
Elections , Newsline

The Trump Verdict and What It Means for America

Posted on Friday, May 31, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

Let’s get the the obvious out of the way. 

Yes, the trial was rigged. From Judge Merchan reversing the order of final arguments before the jury, so the prosecution went last and could not be rebutted by the defense; to the outrageous and unprecedented instructions that all 12 of the jury need not agree on the guilt of the defendant. The fix was in from the moment the Biden administration’s Number 3 man at the DOJ magically appeared as a line prosecutor working for Alvin Bragg in New York. 

Add to that the judge illicitly donating to the Biden campaign and an anti-Trump PAC, and his daughter raising $93 million dollars of her father’s trial for the Democrats, this was a political operation not even thinly veiled as a judicial proceeding. A dark day indeed (for my eye witness story from how it looked on the inside see the account of my day in court with the President). 

On the obverse, there are several conclusions which are also already clear but which bode very well for the President, his supporters, and all Patriots. 

After the verdict was reached, within minutes the Trump website crashed and stayed crashed for hours. Why? Was is hacked? Hardly. It crashed because of the overwhelming numbers of Americans who have had enough and wanted to donate to the President’s re-election campaign. 

It is likely that in those few hours, the total amount he garnered will exceed his previous historic record of $54 million raised in one day. Strikingly as well, as you can see on my X feed, there are countless Democrats who have publicly stated that they too have donated to the Republican candidate and have decided to vote for President Trump on November 5th. 

At the moment the President remains a free man who left the courtroom in his armored Secret Service SUV and motorcade and slept in his own bed last night and will remain free until his sentencing, which will occur, of course, just 4 days before the Republican Convention. Politics again. 

But whatever Juan Merchan doles out matters in sentencing matters not in any Constitutional sense, since the Democrat Party may be fueled by hatred and be well-organized, but they seem not to have done their homework. 

There are only three requirements for any American to become President (beyond obviously winning the Electoral College vote), they are:

  1. 35 years or older
  2. Natural born citizen
  3. 14 years a resident of the United States

There is no exclusion based upon having a criminal record. So, yes a felon can be the President (sadly many Conservative voters don’t know this – please educate them). 

So, the President is politically rich and more powerful than he has ever been since he came down the escalator in Trump Tower all those years ago. If the election were today, and if we were to have a free and fair election, he would win. But 5 months is a long time in politics and we must take nothing for granted. 

These are all the obvious consequences of what happened on May 30th, 2024, but that misses the real historic consequence of what we witnessed less than 24 hours ago. Yesterday isn’t about one man, one party, or even one election. It’s about the very fabric of our system, the compact of the people, and their political elite, judiciary, and organs of the state. 

Yes, the President will appeal the decision, but appeals are designed to correct mistakes. Yesterday was no mistake. It was deliberate in every minute detail. The system was deliberately perverted, as a result America was changed. 

Our society is predicated on our differences being settled in a civilized fashion. What happens when the citizens of a nation have no trust in the justice system? Even if the innocent man wins the 2024 Presidential election, millions of people will never trust the legal system that has power over them. How does a nation ever fix that?

In the meantime, when it comes to President Trump, the real verdict will come on November 5th. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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9 months ago

What does the verdict mean? It means America’s Socialist party, the so-called Democrat Party, has dropped all pretense of being anything other than what they truly are. Which is your standard, garden variety authoritarian party, that uses any and all means at its disposal to and stay in power and eliminate any significant political opposition. If you’ve either read any history of other socialist / Marxist governments around the world (the old Soviet Union, modern day China, or other of a slew of socialist South American or African regimes) or traveled to any such countries yourself for an extended period of time, you will no doubt recognize ALL the similarities that exist between how those countries operate and how our own country is currently being governed under this current Democrat administration.

In other such countries around the world, the populations are quite familiar with the periodic show trials that are used to by the ruling regime to punish or eliminate any political opposition that crops up. The MSM media in those countries act exactly like the mouthpieces they are of the regime, to echo the talking points that such and such is a clear and present threat to the nation if left unchecked. Our MSM operates the exact same way today. Facts don’t matter and the law doesn’t matter, as these trials aren’t about so-called justice being served, but rather simply a formalized process for the government to remove anyone who poses a potential threat to the regime off the board. The trials themselves are a mere formality, more akin to public theater to justify the government’s actions, as the guilty verdict is already guaranteed well ahead of time to whatever bogus charges are level at the defendant. No doubt Dr. Gorka is well familiar with all this.

Now for the real question. Will the American people simply stand by quietly and accept the open use of show trials (MSM won’t use that term and instead refer to it as lawfare when they do discuss the topic briefly) by Democrats or will be this be the straw that finally broke the camel’s back in a manner of speaking? If the American people just shrug their shoulders, yet again, and accept this as part of “the new normal”, then that will signal to the Democrats that they can standardize this practice and use it on anyone they deem either a political threat or simply even a minor inconvenience to be shunted aside.

I do expect that Judge Merchan will sentence President Trump to prison time come July 11th. That has already been decided by the Biden White House and the DOJ. Merchan will of course allow President Trump to post bail as he appeals this ludicrous conviction, but the Democrats will run non-stop ads between now and the election emphasizing Trump’s conviction hoping to peel off some votes ahead of the election. Any appeal process will take 12 to 18 months to run through the normal process, before it ends up at the Supreme Court where all the convictions in this case will all be tossed for numerous violations of the Constitution reasons that even the some of the legals experts on CNN, MSNBC and elsewhere admit exist in how this trial was run by Merchan, Bragg and others. Remember, the primary objective of ALL these bogus cases against Trump is to grease the way for Biden to slip into the White House for a second term via a repeat of many of the same manipulations used since 2020.

9 months ago

This verdict is not surprising. But I think that most Americans can see what is going on. The “Justice System” turns misdemeanors (long after the statute of limitations has expired) into felonies, Prosecutors who were just out to “Get Trump,” a progressive judge who should have recused himself a long time ago who intentionally confused the jury, a jury that really should have been sequestered, considering the enormity of the situation, and lastly, a sitting president who considers himself and his son to be above the law. All I can say is “BANANA REPUBLIC!” But, I do think that Trump will be elected anyway regardless of how much cheating the progressives do. However, the left will fight Trump every inch of the way no matter what he tries to do as president. I’m also expecting lots of unrest. We need God big time!

Nancy Perrine
Nancy Perrine
9 months ago

Truly, the result has hardened the hearts of patriots, and many others, in Trumps favor. It has now become the decided resolve of many that the peoples voice shall be heard loudly come election day, and the anti Trump people, and most democrats, will pay the price for their corruption. It is always a mistake to make a crime of things for one person that have never been a crime for anyone else who did the same things. If not karma, the revenge of God will prevail. I know from experience that when God steps in and defends, it it far worse for the offender than anything man could do to man. They have what they wanted for now, but they will not have the end that they envisioned.

9 months ago

Tex is a troll and communist and just another hater.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
9 months ago

Tex, you make about as much sense as suspenders at a nudist colony.

9 months ago

This whole thing was a shameful disgrace the judge and prosecutor should be disbarred.
Let this be a lesson what goes around comes around after this nonsense no one’s safe

Socratic Thought
Socratic Thought
9 months ago

Trump was beginning to expand the roster of swing-states with VA, MN & NH before his trial ended. Now post verdict we see that the Bidenistas’ lawfare blunder has “awakened a sleeping giant” in the person of Trump’s base. All bets are off.

Jimmy Alan Sanders
Jimmy Alan Sanders
9 months ago

Rigged Court case against Trump. Biden says nobodies above the law, why is Hunter Biden running free and in the White House.

9 months ago

This is a perfect example of why people need to get more involved and research what is really going on with the Puppet and his masters! What a sad day for America but the sad part is that most people will believe that President Trump was given a fair trial!!! Really???
And the Puppet has been pushing for the WHO to take over health care systems worldwide another “punch in the gut for our citizens”.
As a mentor of mine from my early career days always said “Don’t let the bastards get you down”!!! And yes, we have to fight like hell and pray for President Trump, God has a plan that we do not understand but we must have faith that things will work out.

Daryl Tammelin
Daryl Tammelin
9 months ago

This action by the democratic party could be the lighting of the fuse of the biggest revolution ever. The conservatives are a non-violent people where as the other party will stop at nothing to succeed to power.

9 months ago

This will be forgotten in 30 days even with CNN and MSNBC reminding their sparse
audience every hour. Trump raised an enormous amount of money over the past 24 hours as a result of this. Its a moneymaker and a vote-getter for Trump. He got lucky

Mrs. B. L. Kirby
Mrs. B. L. Kirby
9 months ago

The idiots on the wrong side don’t realize they are next in line. My heart goes out to Mr. Trump for all he has been through and taking all the guff from the dumb Democrats. He and all of his family need our prayers now and forever. God bless Mr. Trump and God bless America — in spite of it all. ONE THING FOR SURE — THE LORD HAS THE LAST WORD!!!

Loren Goodin
Loren Goodin
9 months ago

The judge should have recused himself. The venue should have been changed. The defense should have been allowed to put on a defense and call all of the witnesses they seemed necessary. The witnesses should have been given the opportunity to testify, to answer all of the questions they were asked. Alan Dershowitz, a democrat, has been very critical of this entire circus. The judge and Bragg should be disbarred and removed for making this trial a circus.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

I don’t understand Democrats problem with a “convicted felon” being POTUS when we have onel in office already… sans the “convicted” part… Doesn’t seem to matter if there’s a (D) after the name. Right, Marrion Barry?

9 months ago

So that we are clear, all you liberals, leftists, DemocRATS, “progressives”, and “the woke”: Even if President Trump is put on Death Row, I will be voting for him! Deal with it!

9 months ago

Hey TEX, I love you much, but I think you’ve been listening to Joe’s gaffes so much that you lost track of your own reality. You think lies, deception, falsehood will bring tangibility to an illusive, non-existent (“own nothing & be happy”) UTOPIA, Demoncrats are trying to achieve? It will always back-fire!
This is psychology in reverse: The more politicians lie the better. Why? because the more they lie, it will even open the eyes of the blind! It is shocking to even the simple minded. As Joe stole votes from Trump in 2020, so Trump is legitimately stealing the hearts away from Joe. People are beginning to see for themselves what Jan6 was all about. Like Paul Harvey would have said if he would be alive today, “IF I WERE THE DEVIL, I WOULD DISGUISE MYSELF AS A MAGA HAT, WREAK HAVOC ON THE CAPITOL, AND THEN BLAME TRUMP FOR INSURRECTION, –AND NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY.”
DEFINITION OF POLITICS: Poly=many, Tics=blood socking creatures

9 months ago

What really happened is that taxpayer funded show trial succeeded and reputation of the US legal system was damaged. Will this continue? This show is advertised to have more episodes. We do not know.

9 months ago

Hell fire is coming for these Democrats after this November. 90+ million patriots are voting and will demand justice and equal treatment under our laws immediately after Biden’s corrupt DOJ is canned.

9 months ago

I’m not sure what the Trump verdict will mean for America, but I do know what it means for me: it means I will never vote for the evil party (Democratic) whose desire if is to to destroy the American way of life. To prove that they send out that moral filth named Robert Deniro to defend it. Someone should get the Biden/ Harris logo and put a red circle around it with a slash through it. Dems hate America and they will do anything to destroy America!

John Shipway
John Shipway
9 months ago

What the verdict means for America? Just the precedent merely having the trial set is another one of many nails driven into the coffin of this pseudo “free” country.
Droolin Joe’s scent has been all over this BS trial and the demonic smirk the old crypt keeper gave as a response to the verdict was more than enough to earn the pants crapper Dealy Plaza status.
The country is lost and I honestly fear its lost to the point that should our real President regain the Presidency repairing this rapidly dying corruptocracy would be as difficult as counting every grain of sand on every beach on the planet.
We are done

Allen A
Allen A
9 months ago

Every American should now look at their local government to see if there are Democrats in any elected office. If there are any, start or sign Recall Petitions against them. Remove all Democrats from elected offices in your town, city and county. Then get them out of your state government. Recall all of the ones who are not on the November ballot. Many of them were elected in the Mid-terms and are in the middle of their terms. Then go after the ones in Congress. Only 1/3 of US Senators are on the ballot in November. Recall all of the Democrats in the other 2/3. If the first recall fails, start another one. If the Democrats can have endless court cases against Trump, America should run endless recall campaigns against them. Every Democrat official who is recalled will weaken the Party more. Replace them with Conservatives. If you can get a RINO out at the same time, do it, but concentrate on the Democrats. They are the Enemies of America.

9 months ago

Does anyone know how to block the trolls on this site? On National Review and Fox you can block or mute idiots and trolls.

Joyce E Carey
Joyce E Carey
9 months ago

We the People will have the final determination on November 5, 2024 with our vote. If this is the only way the Socialist Progressive Democrats are able to win an election and make the United States of America just another third world Banana Republic, everyone who believes in our country has exercise their right to vote. Government officials do not own us, our Constitution gives us our rights.

9 months ago

We presently have a totalitarian dictatorship run by a demented traitor that is willing to destroy this nation to line his own pockets.

9 months ago

The grasping KKKJoe Biden’s corrupt actions reflects who he really is. Due to his insane groping for power he has no idea of the freedom that comes with being genuine. His capacity for his own moral decay knows no limits and began long ago which made him so attractive to the Ku Klux Klan whom he associated with for years along with other segregationists he befriended. The destruction of other people he despises is his mainstay.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Joe Biden wants to take more showers with his daughter so I guess that makes us even. Do you even kniw what the Constittutions Preamble says? Doubt it. Because all you do is mouth others words… like the chanting at Hamas-loving college protests.

9 months ago

Make no mistake about it, this nations only hope is that it repents of all its sinfulness and turns back to the God of the Bible !

leland patterson
leland patterson
9 months ago

how much money did the 12 juries receive out of the 93 million? yes, money will buy many juries and will buy you the court!

Don Graves
Don Graves
9 months ago

The Marxists have turned President Trump from a flawed, human candidate into a cause. They have made him the symbol around whom we must unite to push back against a corrupt justice system and administration. President Trump has become Everyman, and what is being done to him can be done to every man.
This is no time for wasting votes by indulging third party spoiler candidates. For example, libertarians gave Georgia to Biden, and both of their Senate seats to the Democrats (by forcing runoffs that should have been unnecessary). They also very nearly cost Kemp the Governor’s race.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
9 months ago

Funny how you Progressive-Socialists at any level constantly lie and accuse others of what they, themselves are guilty of. It’s downright sociopathic.

9 months ago

I am so sorry you lost your friends. I suspect that is not because of your viewpoints, but because of your demeanor. Nobody likes anti-Christian hysteria or Trump Derangement Syndrome spit in their faces by arm waving lunatics, who are so convinced that they are correct while spewing fact-free assertions. I hope you can reconcile to your friends and family. God bless you. Politics should never be allowed to interfere with family and friends.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
9 months ago

Like I said in my other “post” we must wait for all of God’s wrath to hit the fan. Trust me IT WILL! Some fired; some imprisoned; some die. The “innocent” people like Jan. 6 will go free & knowing God probably “paid back well” for the injustices done to them. But we must wait patiently. I don’t believe it will be long now.

And I have told
And I have told
9 months ago

If they can so this to him they can do it to you you! And trust me you guys have done of a lot of things I can tell lol

9 months ago

It was a prosecution of attainder.

9 months ago

How does a nation ever fix that? We fix that by national repentance toward God and living by his laws. Imagine what a difference it would make if every citizen just lived by the ten commandments.

Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams
9 months ago

Maybe that’s what America need. Dictatorship. This will make Americans regret alot of
things they had done. Heaven knows what’s coming.

Deputy Dawg
Deputy Dawg
9 months ago

Biden and Trump have both failed to live up to any standard. The US needs a good third party candidate to avoid having a bad president again. The last good president we’ve had was honestly Bush Junior.

Deputy Dawg
Deputy Dawg
9 months ago

Biden is wrong about most issues but Trump made mistakes in his personal and business dealings and it was only a matter of time before this happened. The republicans made a bad mistake by nominating Trump when there were so many much better choices. I’m a pro choice republican and overturning Roe vs Wade was a bad move. I will not be voting for either Biden or Trump. Even the third party candidates look terrible. We need a better candidate in the race.

9 months ago

Too funny. And to thibnk Trump has 3 more conviction coming

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

Trump needs to be off ice and in the penalty box for as long as it takes for the game to finish

9 months ago

gorka belongs in jail for all the crimes he has committed

9 months ago

if you commit 34 felonies, you are guilty of 34 felonies

9 months ago

isn’t it funny that the gop has always said if you commit a crime you are guilty and you should pay for it. trump committed 34 crimes and was found guilty of all of them but now the gop claims the system is rigged. that’s very rich. the gop is a bunch of lying hypocrites. fuk the gop

9 months ago

everyone who is saying that if trump is guilty then you are next is a felon themselves, if you commit the crime you do the time and trump deserves to go to jail

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