
Elections , Newsline

How Biden’s Mental Decline Went From ‘Misinformation’ to Fact in a Week

Posted on Friday, July 5, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame recently told CNN views that people close to President Joe Biden — people “who loved him, have supported him, and among them are some people who would raise a lot of money for him” — say his disastrous debate performance wasn’t a “one-off.”

There have been, according to insiders, “15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed.”

Yeah, we know. All of us saw the horror show in a bunch of videos you hacks kept telling us was “misinformation” a week ago.

Last month, CNN’s Oliver Darcy attacked the “glaring problems” of a well-sourced Wall Street Journal piece detailing a litany of Biden’s slips. Not long before the first presidential debate, CNN ran another piece headlined “Right-wing media outlets use deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim Biden wandered off at G7 summit.”

Before the debate, NBC News senior politics reporter Alex Seitz-Wald ran an article headlined “Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.” In it, Seitz-Wald regurgitates most of the White House’s transparently ridiculous talking points about videos that very accurately illustrated Biden’s mental and physical decline.

On the same day, David Ingram of NBC News — a network that doesn’t get nearly enough credit for its hackery — published a piece headlined “The deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but it kept going viral anyway.” It was a full-court press.

The New York Times pre-debate headline was “Biden Battles Age Doubts and a Trail of Misleading Videos.” The Washington Post activated its fact-checkers to show us “How Republicans used misleading videos to attack Biden in a 24-hour period.”

It was a concerted effort to hide the truth. What was democracy-corroding MAGA misinformation only a couple of weeks ago has miraculously been transformed into the accepted narrative of virtually the entire political media. It is an act of preternatural shamelessness on their part. And not one journalist involved is going to explain how it happened.

In fact, I’ve seen many left-wingers contend that the press’s reporting on Biden’s struggles only goes to prove they aren’t really as biased as we think. Which is a ludicrous assertion to make after gaslighting efforts already failed.

After the debate, there was no more pretending that examples of Biden’s fragility and mental slips were GOP dirty tricks. What else were they going to do? The president is incapable of putting on a press conference right now. He is unable to speak coherently and spontaneously. They all knew exactly what was going on. They’ve known from the time they insulated him during the 2020 campaign.

Indeed, now the media is just doing the bidding of Democrats who want to remove the president to beat Donald Trump. Nothing has changed.

Take Politico, one of the worst offenders in the Biden-decline cover-up. It’s now turned into a mouthpiece for a new cause. “We’ve all enabled the situation,” sources within Biden’s “inner sanctum” suddenly tell Politico. (Where were they last week?) “It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that.’ It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared s–tless of him. … He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it.”

Is any of this new? Because anyone who’s followed Biden’s 40-plus-year career knows he’s been an unpleasant blowhard with a middling intellect. Just watch the videos of the Clarence Thomas hearing or Joe going off on a reporter who asked him a legitimate question about his educational background. No doubt, his crankiness has been exacerbated by age.

Let’s not forget, either, that the establishment media also helped create this rehabilitative mythology around Middle Class Joe, the patriarch of a shady political family who is just as likely to rent a 12,000-square-foot home for $20,000 a month as he is to take Amtrak.

Just like the Hunter Biden laptop incident, like the freakouts over every lost Supreme Court decision, like the concocted “ethics” problems of Supreme Court justices, like the entire Russia collusion hoax, the Biden cover-up is rationalized in the name of decency.

Most of the big-money political media have internalized the notion that their duty lies not to the truth but to upholding “democracy” — a malleable concept that can be roughly translated to mean anything Calvinball Democrats decide on any given day. And that allows them to seamlessly shift from one dishonest partisan operation to the next.

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.”


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8 months ago

Why does nobody listen to any of these posts? In 2018 we posted on numerous sites that we knew Biden had Alzheimer’s and the election was going to be stolen. Nobody listened about either one of those things and now we’ve had Biden destroying the country for four more years. Obama destroyed it for 8 years and then Biden for another four. We also posted about covid at the masks was a bunch of malarkey and the vaccines would end up killing people and nobody listened to that either. People in this country better wake up!

The Chaplain
The Chaplain
8 months ago

There are really only two possible theories about this.
Either the media “liars club” hoped he would do better in at least a lame attempt to validate their ongoing cover-ups.
Or, it was a set-up in an attempt to undermine Biden in order to pressure him to step down, so their alternative choice can be put in place.
Regardless, it was all part of the marxist plan to destroy the USA & implement the demonic new world order plot.

8 months ago

AND the Leftists intend to keep it going no matter what. There will be a dreadful Dem ticket and rigging, stealing, chicanery of all sorts to ensure Dems ‘ win’ again!

8 months ago

“…anyone who’s followed Biden’s 40-plus-year career knows he’s been an unpleasant blowhard with a middling intellect.”
I think you are being generous when you say he has a “middling intellect.” That is being VERY generous. Based on their personal histories, neither Biden nor Obama could get a job at a substatial law firm.

8 months ago

It simply wasn’t possible to crop in close enough or zoom out far enough to hide that blank look in his eyes or the obvious slack-jawed look of confusion.

8 months ago

The writer said that the press insulated him during the 2020 campaign, which they obviously did. But anybody that has ever paid attention to this man has to know that he has always been an idiot. When he was still a senator, years before he was even Vice President, he spoke at a benefit for a crippled man in a wheelchair who could not walk. While talking about him he asked him to STAND UP so everyone could see him. Now he is an idiot with dementia. I pray that God can save America.

8 months ago

Jackass Joe Biden has a long history of “Exaggerating” the Truth! In fact. Obama perfected his “Transformating of America” with his “smooth talking” delivery of his “Lying” and NEVER being called out for it! I believe Biden just LIES, LIES, and LIES! He’s now become a worldwide as well as a national joke!

8 months ago

Biden’s mental collapse is not a new observation to those of us who have watched him being led around by the Easter Bunny, his wife or the PM of Italy or staffers. It is not a new shocking revelation to those of us who have seen him try to shake hands with non-existent persons. It is not a recently discovered condition to those of us who have seen him unable to figure out how to get off a stage. We have seen all of that for nearly four years. Anyone divulging the truth has been chastised by the CNN, MSNBC, NY Times and Washington Post personalities who have either refused to show the clips or comment upon observations of those events. These so called news organizations might as well be appendages of the DNC. I have decided to call them “cheap fake” news organizations. I need to thank Karine Jean-Pierre for providing the descriptive term.

carol exposito
carol exposito
8 months ago

This four-year-long debacle of putting a knucklehead puppet in the White House so that Obama can continue his reign of debasing America. He promised us he would fundamentally change America. We went from a proud, first-class Republic to a nation struggling to stay afloat while being flushed down the toilet to the status of a banana republic whose leadership prosecutes and jails their political opponents to remain in power. The Democrats and their vicious elected officials have to pay for their misdeeds with a punishing blow to their ambitions by an angry electorate. May God bless America and save her from Obama & his cronies!

8 months ago

The fact that Biden ranted about the SCOTUS decision to grant immunity to Presidents (Trump) in their official duty shows Biden’s mental decline. To put it more clearly, His lack of GRAY MATTER. The fool apparently doesn’t realize that it also protects him from his treasonous and criminal acts that he, his administration and Democrats as a whole have committed, just by their silence. I am happy for Trump but angry that now Biden and his treason is also protected from what he and his handlers have done to this once great country. Term limits are a must. Our Forefathers never envisioned a 50 year criminal , Biden, destroying OUR country. Democrat voters take notice, you are part of this FUBAR, Marine term for F–KED UP BEYOND ALL REPAIR. Hopefully 2024 will be the beginning of the rebuilding of this country and the undoing of what Biden and his handlers have done. God love America once again. .

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
8 months ago

This senile old crook, never exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, has clearly been in a slow mental decline for many years. Anyone who says otherwise is either a liar or in denial – and perhaps both.

8 months ago

Our buddy Joe has a long history of gaffs in his public service. There was a reason he hid in his basement during the campaign and more recently is seldom seen in public. After the debate, it can no longer be hidden nor denied by honest people. Yet politicians continue to jockey for positions of power.

8 months ago

NOW you know that when the snake media AND “FACT CHECKERS” claim that videos of Biden are cropped, hacked or fake…THEY ARE LYING EVEN THEN. Don’t EVER think they are legitimate “fact checkers” because they’re liars just like this administration.

8 months ago

The Media’s masters told them to cover for Biden, so they did. That’s why every news media is synchronized with the same words. When Biden outlives his usefulness, their masters want him thrown under the bus.
Well, The Bus Has Arrived.

8 months ago

Ole Joe has been all his life the demented Joe we see now. We saw it in 2020 but the MSM and the elites and rich donors wanted him as president because they could depend on ole Joe to do their bidding. Ole Joe lies as easily as his dementia is evident. They, the deep state, the elites they all played him in collusion with the MSM. They are all acting incredulously and surprised for they said for years ole Joe is smart and vigorous and running the country. They only forgot to add into the ground. Now they are scrambling to justify his decline and why they supported him. They are complicit in every lie ole Joe has told as president. Repeating lies that have been proven to be lies. But ole Joe keeps repeating them over and over again. Because he believes if you tell a lie over and over again people will believe you. And we still have sheep that go to bat for him. Only now their house of cards they have created since 2008 and with O is falling apart. Everywhere leaks are occurring especially if the senators and representatives jobs are at stake. Their livelihood is being threatened and the rats are leaving ship. Judgement day for ole Joe has come here on earth. It had to, truth and honesty and love will always win over lies, dishonesty and hatred.

8 months ago

I looked up Mr.Biden’s IQ the other day and was not surprized when the number 115 was posted. He has always been a liar and making up stories. He is now confabulating almost everytime he has a microphone in front of him. He has always been a loser.

George M
George M
8 months ago

The real questions is why hasn’t the House impeachment Biden yet? There are no shortage of charges; failure to enforce immigration laws, graft, corruption, mishandeling of documents, how about complete and utter incompetence? Although our founders didn’t list dementia as impeachable issue it is probably fair to say they never imagined that the American people would elect such a fool!

8 months ago

Since we Republicans recognized biden’s failing memory and inability to follow his train of thought waaayy before the democrats conceded to these problems, it’s no wonder Trump’s polling results are looking better all the time. Millions might switch their support from biden to Trump or Kennedy. You’d have to be either a dolt or a biden (“but I repeat myself”, as Charlotte talk radio host Pete Kaliner often says about socialists and democrats) to vote for Old Joe.

All the left-leaning MSM parrots must have met in the local cafe to talk this over. “We have to acknowledge biden’s terrible performance at the debate or we’ll lose credibility. We’ll all go under if we don’t say something.” (Well, there’s always NPR, partially funded by YOU, with their beautiful soothing voices. They’ll never go under. “Defund NPR!”) After meeting with White House officials, they dreamed up the idea of a cold or jet lag. “Let’s get the story straight…” And then every single MSM newscast repeated the same lame story. Very late in the game, but consistent. “Oh, by the way, you know Joe never did drive an 18-wheeler!”

Anyone wanting to start a business or buy a home knows those aspirations are on hold until we see what happens in November. Everyone is feeling the malaise in their wallets. The ornamental plants I offer at the farmers’ market are not selling nearly as fast as they used to. Instead, they buy vegetable and herb transplants–you know, stuff they can eat. Those are the choices people are making today.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
8 months ago

The Democrat Party is nothing more than a bunch of Marxists who hate traditional America and want to destroy our Constitutional Republic and the nuclear family. The Marxist Democrats chronically lie and spread propaganda, which will make it harder for the Republicans to regain both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. If Biden had not been a total failure in the debate with President Trump the Marxist Democrats would still be insisting that Biden is a super sharp patriot who only wants what’s best for our country. The Democrats are mostly evil and don’t care if our country becomes a third rate power.

8 months ago

Biden has never, ever, been anything more than the elitists’ tool to achieve their evil objectives. His decades old reputation, that he confirms every day, as being one of the lowest IQ politicians in the senate makes this glaringly obvious. The liabilities brought on by his mental state are outweighed by the things these monsters have accomplished/destroyed during his administration, which, if their public control elements are KJP and the “easter” bunny, they’re not all that concerned in spite of all the media huff since the debate.

8 months ago

Unfortunately a vast number of our citizens are mindless sheep being herded around by our MSM. The MSM decided that last week’s “cheap fake” is this week’s “documented evidence” in order to get rid of the democrats big mistake. Biden will be replaced on November’s ballot and whoever it is will be glorified as our county’s savior from ruin by the MSM who have actually been in control for over 50 years. Wake up America, don’t believe everything you see on TV.

8 months ago

So the talk has turned to Harris. I think she is a mental case also Why? She can’t be involved with any conversation or situation in which she doesn’t laugh or get a case of the giggles. It’s like she really pulled one over on America by being VP and she just can’t stop oozing those giggles about it. I have a pretty high IQ, but can’t follow much of anything she says.
It’s really embarrassing for Americans to have this duo as our top leaders – the spin team puppet’s.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Been like this for years esp since 2022+

8 months ago

Very well written piece. At the age of 75, I can personally attest that I sometimes forget things, have some minor trouble verbalizing my thoughts to others and my strength is not what it used to be. Welcome to senior world! Joe and especially Jill are corrupt and want to hang onto the White House gravy train. Hunter has urged Joe to keep on keeping on. Why? He is part of the gravy train. The mainstream media is so far into the deception that they have lost all credibility, except with the brain dead that watch The View and CNN. Today’s rah rah teleprompter speech showed a “jacked up” Joe that was obviously demonstrating better living through chemistry. He is old, corrupt and a pox on our country. Goodbye, Joe.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
8 months ago

Don’t believe your eyes. The mainstream media will tell you what you saw. If you disagree with their narrative there’s something wrong with you.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
8 months ago

It’s bad enough that Biden is incapable of handling presidential duties, but that almost all Democrat legislators supported him is proof that they must ALL be thrown out! Either that or the only path for a patriotic Democrat legislator is to leave their party. Precious few have had the sense to do that.

Paul W
Paul W
8 months ago

That’s because it’s now the propagandists’, and not just the “msm”, but the dims and puppet-boy’s own regime’s job to dump china-joe and harris, as directed by the deep state. They tolerated biden because he was controllable, but now that the people that got their “news” from the propagandists have seen what a cognitive train wreck biden really is with their own eyes (they can’t call that performance a “cheap fake”), he’s suddenly got to go. What better way to force him out than “the big revelation” [sarcasm] that the “POTUS” is cognitively unfit. EVERYTHING the left tells us is a massive psy-op directed at the low-info lemmings.

George M
George M
8 months ago

No worries, anyone who has been paying any attention at all knows that these organizations are nothing more than peddlers of the democrats propaganda. Is anyone still waiting for the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC or the networks to apologize for Russiagate? Afghanistan, “The Required Jab”, their attempted coverup of Biden’s dementia, … Of course not, there is no way anyone could think that any of these propaganda machines would provide real news. The real question is why would anyone still be reading or listening to these folks? Better yet why would an advertiser want to have their product, image, or company associated the gaslighting drivel which these “media outlets” (propaganda sites) have been spewing over the last 10 years? It’s way past time to turn them off and I for one also turn off more conservative sites that, for some reason, feel obligated to ensure that we hear all the latest propaganda, from the left. Please stop, empty propaganda does nothing for your listeners (or readers).

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
8 months ago

Go back to AARP; that’s for communists!

8 months ago

Ha Ha Ha…The Washington Post activated its fact-checkers to show us “How Republicans used misleading videos to attack Biden in a 24-hour period. Let him suffer it out, leave him in there, chuckle. After ALL he and kamela (Cackles) has done to the US and myself I hope it hurts. THE president Trump is not going to go after him, the lying media, the senate democrats, the democrat governers, and the rest of the swamp BUT that does not mean the Blue States he sued and screwed can’t RIGHT??

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
8 months ago

I think you’re the pathological liar actually.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
8 months ago

SORRY- you’ re HALF right! Trump doesn’t “lie a lot” and his detractors cannot point out more than 2 or 3 even though they claim 30,000. Biden LIES at every news conference or speech–repeatedly!

8 months ago

Anyone with a little ability to watch what is happening to this man can clearly see that he is not working with a full deck! His family aught to be ashamed of themselves to exploit him the way they are! Shame Shame Shame. If i was allowing this, I could be brought up on charges and arrested, charged and prosecuted for what they are allowing! I would face even prison time! This is so despicable! This family are so full of greed!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Same reason Hunters computer can be “Russian disinformation” then, LOW AND BEHOLD, admitted into evidence at a gun charge trial last month. Why? Because we have advocates not journalists! Think if Ivana wrore in a (nother “ficticious”) diary how she took showers with her dad as a teen, our “investigating press” wouldn’t ask Trump about it?

8 months ago

Vote RFK JR?

8 months ago

When the DEMOCRAT mega donors got to see the real Biden in the “debate” , they THEN realized that they were throwing away their money . The DEMOCRAT party ” played ” their own donors making bigger fools of them than they were previously .

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
8 months ago

If you really believe that amount of propaganda, then vote for Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a class warrior deluded enough to make us a third world nation.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
8 months ago

Oh. I must have watched the wrong debate!

8 months ago

I have to hand it to him, he has lasted much longer than I thought he would… about three and a half years longer.

8 months ago

Lol. “Calvinball”!! Thats the perfect description!

Martin B
Martin B
8 months ago

Another “conspiracy theory” proven to be fact!
Ironic that no one on the left seemed to know about his dementia until the fake news aired the debate. I’ve always known Biden was demented.

8 months ago

msm has been and continues to be part of the problem not the solution. Now that they’ve actually admitted they’ve been covering up for old joe for such a long time, we can also conclude that they’ve been lying about President Trump to further joe and the dems future in power politics. IMO

Michael @ Cedarburg WI
Michael @ Cedarburg WI
8 months ago

Without a pair of teleprompters, bidenboy is dumb as a mudflap!!! Watch his head . . . He goes left- right left right left right.
He only goes straight for a short time & then back to the teleprompters !!! Frankly I am surprised he can read.

8 months ago

We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, and we also know that they know we know they are lying too. They, of course, know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying!

Joanne4 justice
Joanne4 justice
8 months ago

I am pleased that Bidens mental decline is documented. Good news for Americsns !

8 months ago

It was clear to me and many people that Biden wasn’t fit to be elected as president. How people could have voted for him is beyond me. It is a shame that those in power have allowed him to disgrace our country. OPEN your eyes, people!

8 months ago

Admiral Biden set sail to meet the MAGA ship in a contest. Out at sea, his lookout in the crows nest yelled out, “Admiral Biden! One MAGA Ship on the horizon!”

Admiral Biden commanded, “Quick! Bring me my red shirt so that if I am wounded, my men won’t see the blood and keep fighting for me!”

Moments later, the lookout yelled, “Admiral Biden! The entire horizon is filled with MAGA ships!”

Admiral Biden commanded, “Quick! Bring me my brown Trousers!”

8 months ago

biden will be re-elected unless we stop election fraud. He will win even he is in a total vegetative state in November. Cheaters are ruining our country and we are letting them. In 2020 voter registeration & early voting was held in parks on weekends in Madison,Wisconsin. Nothing was done about this illegal activity. I have heard nothing about this being investigated now.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 months ago

I really don’t think that”hiden biden”has a clue about anything that’s happening around him.The democ rat bottom feeders that control him are mostly the ones that are destroying AMERICA,and as for jill biden,shame on you for putting joey thru this just for your sense of being important.

8 months ago

Is anyone asking why the Democrats are so shocked over watching Joe displaying dementia? Why? Haven’t they watched any of his speeches for the last 4 years? We have, and none of his behavior was a shock to us. That explains why the young voters were so surprised. They only read headlines.

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