
Elections , Newsline

The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud Quiet. Wonder Why?

Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Finger with I Voted Twice button in front of many stickers given to US voters in Presidential election to illustrate vote fraud

You can see it with your own eyes. But Democrats and their left-wing media allies call it a “fantasy.” What is it?

Election fraud.

A Lawrence, Massachusetts voter who had been turned away from the polls on Election Day and told he had already voted found out he was the victim of fraud. He checked the footage on the video camera outside his front door and saw that a woman had removed mail-in ballots from his mailbox. He called police.

It’s happening in many places. On Tuesday, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., a nonprofit voter rights group, appeared in Connecticut Superior Court to demand the arrest of a woman alleged to have been caught on video committing mail-in ballot fraud in the 2019 Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary and again in the 2023 primary. The group, protesting that city officials pretend there’s no problem, also called on the Connecticut legislature to appoint a special prosecutor.

A staggering 60% of likely voters nationwide consider election cheating a problem, according to Rasmussen Reports. Yet the Left denies it’s happening.

The Washington Post calls it a “myth” and a “fantasy offense.”

Worst of all, the federal government is suppressing the evidence and censoring anyone who complains about election cheating.

Never-before-seen emails released by the House Judiciary Committee on Nov. 6 reveal that a government-sponsored task force is muzzling public figures, thousands of ordinary Americans, and media outlets like Newsmax and The Babylon Bee when they report election irregularities.

The emails show that officials within the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department — the deep state — organized the Election Integrity Partnership in 2020, recruiting academics at Stanford University and the University of Washington to question election honesty and then instruct social media companies such as Google, Facebook and YouTube to label the postings as “misinformation” or take them down entirely.

Don’t be fooled by the name Election Integrity Partnership. This task force does the opposite, silencing concerns about election integrity.

In 2020, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich objected when the state of Pennsylvania adopted new election rules during the COVID pandemic that, in his view, invited cheating. He tweeted, “Pennsylvania democrats are methodically changing the rules so they can steal the election.”

When Nicole Malliotakis was running for Congress in 2020 from Staten Island and southern Brooklyn, she posted on Facebook: “Be sure to vote tomorrow because we’re not only taking on Max Rose, Nancy Pelosi & Bill de Blasio. We’re taking on Dead Democrats too!”

EIP disagreed and instructed Facebook to remove Malliotakis’ post, which it did.

Even if Malliotakis were wrong about dead people voting, she has a right to raise the issue.

In fact, Malliotakis was correct. A Staten Island grand jury subsequently identified numerous instances of fraud in the race for city council there, including a ballot submitted on behalf of a dead person.

The emails released by the House Judiciary Committee should outrage Americans. The federal government devised a scheme to covertly stamp out public debate over election fraud just when Democrats were pushing many states to adopt new election rules in the face of COVID. Americans were entitled to hear the pros and cons of those rules. They still are.

The First Amendment bars government from censoring. So what did the government do? It outsourced the censorship to EIP. All the same, it was government calling the shots, telling third parties to censor on its behalf. Louisiana and Missouri are suing to stop the federal government’s censorship scheme, and that case is now in the Supreme Court.

Kate Starbird of the University of Washington, a member of EIP, told NPR she regrets the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation, and the lawsuit will dampen EIP’s future censorship operations.

No worries. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is said to be running for reelection in March 2024. He, President Xi Jinping in China, and other dictators who don’t tolerate complaints about election rigging will find the EIP very handy.

It has no place in America.

Tell our leaders to crack down on election fraud, instead of censoring its critics.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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1 year ago

The Republicans that control the so-called red states have had 3 years to clean up the mess created by the Democrat induced panic to usher in mass mail-in balloting, with little to no voter identification or validation during Covid. Cowardice on the Republican legislative side does have a cost. One or two red states did some half-way measures, but none of the red states undid all the bad practices introduced that year. As a result, now 3 years later most of our election system is as unsecure as it was back in the fall of 2020. With little to no time left in the red states to do anything, we now get the annual warning that our leaders need to crack down on election fraud. Sadly, the message is falling on deaf ears on the Republican side.

On the Democrat side, there is ZERO incentive to do anything to secure the election process, as Democrats always rely on the ability to do some level of ballot manipulation to ensure a win in states they already control. So, in the so-called solid blue states like California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and elsewhere, the Democrats are quite happy with how things are now. Elections are pretty much non-events, as the outcomes are guaranteed at this point.

1 year ago

The Left *HAS* to cheat. All they advocate are wicked, deceptive, and tyrannical in intent. If it is really true that a “staggering 60%” of voters are aware of the Left’s election shenanigans, then perhaps there is hope that this *EVIL* faction called the Left will be defeated, and we must keep them defeated. God help us.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

the left ignores voter fraud because THE BENEFIT FROM IT! As for Kate Shapiro’s complaint that the law will dampen EIP’s censorship operations: GOOD! The deserve to be dampened because they’re unamerican and unconstitutional.

1 year ago

When the Democrats deny election fraud, there is election fraud. There’s more effort to deny election fraud than to prevent it. That tells you all you need to know.

1 year ago

Let’s consider those 150,000 “missing” ballots down in Georgia . If you count one ballot five times , you will be missing four ballots . There was NO missing ballots in Georgia . the 150,000 number represents those ballots that were counted multible times . The “missing” ballots are PROOF of fraud in counting ballots . The story of the 150,000 ‘missing’ ballots in Georgia NEVER mentioned that there were 150,000 ENVELOPES that those ballots would have been mailed in . Therefore , the US Postal Service should sent their Postal Investigator to Georgia to search for the 150,000 ballots . However , we ‘know’ that they will not find those (non-existant) envelopes . This of course will corroberate the fact that the “missing” ballots NEVER existed . What does the Georgia AG , have to say about this ? How about the US Attorney for that area ? And lets ask the Georgia Secretary of State too . Perhapst the loca DA can take a look into the matter .

1 year ago

Exact example for the 2020 election results. If the Dems have people stealing ballots to vote for the Dems now you don’t think this was going on in 2020.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Anything short of most voters voting in person with identification encourages fraud. The Marxist Democrats encourage all forms of voting that make it easier to cheat live American citizens of their right to a fair and honest election process. Marxist Democrats don’t care about the goals and opinions of American citizens. They only care about power and ideology. They only pretend to respect our priceless Constitution when it helps them spread lies and misinformation. The Marxist Democrats actually want to trash our Constitutional Republic and rebuild it in the name of racist notions such as racial equity.

1 year ago

Anyone caught cheating on voting should be hauled out into the street and shot dead, there would be a lot less cheating if this was law

1 year ago

And I’d bet the open border and millions of people that have entered will mysteriously vote Democrat.

1 year ago

So why is it that all these people we know are participating in voter fraud and government sponsored censorship have not been arrested?
(That was rhetorical)

1 year ago

They’ve been cheating for several years. The only people that can stop them are on their side and won’t acknowledge nor prosecute the crime, so they keep doing it for the money.

Donald K Dalton
Donald K Dalton
1 year ago

I have NO problem accepting that any candidate is defeated in an election. I cannot tolerate ANY semblance of fraudulence in any election in our country. Sadly, that is where we are today.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago

The left will lie, cheat, and steal to get their way. They did it more in the 2020 election than ever before in our history and are planning to do it again in 2024. They know Biden can’t be reelected otherwise. Our founders left election procedures up to each state because, at the time, they had to have unanimous approval of the new Constitution and the politics of the day required each state be given maximum autonomy in order to approve the new government. Obviously, that is no longer the case. So we need some solid constitutional grounds to ensure fair, honest elections, and we do not have that in every state by a long shot. Fraud is very real and growing worse. No nation dependent on democratic elections can survive if the public cannot trust election results, and we cannot trust those results today. Election integrity may well be the biggest issue of all.

Scott L
Scott L
1 year ago

“Wonder Why?”
It’s the same reason child pornographers keep their browser history quiet.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Democrats were caught stuffing harvested ballots into boxes in Connecticut. Remember ACORN? They even registered “Mickey Mouse” to vote… Democrat, of course! I heard on the news today a Republican spouse was indicted in Wisconsin for fraud. So really does anyone have to “wonder” at its existence?

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

It is long passed the time when the citizens of this dying empire stop projecting the failures of our election system, or rather success when the actual goal is looked at. onto other governments. What evidence on earth can be shown regarding fake election results in Russia for example? Ask a Russian, virtually any Russian citizen what they think of their President and when they get finished please try to tell me the man is President as the result of rigged elections. On the other hand though we have good ole “Droolin’ Joe” as our President who continually brags about receiving more votes that even Obama in 2008. Who truly buys that?
Rather than waste time spewing the mainstream/governmental narrative, we should concentrate on actually fixing often blatant criminal activity when it comes to our own elections. Perhaps, with a true representative of the people there may still be a chance to save this nation.
I would not put much money on that wish however.

1 year ago

The local election commission where I live has repeatedly mailed documents without being requested allowing people to register for permanent mail-in ballot request status. I have not and won’t registered but I haven’t seen another one lately, including the ones they send for my adult child who moved out of state years ago. Maybe someone already grabbed them and registered in our names. I intend to go to the election commission in person, ask by whose authority this is being done and complain. Is it any wonder why honest people have doubts about election integrity in my deep blue state?

1 year ago

We had a revolution in 1776: do we need one now?

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
1 year ago

The Federal Government has no power to affect the elections in the fifty states. Each state controls its own elections in all respects. If a specific state is controlled by, or at least gridlocked by a political party that benefits from voter fraud, no meaningful voting reform will happen.
Betsy McCaughey was a former Republican Lieutenant Governor of New York State, and she has always impressed me as being a truth teller, ……. (an honest politician imagine that).
Ms. McCaughey advises concerned voters to let their elected politicians know that fraud in the voting systems is intolerable, and that they must take all necessary steps to correct the situation. My two Federal Senators are Charles Schumer, and his little shadow the foul mouthed Kristen Gillibrand, are Democrats of the worst kind. I’m pretty sure that those two would not consult with the Democrat majority in our Assembly, State Senate or with our Democrat Governor, about voter fraud that keeps Democrats in office.
The Democrats have refined political chicanery to a fine point. Worse, the Democrats have stacked our state courts with liberal biased judges and district attorneys. One might call on the Republican Party hierarchy to fight fire with fire, i.e. engage in similar political mischief to “balance the books”. Alas, even if the Republicans attempted to do so, they are inherently too obtuse to even know where to begin.
I reside in upstate New York, and I routinely vote for the Republican candidates. However, the millions of taxsuckers in the New York City region naturally vote for the Democrats. I sometimes think about moving to a more conservative state but then I would not be able to irritate the Democrat machine during the vote cycles in New York State.

1 year ago

Well, of course they are!! They are the ones performing the fraud!!! They don’t want anyone to know about their indiscretions and there are many!!!

1 year ago

When you can only attain power through fraud it is a resurrection. How else could we have ole Joe as president. Lies will be lies for awhile but the truth will win out in the end.

1 year ago

Everyone already knows about their election fraud scheme.
Joey already admitted it on video .. youtube .. do a “biden voter fraud scheme”
Obama and pelosi put it together so obama could get a third term.

1 year ago

Anyone awake with half a functioning brain could see what happened in Nov 2020. We’ve been watching the evidence accumulate over the years to include how no court will hear cases. I even read about a lawyer with a solid case gave up after receiving vast numbers of threats. The system has been stacked against us since 2008 and it shows. I just want to know what you call it officially…when you (the previous administration) know the election has been compromised (for two friggin’ months) and yet you let an illegitimate administration take charge of the United States. No one wants to talk about that, and I mean no one.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

We are becoming a third world country, democracy is being outlawed by the Biden admin.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

gee the FBO, DOJ, Media and Democrats lied again! what a surprise.

Remember they said out elections are completely safe and secure. they left out he rest of that sentence: for our voter fraud team to make the election turn out the way we want.

Trump was and is correct. the 2020 election was stolen. the 2022 election was stolen. of the republicans do not get off their buts the 2024 election will be stolen.

Om 2024 we will likely have 130 million registered voters and 200 million votes.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

2 rerun 2020, 2022
Got burned by some states enacting laws

1 year ago

There has been election fraud going on for many years. It has just become more blatant in the last few elections.

1 year ago

AG Bill Barr had Justice Dept. look into fraud in 2020 elections. His findings came back that fraud was not major enough to nullify the election. Does this article put Barr in the box with the far leaning left that say, “The only way I can lose an election is if it is rigged”. I am a RINO & will continue to vote in elections & vote for whom I deem the best person for that office & not straight partylines.

John Beach
John Beach
1 year ago

Liberals love to drag out the assertion in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created EQUAL and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable (do they know what this word means?) rights, etc. What they do to negate that concept is to insist on unequal process with respect to obedience to the law, unequal process before the law, and darkness in which Democrat conspiracy to deny equal rights is “democracy dying in the darkness.” Since the beginning of the election campaign for 2016, we have seen their attempts to use disinformation to deny accurate representation. The purpose of elections is not to determine majority rule. The purpose of elections is to ascertain compliance with the constitutional rule of law. Democrats refuse to do that by leaving the laws in place which stipulated equal process. Since there is no purpose in voting as it is currently structured, the refusal to do so is as logical as those who support unequal process.

1 year ago

As soon as I saw that the old style voting machines that kept records were being replaced with electronic booths I knew that there was an underlying reason. Then when the regular attendants and voting places were changed I no longer felt that there was integrity in the system.

1 year ago

Comrade Punkydoodle, I’m sure AARP will welcome your Jackass stupidity ????

1 year ago

People, have you ever seen such a dumb, clueless Jackass?

1 year ago

Says the factless Democratic Jackass!

1 year ago

Where’s your factual proof?

1 year ago

My opinion is that both are worthwhile & to belong to both to get more than one perspective on issues. Plus , both have offers worth taking a look at.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

It’s the only way the marxist democrat party can win an election and destroy America.

1 year ago

So the cat is out of the bag! Election Fraud? Sure. Anyone with half a brain can see that it happened with the 2020 election and in other state and local elections. That is why Voter ID is the solution. Have a Photo ID to bring to the polls. No ID, no vote. In this day and age you cannot exist without some form of Photo ID. This tired old BS about Voter ID laws discriminating against minorities is no reason not to have a Photo ID. You can get one for free at most DMV offices.

1 year ago

The KKK was an arm of the Democratic Party. Brush up on your history

1 year ago

No one denies an election took place, so we can’t be election deniers. Democrats want power at ANY cost !

1 year ago

I firmly believe that election fraud is, if not rampant, prevalent. However, I am confused by the report of the man in MA that arrived at the polls only to be turned away as having already voted. Why would he go to vote in person if he’d put his ballot out to be collected and mailed?

1 year ago

Evidence of voter fraud EVERYWHERE, and the Dems cannot see ANY! Wow! Wish my parents had been so blind when I did something naughty . . . .

1 year ago

The left has gone to great lengths to keep Americans ignorant to all the election fraud despite there being a ton of evidence and a large number of cases brought. #muskegonelectionfraud

james Carlyle
james Carlyle
1 year ago

In October 2020, then Ex-VP Joe Biden was asked on National TV if he was concerned about the outcome of the election and He replied that he had no concern because his Party had the best election Fraud system in place.He was absolutely right on that one.

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