
Elections , Newsline

Of ‘Convicted Felons’ and Lying Frauds

Posted on Wednesday, June 5, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Last week, a New York City jury, prompted by the legal coordination between Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan – both partisan actors – convicted Donald Trump on 34 felony counts having to do with falsification of business records. Or election fraud. Or more tax issues. Or…something. Nobody really knows, and apparently it was unnecessary for the jury to agree on the crime in order to find Trump guilty of one.

No matter.

Trump was convicted and may now face jail time. We’ll find out on July 11 – just a few days before the Republican National Convention. Obviously, this represents opportune timing for the Biden campaign. And yet Donald Trump remains firmly knotted with Biden in the race for the White House. There have been four polls taken since Trump’s conviction. In all of them, Biden and Trump are either tied or within two points either way.

But how? The question echoes throughout the media: How can a convicted felon be running even with the incumbent president? The answer is twofold: First, Joe Biden is a truly awful president; second, Biden has no ground to stand on in labeling Trump a threat to law and order.

First, Biden’s terrible record. Americans have been slammed by inflation for three years. Our social fabric has continued to decay as Biden openly seeks “equity” – meaning discriminatory legal regimens designed at rectifying group disparities – in every area of the federal government. On the foreign front, Biden has hamstrung Ukraine in its defense against Russia, and openly manipulated on behalf of Iran and Hamas in Israel’s war against the terror group that performed Oct. 7. It is difficult to see an area of the world that is markedly better off since Biden took the White House.

Second, Biden’s hypocrisy. In the aftermath of the Trump conviction, Trump naturally condemned the justice system that targeted him. Biden then responded by doubling down on his narrative that Trump’s pushback represents a threat to Our Democracy and Our Institutions: On Friday, Biden staggered out to the podium to claim that “the American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed.” He added that it was “dangerous” and “irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.”

The problem is this: Biden as Defender of Our Democracy and Our Institutions just doesn’t play. This is the same president who tried to use his Occupational Safety and Health Administration to illegally cram down vaccines on 80 million Americans; who attempted, in defiance of law, to relieve student loan debt – and then bragged about defying the Supreme Court; whose DOJ even let him off the hook for mishandling of classified material by calling him a dotard. Biden’s party has spent years tut-tutting massive riots, appeasing pro-terrorist student trespassers and calling for an end to parental autonomy. There isn’t an institution in the country Biden hasn’t weakened. To hear Biden rail against Trump for undermining institutions, then, simply won’t play. But Biden doesn’t have much left in the playbook.

All of which means that Trump still – still – has the upper hand. Ironically, Trump being sent to jail might actually help him, given that most Americans will correctly see the jailing of Biden’s chief political opponent as an act of vicious partisanship unworthy of the most powerful republic in world history. In 2020, Biden ran on the platform of stability and normalcy; he has exploded both. All he’s left with is slogans about Orange Hitler. And that’s unlikely to be enough come November if gas prices are high, groceries cost too much and the world remains aflame.

Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Hunter Biden’s “Russian disinformation” labeled personal computer was logged into evidence in his Delaware gun application fraud trial. So since we can finally admit IT EXISTS and its contents entered into evidence, does that mean all references to the Big Guy and 10% of foreign payouts also exists? So… WHEN IS THAT TRIAL?

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
7 months ago

Biden’s puppeteers are having their empty shell of a mouthpiece spout off the usual Leftist propaganda of accusing their opponents/enemies of saying and doing precisely what they, themselves, are saying and doing. While the Communists – er, I mean Democrats – call Trump and his supporters Nazis, the simple fact is that the closest thing this nation has ever had to real Nazis is today’s Democrat Party and itsuù supporters. While Trump spent four years in the White House working very hard to improve the lives of all Americans and to strengthen the nation and followed the letter of the law all the way, Braindead Joe has been the one playing dictator, ignoring the Constitution, the Courts, and our laws, and doing everything possible to harm and damage our nation and to lower the standard of living for all Americans. Anyone who does not see that is self-delusional.

7 months ago

Excellent article. Biden is the puppet president. He did say 4 years ago that his presidency would be Lile Obama’s 3rd term. And he was not kidding! Biden’s actions and polices have BHO;s name all over them!

7 months ago

Calling names is the lowest form done by those that know they have done wrong but have no defense. They have thrown everything at Trump by Obiden, Pelosi, Schumer, the MSM, the DOJ and FBI. Just about anybody that is beholden to Obiden. Ukraine is beholden to ole Joe for sending them all our tax money without any accounting as to where it was spend on. More villas for Zelensky. I hear he has 2-3 plus his mother has one as well. The Taliban is living on ole Joe’s largesse by leaving 80 billion dollars in equipment behind. Iran is happy with the 6 billion ole Joe paid for 6 hostages. The weapons bought with that money killed the 1200 Jews on Oct 7-2023. And those 280 Jews they took hostage are all dead but ole Joe keeps calling for Israel to accept a cease fire. He is building a pier and sending food and supplies supposedly for the Hamas Palestinians, who would rather kill an American than thank them for the food. Do these students who were screaming we are Hamas, think they would be welcomed to fight alongside the Hamas army? No way they would kill them as soon as the publicity had died down. And the gays will be killed as soon as they set foot in the Gaza Strip. These people have no idea what Hamas stands for. Hitlers SS were pussycats compared to the cruelty they can inflict on those they call an enemy. They call them much worse. And ole Joe allowed it to happen with his money distributing to enemy countries and stopping with drilling for oil here at home. That made Iran and other Arab countries rich and richer. Should ole Joe be re-elected believe me lots of money from these rich Arab countries is pumped into the coffers of the DNC to rig the election again. we had a lousy president with Carter and the younger Bush but at least they were not in it to destroy America to their own benefit. VOTE TRUMP IF YOU LOVE AMERICA AND A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

7 months ago


7 months ago

John Steinbach would be proud of the title and this article. Very astute and may God have mercy on our country. MAGA

7 months ago

The one thing that is never referenced, is Barack Hussein Obama who’s been seen multiple times at the White House. Biden is a mental defect and the previous vice president of Obama. When this America hater was “elected” he made it plain in multiple speeches his disdain and hatred for this nation. In one of his speeches he opined. :”I will fundamentally change America.” I read his first 2 books with a bucket beside my chair. Why, why is he not being investigated by the right?? Why aren’t the Republican’s getting off their duffs and looking hard into this?? Biden is a puppet and I have zero doubts ‘O’ has been running this White House and no doubt has some involvement in the bogus prosecution of Trump. Obama who once said; “There comes a time in a “man’s” life when he’s made enough money.” Now the owner of 3, count ’em, three multi-million dollar homes, one on Martha’s vineyard, and a private jet! He didn’t just go to the local Penney’s store and order them.
Does anyone not think that George Soros, who I have to wonder is pulling Obama’s strings, one of the most evil men in the world, isn’t behind a lot of this as well? Recently I read an article that he’s “thinking of moving his operation to the United States.” I’m beginning to believe that the “republican” party is either blind, cowards or purposefully ignoring the real force behind the demise of this nation! Either this nation wakes up and stops feeding on the lamestream “media” or we might as well hold out our wrists for the coming chains.
Maybe if we listen closely we can hear them rattling.

7 months ago

Well stated, except for one point. Regarding “…has hamstrung Ukraine in its defense against Russia”, we need to note that it was Biden and NATO that provoked Russia over and over until they reacted, and then refused to let Ukraine sign a peace agreement to stop the war quickly. Biden and his handlers WANT that war and refuse to let it end. And THEY will be the reason for serious escalation unless Trump gets back in in time to stop it. That highly dangerous money-laundering and lab-protecting operation needs to be stopped immediately. Biden cares nothing about the near 500,000 Ukrainians killed in this preventable travesty already.

7 months ago

biden was taking papers out of the archives and putting them in colleges china got access to them via biden and donations thats treason

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

This is what the DC System is since day 1

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
7 months ago

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action. Are You Kidding Me? The opinions expressed in this article absolutely represent the views that I hold! If you don’t agree then you have a problem! And you should go join the “other “ senior community.

7 months ago

What they’re doing to Donald Trump is what happens in third world countries. This is something Putin would do.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

Trump sure kicked the hornets nest They can’t get rid of him by legal means so illegal and criminal will have to do

7 months ago

Another show of Democrat projection. All that Biden accuses Trump of being, all that he says regarding what Trump will do??? It is exactly what Biden is and what he plans. BEWARE!

7 months ago

Let’s not forget that every cabinet member, including the VEEP, is either incompetent, a far left progressive (that extols the virtue of socialism and/or communism) or both. More likely than not BOTH.

7 months ago

I can’t imagine any sane person supporting the traitorous inept self-serving usurper Joe Biden over President Trump, who improved our country more than any president in recent history until the Democrats unleashed their bioweapon onto the US and the world in order to get rid of him.

7 months ago

Anyone believing what happened in that courtroom in NY was legitimate and real justice needs their head examined. The gap between the right and the left in this country is so vast there is little hope of ever finding any common ground. They are impossible to talk to, completely disavow facts that don’t align with their ‘beliefs’ and they believe in things that would make a child reply ‘say what?!’ If there was a defcon number for the tension between right and left in this country, we would be at Defcon 2 right now.

7 months ago

This is what we get for having adult citizens who can’t think effectively enough to understand a political issue… or even balance their own checkbook. But, “President” Biden has no apparent troubles. He just puts his lack of leadership on display, says a few incoherent things, withdraws laundered money from his bank account, and sponsors the persecution of innocent people.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

Error in spelling in previous comment – last sentence should be ” land of the free, home of the brave” – another case of the System, spell check or whatever it is rearranging words After comment has been posted.

7 months ago

20 24 TRUMP 20 24

7 months ago

Ben Shapiro right on the money as usual… But the polls are wrong. I think Trump is much further ahead than they are saying…

7 months ago

I’d like to see a tee shirt with the real President’s mugshot and a caption that reads: DONALD TRUMP – CONCOCTED FELON.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

It is good that you wrote this article Ben , it identifies the various parts of the political machinery and how the gears are turning . Principles are what hold a Nation together. A society, a culture , that disrespects the qualities of good character is headed in the wrong direction. When a ship is at sea one of the main concerns is the avoidance of a collision with another vessel.So, proper navigation is something that requires clear , intelligent thinking as well as adherence to maritime law. To have standards in education erode , actually deteriorate to the point where half of the citizens who vote don’t seem to care about Principles, don’t t care about the meaning of National Character, Well, things could be better , and they need to get better soon. I reckon there is still some time for right thinking people here in the United States of America to fix what needs to be fixed, Remember the 1941 song ” We did it before and we can do it again.” for some uplifting spirit in dealing with all of the corrupt stuff going on now. And keeping in mind a sense of purpose, and the value of living by a code of conduct , the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.With a sense of honor , respect for Faith , Family and Freedom. Courage, Victory , Liberty . This is the land of the free and the home of y brave.

7 months ago

They say Trump shouldn’t seek retaliation when elected president in 2024, I agree there should be no retaliation but something must be done for those who have power within the legal justice system and should be addressed as such to prevent the lawlessness of abusing the justice system within legal means.

7 months ago

TRUMP was convicted in a farce trial in a kangaroo court by a jury of democrat’s who all have been enriched by the Biden’s … SAME AS A BLACK MAN HAD TO SUFFER IN A JIM CROW court of law in the old south . Didn’t matter how innocent that man was he was going to be convicted . I will vote DONALD J . TRUMP , & never loose my respect for this man . I used to be a Democrat , till Donald J. trump ran in 2016 & I will NEVER DO SO AGAIN .

Sonie P
Sonie P
7 months ago

Talk about “Trumped-up” charges! The so-called conviction of President Trump changes nothing, as far as I’m concerned. Fact: Either he did it or he didn’t. The farce of a trial and the jury’s verdict doesn’t change that fact – it just changes the way some people think about it and about Mr. Trump. And it changes the law-scape of America forever. He’s no more guilty or innocent than he was 8 weeks or 8 years ago. But now he has a label that the Left has wanted for nearly a decade. While I can’t approve all of his conduct, I do believe he has been just about the only upstanding adult in the room during the entire ordeal. I can’t help remembering his generous act in not prosecuting Hillary Clinton. Nor can I forget Nancy Bullosi’s comment that what all the impeachment activities, Russian collusion hoax, etc., had failed to do, a little germ from China accomplished: getting President Trump out of office. Was there some kind of China collusion? Just thinkin’… Anyway, I said it when I was in high school and I still believe it: America will fall without a foreign shot being fired – it will rot from within and collapse on its own. And I fear that’s not gonna be long in coming.

7 months ago

I have had enough of the “Biden Crime Family”!

7 months ago

I’ve nearly lost hope in the possibility that this once great nation can survive the damage that has been done by the left’s Libtard Demoncrats. The Dark Government is entrenched in all levels of power, leading Universities, the minds of our youth, and the brainless special interest groups.
Single issue voters, special interest groups, brainwashed youth, criminals, and dead people won’t except any outcome that does not fall into their crazy interpretation of reality and governance. No compromise, just destruction.

7 months ago

My observation is that, Biden & Trump do not like each other very much. But the Blue & Red parties like them enough to put them in 2024 election.

7 months ago

Aw….One of the Snowflakes, I Do Mean, Flakes, Probably A Predictable Basement Or Attic or Garage Dweller, Without a Doubt a Government Leech, Must’ve “Reported Me”, They Can Dish It, But They Sure Can’t “Take” it…..So Be It…

Thank you
Thank you
7 months ago

mr Shapiro can you help me out? I’m taking a course on avoiding hard to answer questions and I would love to have your research material on the subject lol

And a hole
And a hole
7 months ago

Trump can’t even admit he lost. Look at how he was in 2016 and look at how he is now. All that negativity is killing him. Get a hearse ready lol

Democrat Blue Donkey Rivalry of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 U. S. Presidential Election.
many shell casings from bullets of different caliber in the background chaos concept in the world

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