
Elections , Newsline

Trump Campaign: Democrats “Violently Claimed The Last Three Republican Presidential Wins Were Stolen”

Posted on Thursday, September 21, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Donald Trump speaks at Edison New Jersey Hindu Indian-American rally for Humanity United Against Terror

Former President Trump posted this extended campaign ad Tuesday on Truth Social showing how frequently Democrats have challenged the results of elections. The ad features Democrat after Democrat, including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama, claiming the 2000, 2004, and 2016 presidential elections were stolen.

Trump accuses Democrats of “one of the most hypocritical acts in history” for charging him criminally over his 2020 election claims after members of the Democratic Party “violently claimed the last three Republican presidential wins were stolen, rigged, and illegitimate.”

TRUMP CAMPAIGN: Republican supporters and President Trump are being ridiculed, persecuted, and even prosecuted by Biden, Congressional Democrats, and their radical prosecutors for raising questions about the accuracy of the 2020 election. This may be one of the most hypocritical acts in history considering the Democrats have violently claimed the last three Republican presidential wins were stolen, rigged, and illegitimate.

And it was the Democrats who tried to stop the certification of a Republican president.

We start with the 2000 election where Democrats claimed it was Gore, not Bush, who won and that the Republicans and their Supreme Court stole the election… Democrat members of Congress also refused to participate in the official certification of the election [in 2000].

In 2004, the Republicans won again and once again, the Democrats claimed the election was stolen… Among the Democrats who claimed the 2004 election was stolen was Democrat nominee John Kerry and his wife Theresa Heinz.

In 2016, when President Trump was declared the winner on election night, the Democrats moved quickly to call the election stolen and illegitimate — including President Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton…

HILLARY CLINTON: You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.

Some Democrats continued to promote the totally false narrative that President Trump had somehow conspired with the Russians… An independent investigation revealed that not only was this totally fabricated by the Democrats and Clinton operatives but that Joe Biden was also complicit.

The Democrats have also accused Republicans of stealing many other elections, including in Georgia, the very same place tainted Democrat prosecutor Fani Willis is now unfairly prosecuting President Trump for suggesting there was voter fraud.

Many in America are asking why President Trump is being prosecuted for doing the very same thing Democrats like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have done, and the answer is very simple. Like a third-world corrupt dictator, Biden will use any means necessary to stop the one Republican he knows he can’t beat.

Reprinted with Permission from RealClear Politics – By Tim Hains

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1 year ago

Sorry, but everyone who voted for Trump last election KNOWS the Democrats STOLE it! And evidence is slowly coming out to prove it. And it’s been proven that Crooks WILL CONTINUE to steal until you stop them and unfortunately the Republican Party Leadership hasn’t done enough to stop the Crooked Democrats to stop. So, unfortunately, we will be doomed to ANOTHER JACK*** COMMUNIST WANNABE DEMOCRAT to Continue destroying America!

1 year ago

Perfect Communist tactic is to ACCUSE your opponent of exactly what YOU’RE GUILTY OF! The Democrats are GREAT are doing so!

1 year ago

Excuse me, but who is this “Ron Regan” person that is commenting here? The way he’s bashing Trump, maybe a name more like “Mikey Pence” or “Benedict Arnold ” would be more fitting for that individual. Conservatives, please take note

1 year ago

Really? Republicans want voters to show their ID to vote, democrats fought very hard to stop this. I say you stole all elections in the past by refusing the ID requirement.

1 year ago

It appears that the person that’s labeled Ronald Reagan is a very immature soul. I suppose that the senile person in the stolen seat is their type .

1 year ago

Biden isn’t “like a third-world corrupt dictator”. He IS one!

1 year ago

Until we have a concrete, accountable, verifiable election, we will always have those who cry foul!! And I don’t think mail-in ballots is verifiable!! Devious people cheat and there seems to be more deviousness on the Democrat side than ever!! They want to win whatever the cost and that is despicable!!! I don’t trust Democrats to be honest, moral, ethical, truthful, sincere, respectable, incorruptible (hahaha), fair and trustworthy!!! Democrats are true slime balls, deviates in almost every way, liars and uncaring, thoughtless, ruthless and arrogant!!

1 year ago

Well. By now everyone knows the demorats accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing. Their new accusations aren’t surprising.

1 year ago

Comrade, if you “believe ” Trump belongs in prison, tell us where Crooked Biden belongs! . . . Louder please , I CAN’T hear you!

1 year ago

Look, Mr/Ms Trump for Prison: Before you go about criticizing President Reagan, you need to get your facts straight. The trend toward deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients began in the 1950s and 1960s long before President Reagan took office. If you got that widely known fact wrong, how accurate are your other accusations? The air traffic controllers were fired for defying an executive order to not abandon their critical jobs. It wasn’t unceremoniously done. He had a reason to fire them.
You’re using the same old Democrat stale talking points; disparaging the wealthy. What you fail to see is that there is a huge difference between earned wealth and inherited wealth. The majority of wealthy Democrats have no clue how to run a successful busines. Ronald Reagan understood the common man and he understood how a free market economy is supposed to work, freed from governmental constraints. There was a time in this country where entrepreneurship was applauded and the acquisition of wealth was seen as a goal attainable for anyone with the spirit of enterprise to dream big.
If you want to talk about no accountability, you need look no further than President Biden and his son Hunter.

1 year ago

The Democrats are notorious to put blame on Conservatives..they have been trying to convert to Communism since has been their plan.Political.History knowledge proves it.

1 year ago

The funny thing is, it can and has been proven that the Dems run crooked elections which leads to them being stolen. The Dems or their little MSM and big tech who**s can’t prove anything because there is no proof because the Republicans haven’t stolen any elections. Facts, truth: they’re funny little things. When the Dems don’t get their way, they manufacture, fabricate, lie and obfuscate and throw tantrums, again and again until the American “sheeple” dumbly nod their empty heads, which, unfortunately is enough. It’s really come to that. Part of “the plan.”

1 year ago

The marxist democrat party is the dishonest election specialist.
Chicago,Philadelphia ,New York……been cheating on those cities for 50 plus years!
Typical of their lying rhetoric, they blame it on everyone else and take ZERO responsibility.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Democrats steel from one another as well As in Hilary and Obama Was that a kick in the head or what Not much screaming or kicking about it Who would dare He was well protected by the color of half of his skin which was not American

1 year ago

So Trump Hater, how do you feel about theSenator Melendez charges?

Shouldn’t He Resign?

1 year ago

Once again, you are another useful idiot. If you hate America that much, move to China where you will agree with everything they do.

1 year ago

Perfect example of the tiny minded left in this country

Trump 2024 & Beyond!
Trump 2024 & Beyond!
1 year ago

Just another LOSER DEMOCRAP! You are not welcome here.

1 year ago

You my fellow are delusional and know not what you speak!

1 year ago

Of course they are! Thats been the mantra for years. Do something wrong then accuse the GOP of doing it, putting them on the defensive.

1 year ago

Mental health hospital shut down was by the Kennedy family. Read your history books

1 year ago

Brainless wonderment

1 year ago

Bravo for posting this ad. It needs to be said. Only it will go no further than the reps. because MSM has indoctrinated so many on the left and independents that they have no idea what the ad is about. My fervent hope is that many people will see it and ask questions. We need to expose the ruthlessness of the dems. Like Hillary and Pelosi who have had a hand in destroying Trump and his followers for years.

Rebecca Brigandi
Rebecca Brigandi
1 year ago

Trump for Prison is so way off base in his analysis of Trump, that you would think he is a Soviet communist propagandist or just a very stupid bot that has been fed bad information and spews it all out when you push his button.

1 year ago

Idiocy in action

Heinrich Brinks
Heinrich Brinks
1 year ago

Remember how the Democrats called Trump the “illegitimate president” for the four years of of his term? Why weren’t the prosecuted for “election interference?”

Kevin S Professional
Kevin S Professional
1 year ago

How about nominate Nikki Haley for POTUS? She would beat Biden solidly and would be an amazing president. She is younger and more alert than Trump and of course Biden, is ready for the job unlike DeSantis or Ramaswamy, and has the right set of experience to be an extremely effective common sense conservative leader of the free world.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

The democraps are a political version of the mafia. The current prosecution of Trump is a disgrace, the world is watching and laughing!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Wrong & No

1 year ago

not a single word of this is true about Trump.
It is obvious this person is a loyal democrat

1 year ago

I will give Hillary Clinton some credit, as she phoned Trump in the middle of the night & conceded the election. And it was a peaceful transition from Obama to Trump in 2016 election just has been done for years. Gore & Bush election is another one that could have dragged on for years if the Democrats would have acted like Republicans in 2020 election. Both parties need to make Americans first and their egos second.

1 year ago

While Nicki Hakey seems like a good choice; she is not the best choice. She does reply to issues reasonably; however there is more to being able to extend a quick reply with apparent certainty and actually being able to stand up and follow through. Trump right now is the One who will be able to clear a path to overturn the Biden/Obama insanity.

1 year ago

The last election was the ONLY one where I actually saw the votes for Trump get erased when it went to commercial and they were given to Biden. Even my granddaughter who really never paid that much attention before called me up and asked ‘what the hell is going on?…….’ I don’t even know any democrats that voted for Jackass Joe. That is the election that was STOLEN

Loves the South
Loves the South
1 year ago

If proof is worth anything, Mike Lindell brought proof of foreign country interference showing proof if the hackers breaking in the voting machines and where the attacks came from. But, no judge would even think of looking at the data and he was even censured.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Funny I seem to remember never being out of work in the 80s and being able to afford tons of good Democrat cocaine. Mental hospitals? Oh you mean those places we used to lock mentally handicapped ppl up along with criminally insane ppl? Figures someone like you would be all for that. Maybe you and you buds can get another “Final Solution II” going…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

You mean Sen. Bob Melendez don’t you? Maybe he and Michael Avenati can be cellmates!

1 year ago

You don’t know what you’re talking about, pull your head out of the sand.

1 year ago

Delusional Democrats forever and for sure.

1 year ago

The 2020 election was rife with illegal activity that was never properly investigated and all questions were deep-sixed by Dems and members of the swamp alike.

1 year ago

Most of the violence and riots have been fueled by the dems or their supporters which then use these scenes to blame the republicans and conservatives. The news media jumps in and legitamizes their false claims. Always remember the reporter talking about peaceful demonstrations while the building in the background was in flames.

1 year ago

I have one very big concern, and that is what will happen when someone does refuse to leave office when they lose election? The higher the position, the worse this scenario becomes.

Leonard R. Schmidt
Leonard R. Schmidt
1 year ago

By claiming previous elections were stolen, I think Dems are setting us up for their stealing the 2024 election.

1 year ago

We need voter ID and mail in ballots should only be used for the disabled who are unable to physically go to the polling place and stand in line for their turn and for those who will honestly be away from their polling place on election day like it was before. We need to go back to paper ballots, not vulnerable computerized voting machines, that are hand counted at the polling sites under the watchful view of both parties and recounted after being delivered to the County Election Offices. Big Tech is not to be trusted with the vote count because they are openly liberal leaning and influenced. Until we get the voter rolls purged and can openly track the votes, nothing will change.

1 year ago

I would like to go back to the ’84 election of Reagan v Carter. Dems couldn’t believe the actor Reagan beat Carter (worst president till Obama) ! The Dem cabal, with loyal stooge A. Fauci tried to blame AIDS on Reagan, spreading rumors that everyone was going to die and that RR wasn’t doing anything to stop it, Still, Reagan won 49 states ! Fast-forward to 2016, Trump v Clinton, Hilary, still stinging from O;Bumbler beating her out of the ’08 nomination, ‘i6 was to be hers. America said “NO”, Trump won, Dems cried “FOUL” protested vote counts and even tried to buy Electors, and vandalized D.C.. Trump (best President ever) was going to win again in “20 against Basement Biden so Dems called on Dr. Fauci again..He was working on a new virus with the Chi-Coms, thinking he had a hand on controlling Covid through “gain of function” research. It was released in late 2019 to sully Trump’s approval rating and put” Dementia Joe” in the White House. The Virus took-off out of control killing millions worldwide, A vaccine was developed at “Warp Speed”, but not cleared by the FDA untill a week after the election, they were still counting (printing?) votes. A million+ people dead to knock out Trump, but he was an “existential threat to democracy” !! Now they’re trying to lock him up for 700 years! Bidum(b)nomics is a sick and costly joke foisted on America. The O’Biden Crime Family needs locked up for 700 years real soon. MAGA , it worked before. Do It Again, Get Us Out Of O’Bama’s Third Term and NO Fourth Term !!

1 year ago

We know that the Democrats are WORLD-CLASS, PROFESSIONAL election-stealers and blamers.
They have developed it into an art form over the past 4 decades.
We know they were taught by Saul Alinsky and his Communist and Mafia buddies.
Hillary’s college thesis was on Alinsky and Barack Soetoro Obama used and taught Alinsky tactics to fellow Democrat/Socialists in Chicago.
Meanwhile creepy George Soros financed a lot of it and bought judgeships all over the country.
Like the Commies practiced, it was a long-term plot against they USA.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

…but it’s only logical that when a Republican wins the election MUST BE stolen! I mean how else can you explain losing after so much cheating, fraud, and rule bending occurs?

1 year ago

Those of us who read conservative news sites remember the dems behaviors. Most people have short memories, so we have to keep reminding them.

Lawn Ranger
Lawn Ranger
1 year ago

But then, the democrats are known liars, aren’t they? After all, a crook is a crook, is a crook. Doesn’t matter if you dress him in fancy clothes or not.

1 year ago

Has the Republicans lawyers taken Pennsylvania to court yet for registering illegals and ineligible people to vote?

1 year ago

What? No Stacy Abrams?

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