
Elections , Newsline

Kamala’s Housing Reparations

Posted on Wednesday, September 11, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is promising to provide “first-time homebuyers with $25,000 to cover the down payment.” Her promise is proving popular. Eighty percent of Democrats and even 20% of Republicans favor it, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. But the devil is in the details, and the media are not asking any questions. The biggest question is whether Harris, as president, would help all first-time homebuyers, regardless of their race, or target the help to achieve racial equity, as her past actions suggest.

Harris has a long track record promising $25,000 in down payment help, but her goal was never to help all first-time homebuyers. In 2019, as a U.S. senator, Harris insisted the goal was to close the homeownership gap between Black and white families. She said then, “We must right the wrong and — after generations of discrimination — and give Black families a real shot at home ownership.”

Her $25,000 down payment promise was limited to” first-generation homebuyers.”

Why limit the help to buyers whose parents never owned a home? To ensure that most of the help goes to minority homebuyers. Only 44% of Black families own their homes, compared with 73% of white families. Black buyers are nearly twice as likely to qualify for help as white buyers if the help is limited to first-generation homebuyers.

Harris insists her “values have not changed.”  When it comes to housing, that is true.

For the last three and a half years, Harris has pushed racial equity as a governmentwide goal. In March, President Joe Biden boasted support for legislation to provide “$25,000 in down payment assistance to first-generation homebuyers whose families haven’t benefited from the generational wealth building associated with homeownership.”

Even the Democratic National Committee platform, approved Aug. 19, limits the $25,000 down payment help to buyers “from families where no one has ever before owned a home.”

Now Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, appears to be having an expedient change of heart — known as a flip-flop — to broaden her housing policy’s appeal. But she’s not abandoning her racial equity goal entirely.

On Monday, Harris’s campaign website posted policy statements. On providing the $25,000 down payment help, the website added this: “first-generation homeowners” will get “more generous support.”

Of course, no president can offer $25,000 to homebuyers. It takes Congress, which controls the nation’s purse strings. The Downpayment Toward Equity Act, the legislation backed by Biden-Harris and sponsored in the House by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and in the Senate by Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) spells out who is actually eligible.

The bill provides $20,000 to first-generation homebuyers with incomes below 120% of the mean in their area.

The help is increased to $25,000 if the buyer is from a “socially and economically disadvantaged group,” defined as being Black, Hispanic, Asian American, or Native American. White homebuyers whose parents owned homes can take a hike.

The bill says its purpose is “to narrow and ultimately close the racial homeownership gap in the United States.” Waters says it’s to correct “grave injustices against people of color” produced by past U.S. policies. These are reparations.

When Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) proposed helping all low-income first-time homebuyers, he got pushback from racial justice and housing advocates insisting too many whites would be eligible.  “A tax credit for all first-time homebuyers is going to expand the racial homeownership gap,” objected David Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference.

Dworkin explained that “We are simply providing first-generation homebuyers, largely people of color, what white, first-time homebuyers have been receiving for years in the form of the ‘Daddy Down Payment’ loan — family assistance that is almost never repaid.”

Harris has used the same argument repeatedly.

On June 14, she told 100 Black Men of America that she supports helping first-generation homebuyers.

Now Harris is flip-flopping, as she has on fracking and illegal immigration. But what would she actually do as president?

Economists have pointed out the dangers of offering down payment assistance to families who may lack the income to keep up with mortgage payments. Those are valid concerns.

But above all, voters need to know whether Harris’ down payment program is a racial equity measure in disguise.

Does Harris intend to treat all Americans fairly, or will her programs be stacked against whites?

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

So where will the money come from for covering this supposed downpayment??? Don’t reply since the answer is obvious to the intelligent.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

What will that achieve? It is not 25000 of their own money, there is not a cent to tie them to the obligations and mortg. payments. They can walk away anytime, loosing nothing. Deja vu all over again.

6 months ago

From what I’ve been reading this money is for illegals to buy houses, not the American people. I may be wrong though. And second, where is this money going to come from? The middle class carries the tax burden and is being wiped out so they can implement the socialist programs. Read your history. Even Pilgrims tried socialism and found it didn’t work so they switched to capitalism. Israel also tried but it failed. Wake up people. They are bankrupting our country to spread socialism and communism. If America fails, who’s going to rescue us?

6 months ago

Hmmmm..sounds like that other great commie idea, the community reinvestment act, which placed people with bad credit or no credit history into housing they couldnt afford. This contributed to the recession of 08. Folks, its not like the dems have a learning disability. This is done on purpose to weaken the country in order to usher in marxist government.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Since when is $25,000 even enough for a down payment in California? Here’s a novel idea: knock down that “transitory” inflation and you can save it up yourself!

6 months ago

Here’s an odd lesson from history. In 2010, during the Obama regime, the feds passed the Dodd-Frank act mandating that banks had give home loans to people who had no down payment and no means of making the on-going payments. Surprise! A few years later, there were massive foreclosures, and massive bank problems as banks tried to dump the bad loans the government forced them to take.
So now, we’re gonna give them $25k for the down payment… on a house they can’t afford. I wonder what the outcome will be?

6 months ago

Never heard of a ‘daddy downpayment loan’ and certainly never got one from my father. I pulled funds out of my IRA for a $100K down payment which the IRS tacked on 10% to $90K as I got a $10K break being a first time buyer. The following year I had to pull another sum out to pay the taxes on the first 100 and the following year I had to withdrawl an additional amount to pay the tax on the second year withdrawl. In all I pulled $170K from my IRA for a purchase of $300K and stilled had a $195K mortgage.
I guess I could call my first home an Uncle Salt loan since it certainly was not very sweet! I knew going in what it would cost me and I was willing to pay it. It just pisses me off that my tax dollars are being used in more give-aways with a $35T National Debt and a Congress that cannot balance a budget!

6 months ago

Expect an automatic uptick of $25,000 in the price of a house. It would be a dumb seller that didn’t jack up their price.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

Is the question that ends this article a rhetorical one? Because if the administration’s past programs are any indication, the answer is “stacked against whites”?

6 months ago

There are many white people who cannot afford to buy a house as well. If I were one of those people who could not purchase a home, I would file a discrimination suite. Hell, get many people who cannot get these loans because of their “whiteness” should get together and file a class-action suit against the Bidnen/Harris administration, or against Harris’ administration, God forbid she win the election. If I had borrowed money on a student loan to go to nursing school, and had payed it back, believe me I would be filing a lawsuit against the goverment

6 months ago

It’s pretty clear now that the Communists get out of bed every morning and ask themselves ‘What can I do to destroy the Republic today?’. What a bunch of absolute scum.

John Shipway
John Shipway
6 months ago

The US is BROKE. Where the hell is the government going to get the $25,000 to gift home buyers? Let me see, they will print it, go further into debt, print money to pay merely the interest on these borrowed funds expanding further the debt/deficit.
When I grew up that was called a “scam”. Times change I reckon.

6 months ago


Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
6 months ago

If the new free down payment act discriminates in any way against whites, it will be flagrantly unconstitutional.
14th Amendment: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges, ….. or immunities of citizens of the United States. …… ; nor deny to any person within the jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Any act that denies equal protection of the law based upon skin color would not only unconstitutional but it would be racist, a charge that the Democrat liberals like to level at their opponents for ANY differing remarks that touch on political matters.
Such an act would be official bigotry, and it would be a two edged sword that cuts both ways.

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
6 months ago

Why should I help people buy houses? Who helped me to buy one? There would be no reason that people need such help if the Democrats hadn’t caused the recent inflation and made home ownership more difficult. The more the Democrats “help” people, the more people will need help, but that’s the goal of the Democrats–to maximize the number of people dependent on some form of welfare.

Dr. Sam Adams
Dr. Sam Adams
6 months ago

When Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) proposed helping all low-income first-time homebuyers, he got pushback from racial justice and housing advocates, insisting too many whites would be eligible.
Let us examine that statement from the so-called racial justice charlatans, who are in fact nothing but Black racists disguised as good and noble people, with the statement, “Too many whites would be eligible”. This Government has placed a target on the whites’ backs!
Print more Monopoly dollars and pass them out to get the black vote.

6 months ago

If Harris gives $25 k to a home buyer. Is that a taxable income ?
Wouldn’t it be just like when during Oboma the banks lower their mtg so the home price could be lowered so the sales price would be competitive..
Nothing is free, not even votes.

6 months ago

How absurd….This is nothing more than Desperate Democrats trying to bribe voters. Disgusting that people are such fools to give up their liberty so easily.

6 months ago


6 months ago

And if you buy a house and the value of that house goes up she wants to tax you on your unrealized capital gains. Very devious way to destroy the middle class to make everyone depend on the government. You may have to sell your house just to pay her taxes

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
6 months ago

I smell corruption all through this. Just like the rebates that I never got but the corrupt IRS said I did . Someone somewhere cashed a check that they said I got . I never saw a check or cashed it . 25,000 would not even cover a down payment on a toilet thanks to Biden.

6 months ago

Sure, give “everyone” wink,wink 25k to help them buy a home, all at tax payers expense. So how does one qualify? Well, how about crappy credit? Check. Maybe a police record? Check. 3 or more children? Check. Single parent? Check. This plan smacks of the 2008 zero down programs that allowed borrowers to walk away from homes when the economy started to go south. Reparations? Check.

6 months ago

It will be minorities or people of color that will benefit from this 25K assistance to buy a home. It is black racism in reverse. The white race has to pay for their sins of working hard to get ahead while the rest are putting their hand out and scream racism because they have not reached home ownership. What about poor white people, there are many of them, whose parents and grandparents never owned a home. In Kameltoe’s world character of a person doesn’t count only the color of your skin. Like she rates the job for president. Not on qualifications only skin color and oh yes gender. Character or merit or substance of such a person is not a qualification.. You get the MSM and the DOJ and security dept behind you. Voters don’t count. They can be manipulated as long as you have P and S and O and don’t forget H in your corner you are qualified to run the free world. The debate last night reflected the propaganda of the MSM. The questions were structured to the answers she had learned the past 5 days even if they didn’t answer the questions that were asked. I guess she forgot where to insert an answer and it showed. She gave a word salad on her upbringing on the question are Americans better off now or under Trump. She had no answer. We got a word salad which was manipulation to have the people forget what the question was. She didn’t debate she just stood there mimicking her shock, surprise, questioning faces with nothing of value coming out of her mouth. A puppet wound up and being played last night. And we have to live 4 more years with the cackle. 3 months under her, America will fall under her reign.

6 months ago

Just another promise and lie from the ocean of lies, known as the democrap party. After four years of constant lying and destruction, one would have to be an idiot to vote for them.

6 months ago

I don’t trust her. I haven’t heard anyone ask her if she would give that money to first illegal aliens too?

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
6 months ago

Having a corporate and private real estate career for more than 50 years, I can say with authority that Harris’ plan is…..insane. The economic and financial chaos it will cause will be unrecoverable.

6 months ago

As usual, the DC politicians, in both parties, promise the moon and never deliver. Presidents cannot make such outlays of money. Remember the House holds the purse strings!

Mr Tiberbob
Mr Tiberbob
6 months ago

So for those of us who worked and saved for a house we will be paying for these people who many most likely will not have the income to maintain a house. Sounds like it could be a repeat of the mortgage fiasco we had some odd years ago. And why does everyone have to live in a house? Apartments are fine. Total stupid idea but will suck in some votes

6 months ago

Kamala Harris’ “values have not changed”, because she’s never had any moral values to begin with.
Obviously, Americans who have already shouldered their own housing cost burdens do not deserve to do the same for houses they don’t live in, or otherwise benefit from.
Of course, in reality, it seems that this proposition is only designed to aid her Presidential candidacy by hurting Trump’s candidacy among black people… and generally causing racial tension that “Democrats” feel they cam exploit to their advantage (as they always have… but please don’t get me started on southern “Democrat” slavery defenders).
Like I said in a recent comment, she’s starting to make the likes of Billy Cinton, Adam Schiff, and other infamous DC lowlifes look like choirboys.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
6 months ago

Whose vote is the she wolf buying.It sure the hell isn’t mine.I am totally anti democrat,liberal,socialist and marxist,SO,deal with it.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
6 months ago

Look at Harris tax plan. The money will come from taxpayers in the form of raised taxes. I still dont understand ,why a familyn who ownes a home disqualify’s the buyer. That has nothen to do with the buyer. YYYAAAAAAA give our money away. Kyle L.

6 months ago

Does anyone remember the housing crash of 2007-2008? that crash was the result of the Clinton scheme deregulating subprime loans to those (mostly minorities) with little or no qualification for the loan. The loans offered were low rate “flexible” loans that jacked up after 5 years. So the policy goes in, large numbers take advantage of the “easy” loans and we get many more “minority” homeowners. This goes on for a few years until the bulk of the 5-year loans start defaulting as those “unqualified” recipients can’t roll over or pay the new rate the flexible loan morphed to. Dominoes fall and they fell in 2007 and 2008 in Bush’s administration. Kamala’s scheme (originally Biden’s) serves the same purpose, an in for unqualified homebuyers that WILL default in a few years, the next administration. The banks and insurance companies knew they would fail and insured them on that basis—so they got paid AND got the foreclosed home too. Big losers, the unqualified homeowners who lost their houses, primarily the minorities. Remember, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mack the gov’t lenders that had to be bailed out who held MOST of the “unsecured” loans. AND who under ACORN was selling the subprime loans and loading up Fanny Mae and Freddy Mack, Barack Obama, the champion of the minority. Beware of DEM schemes to make themselves rich and powerful, that has ALWAYS been their goal, NEVER to actually Help.

6 months ago

Why have you folks capitalized the word “Black,” yet used non capital letters to describe “white??”

Kathryn S Davis
Kathryn S Davis
6 months ago

Send her to the basement with Biden and Obama!!

6 months ago

This is no different than the reparations for slavery argument. I/we never owned any slaves. My ancestors never owned any slaves. I/we worked our butts off to make a living, and nothing was given to us. America will not work and have our earnings taken and given to those who did not work for what they have. That’s what socialism is and we won’t allow it in America! Move to Russia, China Iran or Cuba if that’s what you want!

6 months ago

I don’t mind helping people who are poor because of uncontrolled circumstances. But, I don’t think taxpayers should bailout people that are poor because they are lazy. Many people are okay with living below standards on only what the government doles out to them. I say this because I know a few. Local governments could save a lot of money by making those that are receiving government benefits work in some capacity at a local government office or agency, if they are able, in exchange for the assistance they are receiving.

6 months ago

This white guy had to save for years to have the down payment for my home. No daddy down payment for me so I don’t know how they judge ALL white people has having this benefit.

6 months ago

Yeah, all of us white people had our first house bought for us because we have rich white parents.

6 months ago

It’s a BAD DEAL for America, no matter which way you slice it! This is just another ‘freebie’ for the ‘masses’ just to GET VOTES, and then be ‘forgotten’ after the election. SHE LIES!!! The TRUTH is NOT IN HER. Even if this is just ‘for Illegals’, it’s going to be a BUM DEAL for EVERYONE – and the ONLY ONES who will ‘get a deal’ will be THE BANKS who will get paid BACK by our Govt. FROM THE TAXPAYERS (i.e. everyone who Works). That’s Socialism. It only WORKS for those Elites who already ARE WEALTHY. The rest of us are ‘worse off than EVER’! You can BANK on it!

Bryant C
Bryant C
6 months ago

I believe anyone, regardless of Sex,Age,Race or Religion, should be included in the “First Generation “ eligibility. to buy a home. However, each eligible recipient must serve a minimum of two-years of Military or Public Service. In Addition, anyone receiving U.S. Government funding for an education, must repay the funding prior to becoming eligible for the $25,000.00 stipend.

Bryan K
Bryan K
6 months ago

This is nothing more than another ploy to buy votes. This does nothing for true home ownership. What about the property taxes, home insurance, maintenance cost just to name a few things that go along with home ownership. Let alone to high interest rates and mortgage payment.

6 months ago

Would this be similar to the promise that beyond many of the blacks I worked with believed as gospel, when Obama ran the first time? They were all convinced he was going to pay off their mortgages for them. Wonder how that’s working out for them?

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Reparations for what? That is Racist.

6 months ago

Super radical idea: Give our children a decent education and they will be able to buy their own home.

Pat R
Pat R
6 months ago

As is the case with a lot of government-written laws (be it Congress or Executive Orders from the prez), “the devil” is always in the details. Isn’t that a thought-provoking adage, since the devil IS always in the details of legislation that is anti-individual freedoms, or anti-Creator God.

6 months ago

It is obviously another hustle by Ms. Harris. She has a long record of duplicity as witnessed by me for 15 years in California.

Gary Cline
Gary Cline
6 months ago

The Dems are not offering $20K or $25K in cash. No check will appear in your mailbox for $25,000. Rather you will receive a “tax credit” of $25,000. You determine your taxes owed then subtract that amount by $25,000. If that number is zero or negative then you receive nothing. In other words, If your taxes owed is $13,000 then you receive $13,000 and no more. Smoke and mirrors.

Sherrie Curtis
Sherrie Curtis
6 months ago

What happens to homeowners who have enjoyed an increase in equity after being in their home for some time? It will bring the value of home ownership down and their equity will decrease! She will be tricky just like in the past and give this to minorities only. Not everyone will benefit. Don’t forget, from past experience, she looks you in the eye, smiles and lies convincingly.

6 months ago

If she is just giving that money to minorities and not white people then she is a racist. She called Trump as Racist could not be more wrong on that score but then Kamala is a loser just like Biden. And in only giving that money to minorities she is a true racist in every sense of the word

6 months ago

Harris is typical Dumocrat: throw taxpayer money (debt) at social problems. $25k to homebuyers, $6k families, $$$$ unspecified thousands to student borrowers, $50k start up small business. Just buying votes! All Dems ever do to “fix” problems, is to saddle hard working tax payers, our kids, our grandkids with untenable debt. Good ol communist wealth redistribution at work in the current administration, and next if Carmela’s lies persuade the ignorant.

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