
Elections , Newsline

Harris Refuses to Say What Sort of President She Will Be

Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2024
by Walter Samuel

Kamala Harris had a good week. Since Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race, she has consolidated the support of a majority of delegates to the 2024 Democratic National Convention, received the grudging submission of rivals and support of Barack Obama, and managed to unlock nearly two hundred million dollars in donations that had eluded Joe Biden.

With her rally speeches receiving rave reviews on social media, a “white women for Kamala” call crashing Zoom, and the anti-Trump “conservatives” at the Bulwark so enthused they are dropping podcasts every six hours, journalists are understandably reporting smooth sailing for the good ship SS Kamala on calm seas.

But nothing about the year 2024 implies that the political seas are likely to ever remain calm for more than a few days, and a closer inspection indicates that the SS Kamala may not be quite so sturdy as she appears. The design has severe structural flaws that make her unfit for extended service in stormy weather, and there is evidence that she has already sprung a few leaks. While hardly noticeable to the passengers, a brief squall could see her start to take on water fast.

First of all, let us look at the supposed “New Kamala.” Her first rally in Milwaukee featured a packed-out stadium with a crowd of almost 3,000. That might be impressive by Biden standards, but Donald Trump is easily able to draw ten times that in many locations.

The speech, which supposedly spread such excitement, barely lasted ten minutes. It is unclear if many of those praising her performance even watched it. If they had, they would have discovered remarks filled with phrases about “not going back” and otherwise devoid of policy, echoing the sort of attacks on Donald Trump that a surrogate, says a vice presidential nominee, and not a presidential candidate herself, would make. Calling Project 2025 “Trump’s Platform” is dishonesty bordering on misinformation, which is the reason, more than age, that it was previously left to Harris to make those sorts of claims to highly partisan audiences where it was less likely to receive scrutiny.

Even in our era, it is considered unseemly for an aspiring president to regularly lie in public about her opponent. It leaves her open to the almost inevitable moment at the debate where Donald Trump says he has nothing to do with it, and Harris is stuck insisting that he really did read and approve every one of 920 pages of an interminable memo.

As for the delivery, her remarks have been serviceable, for a member of Congress or lower-level politician. What separates Kamala Harris from other politicians who have bid for the presidency successfully is the lack of any sort of personal story. Barack Obama spoke about growing up mixed race in a single-family home. Bill Clinton came out of Arkansas. George H.W. Bush had World War II, and his son overcame alcohol addiction. Donald Trump had a long business record. J.D. Vance’s life story is so compelling it became a best-selling book and Hollywood film. Joe Biden, whatever you think of the accuracy of his stories, at least had some to tell.

Harris appears to have nothing. She does not talk about her childhood, her parents, or her education. She married late in life, meaning that her husband and stepchildren missed large parts of the story. The only thing worse than an inflated or weird story, such as Joe Biden’s, is having none. It leaves a speaker struggling to connect with the audience by awkwardly describing second-hand the stories of people they just happened to meet, often forgetting names, in a manner that invariably comes to feel exploitative.

The individual Kamala Harris most calls to mind in this respect is Hillary Clinton, who also struggled to discuss anything related to her upbringing and family. Hillary Clinton had many flaws, but most could have been overcome had she been able to connect with Americans on any sort of personal level. Her inability to do so was politically fatal.

Hillary clearly felt like an outsider in her husband’s Arkansas and never managed to disguise it. Whitewater and a host of other scandals seem to have emerged from a refusal on her part to embrace Bill Clinton’s world, which she felt beneath her. Yet Hillary was unable to discuss her own upbringing in a compelling manner, nor could she discuss her marriage for obvious reasons.

The result was that the first female major party presidential candidate was unable to discuss being a daughter, wife, mother, or first lady. When combined with a lack of comfort in talking about Barack Obama, Hillary’s speeches ended up existing in a parallel reality where she was the most important senator in American history from 2001 to 2009.

It is far easier to define the reality that Harris’s speeches do not exist in than the one they do. They do not exist in the reality where she became Joe Biden’s border czar, was an advocate of Medicare for All, or did everything in her power to associate herself with her predecessor. When she declares to her audiences that “we will not go back,” what is she referring to? The Biden administration? Or, is she trying to erase the last four years from existence and pretend she is running against Donald Trump in 2020?

Therein lies the fundamental weakness of Harris’s position and campaign. It is not, as too many Republicans believe, that she is invariably burdened by the failures of the Biden administration. She is quite willing to erase those from memory, and the last week has demonstrated that in doing so she will enjoy the full support of the entirety of the media establishment. She is also, at least for the moment, in sync with her upper-middle-class liberal support base, who do not want to be reminded of those failures.

The true weakness of Kamala-mania is that Harris has nothing to establish her identity as a candidate. If she cannot speak of her time as vice president, or the policy positions she championed in the Senate, or her work as a prosecutor, then what can she talk about? The answer is apparently vague cliches and out-of-context quotes, some even fabricated, about Trump and J.D. Vance.

This would be a weakness in any campaign, but it is a particularly serious one in the type of campaign Democrats seem determined to run; namely, a 100-day sprint without a platform and without saying what Harris will do. Rather, Harris will say that, with Donald Trump on the ballot, it is a far too important a time to discuss serious issues like the border, national debt, or foreign policy. Just trust me, she will argue, and when we are rid of Donald Trump she will reveal what she plans to do.

Such a campaign relies on trust, or in the case of her more devoted fans among the Democratic Party’s base, faith. Faith may be strong, but newfound faith is a fickle thing. They believe in Harris not because she has done anything to earn their belief, but because they have nothing else. It is a faith born of desperation following their loss of belief in Joe Biden. If that faith is punctured, as it was for Joe Biden at the debate, the collapse could be equally sudden and sharp.

As for trust, this is where Harris’s lack of past will be a challenge. Voters trust politicians based on what they have done and who they are. Harris cannot talk about her achievements, such as they are, because they are unpopular.

That leaves who she is. This is where voters look for personal testimonies, from parents, from a spouse, from childhood friends. From a young age, voters have had the idea that they should not trust mysterious strangers, whether with gifts of candy, their savings, or their country. That Harris cannot provide a framework to know Kamala Harris means that she is likely to be unable to explain why voters should trust her.

Harris 2024 is therefore a campaign built around trust with a candidate who either will not or cannot provide voters with good reasons to trust Kamala Harris. Without trust, there is only faith. Faith, as we have seen over the past ten days, is a powerful emotional force. It is also a fickle one. Without it, Kamala is walking on water and is set to take a cold bath.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

The sort of person she is will be the same even as a president. Dangerous and treacherous Lets not celebrate her coronation yet .Might not happen. One never knows what surprise dems might hiding.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
6 months ago

How many people attending Kackler’s rallies have been paid by unions or others to attend? Who would want to attend a rally with such a weak-minded person? Milwaukee was a good place for her since she helped bail out BLM terrorists!

6 months ago

I’m not surprised that Harris withholds commentary on what she would do as President, because I’m not sure she knows what ANY President does. She comes across as having a laser-focus on herself, and not much else… a somewhat “teenagey” style for someone of her years.

6 months ago

She will be very dangerous President, that cause the America become Totalitarian Country, where she crown joker who be laughing at everything she does and cause us get in two ocean War

6 months ago

She won’t say what her “presidency” will be like because she will not ever be a President!

Harry L Guzaliak Jr
Harry L Guzaliak Jr
6 months ago

Just ask Obama, He will guide you

6 months ago

Harris does not want to bring up her California political past, because it is very much the opposite of what “most” voters want of the leader of our nation. Her platform is not Constitutional and she wants everyone to think that she would be a great leader. Unfortunally, all of our comments never reach the MSM and most news journalists only report opinions that are in line with their thinking. They will not even look to find out about other thoughts and or facts…they prefer being spoon fed the same old baloney.

6 months ago

ha it doesn’t matter who she picks the left are all radicals – the masters of disaster – can’t believe that they even have supporters! makes me sick

6 months ago

I cannot think of anything about this person that qualifies her for this office and responsibility, having witnessed her activities for 12 years in California.

The David
The David
6 months ago

She won’t be. It’s going to be Trump. The riots that follow on November 6th will continue until January 21st, when I hope Trump gets medieval on antifa, blm, pro hamas terrorist students, yadayada until it is all shut down – marshall law if need be.

6 months ago

This is a classic BAIT & SWITCH ! The democrats knew Joe wouldn’t last 4 more years the switch is just happening before they had planned. The plan was Joe wins 2024 and then bows out due to health reasons and Kamala never has to run. They know she is a horrible candidate and can not win on her own ticket…..

6 months ago

Because she does not know. They have no told her yet.

6 months ago

She won’t be a president but if she was by some election shenanigans she would make a dam poor one. She isn’t even a decent vp !

6 months ago

Because she has NO CLUE as to what is needed to Make America Great and can only hope to continue her extreme socialist agenda to destroy the Last Best Hope for Humanity

6 months ago

yes people like that are coniving, sneaks although she does take her cues from obozo, etc

6 months ago

Not much to tell..unless it is all made-up. Read where her father and she really do not have relationship..raised by her mother.

5 months ago

Kamala can’t tell you her future as to what the platform of her Presidency will be, because she was an invisible Vice President. Her main function as VP is/was to help and support Biden on and off stage with a fixed smile as he drifted in his speeches and in his walk.
She assured everyone that Biden was doing well as President despite of his aging issues. She will still be assigned, as it was with Biden, what her handlers telling her their leading and guidance of her speeches, press conferences (if allowed) and it will be a repeat of the Biden term. Another ghosting of the Presidential leadership.

The Hammer
The Hammer
5 months ago

She will be a terrible Dictator!

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

In a word of what kind of president she would be, a Communist with a Stupid laugh. It’s well documented that she has been promoting Communism ever since she first hit the public’s eye. Remember, she promotes Defund the Police, end prisons, supports Terrorist and Open Borders including set up a Bail Bond for antifa, blm rioters in 2020 which automatically disqualified her from running for VP. Wants to imprison anyone that doesn’t agree with her.
Destroy anything American and Stands Up for the United States. That’s just for starters. She would also get us ALL killed in WWIII since she has no idea of what she’s doing let alone how to Defend OUR country.
The WHOLE world knows she is Stupid and WEAK.

6 months ago

We already know what kind of president she’ll be.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
6 months ago

She doesn’t have to tell me what kind of president she will be. I’ve seen and heard her enough to know what kind of person she is, and always will be. It frightens me to know what’s ahead if she controls our country. Every person who votes of her is just like her.

6 months ago

Wow, “prolific international affairs writer”. Fantastic. You are the one I have been looking for to answer some questions about some things I heard or read about:
Kamala worked in the DA”s office in San Francisco. Did she move in with a politically powerful person? And after living with that person, he (sorry I don’t know his preferred pronoun, so I went traditional) promoted and supported her as the DA she became? Did that same person promote and support her to be California’s AG? Senator?
Sounds like she does have a background story. Could we say get coersed political positions from her supporter as she climbed her way to the top? Is there another way to say that? Is that the reason she giggles all the time? Did she coerse her voters?
Just wonderin’

Corbin Douthitt
Corbin Douthitt
6 months ago

Duh. No one has told her what kind of president she will be, That is up to 0bama and Soros- Pelosi and Schumer

6 months ago

Just imagine Harris as President with a staff officer in aiguilettes following her. He has the nuclear football under his arms. And then think of Harris with her cackle, handling the football. Do you really want this “woman” handling nuclear secrets and running the world’s most powerful nation?

6 months ago

We need a Trump/Harris debate and both of them should be asked tough questions about what they will do if elected. The two of them going head to head should be enlightening and only if they control their tempers and answer the questions rather than evading the answers like they have done in the past.

6 months ago

A lot of her ‘record’ in CA she spent on her knees in Willie Browns office.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

If you want to know what kind of POTUS Kamala will be I suggest downloading the “CUR” ap.

Democrat Blue Donkey Rivalry of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 U. S. Presidential Election.
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