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Top Contenders: Who Could Possibly Challenge Trump in 2024

Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Immediately following President Trump’s unsuccessful 2020 re-election campaign, talking heads from across the political spectrum pontificated that the Republican Party was headed into a period of mourning, that Congressional Republicans and GOP candidates would keep the former President at arm’s length, and that Republicans would abandon Trump outright. One year into President Biden’s term, the pundits have been proven wrong once again. 

The race for 2024 has already begun, with Trump holding his first post-election campaign-style rally in Des Moines, Iowa on October 9, 2021. “We’re going to take America back,” Trump said during the nearly 90-minute rally at the first-in-the-nation caucuses state. Trump even teased a 2024 campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again, Again,” he told the crowd. 

For those looking for more concrete signals that Donald Trump has plans to at least explore a 2024 presidential campaign, here are two important clues. First, Trump set up a new political action committee (PAC) called “Save America,” has transferred millions of dollars from his re-election PAC to it, and is sitting on a war chest of over $108 million as of January 31, 2022, according to the most recent filing with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Second, Trump’s Save America PAC has hired two seasoned GOP operatives from Iowa, all but setting the stage for him should he seek a comeback.

Those steps, combined with Trump’s fundraising prowess, holding large political rallies, and his endorsements in key races across the U.S. leave no doubt that he is the political frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2024, a line echoed by even other potential contenders.  “It’s still a long way down the road, but if Donald Trump decides to run in 2024 again, he’s going to be the Republican nominee, and I think almost everyone that I’ve talked to would agree with that,” former 2020 presidential candidate and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), said recently.

But who could seriously challenge Trump in 2024? Let’s take a look at the people making moves and what recent polling suggests.

Could Rubio, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), or Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) launch a serious challenge to former President Trump? Rubio has taken himself out of the running, or so he says. While Hawley has traveled to Iowa, polling has held him at or below 2%. Cruz, who recently signaled he “absolutely” would run for president again. It is believed that he would in fact run again, “if Trump doesn’t” a person close to Sen. Cruz told NBC News. Senator Cruz made it deep into the primary fight in 2016.

Then there are the governors, like Texas’ Greg Abbott, North Dakota’s Kristi Noem, and Florida’s Ron DeSantis. All three are up in 2022, and without succeeding in their re-elections this year, a presidential run may be unlikely. But all are still considered contenders, especially rockstar Governor Desantis.

How about former Ambassador to the U.N. and South Carolina Governor Nikki Halley? Then there are former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence. All three served in the Trump Administration. While Halley has had an on-and-off relationship with Trump, she could be a challenger. Pompeo is rumored to run should Trump decide not to, having traveled to Israel last year and Iowa three times so far. Meanwhile, Mike Pence is increasingly sounding like he is running for president in 2024 and would do so even if Trump also declared. Speaking to the Federalist Society last month, Vice President Pence stated “President Trump is wrong…I had no right to overturn the election,” and in so doing, he seems to be creating an anti-Trump lane in the race for the Republican nomination, albeit with significant pushback.

As was mentioned, the biggest potential challenger to a Donald Trump presidential campaign in 2024 could be Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who may not have won the governorship without Trump’s endorsement. According to the straw poll conducted at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, FL, Trump carried 59% of attendees, with DeSantis second with 28% and everyone else at 2% or less. Without Trump on the ballot, DeSantis claimed 61% of CPAC attendees.

This trend seems to be corroborated by a December 13-17 Reuters/Ipsos poll that found Trump at the top of the Republican ticket with 54%, followed by DeSantis with 11%, and Pence with 8%. The same poll held Halley in fourth place with 4% followed by Cruz at 3%, and others at 2% or less.

This year’s 2022 midterms will be a major litmus test for the Governors, and the results may influence Donald Trump’s decision, which is when he hinted he would make an official announcement. At this point, the nomination is clearly Trump’s to lose. Do you see any contenders to Trump in 2024? Let us know in the comments below.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action 

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2 years ago

Senators generally make poor Presidents, simply because the very nature of their job is not to be a leader but to be, at best, a consensus builder through long periods of discussion and endless meetings. That may have flown in the late 19th century or early 20th century, but in today’s world where a POTUS has only minutes to respond to certain situations (provocative actions from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea as an example), that could be dangerous or even fatal for this country. The job of POTUS isn’t really about who can read a speech the best, but who can make the right decisions, time and time again, to keep this country safe and strong.

Any dummy can be trained, with enough time and money, to read speeches prepared for him or her with a degree of eloquence. Case in point, Obama could recite prepared speeches quite well, but he was horrible at running the country. Disastrous results for 8 long years. Biden can stumble through a prepared speech, even in his declining mental state, sufficient to be passable at times, but he is just an empty shell mouthing words at this point. Both were Senators.

Senators generally function is a serial manner, meaning they can only take on one or two issues at a time and they are the subject masters of none. As evidenced by the woefully embarrassing questions most Senators ask anyone brought before Congress to testify on just about any issue. In a world where events demand someone who can absorb, understand and retain vast amounts of information, on a broad array of subjects to make intelligent, rational decisions, in usually limited amounts of time by analyzing all the viable options and their ramifications (risk / reward analysis), that is not the skill set of a typical Senator.

As for Governors, if you’re looking for someone who is innovative and leading the way in how to overcome obstructions, then that is DeSantis at this point. The other Governors mentioned either have simply copied what DeSantis has already done or they had to be pushed into acting by the demands of the people of their states like Abbott. A leader anticipates potential problems before they happen and thus has a viable solution already formulated should the need arise. That’s called being proactive. A follower, like most of the other Governors mentioned in the piece are what would best be described as reactive in nature. A POTUS, like all leaders, needs to be proactive to be successful.

2 years ago

Yet another comment flagged by AMAC for no good reason. I guess AMAC wants to tilt the conversation a certain way. Careful AMAC, your RINO side is showing.

Rick Blaine
2 years ago

We need to get off this trump 2024 band wagon.

I voted for him twice but he is too polarizing of a figure to take another shot on him in 2024.

If we keep harping on trump we won’t let the next group of republicans step up. And maybe, just maybe we stop electing 75+ year old men into office. I know this is probably the wrong place to exclaim something like that but I said what I said!

I like Tom Cotton, personally.

sue minnoch
sue minnoch
2 years ago

Yes I would vote for President Trump again he is the only one strong enough to put America back on the “MAGAA” track at home and around the world.Ron DeSantis for VP, I know the people of Florida don’t want to loose him, he has proven himself as their Governor and is my choice. Thank you

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

A productive 2024 primary campaign could energize the GOP and be favorably noticed by independent voters in advance of the general election (but not a cattle drive like 2016).

Maybe four or five candidates including President Trump, Abbott, Pompeo, DeSantis and Halley.

2 years ago

Wow!! Trump not running or getting the GOP POTUS nomination would wreck the many years of politically savaging Trump. The Democraps would have to hastily figure out how to switch their savagery and lies to a new person. It will be difficult for the Democraps to plant hogwash anew when they thought they already had enough garbage to throw at Trump! Personally, I’m okay with Trump, but I do think he has passed his prime and it would be better if the Republicans come up with a different Candidate to run against the “comrade” put up by the Democraps. Who knows what the Democraps will nominate for POTUS???? Putin would be the best fit for them, but he is not legally qualified to run for POTUS … even tho his politics fit the Democrat Party so well.

2 years ago

Rick DeSantis andTim Scott!! Trump is too cozy with the LGBTQ… and will lose conservative votes to the Constitution Party.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Under DICTATOR Beijing biden we ALL GO DOWN.

Need I say more.?

2 years ago

My initial thoughts are as follows: I am rather weary of so many bitter, worn out, elderly people being so significant in running our government. Trump might be an exception to that as he is energetic and forward thinking. I think Rubio and Cruz function best in the roles they have carried through their political careers. I am not interested in seeing them as presidential candidates. DeSantis, Abbott and Noem should remain as governors. They are very effective and influential in those roles. But I would not be disappointed if DeSantis would run for it. Haley and Pence could make good presidents. And they appear to have integrity. Pompeo might prove again to be a good cabinet member. 

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Bob Carlstrom… What a way to start a story on shear speculation. ” Immediately following President Trump’s unsuccessful 2020 re-election campaign, ” or perhaps I’m simply misinterpreting your meaning…I’m of the thought President Trump had an outstanding reelection campaign in 2020, since he did in fact win the election by overwhelming numbers as I’ll leave it at that, however words do in fact have consequences sir…
Moving on now after the 1st inaccurate sentence starting this story, Little Marco is going nowhere.
Mike Pence’s political career is over imho, he most certainly is NOT presidential material as he will forever go down in US history for his performance or lack thereof as President of the Senate on Jan. 6th, 2021, in a word, the man was a disgrace…
At this stage it is still a bit early to come to any conclusions on who will or will not run for POTUS in 2024… The above mentioned Governors with the exception of Abbott are solid choice possibilities imo however…Nikki Halley, I seriously doubt she would run, or at least not in 2024…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Trump would be my first choice. But he can only do 4 years. DeSantis could do 8

2 years ago

I believe Noem is Governor of South Dakota not North Dakota.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

They’re a couple on the list that I, don’t care for, but when you think about it, a yellow dog would be better than Lying Hidden’ Joe Biden or any Democrat, I can’t stand liars.
Biden and Democrats made America look stupid again.

'grandma' Jeanne
'grandma' Jeanne
2 years ago

A good team would be DeSantis and Trump…..

Terry Socall
Terry Socall
2 years ago

Trump for 4 more, then DeSantis for 8.

2 years ago

Mike Pompeo! He is so intelligent. What a contrast to the one in the White House now! He has stood up to Russia and China. As Secretary of State, he was a master at Foreign Policy. He has relationships with Foreign Leaders, he is an eloquent speaker, he has true conservative values, he is so smart (graduating first in his class at West Point). Simple put, He’s Amazing! Watch his speech at the Reagan Library.

2 years ago

I would like to see DeSantis remain in Florida, at least for now. Not because he is not qualified to be president, he very much is! but because he is doing such an outstanding job in Florida! which has a huge population that is growing still, much by blue transplants. And he’s holding the line there really well, thank you. With whom would he be replaced? Florida has a lot of national influence. DeSantis is needed there. If he were chosen to be VP, he would just be wasted. The VP, with all due respect, is a more figurehead and national representative. Even though that office is the #2, you get my meaning. DeSantis is young, he has a long and distinguished career in front of him, has outstanding patriotic and national focus, and he’s a moral man. Maybe in ’28.
Cruz, Pompeo, Cotton perhaps, all good potential leaders, not VPs. I think the world of Kristy Noem and see her as a really strong VP, for now. Just imagine her as VP vs the kakkling POS Harris. Noem would ABSOLUTELY have had a positive influence representing the US at NATO, because she is wise, articulate, insightful, focused, etc. Same with Pence. He was a good VP, a real good VP and I think he showed the world that he is qualified as #2 ready to step up as #1. The world paid attention to that (again, vs Harris? Really?)
Halley back in the UN. As much as I hate the worthless corrupt UN, it’s here to stay. She did a great job standing for the US and not taking globalists’ BS, and would only be better now with her experience in that arena.

2 years ago

I think because being conservative in through and surrounding yourself with like minded you need to have a personality that draws people together. I don’t see that in Pence, Nikki Haley, Abbott, Cruz, or Noem. Though I don’t know her as well. I do see it in Desantis and Trump.

2 years ago

I do not plan to vote for Trump in the primary but if he is the nominee then I’ll vote for him.

2 years ago

I would endorse a Trump/DeSantis ticket. I’m sure Trump’s desire is to run again, and I wouldn’t want him to “run over” Gov. DeSantis. If the two men enjoy a mutually respectable relationship, I think that could be a winning team.

Bonnie Jean
Bonnie Jean
2 years ago

I think that Trump should run again if he chooses to. A good VP, would not go against what everyone with a brain was saying… “the elections were not falsified anywhere” … not that Jan.6th was something that anyone other than a Democrat or their operatives created. (Just think… who said they didn’t need any extra police help that day… Pelosi… EOS). Pence seemed like a nice guy who probably helped with the Christian vote… but he turned and was unable to stand up for the truth which has been proven time and time again… the 2020 election was ripe with multiple copied ballots, ballots from dead people and animals.
I think a Trump/ DeSantis Ticket could be great… also a Trump/ Pompeo Ticket. Either man could then become the next president if Trump was able to create similar improvements which would help us get out of the rubble of the Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party as it has shown what it truly is.
Down the Line Nikki Haley, or Kristi Noem, or several others mentioned might make good VP’s and perhaps Presidents. Tim Scott would also make an excellent VP now and then perhaps the next President. All of the above should be key figures in the new White House of 2024…if we can survive until then.
Those who have shown themselves to be RINOS need to be voted out. They are nothing but a block to getting things done. For all we know George Soros funds their campaigns too. And all Patriots and Constitutionalists need to vote for Trump or one of the above and allow us a chance to rebuild America… they can fight to save the Constitution far more easily under Trump than whatever Communist the Democrats dig out from under a rock.

2 years ago

We should have a candidate in the back ground just in case Trump got sick and could not participate.

2 years ago

I’m concerned with how the country would react if Trump were elected again. The leftist were livid and took our country thru a 4 year rollercoaster ride trying so hard to hurt not only Trump but our country too! If Trump gets re-elected, leftists would start burning the country down again! Can America go thru another 4 years of another rollercoaster ride with more violence and hate than the left already has? Everyone knows the left will resort to anything to get its way! I’m sick of the division, hate and violence that is engulfing our country! Lord have mercy on America!

2 years ago

I am looking for Chris Christie to get into the game … he seems to be more rational and have more common sense than all the other potential candidates. Not sure why he was not even mentioned in this article … clearly this is is an oversight that should be corrected. Christie can win 2024!

Sue Lauderdale
Sue Lauderdale
2 years ago

We need someone other than Donald Trump as Presidential candidate – he is too obnoxious. I support the Republican party and appreciate a lot of the things President Trump was able to accomplish, but now we need a change.

2 years ago

Trumps exertions to turn this country around and get it on the right track we’re enormous but the sad fact is that his personality has created a deep and abiding hatred among far too many and im not talking about leftists only. Reagan won by appealing to traditional democrat voters as well as true believers in the republican party. I realize its not 1980 anymore but crossover voters as well as the waffling independents are absolutely necessary. We will know much more and have a clearer view after the next election, especially in Florida. If Desantis trounces his opponent my hope is that trump will throw his support behind him. Trump will be 78 in 2024.

2 years ago

A DeSantis/Noem Ticket would be a major victory for this nation. They both value the Trump doctrine.

2 years ago

I think Trump did a wonderful job even though he had to fight the Dems for the entire 4 years. I hope his ego gets out of the way and he lets someone else take the position. Many people voted against Trump and now we have Biden. DeSantis and Noem would be a great ticket, Hawley I hope will wait a couple of terms.

2 years ago

I would definitely vote for Trump if he ends up being the nominee; however, my concern about Trump centers around some of the personnel decisions that he made during his term. He seemed to hire more rinos than conservatives, who gave him recommendations that were against the country’s and Trump’s best interests.

I want a true conservative, in any case. Pompeo, DeSantis, I think would be good choices. Whoever is the nominee will need to start getting rid of all the backstabbing rinos (if possible) in government agencies. I think these people have hurt and will continue to hurt any Republican president, especially a true conservative.

2 years ago

I do not think that Trump wants to be POTUS in 2024 as based on two of his comments in the last few months. Comments: If elected I might pardon all of the people arrested for Jan 6th protest as they are treated unfairly ( How can Trump say it is okay to assault the Capitol police officers like they did) and then ” Putin is a genius for the way he invaded Ukraine”. In my opinion, these are not the statements from a stable mind or leader in 2024

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

If Trump runs again, he would likely win if he didn’t have someone who is articulate and has proven moral integrity and character running against him. Someone down the line here mentioned Mike Pompeo, and at first I thought, mm no, but I thought about it and he is a moral man and has excellent foreign relations experience. He’s also intelligent and speaks very well. If he ran, I just might vote for him if he ends up as the nominee. Trump should be Speaker of the House, I think he would do well in that position. He’s a businessman, and is intelligent. Ron DeSantis would be a great President, so maybe a DeSantis/Pompeo ticket would be good…maybe DeSantis/Noem would be good too.
NOW…..Let’s pray the Commies don’t create another disaster and shut the country down or control our elections by nationalizing them by Executive Order!! These demons will try anything to remain in power! PRAY!!!

2 years ago

If Mike Pence entered the presidential race, I fear any debates will focus on the in-house squabbling that seemed to overshadow his and President Trump’s relationship in their last months. Pence is a “nice guy”, but lacks the charisma that Trump has. Sorry, but charisma is half the battle. Call it likability, connecting with the people, whatever…if you don’t have it, you won’t get very far.

I’ve always liked Mike Pompeo, and he has great foreign policy experience. Plus, he’s lost a lot of weight. He’s in. I doubt if Cruz or Rubio will enter, and probably not Rand Paul…not in 2024, at least. Cruz would be a good choice for the US Supreme Court, if an opening should occur. Christie, no way. Abbott is a good but has limited range (the border).

Nikki Haley–I don’t know. She did a good job in SC and at the UN, but “the people” just don’t seem to favor her for the presidential seat. I agree with much of what I’ve heard from her, but lots of others don’t. I haven’t decided yet. I need to research Kristi Noem.

DeSantis is the obvious choice for next-in line. If Trump wins the nomination, these 2 would make a fine ticket. Trump won’t settle for the VP spot. I can look past the “mean tweets” and his brash behavior, but many can’t. As long as he factually presents his successes (with numbers and footnotes) and delivers good speeches laying out more plans to MAGA, he’s a strong possibility. A few days ago, while listening to the radio–with one ear–I heard Trump say that while he can’t say the words, “I am going to run in 2024”, he certainly very clearly made the point using other words.

2 years ago

Nobody gonna challenge Trump in 2024 get over yourselves

2 years ago

I will NOT be voting for TRUMP for the 3rd time! Trump messed up with the vaccines, bump stocks, DACA, and Hillary Clinton! He should of put her in Jail like he said he would if he was president and DIDN’T! Not to mention the wall! His always been a Dem.
I will vote for DeSantis! I do hope he does not run on the same ticket with Trump! Or I will not VOTE PERIOD!

2 years ago

I don’t know about Putin being a genius, But he warned NATO and USA about having any weapons on the boarders for yrs and by purpose they ignored him! just as we told Russia to remove their weapons from Cuba!
Trump agreed with Putin about many things that’s why Putin didn’t attack Ukraine! We all know sanctions don’t do a damn thing it’s destroying US not Russia! The same ppl that gave us COVIT are the same ppl that are destroying US with this WAR! And Americans are STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE WHAT THEY’RE LIYING ABOUT RUSSIA!

Mary Curry
Mary Curry
2 years ago

I think we all should really think twice about supporting Trump again. His policies are great for all Americans, but he is too divisive and caustic in his comments. And I wouldn’t want to see another 4 years of being consumed by impeachments, fake news, etc. I’d love to see someone who would implement his policies but be more like Mike Pence or DeSantis, if not one of them. Of course, we all would agree (I hope!) that anyone would be an improvement over what we have now. He is a complete disaster.

President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 26: Demonstrators, some of them former PEPFAR and USAID employees, protest to demand that Congress stand up to President Donald Trump and Elon Musk's "Department of Government Efficiency" and reinstate lifesaving programs in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill on February 26, 2025 in Washington, DC. Organized by ActUp's Health Global Access Project, the protesters temporarily occupied the floor of the rotunda before U.S. Capitol Police arrested 21 of the demonstrators. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
COXSACKIE, GREENE, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 28: New York correctional officers and sergeants continue their strike for a second week outside of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility on February 28, 2025 in Coxsackie, Greene, New York. The prison workers say they want to roll back the 2022 HALT Act, which has reduced solitary confinement because it caused assaults on them to rise. While it's unclear if the strike has played a role, two more New York inmates have died during an ongoing strike. The Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) has presented a tentative agreement to the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) to end the ongoing strike, but many guards say their demands have not been met and they won't show up to work on Saturday. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office

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