
Elections , Newsline

One Hundred Hours of Plenitude

Posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2025
by Barry Casselman

In only 100 hours, American public life has been significantly changed, perhaps more deliberately changed in the shortest time ever, and certainly changed with less actual surprise than might be expected considering the political consequences of that change.

After an extraordinary election campaign season, the year’s persistent mantra needs to be proclaimed one more time: We are in uncharted political territory.

The prime mover of this phenomenal moment is Donald J. Trump, whose electoral reincarnation was so amazing that it seemed more like a work of contrived literary fiction than a true historical event.

Mr. Trump rose from the catacombs of controversial defeat appearing to be hopelessly encumbered by the shackles of a media and political establishment hostile toward him, a series of unprecedented criminal indictments and trials designed to bury him, serious primary opponents in his own party, obsessive hatred directed personally against him, and no modern precedent for regaining the presidency after a re-election defeat.

There is a new cottage industry already booming trying to explain how he did it, and widespread delusional theories by those who opposed him and didn’t think he could.

But perhaps even more astoundingly, once sworn into office, Mr. Trump has attempted to accomplish, primarily with a dizzying number of executive orders, so much change without the historically slow initial pace of a new national administration.

Some of his orders may face rejection in the federal courts, including perhaps his challenge to “birthright citizenship,” which grants automatic legal status to children born in the U.S. whose parents are not citizens. In the past, the legal justification for this right was drawn from the language of the U.S. Constitution. If this interpretation is upheld, Trump’s executive order could be quashed.

Most of Mr. Trump’s orders, however, are clearly within a president’s prerogative and address a wide range of domestic and foreign policy issues.

All presidents use executive orders to implement their policies, but what is notable about President Trump’s use of them to change the course of U.S. political and cultural life is how significant his orders have been and the rapid manner in which he has deployed them.

Since he articulated his specific intentions so often throughout the long presidential campaign, Mr. Trump has claimed that he has been given a voter mandate from the results of the just-concluded national election

The election also gave Mr. Trump and his party control of both the U.S. House and Senate. The Republican’s margin of control in each, however, is small and vulnerable to opposition from a few vocal individual members from his own party as well as the Democrats.

Mr. Trump, who served a full term as president from 2017 to 2021, will not be able to run again in four years, and he faces a traditionally difficult midterm election in less than two years. The broad range and speed of his domestic and foreign policy actions are driven by the political reality that his ability to succeed is probably greatest in the few months just after the election when his support and popularity are likely to be strongest.

As the re-election of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson demonstrated, Mr. Trump’s ability to dissuade mavericks in his own party from blocking his agenda is likely now at its peak. As the midterms approach, this power is likely to diminish.

Unlike the Democrats in recent years, Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate are less likely to be team players. Today and in the next few months, defying President Trump and his administration is not a practical option for most GOP legislators. But as elections in 2026 (and 2028) approach, his political influence will likely be gradually reduced.

For all the aforementioned reasons, delay is a political recipe for stalemate and failure for the Trump agenda.

In his first term, Mr. Trump learned that the devotion and loyalty of his cabinet and White House staff were key elements in getting things done. In this term, he has chosen persons who know what he wants to do to reform the government and its bureaucracy and won’t try to second-guess him.

This has resulted in several of his cabinet choices and other appointments being unorthodox and controversial. He learned in his first term that the establishment media would always oppose him, so he now makes little effort to placate them and the elite class of bureaucrats who will attempt to defeat him.

Mr. Trump did not come to the presidency with a background in public office. He came with a background in the rough-and-tumble world of big-city real estate development and the challenging complexities of the private sector. He was not a legislator; he was an executive. He knew the patterns and rhythms of television communications. He understood the vagaries of the entertainment business and the marketplace.

Mr. Trump clashed often with politicians and bureaucrats in his first term. A once-in-a-century pandemic upset his economic timetable, and he failed to win re-election.

It is clear that President Trump and his closest advisors believe that they must now move quickly and effectively. In U.S. politics, time is often not an ally to those who want to enact widespread changes.

The executive orders are the easy part. Now comes the difficult task of defending those orders in court and then legislating to ensure they cannot be undone by the next Democrat administration. That is the hard part.

Barry Casselman is a contributor for AMAC Newsline.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

4000+ illegal criminals gone… I’d say that’s a good week. Its only been one week… can’t wait until one year later.

1 month ago

We need to look at this as only a two year period to “fix” stuff. Need to get energy prices down so that people in the middle are way more likely to change registration to Republican or Independent and lead an exodus from the Democratic party. As long as people stay registered, the elites in party will NOT change. California is a perfect example of this, they keep voting in the same idiots that have already ruined the state. We cannot bail out the west coast every time they have a disaster (and I live in Oregon-unfortunately), these states MUST change and work without federal dollars until they charge their tunes on illegals and fire management and voting rights/by mail. If it weren’t for all the poll watchers back in November, they would have cheated-again!

1 month ago

MSM will continue to attack Pres. Trump and his administration despite the recent setback. MSM will listen to their owners and come up with a new scheme of attack as they lick their wounds. As for the executive orders, some will hold up and some will be rescinded, but unlike Biden who ignored and defied the law, Pres. Trump will uphold the law. Sorry, Biden should be taken to court for his dereliction of his duties as President as well as a few other idiots. Maybe that could happen, have to wait for Act 2.

1 month ago

President made promises and is keeping them.
God Bless this Great Man!

1 month ago

While it sounds great to hear “four years of good times,” it’s actually two years of urgent work to make improvements, then we have the midterms. Just nine days in office, I’m LOVING what I’m seeing!!! MAGA!!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

There is a difference between the man who can and will and the one who blathers endlessly, waves his finger and lectures and admonishes for hours, saying nothing Those who blather hate the doer.

Melinda C
Melinda C
1 month ago

Go, Trump! I would think the recalcitrant republicans would want to back him to improve their chances of reelection. If they don’t, they are being short sighted.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 month ago

“Some of his orders may face rejection in the federal courts, including perhaps his challenge to “birthright citizenship,” which grants automatic legal status to children born in the U.S. whose parents are not citizens. In the past, the legal justification for this right was drawn from the language of the U.S. Constitution. If this interpretation is upheld, Trump’s executive order could be quashed.”
I think you are cherry-picking the 14 Amendment. We can’t shanghai citizens of other countries simply because they were born in the USA, diplomats or not. Read the 14 Amendment, Section 1, in its entirety.
Fourteenth AmendmentSection 1All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
To me, the arguing point regarding automatic, or “birthright citizenship,” is the verbiage “And Subject To The Jurisdiction Thereof.” People who are in our Country illegally are not necessarily “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Even people who are here legally are not necessarily “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” They are still citizens of their own country/countries; therefore, their children would be citizens of their home country. As I said, the US can’t just automatically/arbitrarily claim a person is a US citizen simply because they were born here. For example, the UK grants birth citizenship to individuals born abroad if one parent is a citizen. It used to be if the father was a UK citizen, then his children were also citizens. I don’t know if this is still true today. So, are we telling the UK that our “birthright citizenship” supersedes their right to claim their citizens who were born in the US? This isn’t a simple dilemma and I think it requires some serious thought and definition.
I firmly believe people in the US illegally are not subject to our jurisdiction. They are criminals breaking our laws and they are citizens of another country; therefore, their children should NOT automatically be considered US citizens. In my opinion, the same applies to those coming here legally just to have a baby. The parents are still citizens of another country and we can’t just steal that country’s citizens. Those children who are born here, of parents who are here legally, should perhaps be given the option to become US Citizens once they reach the age of majority and can decide for themselves. There should be no benefits for those who are born here of parent(s) who are in the US ILLEGALLY.

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