
Elections , Newsline

The Unlearned Lessons of the Democratic Party

Posted on Sunday, November 10, 2024
by David P. Deavel

Thinking purely as a partisan, it is good to see that very few Democrats are willing to learn any lessons from this past week’s election. Thinking as an American patriot, it is very bad. One yard sign glimpsed in a picture online read, “Republicans are not perfect, but the other party is insane.”

Just so. It would be good for Americans to have two imperfect but sane parties to push each other to be better. But that it will happen in the immediate future is doubtful. The other party’s insanity is a many splendored thing, but its deepest layer is the variety that has been described as doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results. Open up the news, political websites, or the social media of your choice and you will discover that “the other party” is filled with politicians, analysts, activists, and voters who seem to have no capacity for learning something new. They are ready to repeat all the mistakes they have made over the last decade. Though there are many more that could be named, here are five of the most important unlearned lessons of the Democratic Party in the wake of the 2024 election.

It’s Not (Just) Your Messaging; It’s Substance

The cry of the Democrats is always that their real problem is that they just couldn’t get it through to the American people how wonderful they are, how wonderfully they have governed, and how bad their opposition is. We wonky Democrats, they say, just can’t compete with the media savvy GOP.

Now, this one actually has a bit of truth in it this time. Democratic messaging in this election was atrocious. Tim Walz, who strode onto the national stage with well-practiced jazz hands and Rockette kicks, was partnered with Doug Emhoff, who knocked up the nanny during his first marriage and allegedly smacked a girlfriend so hard she spun completely around, as the avatars of a new and non-toxic masculinity. Walz’s comical attempts to use a firearm and talk football (he apparently thought a “pick 6,” which refers to an interception run back for a touchdown, was a type of offensive scheme) were only compelling in comparison to the “Man Enough” ad created by Jimmy Kimmel’s team that even many on the right thought was a parody.

Ads directly featuring Kamala Harris herself were uniformly forgettable, despite the fact that they interrupted seemingly every song on YouTube. Even former Obama advisor Van Jones said, with reference to her ads directed to black men, that they “sucked.”

So, yes, messaging was terrible. But it’s not simply that. It’s that the substance was terrible. People voted for Trump because of concerns about the economy, border security, and crime. They were voting for a foreign policy that brings peace. They were voting for Trump because they didn’t want women’s sports to be filled with men and hospitals to be mutilating the bodies of boys and girls in the name of ideology. They were voting against the scourge of DEI in government and business. They were voting against government censorship in the media. They were voting for religious freedom. Even though the Harris-Walz campaign tried to downplay some of the issues involved here, the problem is that they couldn’t cover their own record on these issues. It may not have been a woke campaign, but Harris’s woke agenda was always visible just below the surface. 

Don’t Believe Your Own B.S.

Democrats have been weeping and lamenting this week in part because so many of them seemed to believe the story they told themselves about the “grassroots” enthusiasm for Harris-Walz. They convinced themselves that full rallies were signs of imminent victory, despite the news reports that the campaign was often bussing people in from one state to another to achieve those numbers. They convinced themselves that Donald Trump rallies were half-empty because of Democrat influencer videos taken before the rallies began or at the very end when people were trying to beat the crowd to the parking lot—something real Americans who are not political activists tend to do. They even convinced themselves that there were millions of “shy Harris voters” who were afraid of their MAGA husbands or neighbors. They believed that women would rise up and vote for an unlimited abortion license but wouldn’t vote based on their pocketbooks and other concerns.

That all of this was patently nonsense didn’t stop Democrats from believing it. One can’t help but laugh at figures such as Dr. Arlene Battishill, a retired political scientist at Temple Hill University, who now posts videos on social media. Her cackling video on election day about how she told a liquor store employee he had “wasted” his vote for Trump because women were all voting on abortion went viral after her arrogance was brought low.

Too many figures on the left still believe the pre-election fictions. Eddie Glaude, a current Princeton professor, told MSNBC viewers that people could not have voted on pocketbook issues. It must have been—you’ll never guess—racism that motivated them. He explained Trump voters with an impersonation: “There’s this sense that ‘whiteness is under threat. All of these racially ambiguous children on Cheerios commercials are confusing the hell out of me.’”

The big lesson might be to listen and take seriously what Americans say, but few Democrats seem capable of doing so. Joe Scarborough might be an exception. The Morning Joe host earlier this week evinced a glimmer of recognition when he found out how much butter is being sold for. “Is it framed in gold?” he asked.

But most of the people speaking and writing this week were content with the narratives they had created—never challenging the ideas that the economy is superb, crime is way down, and Trump is a “convicted felon.” The problem, they all convinced themselves, was again about messaging.

Don’t Think You Can B.S. The American People

Joe Rogan’s situation is indicative of the problem. Whatever the final call on the effectiveness of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19, when Rogan said he was using it to treat himself in 2021, CNN said that he was taking a “horse dewormer.” It was a gross bit of lying that some CNN figures eventually apologized for. But this is the problem. Democrats haven’t just been telling lies that they believe. They tell lies that they themselves know are untrue. And the last four years have seen a great many of them. 

Donald Trump is colluding with the Russians. Hunter Biden’s laptop is “Russian disinformation.” Crime went down in 2022. Jussie Smollett. If you take the shot, you won’t get Covid. Women are dying because of abortion laws in red states. Inflation isn’t a problem.

All baldfaced lies.

Lincoln famously said that though you might be able to fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. In a country like ours, the internet is making it harder and harder to fool all of the people even some of the time. What we have seen is that what is labeled a “conspiracy theory” by Democrats is usually converted into a fact with the simple addition of time. After the election, Americans found yet another converted conspiracy: a FEMA employee was fired for telling her aid workers to not help those in homes with Trump signs during one of the recent hurricanes (rank discrimination that had earlier been dismissed as wildly implausible).   

Circular Firing Squads Are No Way to Build a Coalition

Democrats have been stuck in a purity spiral since at least the second term of Obama. What was called in the 90’s “political correctness” turned into an impulse toward ideological purging of anyone who didn’t toe the party line. Pro-life Democrats have become nearly extinct in federal government. Those who disagreed with Covid policies were treated as pariahs. Those who dissented on the trans movement or teaching CRT have been treated as “transphobes” and “white supremacists.” Suburban moms who didn’t want their kids masked and their daughters facing young men on the sports field were treated as “terrorists.” Pretty much anybody who dissented on anything was treated as a non-person or an enemy of Americans.

The result has been the defection of a whole host of interesting figures from the Democratic Party: Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Bill Ackman, Jennifer Sey, Bari Weiss, and a host of others who now seem to be more aligned with Trump and the Republicans, even if they aren’t down-the-line conservatives. The current mood of the Democrats doesn’t look as though it will change. In fact, they are upping the ante in a serious way even as the country rebels against these stifling trends.

Americans Don’t Want to be Divided or Canceled

Sadly, Democrats are not just excommunicating each other from the Party. Some of their most vociferous figures are calling for a wholesale excommunication of Republicans from American life. This week, Joy Reid encouraged CNN viewers to avoid their family and friends who voted for Trump over the Christmas holidays. This was a not uncommon piece of advice. And there are enough people taking it to destroy a lot of relationships. Individuals on X (Twitter) boasted of having cut off family from inheritances, grandchildren, and themselves for daring to vote the wrong way. Lucid_Lotus, an X user whose bio identifies her as a Midwestern housewife, wrote of cutting off her children and grandchildren: “We became estranged from our daughter. Eventually we went no contact 2 years ago. It’s heartbreaking, but it had to be done. I miss my grandsons, and I still love them all (3) fiercely but we will not give hate a safe harbor here in our home.”

Such is the party of “joy.”

This kind of ideological insanity is not going to attract more Democrats. It’s going to make people start treating Democrats as a deranged cult that wants to cut its true believers off from those who love them and whom they love. It will perhaps cause even worse outcomes.

In Duluth, Minnesota, this week, a 46-year-old man who had become convinced of the apocalyptic darkness of Trump’s victory killed his wife, his seven-year-old son, his ex-wife, her son, and himself after writing recently of his worries about religion and the possibility of A Handmaid’s Tale-type situation in America.

This brand of dread over impending facism is staple Democratic rhetoric. Does this mean Democrats are responsible for his act? The man seems to have had mental health problems and, in any case, responsibility isn’t that simple. But let us ask if the kind of extreme rhetoric that encourages people to cut off all contact with Trump voters and to see them as evil fascists, Nazis, white supremacists, and religious tyrants is good for our country.

For all their rhetoric about Trump’s divisiveness, Democrats are encouraging division and enmity in Americans for each other. They are encouraging the break-up of families and communities. They are encouraging nasty confrontations. This writer had an unknown woman stop her car on Wednesday and scream obscenities at him when she inferred that he was a Trump voter.

Republicans have long been labeled the stupid party. Those of us inside know that there are plenty of reasons for that moniker. But Democrats have decided to give us a run for our money, refusing to learn any lessons that are there before their eyes. The problem is that their failure is not just a political problem for them. It is a problem for all of us. We want the truth. We want peace and prosperity. We don’t want to be divided on racial and other lines. And we want to get along with each other even when we disagree.    

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.   

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Dannie Ray Jackson
Dannie Ray Jackson
3 months ago

Exaggerating things was overly done, saying that Trump was a dictator for instance did not stick with the voters. What matters with the majority of people is their income and taxes, the cost of things, illegal foreign invaders and crime. Defunding the police does not help to convince the average voter that you have their best interest in mind. As well as creating 52 new kinds of genders and placing men in women’s restrooms and showers. And advocating gender reassignment surgery for children. I wonder why the people voted red this time?

Thomas Deane Vann
Thomas Deane Vann
3 months ago

Mr. Deavel, while that is an insightful well written opinion, please remember the maxim: “When your enemy is in the process of destroying themselves do not offer advice”.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

The country since Obama’s presidency is fragmented and classified by color of the skin, sex transgender, black. latino ,you name it ,all victims of whiteness It is easy to break and destroy the country so fragmented. In order to put it together again we must become Americans . Thank God for our country and Trump’s win, voter saw the evil of so called democrats and now we can begin to heal the soul and return to normalcy.

3 months ago

81M people voted for Biden in a huge leap in electorate at 3am. Where are the 20M missing votes for Kamala? Did they not think it important to go vote and stop “Hitler/Mussolinni” and protect abortion? WHERE ARE THE 20M “votes”. Free the J6 political prisoners NOW!

Sherrie Wilson
Sherrie Wilson
3 months ago

There are two ways to make people angry enough to take action: mess with their money or their children. The Democrats did both. This reckoning is the result.

3 months ago

It’s not the Democrat party, it’s the Communist party.

Kevin Fodor
Kevin Fodor
3 months ago

What I remember the most here was the constant misinformation coming from the national news media. ALL of it. Saturday Night Live’s producers didn’t even know Equal Time rules applied to comedy shows. And there were only about two accurate pollsters. The rest were sampling D plus too much. Political polls are as accurate as radio and television ratings and they’re done the same way. If the sample is wrong, the poll is wrong.

Bill Carson
Bill Carson
3 months ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah , but 49% of the public love what Democrats represent. That’s why troubles me. A slight chance and their boots are kicking us again.

3 months ago

I ‘m not a vengeful person , however, these EVIL people need to have the head cut off the snake. There will never be a time that they will not totally ruin our lives every chance they get . If not taught what goes around comes around . How many nuns , & patriots have they jailed & parents were terrorist if we spoke out for our children . How about even now they are trying to sneak in a RINO in for McConnell so Trump will be blocked . Those poor J6 prisoner’s who haven’t even had a trial yet . People who silently prayed outside a abortion clinic , still in jail . All the BLM & rioters that burned down or cities , harmed police stations , destroyed our monuments , walked free . FEMA was ordered not to help any republicans or TRUMP supporters , in the last hurricane down south . What horrible miserable people THE DEMS are . . I do hope they destroyed their party totally . But I do not believe we have heard the last of there childish , selfish , evil deeds . GOD BLESS AMERICAN & DONALD J. TRUMP .

3 months ago

America first (for a change) made sense to me.

3 months ago

“Democrats” (with quotation marks on the term because they actually despise democracy), are severely disliked because they are corrupt, transparent liars who cheat their fellow citizens, while, at the same time, also, maligning them.
They have no sense of right or wrong, and yet, people still donate money to them. I say, “No Thanks”.

michael hess
michael hess
3 months ago

oh no the dumb as craps did not misunderstand the American people. the dumb as crap have a agenda to cram socialism down the throats of Americans whether they want it(?) or not. and the Americans did not want socialism. soros will not live to see the USA beaten or get his revenge for America killing his hero hitler. let’s hope and pray that the dumb as craps socialist government for America has been crushed and ground to dirt.

3 months ago

One thing we must correct, is that the Democrats party IS NOT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, they are simply a group known as Democrats stop referring to them as democratic, that is a philosophy, not a group!

3 months ago

It’s far more common for adult children to be cutting off loving grandparents for voting for Trump. In the United States, 1/4 grandparents has become estranged from their beloved grandchildren. An unbelievable amount of misery and loss ensues.

Something, Something
Something, Something
3 months ago

Democrats are the new Stupid Party. I hope the Republicans will be known as in the future as the Normal party or the Common Sense party. It remains to be seen but at least there is hope it might occur.

3 months ago

Great article!

Scott Lucado
Scott Lucado
3 months ago

Once Democrats booed God at their national convention, I knew they’d lost their minds.
And they’ve worked plenty hard at proving it ever since.

3 months ago

Harris’s cackling made me cringe as well as her goofy smile. Walz’s above his head clapping reminded me of a circus seal clapping at the animal tent. His attempt to load his shotgun would make any NRA instructor run for cover! The original dog and pony show. Glad they are gone.

3 months ago

Democrats have no tolerance for another opinion, only their own. I know of many dems that have divided families. I have one my self. My daughter told me after the election if I didn’t take her political beliefs as the best she would no longer be part of the family. She was forcing me to forego my support of Trump and align myself with her. I refused. No thanksgiving or Christmas together in the near future. My son in law has avoided me for 4 years and recently I found out my brother in law won’t have nothing to do with me, going on 3 years. That is why I haven’t seen him in all those years, who knew. All this because I am a Maga and voted for Trump. I am so glad I am on this side of the political aisle. These dems are so egotistical and hateful they can’t even acknowledge that they are on the wrong path politically. That they can’t accept or even figure out why they lost in such a landslide. The people rejected their policies and most of all their lies. Many of us saw this in 2016 and even more so in 2020 what liars and manipulators they were. But the dems kept following Biden and Harris and their propaganda. Which turned soon into name calling in Philadelphia by Biden looking like the devil and a group marines in the background. It was like he was saying destroy these Trump supporters or the marines are coming after you. Especially after how they treated people who were just in DC on Jan 6. They kept that so called coup in the spotlight till July of 2024 when they themselves did a real coup and replaced the president with another. But don’t you dare call it a coup. O and P were not arrested. Harris was elevated to savior. Only all this drama was seen as a Shakespearean play. Only we were living it. The open borders the war in the Ukraine the inflation high interest rates drug deaths starvation. Our inner cities destroyed. 30-40 people shot to death every weekend and Biden nor Harris did anything about it. Never even mentioned it. Ukraine got more press than the millions that came across the border. But the base still hasn’t seen what the DNC stands for. Which is division to create communism in America. The CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is alive and well. These dem people will be saved although they will never admit they are on the wrong side. That is not part of their DnA of a democrat. They are never wrong.

3 months ago

I’m going to put this right here.
“It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
― Ronald Reagan

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Stay the Course Dems OK
Die off who cares
Cant debate with since hate debates
NO ideas\
Dely, deny, direct
Blame all for theyre own woes they seeded

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

One of the first articles I have read, where the writer seems to get it. You will never see any similar article written by someone on the left. The vote (not stolen completely .. yet) was won because one side used logic, and common sense. While the other side, used made up rhetoric, lies, and happy little false antidotes. And then they are shocked they lost? As a Goldwater Conservative … I will vote for the best of my choices, who most clearly shares my belief system. Man, Woman … it does not matter. I will not vote for a man, because I am a man .. I will not vote for a liar, because I don’t respect liars. I will not vote for a racist, a pedophile, a misogynist, because those are traits I don’t believe in.
It is really that simple … and not believing the lie, that continuing along the same miserable path, that brought millions of immigrants across and UN-vetted border. Rose fuel prices, rose grocery prices, and seemed intent on destroying our way of life … and voting for it to continue …. was a bad choice … and the majority of Americans, realized it, and made their choice against it.
I congratulate Donald Trump for running, and for winning, but I congratulate my fellow Americans, for making the right choice … perhaps, returning America to the great country that it has been and can continue to be … a beacon of freedom for the world.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

Before and even after the election I have occasionally piped up and made my opinion known. An article about an 18 year old girl dying while pregnant with sepsis was the impetus that enraged the local libs about her not being able to have an abortion here in S.C. because she was too far along. Actually, the girl wasn’t trying to get an abortion and didn’t want one.

Having been married at 18 myself, I said: “Teenagers shouldn’t get pregnant” which was based on my experience and the story, but you can’t imagine the hate I got, most of which I cannot repeat here. The nicest thing one gal (who wouldn’t give up) said to me was that I was an “old bat” and that I should go back to my retirement home and quickly die.

With President Trump back in office sanity will start to reign again and our constitutional republic will soon be on the mend. The lady who cut off her family because of her mis-applied political beliefs is a sad case but typical of many. I doubt that her kids and grand kids retaliated with calling her an “old bat” and telling her to die. Conservatives just aren’t like that. But this election has shown THEM that we are NOT stupid. Game over, not playing!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

I like Pelosi blaming Joe for not stepping aside sooner! Of course, she and ALL OTHER dimms kept telling us Joe was sharp as a tack! Then Kackler, who could have auditioned as clown, fed us “word salads” with NO substance. And the over-the-top insults are always a good way to get normal people to vote for you. I wonder why Oprah and others took money from Kackler–I though they were her pals?

3 months ago

Actors, Musicians and Sports figures … Why do they believe supporting any candidate helps them? Chances are 40-50% of people will disagree with them, cancel their movies, games or music if they support the other candidate. Good way to end support and income from a large part of the population.

3 months ago

great article

Moma Chaunce
Moma Chaunce
3 months ago

Let us go door to door offering cards and flyers for mental health services to anybody who posted a Harris sign or who is a known Demoxrat. Please start with the obese short grey haired insane.liberal ladies who are at greatest risk, followed by the soy boys they allow to touch them. Let us counsel liberal mothers who get attention because they gleefully announce every aspect of her daughter being a womyn sliced and slapped off her soon to be frek.son. Please do not pray for them as they hate any God. Tell them that we all agree to give free abortions to illegals who dont like the free food we provide due to lack of proper spices and that we will kick aging veterans from their homes to make room for the crack addict that need shelter and sympathy.
Thne when done just look at th3m and play the pre recorded Kamal Kackle tape sound of a raging hyenna laugjing, aka kamal.toe when reminded that back in the day she was assumed to be willie browns….daughter.
Oh. One other thing. Yes doug hitsoffs daughter is objectively unatractive, trumps wife is to kamal.toe and muke/michelle and hillary what a butterfly is to a wharthog, and the new male to dems lies about military service, shotguns and football, as well as impregnated a child babysitter and forces her to get an abortion, slaps a woman, treats female workers like scum and hates himself for being born Jewish.
Dems face it…without uncle tombama you ain’t squat. But we are and now…sit back, relax and let it happen.

3 months ago

The truth of the matter is what this country needs is a government that cares about the people, not career politicians.

3 months ago

lies need to be called lies not the lefts cute names !

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
3 months ago

democrats truly hate this country and want to burn it tom the ground so they can rule over the ashes. Most people in this country love it! They know what a woman is, do not believe children are intelligent enough to know that they want to surgically want to change sexes, Men should not participate in women’s sports, men do not belong in women’s bathrooms or dressing rooms, children should not be subject to grown men dressed as women reading stories to them, abortion is not health care, we, as a country should not be subsidizing illegal immigrants while veterans are homeless on the streets, stealing is actually a crime, someone who has never owned a slave owes nothing to someone who was never a slave, if you take out a loan to go to school pay it back yourself, bigger government more regulation and high taxes will not change the weather I could go on for 5 more paragraphs. democrats are the party of insanity and must be destroyed, not just defeated. They are the epitome of evil . . . . The last election proves that but they will never change

3 months ago

Absolutely perfectly written! Thank you!

3 months ago

So America should educate and care for nutjobs that say don’t invite your kin over for the holidays ?? If you haven’t been hiding in the closet and not watching the rag free press showing police stations and cities being burnt to the ground people murdered and a America citizen not one but two attempts on his life . Let the imbeciles keep kicking a dead horse hoping it will come back to life , how we can help first cut all funding to that rag public TV saying their not partisan but constantly saying Mr . Trump is hilter. WAKE UP!!!

3 months ago

When one can’t cheat because of a virus, one can’t win. 10 million more votes in 2020? Did the USA lose 10 million people in the last 4 years? I think not.

3 months ago

Some almost long past, perhaps history to think about concerning the democrat party. They are the party of bridge hangings of run away black slaves. They are the party of white sheets and pointed white caps (perhaps to accommodate their own severely pointed heads) who also covered their faces with eye holes in their sheets. They are the party of slavery, of whippings, beatings, and shootings of slaves. The party of rape on black women slaves and on and on. The Republican party was the party of the birth of the freedom railroad that helped slaves escape north to a better life…to me those two comparisons speak volumes. The democrats are the party of lies, deceptions, war mongering, slaughtering the unborn, destroying our border, endangering this nation, bleeding from the eyes to disarm this nation…wannabe dictators can’t abide an armed populace; the party of the incremental weakening of a once strong criminal justice system, stacking the courts, pushing the perversion of children, so-called “gay rights” as if perversion is a right anymore than slaughtering the unborn is a “right”…. and the democrat party is the party of mass murder of American citizens in Waco, Texas in 1994 as the “media” for 51 days cheered on the carnage presided over by William Jefferson Clinton.
Who instead of being charged with mass murder is still lurking in the shadows no doubt waiting, with his non-citizen cohort Obama, in the darkness for a more opportune time to destroy this once Constitutional Republic. I’m sure we could find even more reasons to thoroughly distrust Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and a few others. But lets pray that those still unknown traitors to our Constitution will be ferreted out and “properly chastised”. We have a bloated government with uncountable non-essential people on the payroll. Lets add the ATF or as Wayne LaPierre called them so long ago: Jack booted thugs. Then there is the FBI that also has way to much power, again as our “criminal justice system” is more like a revolving door. And then we have “governors” like our own “Governor” Polis who turned downtown Denver into a homeless center. Allowed foreign thugs to terrify citizens and run them out of their homes with just what they could grab. I have an extensive cousin family not far from downtown Denver who can testify to that. Thank God they’re well armed. Bottom line? Thank our God in Heaven that He kept the Donald from being killed, twice and that we now have a president who actually loves this nation and will bring about a reckoning to those who want to destroy it.

Big Dave
Big Dave
3 months ago

In the opening paragraph ,the quote is that insanity is doing the same thing, the same way and expecting a different outcome.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

The title of this article should actually be “The lessons the democratic party will NEVER learn. Also, someone should tell Lucid_Lotus that hate already has a safe harbor in her home.

3 months ago

As good as this article is, there are some serious issues that we cannot ignore. First of all, we can’t lose site of the fact that Harris secured over 70 million votes in this election… far too much support for someone of her status. And look at the border states of Arizona and New Mexico. Yes Trump won Arizona and he should have. But how did Kari Lake lose that senate race by 2.5 percentage points? How is it that the southern most district of Arizona, 07, was won by a democrat? New Mexico is completely blue.. house districts 1,2, and 3 won by democrats by wide margins, a senate seat won by 10, and Harris won that state by 6! If it’s all about the border, how is that all possible? And if anyone should be learning lessons, it’s the republican party in those states! What are these people thinking? I am not a pessimist, I am a realist, and there aren’t many people happier than I am about this Trump victory. But this is not an end all for our issues, these dems and their supporters are not going away and we have to continue this fight. We should already be thinking about the 2026 midterms and how to secure more house and senate seats. Otherwise this will all be in vain.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

It was pretty obvious what the democrats were doing with AMERICA.We have so far been very fortunate to have voters that see what the obama,soros,biden agenda was all about.Well giorgio soros,barry nonobamba and the rest of you misfits,MERRY CHRISTMAS and for you entities,may you have a unhappy new year.

3 months ago

I think former Democratic Senator Joe Manchin explained it well. The Democrats ignored the independent voters of whom many are moderate working people. Manchi9n is right and the rest of us know that they also ignored the hard working American citizens who made this country great the way it is, not the way they dream it to be as some kind of spread your wealth to others policies and snubbing moral people by changing societal norms to please their radical wing of the Democratic party.

Stephen V.
Stephen V.
3 months ago

I don’t want the democrat party running my life and there’s not one aspect of my life that they don’t want to control.

Stephen V.
Stephen V.
3 months ago

Please stop calling them the Democratic Party. They’re the Democrat Party.
Nothing Democratic about them.

3 months ago

The Dems will never learn; they are so out of touch with regular working people. Shame on them. Sad…

Jim R
Jim R
3 months ago

Great article. Thanks.

John TeGrotenhuis
John TeGrotenhuis
3 months ago

Isn’t the saying, “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”?

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 months ago

I do hope that the Democrats will come around –> ASAP.

lothar baier
lothar baier
3 months ago

i think one of the things we should do is to outlaw straight party ticket voting

John C
John C
3 months ago

You can refer to me as the enemy within.

lothar baier
lothar baier
3 months ago

what is needed is a third party that instead of running the fools errand of winning the presidency places the focus on winning just enough house races to deny either party a majority , if you carefully select districts that are about evenly split research what people in this district care about and craft a appropriate message should be doable

3 months ago

Only thing we learned is you guys will vote for a rapist because you stick with your own lol

3 months ago

Climate change and nuclear weapons are the bigger problems facing the species.
Trump believes the first is a hoax, nevermind the relatively simple science behind it and ample real-life evidence of it actually happening.
He also seems to want to give the first nuclear-armed country in the world’s history that is trying to annex territory what it wants, thus sparking an arms race around the world. Russia and North Korea are absolutely safe to do whatever they want since, as they have nukes, they can’t be attacked. You think other countries will be blind to that? And all it takes for total destruction is one madman with access to the weapons – whether his name is Putin or Kim doesn’t really matter.
Religious people will say that God will take care of it, if only it were true. Morally bankrupt people won’t care as long as they profit, right up to the end. And here we are arguing about pronouns. Insanity indeed.

Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.
President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama walk together, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in the Center Hall of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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