
Elections , Newsline

The Real Reason Democrats Can’t Shake Trump in 2024 Polls

Posted on Friday, August 4, 2023
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman


Not just the United States, but most of the democratic world has witnessed a major realignment over the past decade.

Political divisions, which once ran along the lines of economic class and occasionally race, increasingly began to reflect educational differences instead. Culture, which in the past had been less important than one’s economic class and derived from specific ethnic and religious traditions, increasingly became defined by class itself. Class, meanwhile, rather than being determined by income, became a matter of education.

Which religion you are also increasingly has begun to matter less than whether you are religious. In 2004, it would have been safe to bet that a devout Muslim mechanic in Detroit and an Evangelical Christian small business owner in Tennessee would vote in opposite ways. Now, however, the fact that they are religious and do not work in the globalized service industry means they have more in common with each other than with their children who may have gone off to Oberlin or Berkeley.

This shift has had multiple impacts, but one of the greatest has been on the gap between the perception of politics among elites and the actual reality of how the electorate at large perceives the political landscape.

Nowhere is this more obvious than when it comes to the cases of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Perhaps no president since Nixon has produced such polarized views between the elites and the country at large. Elites may have detested Donald Trump, but they understood how popular he was with large swathes of the country, even as they came up with increasingly bizarre excuses for it. Nixon’s popularity came as a genuine shock to those who knew almost no one who liked him within their bubbles.

The same is true of Joe Biden. Within the elite bubble, Joe Biden is seen as a largely successful president who has ushered through key legislation and presided over an activist administration. Inflation is falling, U.S. manufacturing is bouncing back from the pandemic, and Russia is checked in Ukraine, they insist. Things are on the right track.

This view is shared not just by Democrats, but by Republican elites who are apt to adopt a fatalistic view when it comes to their party’s prospects against a president they view as formidable against all evidence.

This is one reason why there has been such a shocked reaction to the recent Times/Siena poll which shows the general election tied between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

The tie itself is not interesting – other polls have shown similar results. What is interesting is the work the pollsters, commissioned by the Upshot, the paper’s in-house political analytics division, put into trying to figure out exactly why it was tied.

For many modern pollsters, the goal is to get a topline number which can be published. The demographic breakdowns are secondary. The goal with this poll, however, was the opposite. It bent over backwards to get representative breakdowns. In particular, it sought to correct one of the key flaws in polling since 2016: not weighting for education.

The results provide a clear picture of why coverage of the 2024 race is so detached from the data in America today. The electorate is clearly divided into two universes, and the media overwhelmingly inhabits just one of them.

The results for the Times/Siena poll do not paint a picture of an electorate that believes America is on the right track. Only 23% of respondents agreed that it was. 65% felt America was moving in the wrong direction, including 38% of Democrats and two-thirds of independents.

These numbers showed little differentiation among age, income, or even race. Those over 65 were the least apt to feel the nation was on the wrong track, but 62% still believed it was. Hispanics had the highest percentage believing the nation was on the right track, but this only reached 33%. Democrats were the only group to give a net-positive response, and that was only by the narrow margin of 46%-38%.

Joe Biden’s numbers were equally dire. Thirty-nine percent either slightly or strongly approved of his performance as president compared with 54% who did not. Biden was underwater with every age group, and every racial group except for African Americans, where he was up 60%-26%.

There was also a limited income gap. Biden was down 38%-54% among those who made less than $50,000 a year, 38%-57% among those making $50,000-$100,000 per year, and 42%-52% among those making over $100,000 a year. If anything, the Democrats, the traditional party of the “working class,” seem more popular with higher earners.

But there is one demographic breakdown that does provide a clear differentiation in Biden’s popularity. Among voters without a bachelor’s degree, Joe Biden was down 35%-60%. Among those who had received a bachelor’s degree, Joe Biden had a net positive approval rating, 47%-45%.

There is a hint here which explains the major media narratives about American politics. While the media without a doubt lean left, the greatest homogeneity comes from education. Even Republicans who work in the media and staff outlets like Fox inhabit a world almost entirely made up of those with college degrees, which may explain why coverage, even on a network like Fox, seems to exist in a universe where Joe Biden has a 47%-45% approval rating.

The narrative that Biden, if divisive and not loved, enjoys a solid base of support better reflects the world of the college-educated, where he does indeed have substantially more support. In that world, Joe Biden is favored for reelection in general, and by a lopsided margin in a rematch against Donald Trump. Biden, so the narrative goes, may not be loved, but Donald Trump is outright hated.

The Times/Siena numbers do not support this. Donald Trump’s numbers are not good (although Trump has repeatedly outperformed polls) but they are marginally better than Biden’s approval rating, at 41%-55%, and very close to Biden’s own personal numbers of 43%-54%.

The answer to the question “which universe is the media reporting on?” once again lies in the educational gap. Among voters without college degrees, Trump is viewed favorably, 49%-46%. But among those with bachelor’s or above, Trump is viewed unfavorably by lopsided 27%-70%.

The media narrative thus makes perfect sense in a world where 70% have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump, compared to only 45% who view Biden that way. The problem for the media, as in 2016 and 2020, is that their world is not the entire world.

When combined, the two worlds seem to almost cancel out, at least in this poll. That may be a product of the Upshot’s interest in crosstabs. As previously noted, they were far more interested in who was supporting each candidate than in whether Trump or Biden led by 1.5%, which after all is guesswork based on unknowns about turnout. The result is that we can get some idea of what a tied race would look like.

Such a race is one where the educational gap is replicated. Among voters with a bachelor’s degree or higher, Joe Biden leads by 22%, 54%-32%. Among those without a bachelor’s degree, Donald Trump leads by 13%, or 49%-36%.

These gaps are higher than the margins among any age group, the most lopsided of which, 18-29-year-olds, favor Biden by 10%, 47%-37%. It also entirely dwarfs income groups. The largest margin for either candidate is Joe Biden’s 47%-41% lead among those making over $100,000 a year.

The only group where the margins are higher are among African American voters and Evangelical Christians. In the former case, however, Biden’s 71%-12% lead nevertheless has Trump receiving a higher share of the African American vote than he did in 2020. In fact, the wider trends in the poll could be seen as a continuation of the 2022 midterms, where Democrats held their own or even made gains in areas in suburbs and college towns with service-based economies, but Republicans made gains, even in the bluest parts of the country, among working-class Democrats who found themselves uncomfortable in an increasingly elitist party. This manifested in large GOP gains in California and New York, while Democrats did better in the Upper Midwest, Georgia, Arizona and Colorado.

One thing which is relevant to the increasingly dominant role of education is that the new culture wars do not actually seem to be built around policy differences. While there is some correlation between degree attainment and “social issue” positions, it is small and seems to be more correlated with age.

When it comes to a proposed 15-week federal abortion ban, those with bachelor’s degrees oppose it by a margin of 36%-58%, while those without also oppose it, but only by 40%-50%. Same-Sex marriage is supported by 79% of those with bachelor’s degrees, but also 65% of those without. Military support for Ukraine is favored by 65% of those with bachelor’s degrees, but also 51% of those without. While 68% of voters without bachelor’s degrees believe America is on the wrong track, so do 60% of those with bachelor’s degrees or above. More than 70% of voters with bachelor’s degrees believe the economy is fair or poor.

There is more agreement among these groups on issues than many might expect.

The obvious conclusion is that what we are seeing is a new type of identity politics, whereby the Democrat Party is winning voters with bachelor’s degrees because it is messaging to those voters that their education means they should vote Democrat. It is a new type of class solidarity.

This may also explain the solidarity within the media and the federal civil service, including those at the DOJ and FBI, when it comes to Donald Trump and U.S. politics.

This is not the product of some “Deep State” conspiracy. The trouble is much simpler. Those positions draw almost entirely from a demographic on one side of the great cultural chasm which divides politics in the 2020s, and we should expect them to behave homogenously as a result.

There are likely to be limits to this trend in the long run. The educational gap is a relatively “white” phenomenon. While higher rates of education correlate with Democrat support among white voters, they have a much more limited correlation among non-whites in a Trump-Biden matchup, and a negative one when it comes to Biden’s approval rating. While whites with bachelor’s degrees disapprove of Biden 45%-49%, and those without 29%-67%, with non-whites the numbers are 47%-46% and 50%-34%, respectively.

While Biden does 34% better among whites with degrees than among those without, he does a net 15% worse when it comes to non-whites. If attending college and entering the “woke force” makes white voters more Democrat, it seems to have the opposite effect on non-whites.

This might seem to be a uniquely American phenomenon if not for the prior example of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom saw the same educational polarization under Tony Blair, with professionals in the service sector and degree-holders moving towards Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

However, the inverse happened with many of the children of African and Asian immigrants, with the result that much of the professional base of the Conservative Party is made up of non-white individuals who are on average much further to the Right than their white counterparts. These include the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the Home Secretary Suella Braverman, her predecessor Priti Patel, and the Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch, who has been one of the leading social conservatives in government.

We already see signs of a similar trend with the prominence of Asian, Latino, and African American conservatives. It may well be that educational polarization will result in a world where much of the elite are Democrats, but the Republican professional class is actually more reflective of America as a whole.

In the meantime, it goes a long way to explain the bubble much of America’s political coverage takes place in.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.

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Eric Colson
Eric Colson
1 year ago

The fact that college graduates dislike Trump more disproportionately that those without college degrees to me means nothing. College institutions are bastions of liberal indoctrination and have been so for at least 2 generations. A college PHD professor telling me that there are 52 genders and to “follow the science” is insane. Both my parents had Masters degrees and both were selfish, self centered people that abandoned their children and bought every radically left wing ideology that came down the pike hook, line, and sinker. You look at Dr. Ben Carson who is highly educated, revolutionized brain surgery, and is a conservative, God fearing man. HE is someone I can respect! Compare his calm, intellectual demeanor to the campus radicals who scream in your face and demand that you accept every ideology they have without giving any consideration to yours. Who is the better, more intelligent person?

1 year ago

Study and consider human nature. Tell Americans they can’t do something and what do you get? The more the FJB mob goes after Trump the stronger the Trump crowd becomes. Many people will vote Trump out of pure spite and the opportunity to shove it up FJBs arse.

1 year ago

After so many different fake stories and hoax’s against Trump the public is getting more immune to the propaganda that the MSM is not putting out about Trump. Like the old fable about the “boy who cried wolf” these latest charges against Trump are only coming out after a new piece of evidence against Biden is reveled.
17 March 2023 Hunter Biden admits that the laptop from hell was his.
18 March 2023 Alvin Bragg indicts President Trump.
June 7: FBI releases documents to Congress alleging the Bidens took a $10M bribe from Burisma.
June 8: Jack Smith indicts Trump in Mar-a-Lago docs case.
July 26: Hunter Biden goes to court and rejects sweetheart plea deal after it was revealed DOJ tried to give him blanket immunity from all future prosecutions.
July 27: Jack Smith adds more charges for Trump in the Mar-a-lago case.
July 31: Hunter Biden’s former business partner testifies to Congress that Joe Biden was on over 20 calls with his son’s business partners and that Burisma execs pressured Hunter to get the Big Guy to fire the prosecutor
August 1: Jack Smith indicts Trump again for January 6.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Trump is dangerous because instead of reparation he offers emancipation Planters are petrified of that idea Without the slaves they are finished

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Dems Have:
No Vision
Old Game Plans
Stuck in Past
Focus on Trump
Bribes, kicknbacks, payback
Mob Rule

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

Personally I think the ONLY reason he is up with the black population is they are waiting for the Democrats to try their stupid reparations for people whose ancestors were black. OR they think that they can do whatever they want and there will be no repercussions for the things they are getting away with now. NO jail time for stealing up to 999.00 worth of goods, no jail for assaulting people on the streets, or taking anything they want from small shop owners. WHY would anyone want that???

1 year ago

Don’t worry people. God is the one ultimately in control. The bible says He raises up and deposes leaders, Romans 13:1. He does it according to whether people want His laws and want to follow Him in their lives. The bible says satan rules the earth, only because God allows it. The time is fast approaching when satan will rule fully for 7 years, then no longer be allowed to rule. People have to make a choice, the sooner the better between God’s good rule and Satan’s evil rule. Ask Christ Jesus to be your Savior, and you will live in eternal goodness. God loves everyone, but will only save those who want His Son as their Savior.

1 year ago

Polls are skewed to whichever wind the pollsters are told to go. I don’t believe in polls. Period.

1 year ago

Does ‘education’ mean only College? Does a college degree help you fix a leaking toilet? I’m not a plumber, but I can. Amazing what a practical ‘education’ can do for you. Technical training in the Military, or Tech School, or apprenticeship, or just doing will get you a good productive career, and really important work.. There is really only one other requirement…Show up on time


1 year ago

My question would be: what percentage of voters have college degrees? It’s not surprising that people with degrees are democrats given the liberal indoctrination at colleges.

1 year ago

I long for a return to August 2019, gas was $2.25, groceries were reasonable priced, and the stock market was great.
Bidenomics is destroying our country. Joe Biden is responsible for 13 US service men & women dying in Afghanistan, and every fentanyl overdose death is due to Biden’s inaction to close our southern border. Call your representatives and demand a impeachment inquiry be started….

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

IF YOU CAN’T DEBATE, INCARCERATE! Too bad Trump and DeSantis can’t get together on a single ticket just to see what they could charge Ron with.

1 year ago

I believe there is only one candidate that can turn America back onto the right course and he is experienced and proven. But for 8 years Bidumb’s leftist scum have lied and charged Trump with everything they could dream up. Amazingly they charged Trump with things Bidumb did and Trump did not, but that didn’t seem to matter. They charged him anyway and even though there was no evidence against Trump, Adam Shiffly kept insisting he had evidence when he did not. That should have landed him in jail, but the dimocraps always get away with it. But there were so many lies, I am fearful that many accepted and believe the lies. All the charges against Trump are pure BS but with the real and growing evidence against Hunter and Joe Bidumb why aren’t they both in jail?

Brad Bothell
Brad Bothell
1 year ago

Best overall voting demographics and primer on class divisions in politics I’ve seen this year.

1 year ago

In the future, when any of the Communists such as komrad Biden and his billionaire
associates, must not be addresed as ELITES. In the future, please address them as
the Communist criminals that they are and, the whores that they rode in on. What the
United States requires is to mirror the machinations of our 1776 Founding Fathers and
how they got rid of their worthless effn English King, his wrthless effn Tory followers, and
his worthless effn redcoated armies, through the power of bullets and guns.
What say thee, America?


Fred Friedman
Fred Friedman
1 year ago

A college degree is associated with a lack of common sense, respect for tradition and intolerance toward those who do not subscribe to the political and cultural worldview of the Jews who run the NY Times editorial page and the ACLU. I have several degrees and vote Republican because I love my country and hate disorder, crime, chaos and everything else that the left stands for.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

I think anyone with a college degree that didn’t voted for Biden should get a refund on all their tuition…why? Because they obviously didn’t get what they paid for. I mean, considering the only thing colleges teach now days is a bunch of Socialist BS!
God save the USA

1 year ago

How did the dead voter poll? Because that’s the deciding demographic, and believe it or not, most people are dead. For decades it has been said that a Republican has to win outside the margin of cheating. In 2020 we learned cheating has no margin. Until something is done about that, the rest of this means absolutely nothing.

Raymund Johansen
Raymund Johansen
1 year ago

Not sure if article covered this, as had to read fast. We need to stop describing the split as based on “education.” It is based on something that might be called “credentialism”; the notion that going through the drudgery and cost of getting a paper saying you are “educated” means you deserve something more. The role that the “reeducation” process inherent in higher education today, thanks to the long-game played by leftist ideologues, plays in the division is also critical.

Kenneth Koona
Kenneth Koona
1 year ago

If the GOP can stop illegals from voting, and scan mailins from Dems, thus going all out to make an election fair, Trump and GOP House and Senate pols can get a fair shake when election time rolls around. We all know that Dems cheat but they seem to get away with it and GOP old cows, the Sen/ Mitch types will not break ‘decorum’. Dems do not give a damn about decorum.

1 year ago

Parse it anyway you like but the sleeping horde of non-voters has been awakened and their effect is essentially the reason identity politics has replaced common sense. As long as deceit and misrepresentation is counted as legitimate America will spiral downward. Politics is a hard road to follow and without authenticity of some kind it is a dead end.

1 year ago

I have a bachelor’s from UVA & a higher IQ than that would normally indicate.
Maybe that’s why I’m able to discern what an absolute disaster Joe Biden… and especially Biden’s Cabinetful of Incompetent Clowns… are. Or maybe I can just see what’s in front of my face.
There’s pretty much nothing as demoralizing as watching Biden nominees’ appointment hearings. Anyone with a degree who can watch those creeps & still vote Biden is an utter propagandite and a fool who paid $100,000+ just to become more foolish.

1 year ago

Trump is the one getting the crap from the deep state – He’s the one best qualified to get back in there and clean it out.

Fred Turk
Fred Turk
1 year ago

There doesn’t appear to be much value in a college education.

1 year ago

The “education level” argument is still a bit off. The pollsters have failed to differentiate between “science, math, and engineering” majors, and the “sociology, psychology, etc.” majors. In the second group, you can often get through by knowing some facts and being able to b.s. well. In the first group, you don’t get through if you don’t really learn it. Thus, the generic “college graduates” group includes a lot of people who really aren’t necessarily so bright, perceptive, or analytical.

Marcus Blaine
Marcus Blaine
1 year ago

College degree holders may favor Democrats overall but those in the trade professions (plumbers, electricians, engineers, etc.) should not be discounted. They tend to be more pragmatic, less idealistic, and tend to be much more conservative. So perhaps this is not a level-of-education divide as it is an academic-vs-apprenticeship/training divide.
Even engineering schools w/in colleges tend to be more conservative than the liberal arts schools. Anyway, that might be something to consider (and measure) in your next analysis.

M. Schur
M. Schur
1 year ago

Some issues cannot win elections: homosexuality, for example. Abortion is a state issue, per Dobbs as well as Amendment 10, so discussion of a federal rule is risible. University education gives one access to the “Liberal Club,” although the Dems are only pushing Leftist, not Liberal, ideas, so if Republicans wish to win over the ‘educated,’ they have to find a way to subvert the monopoly of left-wing media. One of the early (now suppressed) surveys of covid vaccine acceptance found that the groups most skeptical of the vaccine were African-Americans and PhDs. The AAs had heard of experiments like Tuskegee, presumably. The PhDs were not satisfied with the evidence. Perhaps the GOP ought to concentrate harder on issues where analysis and evidence might provoke the very highly educated to examine policies on the basis of data and not class dogma.

370H55V I/me/mine
370H55V I/me/mine
1 year ago

There are now four black Republicans in the US House, compared to just one a few years ago. The first black Republican since Reconstruction was elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives in a special the other day.
And in additiona to the incomparable Kemi Badenoch, let us also recognize Leslyn Lewis, her counterpart in Canada.
And here’s the guy who started it all:

1 year ago

Its awesome to have discourse n debate! Hail free speech! Some points made, some not so much! I have been following Vivek Ramaswamy n I like what I am hearing! Currently I am not completely sold yet but getting warmer! No I do not have a college degree, nor do I buy into this notion that a degree determines how you vote! I will say that our military academies have been telling us since the 80’s that candidates to a growing degree due not possess the ability of critical thinking! This goes to our schools n the lack of a good education! Whats been coming out of universities these last 40yrs may have done the time but failed to be educated! So what I am saying in essence is Stupid is what Stupid does vote Democrat!!! Apparently they can’t think thru the BS of 8 yrs of Obama vs the 4 yrs of Trump n whats happening with our current feckless leader!

John Hall
John Hall
1 year ago

Thank you, Dr. Berman.
I have watched in dismay as our institutions of debate (Canadian and UK parliaments, US Congress) have failed and we descend into tribalism again. I didn’t understand it so I couldn’t figure out what might be constructively be done about it.
You have provided a lead that I will now pursue.

1 year ago

Many college grads still have unpaid student loans and still believe Brandon’s lies that he will help inspite of SCOTUS ruling. They have continued to swallow the liberal lies. That’s why they voted for him last time. Democratic government can only exist until the time freeloaders , the ones receiving the free stuff out number those who are footing the bill. We are at that breaking point. Dems just want to keep piling on the debt to get votes

1 year ago

I’m sorry, my head is spinning.
Now people who are still on the Trump train believe polls all of a sudden? How do you not realize the media are tricking you because they know nominating trump is the only way Biden wins?
And the often-quoted meme that minorities are becoming more conservative, despite that failing to ever play out in any elections (outside of Florida) is another way the corporate media are trying to trick republicans.
I beg of you. I share your disdain for never-Trumpers and anti-Trumpers. But at this point, it makes no sense to be a still-Trumper. Be thankful he defeated Hillary and become an ex-Trumper.

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