
Elections , Newsline

Harris Interview with Fox – Disaster

Posted on Monday, October 21, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Photo: Fox News

Bret Bair (Fox) interviewed VP Harris last week. It was a hot mess, a disaster for Harris. Emptiness.

Rather than owning anything, she admired every problem he raised, overtalked him when he raised responsibility for ten million illegals in the country, thousands of felons shipped to all 50 states, ending the Trump agreement to keep asylum seekers in Mexico, blocking gangs and drug violence.

She blamed Trump. Trump? Yes, he did not go along with a bill legalizing half those actions offered by Biden-Harris, which six Senate Democrats voted against – as it allowed 1.8 million illegals in. She had no answer.

She pretended all is well, there was no need to look at the border, Trump was as bad and offered pathetic defenses for the indefensible. She pointed to the same when asked how she could have let the murderers in who have killed so many young women – and in growing numbers.

She ignored the question and said it was tragic. Indeed, Madame Vice President, tragic, your policies. Even former President Clinton called it failed vetting. Harris was in her regular brain fog, slow, speaking through her nose, struggling to remember lines.

Bair turned to experts. He let the mother of a child brutally killed by an illegal, released with no vetting, tell Harris how her policies killed her daughter. Fox gave Harris a chance to apologize. Harris refused, just called it tragic.

Next, Bair pressed on when the crisis started. She dodged again, said she spoke to those on the border – in her one visit in 4 years, was sorry for those killed. She said the border is always in crisis.

She blamed the Democrat Congress, not her policies, for letting tens of thousands of traffickers, murderers, and rapists in, saying we just need more asylum judges. The lack of response was stunning.

Harris nearly cried when confronted with border patrol union endorsement of Trump, but would not admit she is wrong, that she has done more for drug trafficking illegals than for Americans in fear. Saying over and over “I get it” – she plainly does not get it, and viewers saw that in living color.

When confronted with her own statements about wanting illegals to get free driver’s licenses, free tuition at colleges, and free health care, she said “That was five years ago.” And so?

The non-answer was as embarrassing as any words out of a candidate for president in my lifetime. She takes no responsibility for anything. Asked how she chose a vice presidential candidate who signed those things into law in Minnesota, she said we will “enforce federal law.” That’s it?

She offered the added dodge that she once prosecuted bad guys, so – one assumes – her now letting felons into the US is something she once opposed? Even here, her record is weak. She spent more time prosecuting gun makers and dropping capital cases than pursuing illegals.

Confronted with advocacy of taxpayers funding gender “reassignment” operations for illegal aliens and prisoners, she pivoted, said that’s the law, and blamed Trump. Bair pointed out, no such policies were implemented by Trump. Harris did not retract the idea, and said Trump “has no plan.”

No plan? Really? Trump has volumes of plans and a record. Harris has minimal plans, and what she has either mimics Trump (e.g. no tip taxes) or smacks of the former Soviet Union’s top-down mandates, price and wage controls, ending fossil fuels, mandating federal control, no straws.

Audacity is one word, low intelligence, low integrity, hiding is a better way to say it. Harris hit with crazy transgender policies and deflected over to … affordable housing. Of course, but another misfire, as her Inflation Acceleration Act, misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, made housing unaffordable.

Jumping from hot burner to burner, Harris tried to talk economics, which was more embarrassing. The interviewer asked – why do more trust Trump? She stammered, no answer. She jumped again, saying she wanted to “turn the page,” which begs the question, from what?

Hit by the interviewer with quotes – on film – of saying she would change nothing, she suddenly pulled the double reverse, disowned her role in Biden-Harris policies, and said “My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency.” So, she just threw Biden under the bus.

She said 79 percent believe the country is on the wrong track, she took no responsibility. Unable to explain, she blamed Trump, said the interviewer was in agreement, “know what I mean.” He shot back, “No, what do you mean?” She then babbled about divisions.

Sad, embarrassing, pathetic, but there it is – who she is, sure she is being “clear” but actually clear as mud, offering meaningless diversions, emotion, and hatred for Trump. The only things clear are her willingness to lie, lack of principle, lack of focus, low integrity, and … emptiness. This interview did not go well for Harris.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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4 days ago

RBC, amazing how the buck is passed — “I did everything in my power to execute my job, but it was the legislative branch that let all the bad to occur. Don’t blame me.” This way is all too familiar over the last 16 years with Democrats with their wayward antics. It is said to think that is might last forever.

4 days ago

Harris IS a disaster, looking for a place to happen!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 days ago

Let’s hope 79% of Americans get out and vote… or stop complaining. Apathy is as bad as voting for Kamala!

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
4 days ago

This was a very good article, and I’ve never seen anyone stammer and stutter and unable to answer questions the way she did.And she never took any responsibility for anything she did and she blamed everyone else for her actions, and she threw President Biden under the bus repeatedly, and blamed Trump and the Congress for everything that has happened on her watch.And if America votes her into office the America we know will go away !!!!

4 days ago

Harris is the most unqualified, unprepared, incompetent, and is definitely WAY out of her league. Besides FAILING MISERABLY as VP, to date she has FAILED to answer ONE hardball question. She is completely heartless and doesn’t give a damn about the hundreds of thousands of missing/sex trafficking children, or the nearly one million deaths caused by fentanyl that she is allowing to pour across our borders, or the thousands of raped and murdered women. Every time she is asked a question all she ever does is LIE, rehearse her no-content scripts, cackle, blame Trump, and vomit ‘word salads’.
She is so in over her head, she’d have to be strapped to a sub-launched missile for her to reach the surface. Harris is unbelievably out of touch with 85+% of Americans and is by far the most Left-wing radical Marxist in politics. Even the Democrats, secretly despise her. However, all’s not lost. Harris has earned and wins hands down, the NUMBER-ONE “TOTAL BS” AWARD, and THE WORST VP IN RECORDED HISTORY AWARD simply called the “SHAME AWARD”.
And what’s even worse, ignorantly arrogant voters, suffering from the potentially fatal mental disease called Trump Derangement Syndrome, will prove this by voting for Harris. WHY? Because they have guzzled the toxic Left-wing Kool Aid and have listened to and believe all the LIES spewing forth from the CORRUPT LAME STREAM FAKE NEWS media, in all their vile forms. Oh, and because Trump sends mean tweets.
Truly sad, but they have a very serious mental disease. STUNNING and DANGEROUS INDEED.

4 days ago

The fact that this PERSON will most likely get elected to the highest office in our country just makes me totally lose faith in the voters of the US. TDS is going to get her elected, just watch. I’m now considering becoming an ex-pat.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 days ago

The interview mirrored her ability and mental state.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
4 days ago

Important article Robert, to have knowledge ,as much as possible, about the mindset of a candidate for President — takes some time, to fit all of the pieces together , jig saw puzzle style . It is appreciated to have a clear picture of who is who , what is what and why things are the way they are at this time. If a candidate lacks integrity, that should be a major concern, and the question should be asked — What is that candidate up to anyway ? Those of us who respect the qualities of honor, honesty, integrity, courage and loyalty should be prepared for adversity regarding this election in November. If corruption interferes with Donald Trump being elected then. No Time.should be. spent mourning a development like that — instead all efforts should be directed to making things as right as possible in the spirit of the principles of Faith, Family and Freedom. The situation will need to be sized up accurately,and quickly and measures to maintain the foundation of this Constitutional Republic, will need to be acted on accordingly. Optimism about Donald Trump being elected in November should be felt at this time , it helps to think along those lines — and being prepared for , being at the ready for that not happening is just being realistic – being realistic is part of being optimistic actually. The sense of purpose that American citizens who respect the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of the Constitution have is something that strengthens good character and will strengthen the National Character.

4 days ago

I don’t know how any intelligent person could vote for her. Low integrity? More like no integrity. She says “I follow the law” which is so obviously untrue. She and Joe have made up their own laws, ignoring the Supreme Court and the constitution.

4 days ago

Just proved she’s an empty suit. A pawn for the crat party. Anyone really think she’s going to come up with plans that will benefit the US?? She represents progressive socialism, plain and simple. It’s hard to believe half the country would vote for that mess.

4 days ago

Her interview proved one essential trait of the far left. It’s never their fault.

James Towns
James Towns
4 days ago

Patience, patriots!!! Her own words will destroy her bid to become president!!! Wait to watch it happen. :o)


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