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How Anti-Veteran Sentiment Played a Role in the 2024 Election

Posted on Monday, November 11, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Last Thursday, following President-elect Donald Trump’s extraordinary victory over Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden addressed the nation. His message was simple: “Setbacks are unavoidable, but giving up is unforgivable,” and he concluded by saying, “May God protect our troops.”

Unfortunately for Biden, however, many people in his party have given up on fighting for America and have even given up on supporting our troops.

Indeed, this anti-American and anti-military sentiment in the Democratic Party undoubtedly contributed to Trump’s victory.

This is a shame because veterans represent the very best of America.

From the sandy beaches of Normandy and the wet jungles of Vietnam to the hot deserts of Iraq and harsh mountains of Afghanistan, they have fought and died for our freedom. Their courage, honor, and selflessness are unmatched, and they should serve as an example for every American today, especially young people. 

With that in mind, this Veterans Day it’s worth asking what our new president can do to restore a sense of gratitude in all Americans for our military servicemen and women.

There are many answers to that question, of course.

For example, his administration could put a stop to the politicization of the military through wokeness, which would ensure that our veterans can be proud of the branches they served.

Likewise, President Trump could use his bully pulpit to remind the American people of the virtues of our military men and women. This White House could also revisit its previous plans to build the National Garden of American Heroes, and honor some of our country’s greatest veterans there.

These are all excellent initiatives, but one of the simplest–and subtlest–ways that Trump can restore respect for our troops and veterans is by preserving and enhancing the beauty of our national cemeteries.

The United States and its territories contain 164 national cemeteries. Some are well-known, such as the Arlington National Cemetery and Gettysburg National Cemetery. Others are more inconspicuous. But each cemetery is—in the words of President Lincoln—“hallowed ground.”

My father is buried at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis so I know from the personal experience of many visits that these cemeteries are more than places of rest—they are the final resting place of our country’s heroes and sacred symbols of American freedom.

We must never forget these men and women. We must also introduce a new generation of Americans to these cemeteries, as I am convinced that walking through those beautiful, straight, uniform rows of fallen soldiers is such a powerful experience that it could make any American grateful for our veterans.

To do this, Trump can do more than ensure that these cemeteries are well maintained, he can promote programming that introduces Americans—especially young Americans—to the profound sacrifices that sustain our liberty. Hosting more roll-call events, concerts, and other community initiatives can help keep the spirt of service alive in the hearts of all Americans and change the minds of this new generation.

Doing so will not only give veterans the respect and honor they so thoroughly deserve, but it will also make our country better. Gratitude is the character trait that seems to be desperately missing from our national dialogue, but it doesn’t have to be this way. The first step to making America great again is remembering the greatest people in our country’s past: our veterans.

Preserving and enhancing our national cemeteries is an excellent way to do that. This Veterans Day, visit a cemetery near you and say a prayer of thanks for the men and women that gave everything for our freedom.

Tom Ruck is the award-winning author of “Sacred Ground: A Tribute to America’s Veterans.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Tom Ruck

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

What Biden along with his DEI military senior officers did in Afghanistan in unforgivable! Steven, US Army Veteran

4 months ago

I agree that our uniformed service people carry out dangerous missions to protect the freedom of the United States and our allies. My grandfather fought in WW1, My father in WW2, my brother in Viet Nam. I was in the Air Force as a drone control radar technician in Utah. No combat arena. It takes us all to defend and protect America.

4 months ago

There are many levels of veterans. There are combat veterans, there are veterans who were in the war zone but not in actual combat, and there were doctors, nurses and clergy who were noncombatants but attached to combat units in combat and exposed to combat, and there were many who received the combat medics badge who were not in combat, not exposed to it but were in a war zone. The same was true for the bronze star. Some of us who served well with combat units were denied the bronze star because of rank. Some units home based commanders only allowed 05s to be awarded the bronze star even though other lower ranking soldiers were recommended by the in country commander. Many of us were centered of mass rated for the same reasons by the same home based commander.
I believe all that served should be honored whether they served in Europe, Korea or other countries including the USA. Certainly real combat vets and wounded vets deserve more. I don’t believe we as a nation are taking care of these guys as well as we should. These guys should be taken care of before we spend one cent on sending immigrants to college, transporting them to America, housing them, giving them cell phones, a house, car and a stipend.
I feel for the most part, the VA is taking pretty good care of us.
Thank You for your Service.

4 months ago

Good article. Don’t forget to thank a Veteran today.

4 months ago

The Democrat party is Anti- AMERICAN.

3 months ago

Democrats lied about Trump dissing American Servicemen and women over in France, they lied about Tampon Tim’s service record , they just constantly lie, lie lie.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

God bless veterans and our armed forces. Lets hope that should they be required to serve in the conflict of any sort they will be allowed to get the job done efficiently, finish the job they were sent to do and get out.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

My husband, a Naval Vietnam veteran, was buried at the Beaufort Historic National Cemetery in South Carolina on Nov. 1, 2024. It is a beautiful location and I can be buried in the Columbarium (Wall) with him when I die.

If all of the National Cemeteries are not like Beaufort, they should be. The staff who helps grieving families is outstanding.

All veterans should have the right to be buried with Military honors as they have earned it.

American Patriot
American Patriot
3 months ago

I’ve visited my nearby military cemetery many times for PGR funerals and before leaving, always take a 360 view and thank every veteran here

4 months ago

Absolutely the truth!

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

President Trump is an American that Loves our Veterans and appreciates them. Today on Veterans Day while biden/harris do photo ops at Arlington National Cemetery they have Jets Spraying Heavily Toxic Chemicals for Hours over U.S. citizens poisoning us including our Veterans,and our environment so we can’t enjoy a Clear Blue Sky with Fresh Air on Veterans Day.

3 months ago

biden is a hater: military and israel

Kathy B
Kathy B
4 months ago

With all he has to do, how do we let President Trump know about the conditions of some of our Veterans’ Cemeteries?

Barbara Durand
Barbara Durand
3 months ago

Someone forgot that Trump called those in themilitary and particularly those who did fighting for our country “losers.”

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