
Elections , Newsline

The Vivek Ramaswamy Phenomenon

Posted on Tuesday, August 22, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

vivek ramaswamy and donald trump speaking

With all eyes on the Republican debate stage this Wednesday to see for the first time what the candidates are made of, one contender who has shown himself to be sharp and well-spoken and could shine in the spotlight is entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who in recent weeks has surged to second place in many national polls. Once regarded as a longshot candidate who would remain confined to political obscurity, Ramaswamy has taken the wind out of other candidates’ sails – most notably Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

So just who is this ambitious 38-year-old, why is he suddenly catching fire, and what does his popularity say about the direction of the Republican Party?

Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Indian immigrant parents. After graduating from Harvard and then Yale Law School, he worked as an investment partner with a hedge fund before founding a biotechnology company, Roivant Sciences, in 2014.

After stepping down from Roivant, Ramaswamy founded Strive Asset Management in 2022, an explicitly anti-ESG investment firm that prioritizes financial returns for shareholders over commitments to left-wing political dogma. In February, he officially announced his candidacy for president as a Republican.

In a race where every other candidate outside of former President Donald Trump has struggled to establish a clear political lane—unsuccessfully attempting to straddle the line between Trump’s brand of populism and establishment GOP orthodoxy—Ramaswamy offers something different. His clear identity as an uncensored voice of the people who can effectively articulate the stakes of the current political moment and offer concrete policy visions has allowed him to authentically connect with voters.

“We’re in the middle of a national identity crisis,” Ramaswamy stated bluntly in his February campaign launch video. “Our nation is hungry for a cause, for purpose, for meaning. The things that used to fill that void—like faith, patriotism, hard work, and family—have disappeared. We now embrace one secular religion after another… to satisfy our deeper need for identity. Yet we cannot even answer the question of what it means to be an American in the year 2023.”

He continued: “We’ve obsessed so much over our diversity and our differences, that we forgot all the ways we’re really just the same—bound by a common set of ideals as Americans.”

Ramaswamy’s no-holds-barred assessment of America’s national decline and positive blueprint for a post-Biden world stands in sharp contrast to many of his primary contenders. And if recent polling is any indication, his strategy is working.

A national primary poll conducted by Kaplan Strategies from August 15 to 16 shows Ramaswamy polling second only to Donald Trump, beating out Ron DeSantis for the first time. That poll was far from an outlier: an Emerson poll fielded August 16-17 shows Ramaswamy tied for second place with 10 percent of the vote, leading Mike Pence, the third place candidate, by seven points. Additionally, according to Smarkets Betting Odds, Ramaswamy’s chances of becoming the Republican nominee have soared by 10 percent since June—a testament to his surge in support this summer.

In another sign of Ramaswamy’s growing popularity, Ron DeSantis’s Never Back Down PAC recently distributed a memo urging the Florida governor to “hammer” him as “fake” during the first primary debate—the latest proof that Ramaswamy poses a far greater threat to his rivals than initially anticipated.

Thus far, much of Ramaswamy’s time in the spotlight has come thanks to his strong presence on digital media. He also regularly appears on corporate media television programs, impressively punching back against left-wing TV personalities and cementing his profile as a fighter who will not hesitate to hold the media’s feet to the fire when necessary.

Ramaswamy’s entrepreneurial background and status as the youngest candidate in the race have also likely been factors in his success. In the words of Politico, he “tends to make favorable impressions wherever he goes. He’s personable and warm backstage, [and] knows how to give a speech and read a room.” Ramaswamy’s energy on the campaign trail was seen in clear view earlier this month at the Iowa State Fair where he went viral for rapping along to Eminem’s song “Lose Yourself.”

Despite Ramaswamy’s rise in the polls, his policy platform has still raised some red flags with rank-and-file primary voters. In June, for instance, he indicated that he would not reinstate Trump’s ban on transgender-identifying individuals serving in the military—a statement that many voters perceived as a capitulation to left-wing gender ideology. He has also been critical of Trump’s protectionist trade policies, has advocated for an increase in legal immigration (a point of view increasingly out of step with the American public), and taken criticism from his fellow Republicans over inconsistencies regarding his stance on aid to Israel.

Ramaswamy also still has a long way to go to have any chance of unseating Donald Trump as the frontrunner. Trump holds a commanding lead of at least 45 points in most national polls, an unprecedented advantage for a candidate who is not an incumbent. Moreover, while Ramaswamy has done well in national polls, he continues to struggle in statewide polls. An NBC News/Des Moines Register poll released earlier this week, for instance, has him at just 4 percent, putting him in seventh place behind Trump (42 percent) DeSantis (19 percent) Tim Scott (9 percent) Nikki Haley (6 percent) Mike Pence (6 percent) and Chris Christie (5 percent).

But even if it remains unlikely that he will ultimately garner enough support to secure the Republican nomination next year, Ramaswamy could also very well emerge as a dominant force in a race for Congress (some have speculated that he will exit the 2024 primary to run for the U.S. Senate in Ohio), a future Republican administration, or the 2028 presidential election.

Regardless of what the future holds for Ramaswamy, however, one thing remains certain: he is not to be underestimated.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 year ago

Ramaswamy says as soon as he is elected he will pardon Trump.
That is not what I want. I want Trump, who has not committed these crimes he is being prosecuted for, to be completely exonerated and I want the Justice Department and the FBI reorganized and stripped of the baddies therein. To be pardoned means there was a crime.
Also I want those debaters to point out that if any one of them were to win the nomination, the Left would immediately do to whomever it was who won exactly what they are doing to Trump. The Left dare not lose its power. So the discussion should be about how to clean house in our Justice Department and punish these goofy lawyers with their excessive prosecutions.
Any one of those debaters who even hints that Trump is damaged goods should be immediately disqualified. We must not give the Left the power to choose what we think, who we like or who did or said something we don’t like. The Left wants to destroy us all.
Trump 2024!

1 year ago

Ramaswamy is an opportunist, who right off the bat excludes the idea of prosecution for the crimes of this current administration, despite his verbose statements, and promises I highly doubt he would deliver on a single one, more likely under his tutelage the swamp would be expanded, not drained. The man who made a well intended effort to secure our borders, make America self-sufficient in regards to energy, reigned in our biggest outside threat, reduced taxes, curbed inflation, and brought back jobs and prosperity is now being slimed, and prosecuted by the very same reptilian creatures from the Washington, D.C. swamp lake lagoon that have been hard at work destroying our constitution, prosperity, and country for the last three years. If we are to see any change for the better we need Donald Trump, no one knows better than him by now who all the nefarious, anti-American players in Washington, and the States are. If we elect a soundbite artist, and opportunist as our candidate in the primary instead of showing some intestinal fortitude by backing the man who risked his personal fortune and life for us because of RINO statements and calculations of so called “winnability” the left will have already won.

1 year ago

He looks so good at first, but so did Obama. His past has some questionable things, including money from Soros family. I’m taking my time with this one.

1 year ago

Like Obama, Ramaswamy has been built as the perfect candidate from the ground up. Do your own research into his scholarship money from the Soros foundation and his connections to Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Even though he sued them to get his name removed from their records he was one of them. Don’t be fooled by a Soros stooge.

Carol Kish
Carol Kish
1 year ago

Until I learned that V. Ramaswamy wants to abandon the Abraham Accord’s Agreement and funding for Israel’s defense, I thought he was a pretty good conservative Republican. I now believe that he should not be President or included in any Republican Administration!

1 year ago

People don’t know him so they gravitate towards him. His comments about Taiwan and Israel have shown that he isn’t ready for prime time.

Linda T Griswold Holevinski
Linda T Griswold Holevinski
1 year ago

No longer interested. Abandons Israel and supports terrible Arabic countries. ????

1 year ago

Vivek appears to be a good man and maybe a good FUTURE pres BUT his interview with Tucker where he compared the deep state traitors now in control of this country to “benevolent parents” just wanting to raise us, their children, is naive at best and dangerous in its application to our response to these treasonous criminals!!!! He needs 4 years under Trump to recognize the pure EVIL that has taken over every area of the govt of this country as well as the social and cultural arena. Restoration of the rule of law, arrests, convictions, and executions/some jailings are a must for the coup and plandemic criminals involved!!!!

1 year ago

Vivek is “Music Man.” Working on charm, but no goods.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

He’s against Israel and not even willing to be VP so he’s no friend of America. I don’t like this guy.

1 year ago

What this article ignores is Ramaswamy’s recent statement about greatly reducing US support for Israel. This should hit him hard in the polls as Evangelical Christians & religious Jews can be expected to draw back from any potential support for him. Not only is his stated position wrong, it also ignores existing accords with a variety of nations that concern Israel.

Thomas Melvin Crawford
Thomas Melvin Crawford
1 year ago

While I like many of the things Mr. Ramaswamy says, there is one major problem: he is constitutionally ineligible to be president. Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the Constitution requires that the President be a natural-born citizen. The founders took the definition of a natural born citizen from Swiss jurist and scholar Emer de Vattel’s 1758 work, THE LAW OF THE NATIONS. “The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens” (Emer de Vattel, THE LAW OF THE NATIONS [1758; reprint edition, Carmel, Indiana: Liberty Fund, 2008], Chapter XIX, subsection 212, p.217. THE LAW OF THE NATIONS is also referred to in Article I, Section 8, clause 9 of the Constitution.) Mr. Ramaswamy’s parents were born in India. They legally immigrated to this country and became naturalized citizens in 1985 — AFTER their son Vivek was born. So, at the time of his birth, Mr. Ramaswamy’s parents were still citizens of India. He became a naturalized citizen with his parents and so is eligible to hold lesser offices, but the is NOT a natural-born citizen, and therefore cannot legally be President or Vice President. The same holds true for Kamala Harris, who currently illegally holds the office of Vice President. Her parents were legal immigrants. At the time of her birth, her parents had not yet become naturalized citizens; her father was still a citizen of Jamaica, and her mother was still a citizen of India. The same also holds true of Barak Obama, Jr., who illegally and fraudulently held the office of President for eight years. Throughout his life, his father, Barak Obama, Sr., was a citizen of Kenya.

1 year ago

I have already crossed him off my list. God bless America ????????????

Dr. George R. Rivera, Jr.
Dr. George R. Rivera, Jr.
1 year ago

We have heard rhetoric from “conservatives” who veer RINO as soon as the polls close. The indicators were always there, but were lost in the happy-talk. While I applaud Ramaswamy’s stump-lingo, hidden again are the indicators – military transgenderism and American First trade policies are but some hidden concerns. His purported Soros ties are not to be shrugged off either. The jury is still out. Remember . . . Pence, too, sounded great until called on, and then Judas Pence plunged the knife to “Et Tu, Pence”.

Paula T
Paula T
1 year ago

I don’t trust his guy at all. He came out of nowhere, just like Obama. He has ties to Soros, Pfizer, and the World Economic Forum. Don’t be fooled by this one.

1 year ago

There are issues to be resolved here. First, Ramaswamy has no Blood in the sand here. This was the same with Obama, but the case was never brought to the Supreme Court and it should have been. Ramaswamy had been saying the right things until his recent statement about Israel. I and millions of Americans have a real concern with his statement, that he would stop backing Israel. Israel is and has been one of our longest and most trusted allies. So, I looked up his known background. His family is noted as being Hindu, but in India the separation between Hindu and Muslim is a street address. Religion should not be an issue in politics, but it has an impact and not knowing his background and the continued hatred toward America from radical Islamic factions makes his statement a serious issue. Even if his statement was made, just to influence factions buried within the United States it is a concern. Again, he nor his family has any Blood in the sand here. My family name has been in this country since before the American Revolution and at least one person with our family name has served in one or more branches in the American military, in every war and conflict since. We have blood in the sand, as millions of American citizens do. Does he really mean what he says and who is backing him. It isn’t little old ladies sending in a dollar at a time like Obama claimed. I think we need to learn more about him, as others posting herein have already stated.

Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
1 year ago

I like Vivek, he is proud to be an American, unlike that obese blowhard Chris Christie. All talk no action, a complete RINO. He and Blowhard Sunnunnu are part of the problem with the Wash, DC Swamp, not the solution!

Carol S Clendenin
Carol S Clendenin
1 year ago

If he doesn’t support prior agreements with Israel and value their alliance, then forget him. Carol

1 year ago

I would like to see who is propping him up. Who is putting up the money for him to run.
he talks a good talk but can he be trusted.

1 year ago

Ramaswamy speaks with reasoned conviction and does so articulately and without rancor toward the other person. He is charming, good-looking, and charismatic. He can disarm an angry acquaintance with patient inquiry and face-to-face discourse.
Everything I’ve heard about him has been positive, although I am concerned about those few platform issues mentioned by the author. He’s the only candidate Trump has not spoken of disapprovingly, so I believe Trump will ask him to run as the V.P. However, in a recent interview, Ramaswamy stated he could not be “the #2”. We’ll see.

1 year ago

Unlike the Democrat Party, the Republicans have a strong bench of prospective candidates. And much of that is because of Donald Trump. Trump is the only Republican Presidential Candidate the radical Democrats fear and for good reason. Trump will dismantle all of their “Green Agenda” and weak foreign policy. He is now more motivated to drain the swamp at the DOJ and FBI. Ramaswamy may be a breath of fresh air but he cannot be as effective or determined than Trump to make America Great Again.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago

While Vivek is strong on some policies, he has some issues as stated in the article. His stance on Israel is one concern, his support for some drug legalization is another, and there has been one report, hopefully false, that he has received some George Soros money which, if true, is a huge problem.

1 year ago

Vivek Ramaswamy is obviously very smart, as anyone who worked in both the financial and then pharma sectors would have to be, in order to achieve the level of success he has to date. He is also not really running for POTUS, at least not yet. Just like he formed Strive Asset Management as a precursor to announcing his bid for the White House, he clearly has something else planned in the short-term. I look at his current efforts more as feeling out the electorate for some future endeavor on his part that has yet to be named.

While Vivek has mapped out a much more detailed policy platform than everyone else but President Trump, which it appears he did largely by simply copying most of Trump’s policies one for one in several aspects, he does however have a number of significant “holes” in areas of foreign policy, immigration and national defense where he has deviated from Trump’s defined policies. Those areas would need to be either substantially fleshed out or completely redone.

A couple of examples being treating both Israel and Taiwan as transactional interests to be potentially jettisoned in the near future. That transactional view of the world and how to treat other countries might not fly so well when looking for other countries to align themselves with the United States in the future. It flies on Wall Street, because everything is transactional there. Also, his proposed policy of unilaterally eliminating 75 percent of the bureaucratic administrative state, with apparently no input or supporting legislation from Congress to actually codify that approach doesn’t quite pass the constitutionality test and would likely be stopped dead in its tracks by numerous legal challenges. There are a few other examples, but you get the general idea.

Do both Trump and Vivek, both in their own unique ways, highlight how bad most career politicians look in comparison to people coming from a business background where solving problems is what they do each and every day? You bet they do. They are people who DO things, not simply talk endlessly about someday maybe fixing something. Career politicians, on the other hand, are generally people who TALK and never get around to actually solving the problems they were elected to address.

The best option for Vivek in this election cycle would be to either accept the role of either V.P. or as a member of Trump’s cabinet as say either Commerce Secretary or HHS Secretary of HHS if Trump offered him such a slot. It would give him the exposure he needs to understand how to best dismantle the administrative state in a future run for POTUS.

1 year ago

He accepted money from Soros. I definitly don’t get a warm and fuzzy feeling from him. I see a silver tongued devil.

Alberto Quintana
Alberto Quintana
1 year ago

Beware, It is better the bad you already know that the good you don’t. If Mr. Ramaswamy is a Sorro’s popet, and he is against Israel. You better think before you vote.

1 year ago

Too many questions regarding his past associations with heavy demonrats. And his recent statement on turning Taiwan over to China is a serious red flag. I will absolutely not be voting for him.

1 year ago

Ramaswamy has said many refreshingly courageous and correct things. But he in his immense self-confidence he has also been willing to take positions especially on foreign policy which show he needs to read more history and study before passing judgment. So I think he is trying to save the country right now because he thinks later it might be harder or impossible. He is probably right but not ready to be president.

Victoria A Sefrsnek
Victoria A Sefrsnek
1 year ago

I am “ in the public sector” and though I am totally against Biden’s let everyone in regardless policy, I have long believed our immigration laws need major revamping – more workers, better and deeper background investigation into prospective immigrants, more consideration for the dangers many are leaving, more equitable and compassionate consideration for the children if immigrants, and many more issues. I do NOT believe in all of Trumps extremely restrictive policies. There must be a better middle ground to safeguard American citizens, as well as allow others to come into our country legally.

1 year ago

rhino, JUST LIKE ALL liberals; CANCEROUS

1 year ago

Ok, so how is Donald Trump going to run for president with all this bogus legal baggage? He can’t win because gullible American voters continue to believe every word against him from the Chinese-influenced North American news media. I don’t see a future for Donald Trump in American politics after everything that Pelosi and the wealthy elite have managed to do to this man with impunity. He is, by far, the most victimized president in American history and has no recourse against a corrupt rule of law in America. Democrats have become Communists but brainless media treats them as royalty.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

So far at least, Vivek has refused to bash Trump; that gives him one plus. He appears to be anti-Swamp; that’s another plus. I haven’t seen or heard the Soros connection mentioned by others. Where does that info come from? Is it a RELIABLE source or rumors and gossip?
Trump is #1 choice. Vivek could be VP or a cabinet member.

1 year ago

Hammer the Democratic Party “not” fellow Republicans!

1 year ago

I like Ramaswamy but not for POTUS at this time, possibly a future POTUS but is too inexperienced in the ways of government to understand what he would be fighting.
Should Trump decide he is worthy of the VP position with DJT winning the GOP nomination, I believe it could be a formidable ticket and give Vivek some needed experience. Trump could also nominate Viviek to some cabinet position. Or, as the article mentions, a run for Ohio Senate or House seat.
We need to see and hear more from Vivek and not make the same mistake made in 2008 when an unvetted but articulate first term Senator from IL became the most divisive POTUS in recent generations.

1 year ago

His best quality: not a career politician, may also be his biggest burden. The RNC did not support Trump in 2016 because they couldn’t control him. This young man is facing the same prejudice. Personally, I am sick and tired of career politicians.

1 year ago

So far I like Vivek. He speaks with conviction, is knowledgeable on issues, and doesn’t seem to pander. But we’ll wait and see. He’s quite young, has a lot of growing to do. I think he has a future in politics whatever happens next year.

1 year ago

I don’t trust Ramaswamy. I believe he’s a Democrat plant. He accepted money from the Soros family to go to college while he was a millionaire then lied about taking the money. Democrat owned and controlled mainstream media are promoting him on all social and their other propaganda outlets.

1 year ago

Disappointed that this doesn’t dig deeper into his connections with the WEF and George Soros.

James Ring
James Ring
1 year ago

Ramaswamy is a snake oil salesman very similar to Hussein Obama. Just look at some of his views from the past before he decided to run for office. Don’t trust what he says.
For the survival of America….it’s Trump or demise.

Sam Hart
Sam Hart
1 year ago

I have heard that
He owns lots of guns BUT NOT
Amerivan ones?

1 year ago

We have heard that Soros funded Ramaswamy’s college education. Is that true?

1 year ago

Once he turned on Israel he lost ANY chance because the God of Israel is against him. He seems to be saying what the Trump base generally wants to hear. Easily a Sonos plant.

1 year ago

Be careful. Obama was good looking, well spoken, charming, flashy etc too.

1 year ago

He is supported by Soros and doesn’t support Israel! TRUMP MAGA TRAIN BABY!

Alan V
Alan V
1 year ago

If the author of this article “hides behind a pen name …Then there is no accountability for his story. Sounds like a candidate’s public relations piece to me.
Shame on AMAC for allowing such tripe!

Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith
1 year ago

I like this man but he needs to rethink immigration issues.

Doris Dabish
Doris Dabish
1 year ago

See 14th Amendment. He is eligible to run and hold office but God help us if he did get in, he an establishment tool and fool…made milllions buying and promoting a no-good drug from Glaxo Wellcome, a Soros confidant, not a person you want to lead US…he says nothing! Vote for Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai,, See a real candidate with integrity.

1 year ago

I have heard on the news (which one ?) That Vivek took money from George Soros – that he is from or connected to Silicon Valley – and he is tied to Big Pharma. That, plus reading this article made me eliminate him. I had previously thought that he is just a little too Slick for me! When asked if he would settle for Vice President – he immediately replied by saying he wouldn’t settle for second best! He says that he wants to take what Trump did and take it further! That’s not true – read this article!

1 year ago

I was impressed by his appearances . I too think the primaries are just his government sponsored coming out parties so folks will recognize him when he runs for other offices.

1 year ago

He is no longer in the running as far as I’m concerned. It’s come out that through one of his companies he was pushing for a national and even international individual registry of individual health records. I’m not voting for anyone remotely connected to a scheme like that!

1 year ago

You failed to mention his monetary connection to
Soros funding since college! Incomplete reporting!

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