump won 67-33 only means that 33% of the population are brain-dead robots.

8 months ago

I am REALLY scared that it will be Clinton or Michelle Obama. Two women who have proven that they hate America.

8 months ago

Amen! You pretty much covered ALL the bases We The People already knew! This article had THE most TRUTH we’ve heard in nine long years!!! And YOU were THERE!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
8 months ago

It’s very disturbing that feckless Biden who is both incompetent and mentally challenged still believes in his demented mind that he deserves to be president of the United States. He is so dangerously full of himself that Jill Biden can keep treating him like a primary grade school student who craves inflated praise and support just to get through a day of basic human functioning. Even many of the Trump haters are starting to realize that the Marxist Democrat Party has been propagandizing Joe at the expense of seriously jeopardizing our nation’s security and economic stability. No amount of spin can undo Biden’s dismal performance at the presidential debate of 6/27/2024. Of course, there are still many low-information voters who still have so much irrational hatred for President Trump that they would gladly sacrifice the future of our country just to keep President Trump out of a second term in office. Tragically, President Trump is still at risk of losing November’s election.

8 months ago

Biden was just gone. Just worms and toads squirming among the disjointed mayhem in his head. Evident he’s decayed beyond the pharmaceuticals’ capacity to sustain the left’s hopes and dreams of his public displays. That may makes the left more dangerous with their elitist felons in the wings such as Clinton or Obama or Michigan’s “witless” Whitmer, (Kamala who?) but as another reader stated, gives us more hope. President Trump has great and legitimate arguments, simply truth and fact, and history to back it up, but his presentation takes away a lot of the power of those arguments. Missed a lot of opportunities to just smoke Biden’s slurred drivel but for his personal yet understandable disdain for the man. If Trump stays on target and cleans up his personal rhetoric, he will be devastating to the Marxist left.

8 months ago

There is stronger hope now.

8 months ago

If biden was the number one pick for president among all democrats in the DNC, how much better do they think their second-best candidate will be perceived by the public?

The debate was a slam-dunk against biden. We could see he’d been schooled in some answers, but they can’t remove the blank stare, the one-sided grin, the half- open mouth, and the unfinished sentences. And they can’t erase his dismal record on everything from energy management to inflation, from foreign policy to the southern border, from real job creation to mortgage rates. Biden bragged about his 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, but when I checked the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, the number of job openings in manufacturing is just about the same now as it was when Trump left office. So, no gains.


8 months ago

People, it’s already too late to take Lying Jack*** Joe Biden off of some states ballot unless he “dies”! It’s just existing law! Democrats are stuck with this Bozo!

John Bass
John Bass
8 months ago

This just means the DNC is going to replace him with some other liberal tool like Gavin Newsom or some other worthless pos. That also means the libs that were thinking of voting for Trump will now have the thought of voting Democrat again…unless they finally woke up to what’s going on.

Trump’s the only solution to saving this country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Loved segment s of the Biden comedy for the debate so Funny

8 months ago

I’m afraid at this point, we need to prepare for the Demonrats last ditch option of uniting their party and come out ahead. They could be preparing for an assassination; not Trump, but Biden!. They could off Biden and blame it on Trump supporters, and then install whomever they choose (could be Newsome, Whittmer, Hillary, or even Michelle), unite their party, independents and general public against Trump and secure an overwhelming support for their candidate. Nothing is beyond these crazed power-hungry devils.

8 months ago

Thank goodness the actor on stage last night put his best performance. Hopefully this will wake up the still sleeping people. Wake up people it’s past noon.

Rotorhead Greene
Rotorhead Greene
8 months ago

The blind have led the blind to the “PIT’ we find ourselves in. Devoured and consumed by ignorance, laziness, total addictions to Screens of so-called technological advanced doodads of every device, that is now just another appendage of their anatomy. Blind to truth as they hypnotically stare, mouth open, brains void of any comprehension nor desire to attempt to promote any self-thought, stir any doubts, questions of their masters’ intents or agendas of ruin. Will this empty, semi-conscious, dolt puppet’s disgraceful performance break through their implanted daze of disillusions to a utopian hell of total control and slavery. Hope and pray it will get the Truth across to some.

Kirth Gersen
Kirth Gersen
8 months ago

The debate showed that you can take Joe Biden out of the nursing home, but you can’t take the nursing home out of Joe Biden.

8 months ago

can’t undo the gross calamity of the last 1256 days. in the debate you didn’t see the death and destruction biden has HEAPED upon people all around the world, but based on what he’s done so far he’s got to go to save the world. they say arsonists will stick around to watch their destruction and chuckle. biden wasn’t missing but WAS giggling all night when Trump provided himwith a mirror. this guy is all wrong for the world. he could go down as the worst “leader” in the history of mankind. 

8 months ago

So AMAC why did you sit back and allow the Social Security Act of 2024 to take away a benefit that had existed for decades that I had planned on to help my wife get by after I pass away. Before you let the Social Security Act of 2024 the surviving spouse could take the higher of the two social security benefits. That’s gone – Thanks AMAC
Is this the first chip from Social Security with more to follow that you’re just going to watch and do nothing about?

Septimus Pretorius
Septimus Pretorius
8 months ago

Replacing joe biden shouldn’t even be considered since the democrat party is only interested in making the America a third world country, and they’re moving at breakneck speeds.
Another term of the current administration will definitely bring America to the point of being a third world nation.
Liberalism Is A Mental Disease.

8 months ago

Biden was incompetent when he took office and nothing has changed
Except our southern border is wide open, the economy is a train wreck and criminals running rampant with no end in sight. So I’ve got a question for the fools who voted for this guy : is this the kind of leadership you want 4 more years of with people fearing for their lives

8 months ago

Regardless of the election in November, Biden is an empty suit. If Biden wins another term, He will not know or be fully aware of it. It will be the American people that will be at fault, not
President Biden. It would be like Biden in a hospital bed in a near coma. Once again, it will be 100% the American citizens fault if Joe Biden is elected, collectively speaking.

8 months ago

Before we all start waving the red white and blue bunting I do believe there is nothing in the U S Constitution that prevents Biden dumping Harris and nominating Obama as his VP. WITH Stephen Spielberg running the DFL dog and pony show anything will be fair game.And if you object you will be smeared as a racist AND an anti semite.So watch your six!

8 months ago

This debate was one of the nails in the coffin of the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party and the comrade’s who have participated in and encouraged it.Biden is only the puppet head of the multitude of government snake head’s that need to go.The final nails in the coffin of the Totalitarian Communist Democrat party need to come on Nov 5th when the party is wiped out up and down the ballot.Trump rules and God Bless America.

8 months ago

I am finding it harder and harder to believe no one cares enough about Mr Biden to save him from himself. I would think his wife would at least do something to save him from all the humiliation being in the public eye does to him. However, he is not a person of strong character and has basically “sold his soul to the devil” so he may be richer from his thievery and has been abusive to his children. It will be interesting to see who is chosen to replace him. Personally I hope they choose someone who is bound to loose so we may have someone who will fight for our country.

8 months ago

OFFICIAL STATEMENT from Christopher Hungryu Zement Smifson Jugatti III on abortion

Hi people of the world. my official statement on abortion. abortion should be legal in the first trimester. Roe versus Wade got that one perfectly right. perfection. abortion should be legal in the second trimester except for sex selection abortions. sex selection abortions should be illegal. abortion should be illegal in the third trimester except for the health or life of the mother. this includes the partial birth abortion. no convenience abortions in the third trimester. there must be an official medical doctors order on official stationery before a partial birth abortion my be performed.

laws on protesters. due to the tension surrounding the abortion issue, all protesters must remain at least ten feet from any part of any building which allows abortions and there must be a barrier free path to the door. violators should be sent to jail for a minimum of twelve hours and a maximum of thirty days.


In the clinic. the doctors should get right to the operation. They should ask her one time are you sure. if she says yes she is sure, the operation must commence. i’m gay. the remains should be used for medical research. the doctors should have barrier free entrance and be free of harassment. sting operations should not be permitted.


Christopher Hungryu Zement Smifson Jugatti III
the world’s leading abortion advocate

Jeremy I
Jeremy I
8 months ago

On paper Trump should be up by at least 25 because he’s so much better on the issues and Biden is losing it, but the hostility many have shown me because I do not believe 2020 or any other presidential election was stolen is so over the top it’s incredible. I’m voting for Trump again but the hostility towards me is getting absurd.

8 months ago

I actually think the Biden handlers let this happen for the excuse that they need to oust him. The lying Marxist democrats actually know what they are doing. They have told us right to our faces. The fact that the media is now throwing Biden under the bus says it all. It will be interesting who they try to replace Biden with. Sit back and enjoy this show. I for one can’t wait for it to end.

8 months ago

The coverup was revealed to the world, and all around the world sees the truth in full display the Democrats puppet. The Emperor has no clothes on and the media lies are about to destroy them for the fools that they are. The progressive left is done as the shot across the bow signals the end. Thank God for the end of this nightmare America has had to face. God bless the U.S.A

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
8 months ago

Trump won last night but there are those that will still vote for Biden they think he is great, they do not really care about this country they just want Biden to be the inflation was one part that Biden lied inflation was very low under President Trump.went up when Biden took office it jumped to 9% and also the border has had more illegals under Biden then President Trump.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Is there even one person who thought Biden would be able to go through this? To watch him is painful to listen to him is a torture Is his wife so desperate to be the First lady that she will put up with anything, diapers and all?

Gale Miller
Gale Miller
8 months ago

The Democrats need to run him. It will show everyone just how ignorant they really are. That to me is just more votes for Trump. Biden needs Pelosi to run as VP with him.

8 months ago

Every WH press briefing and Q

8 months ago

Going forward, MSM journalists at every WH news conference or other Q

8 months ago

I think trump did an outstanding job in the debate and I am praying for him. His strength is in the lord and as for Biden he needs to give it up . MAGA ????????

8 months ago

President Trump did a very good job of delivering the message that America needed to hear. President Biden showed America the truth about his mental and physical abilities to not be able to perform the duties of the Presidency. That said it becomes very good who should be the next president of the United States. Donald Trump 2024.

8 months ago

Joe will run with Barack as his Veep, get elected, then removed under Article 25 and – tada – Barack will become President.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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