
Elections , Newsline

Heritage’s One-of-a-Kind Election Fraud Database Hits 1,500 Cases

Posted on Thursday, February 1, 2024
by Outside Contributor
election fraud, american flag

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database, the only such database in existence, now contains over 1,500 proven cases of election fraud. The sampling of cases vary from lone wolves stealing one vote to conspiracies that stole many votes, defrauding citizens and candidates of honest elections and sometimes changing the outcome of an election. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s news and commentary outlet.)

As the website states:

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. Each and every one of the cases in this database represents an instance in which a public official, usually a prosecutor, thought it serious enough to act upon it. And each and every one ended in a finding that the individual had engaged in wrongdoing in connection with an election hoping to affect its outcome—or that the results of an election were sufficiently in question and had to be overturned. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. This database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.

We launched the database in 2017 with 1,071 entries. We added 98 cases to the database in 2023 alone and are following several hundred other cases that are being investigated by local authorities. No case is added until and unless there is a conviction or a judicial or official finding that an individual or group of individuals engaged in wrongdoing in connection with an election.

Here are some of the most recent cases that pushed the database above the 1,500 mark:

Let’s start with a local Democratic primary election in Bridgeport, Connecticut, between Joseph Ganim (the incumbent mayor and the party-endorsed candidate) and John Gomes (the challenger), which was decided by 251 votes.

Following the September 2023 election, videos surfaced showing Ganim supporters Wanda Geter-Pataky (a Democratic town committee member and the leader of Voting District 136) and Eneida Martinez (a candidate for City Council) illegally dropping off stacks of votes into various drop boxes.

In overturning the election and ordering a new one, Superior Court Judge William Clark concluded that “the number of ballots at issue, brings the reliability of the primary into serious doubt.” He added, “The videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties. To disregard the significant mishandling of ballots by partisans that were caught on video flouting the provisions of Connecticut law … endorse(s) this blatant practice of ballot harvesting.”

A new primary election was held on Jan. 23, which Ganim won, and a new general election will be held Feb. 27.

This is not the only example of ballot trafficking that was recently added to the database.

In Arizona, Gloria Lopez Torres (a San Luis city councilwoman) and Nadia Lizarraga-Mayorquin were charged with illegally trafficking absentee ballots during the August 2020 primary election. Arizona law only permits family members and close relatives to return ballots.

They both pleaded guilty to one count of ballot abuse, were sentenced to 24 months of probation, and were fined $2,500 each. The violation of the law was so serious that Torres was barred from running for or being appointed to public office again.  

Torres is also, unfortunately, not the only public official engaging in election fraud in our latest batch of cases.

David Cole, a Republican member of the Alabama House of Representatives, was charged with falsely claiming he resided in Alabama’s 10th State House District during the 2022 primary and general elections despite living in District 4. To disguise his ineligibility, Cole entered into a $5-per-month lease at a home in District 10, which he never occupied, although he registered it as his voting address and had mail sent there. He also falsely claimed he had sold his District 4 house.

While Cole’s crime came to light during his campaign, he was not charged until after the election, which he won by 973 votes. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 60 days in jail and three years of probation; agreed to resign from his legislative seat; and was ordered to pay $52,885.79 in restitution, the salary he was paid as a state legislator. A judge ordered a new election to fill his seat.

Christopher Coyle, the former Democratic candidate for Clark County, Indiana, clerk, and a former chairman of the Clark County Democratic Party, was charged with falsely claiming his residency in Clark County and voting there during the 2022 election.

He filed a false report with the Clark County Clerk’s Office claiming he lived in Memphis, Indiana, despite having sold his home and having not updated his driver’s license or voter registration to reflect the fact that he was living in Louisville, Kentucky. He then voted in person in Sellersburg, Indiana, on Election Day. He admitted the conduct and entered into a pretrial diversion agreement. The charges were dropped once he successfully completed the program.

We also added our first cases from the District of Columbia, which has not shown much interest in investigating allegations of election fraud. Five individuals—Renee Diggs, Jessica Miser, Eddie Bishop, Margaretta Sibert-Dean, and D.C. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Vanessa Rubio—were all fined by the D.C. Board of Elections for voting twice in the 2020 general election.

Diggs, Miser, Sibert-Dean, and Rubio all voted in person both in Washington and Maryland, while Bishop voted in person in Washington and by absentee ballot in Maryland. Laughably, Rubio, an elected public official, claimed she thought her duplicate voting wouldn’t count because the district is not a state.  

We also added 16 cases from North Carolina of aliens charged with falsely claiming to be citizens when registering to vote.

George Ian Richardson, Soraya Paktiawal, Lurbyn Chirinos-Castro, Miriam Perez Robledo, Faustin Ngaruyinka, Jeffrey Hamilton, Miguel Angel Dominguez Martinez, Gessyca Eyene Jeaspautine Misse, Gloria Lopez, Odalinda Mondragon-Arroyo, Byron Benavides-Campos, Ikechukwu Augustine Okeke, Denis Javier Miranda, Fathy Ahmed Nasser, Jose Abraham Navarro, and Gabriela Guzman-Miguel all made false claims of citizenship.

Despite the fact that such a violation of the law is a federal felony and grounds for an alien to be denied citizenship, each was given the opportunity to enter a pretrial diversion program for 12 months after admitting their conduct, and the charges were dropped upon successful completion of their respective programs.

As the 2024 election draws near, let’s hope states prioritize implementing election reforms—like requiring an ID to vote and effectively maintaining accurate voter registration rolls—that are needed to ensure fair and honest elections, and then vigorously enforcing them, so Americans can feel confident casting their votes in the polls.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Hans von Spakovsky and Katie Samalis-Aldrich.

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1 year ago

It’s not that there is no evidence that the election was stolen but the fact no court had the guts to hear the evidence. They dismissed the cases, Not the evidence. Theyrefused to even lookat it,because the price of getting involved was too high. This is how evil destroys a Republic.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Forgive me for not being enthusiastic about any reforms never mind election ones States had four years to act and nothing happened The very representatives and officials are corrupted beyond any measure

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article telling the TRUTH. Good job Heritage Foundation.

1 year ago

Is there a decent, honest person left in the Democrat party? I think not. I think anybody with morals abandoned that party a long time ago.

Roger Wiley
Roger Wiley
1 year ago

I guess I was “raised wrong”. I see each and every instance of voting fraud as an act of Treason! Yet, none of these persons were hanged. From what this article details, none of the offenders received so much as a severe spanking. When “We the People” demand, and get public executions, this behavior will stop. Until then, I guess we’re all supposed to believe “it’s okay”. I call BULLSHIT!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Let’s not forget the 2008 ACORN who didn’t go out of business but merely changed its name to SEI and probably still rake in Obama money caulking windows in poor neighborhoods when they’re not registering Mickey Mouse to vote “Democrat”.

1 year ago

There are criminals in both parties no doubt but when democrats break the law it’s ok. when Republicans call them out, we’re picking on them. I don’t care who you are, if you break the law you pay the price.

1 year ago

The Democrats cannot win an election with out voter fraud.

1 year ago

I’m touching a related subject. The millions of illegal entering our country right now will be demoncrats voters. There’s no other reason in my mind. Who’s herding them all in?, and who’s financing it?. The globalist are very clever with their money so sight unseen, we the USA constituents are paying for our own demise. And what do we do?. Just chat and back and forth thinking that it will take care of all our problems.

1 year ago

The punishment for election fraud should be at least 10 years in federal prison, no excuses.

Loretta Pramick
Loretta Pramick
1 year ago

Delaware has always had voter ID. It also has a pretty fool proof system on counting votes with a paper back up. It still does not stop the idiots from voting for the wong people!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

“Truth will ultimately prevail where pains is [sic] taken to bring it to light.”

Nancy Pace
Nancy Pace
1 year ago

I think All voters should have ID at the time of voting
All absentee ballot voters need to file for one Absebt ballot have Doctor or employer note why voter can’t vote in person when note received by the board then one ballet is mailed to voter who then mails it in thus absent voter ballets applications are sent upon request I month before any election All levels ppl can’t vote in person need to show why they can’t vote in person be approved for absent ballot and stop the fraud. one women reported to news how she was counting ballots and a bag from China came in full of absentee ballots for Mr Biden I heard her on the news never heard her again it wasn’t in news again I think most Americans believe fraud voting been going on for years we don’t trust the system anymore

1 year ago

The 2024 Primary is a total disaster as the parties can only offer Trump & Biden. What is wrong with competition to make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jim sullivan
jim sullivan
1 year ago

great info, we all knew that the last presidential election was rigged.see!!!!

Jim Miller
Jim Miller
1 year ago

The 2020 election was stolen! I don’t care what you say, it was!! nuff said

1 year ago

I am not sure where youre getting your info but good topic I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more Thanks for magnificent info I was looking for this information for my mission

Deborah Wood
Deborah Wood
1 year ago


Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

how about that 1500 cases of democrat voter fraud that the FBI, DOJ and media said did not exist? I think maybe the fbi needs ot be disbanded.

1 year ago

The primary is a total flop for both parties in 2024. Seems like Dems offer no one but Biden & Nikki is the last one standing on Repub side & Trumps wants her out as he said that anyone donate to Nikki campaign is no longer in MAGA camp! Last polls I saw had 60% of both parties not wanting Biden or Trump. These two parties are going to create a third party in the future that care for all Americans & not just their party.

michael fz
michael fz
1 year ago

the gop should start fielding better candidates rather than being obsessed with voter fraud, the gop is suffering from oneitis with trump when they think he is some god, trump is not a god, he’s a weak candidate who might blow what should an almost sure thing for republicans

yeah there’s some fraud in every major election, always has been, always will be, it’s usually about fifty fifty between the two parties, it’s dishonest when one party uses anecdotal evidence to claim only the other commits fraud, not true, and it’s dishonest to claim 2020 was the most secure election ever, 2020 was about the same as 2016 or 2012 or 2000 or 1984 or any other year

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