Kamala Harris has been an active participant in a conspiracy to cover up Joe Biden’s health maladies for years, which came to a head on Sunday with a shocking resignation letter that was posted on X (formerly known as Twitter), where Biden declared that he would not seek re-election. The letter all but vindicates criticisms that anyone with eyes to see have been making about Biden’s health effectively since the day he took office.
Despite the White House’s adamant insistence to the contrary, Biden is clearly unfit to serve in his office. That fact became obvious to the non-conservative world (at least, that is what they pretended) in the aftermath of his disastrous debate performance in late June, which showcased a broken-down president stuttering and stammering over words, and frequently drifting off into incoherence. The public appearances he has made since that day has done nothing to reassure voters that the Oval Office incumbent is “a very bold and vibrant president,” as Kamala Harris, Biden’s would-be successor, declared on Good Morning America just a few short months ago.

President Trump rightly asked on Truth Social on Sunday if “the Republican Party [should] be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe [Biden], including his doctors and the Fake News Media, knew that he was not capable of running for, or being, President[.]”
Of course, Harris was engaging in egregious doublespeak – if the descriptors “bold” and “vibrant” ever applied to Biden, they have not applied to him in years. This has been readily apparent to the world for a long time now, despite the White House’s strident efforts to keep Biden out of public view as much as possible. Harris, who presumably has more exposure to Biden than the public does, obviously knew about his health, and the seriousness of his condition, better than virtually anyone else. That she has so baldly lied to the public despite that knowledge indicates gross negligence, in the best case scenario. Or, worse (but more probable), being a co-conspirator in the coverup.
Indeed, the odds of the vice president simply being “negligent” are close to zero – she would have to be a special class of braindead, far worse than her boss, to believably profess ignorance about Biden’s mental incompetence. While Kamala may be many things, she, like the rest of us, clearly knows about Biden’s health – and knew for a long time that he was incapable of serving out his duties. On just that basis, she should be disqualified from running for president.
As it stands, the release of the letter was highly unorthodox. It was reported that several White House aides learned about its release with the rest of the world when it was posted, without warning, on Biden’s official X account Sunday afternoon. Even if those reports prove incorrect, the way Biden’s resignation occurred raises troubling questions about the prospect of a presidential coup playing out in real time.
Typically, presidents who prematurely resign from their posts (e.g., Nixon) or announce they will not be seeking reelection (e.g., LBJ) do so with a formal press conference on live television. They do not ordinarily post letters unannounced on social media, issuing no accompanying statements or video announcements, remaining out of sight for days on end. Many close observers raised important questions about the letter that demand a response: did Biden write it? Who authorized it? Why was it not written on official White House letterhead, which is standard procedure for official pronouncements?
Indeed, many in the public are right to believe – if Biden remains out of public view – whether the president is even still alive. It was reported that he had been recovering from COVID in recent days; but other reports circulated that his health was far worse than what the White House originally reported, some going so far as to say he might be on his deathbed, or already deceased. While that may appear farfetched: consider this, the White House – including Jill Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, and indeed, Kamala Harris – have been reassuring the public in the three weeks since Biden’s debate debacle that he was spry, mentally sharp, and would not be dropping out of the race.

Biden’s schedule for the week.
None of that proved true. Biden has dropped out of the presidential election, and party leaders — like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton — have already begun coronating Kamala Harris as his successor. If they are willing to lie about something as grave as Biden’s health, naturally they would also be willing to lie about a coup, to say nothing about whether he is alive or dead.
As all of this was playing out, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who recently announced her own resignation, was being grilled by members of Congress about her role in the near-assassination of President Donald Trump a little over a week before. It is almost indisputable that Biden’s resignation necessarily followed from the near-hit on the President’s life; it is extremely plausible Biden would not have dropped out had the unthinkable happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. As we learn more about the “negligence” of what occurred on that near-tragic day, under whose pretext Cheatle resigned, it looks increasingly like there was something far more nefarious afoot. But so far we have not gotten answers as to the obvious and ridiculous failures involving Secret Service on that day, including why the rooftop, which was only 130 meters away from the stage, was not secured; and why security officials were seemingly dragging their feet to react to attendees informing them about a shooter on the rooftop well over a minute before shots were fired, as documented in eyewitness video.
All told, the ridiculous lapses in judgment of both Cheatle and Harris suggest an administration that is terminally incompetent and corrupt beyond imagination. Otherwise, they must be participants in a criminal conspiracy. There is no third option.
Even on the “mere” negligence count, Harris’ failure to invoke the 25th Amendment herself months ago offers more than plausible grounds for a criminal cover up. As it stands, the RNC and Trump campaign has raised and expended hundreds of millions of dollars thus far already this election cycle under the assumption that Biden would be their opponent.
This assumption was backed by countless reassurances by Biden and his senior White House staff that he was “in good shape, in good health, and … ready to lead in our second term,” as Harris insisted. Harris has made such outrageous claims like “[a]ge is more than a chronological fact … Not only is [Biden] absolutely authoritative in rooms around the globe, but in the Oval Office.” Back in March, when asked about whether Biden would need to step down, she also said: “I’m ready, if necessary, but it’s not gonna be necessary.”
That she had the audacity to lie, and do it so brazenly is not simply a bad reflection of her character, or gross incompetence: it is plainly demonstrative of her role in a conspiracy to defraud the American people. Her lies should be taken extremely seriously because they place hundreds of millions of Americans, and billions of people all around the world, at grave risk. She is basically licensing our adversaries, including China, Iran, and North Korea, to take advantage of America’s incapacitated commander-in-chief and go to war or make a territorial grab.
Furthermore she is enabling millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are criminal felons and subversive agents, to infiltrate the homeland and accelerate America’s deterioration. She is also putting on notice billions more around the world to invade our country and potentially commit acts of domestic terrorism. In short, she poses an existential national security danger and is an active participant, enabler, and some may even say mastermind, given the political incentives, of the conspiracy to defraud the Republican Party of over a billion dollars, and much more insidiously, the American people their security to satisfy her power-hungry desires.
This is the textbook definition of despotism. Over sixty percent of Americans see right through it and condemn the Kamala coup as the undemocratic power grab it is: the ancient saying “absolute power corrupts absolutely” has reared its sad and ugly head in the United States. The political chaos of the past month is the manifestation of a corrupted regime entering its twilight, on the road to certain oblivion short of a radical course correction. The incredibly high stakes of this year’s election have only gotten higher in light of the past forty eight hours; let us pray, for the sake of the republic, it is not already too late to salvage it from near-ruin.
Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
Good article but my sense is that Kamala is not able to be a mastermind behind anything.
It still does not cease to amaze me how so called “Christians” think that the Democrat party is the best! They are for murdering innocent children; changing the sex that God assigned and God only knows what else! WAKE UP! Return to your Bible for knowledge and trust GOD not man! Trump has his faults, yes. But at least he has the health and welfare of ALL the American people at heart! Those who keep saying he is a racist and a “convicted felon” need to do some homework and stop listening to the lame stream media. AND, HE IS NOT PART OF THE PROJECT 2025! He has made that very clear! The Demoncrats need to reimburse the RNC ALL the monies spent campaigning against Biden because EVERYONE knew from day 1 that he was not going to make it to the end!
kamala and the whole democrat part committed treason they should all be in prison.
We could all see Biden age before our eyes.
Should he have withdrawn from the race six months ago ? Absolutely
Will that cut any ice with undecided and swing voters ? Unlikely, so we must continue to focus on the Southern border/immigration; inflation; overregulation; etc. in order to win in November.
That’s not the half of it. She ruined San Francisco by refusing to prosecute, by bailing out criminals, by endorsing citizenship for illegals as well as medical care and social security for them. Her one job as ‘Border Czar’ meant to her, keep the border as open as possible, do not visit, do not talk to border police. And she cannot put two sentences together amongst the cackling to say anything sensible. I am more frightened of the thousands of Democrats who like her than I am of her. She seems pretty weak and unable to do much on her own. Republicans and Independents, you better back Trump more now than you ever have.
This entire article spells out precisely why every democrat should be voted straight out of office.
Kamala, the “Border Czar”, did such a Great Job only allowing 10+ million ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in 3 1/2 years as such. I guess to Democratic voters she should be “qualified” to be President!
Very good. I’m 81 there is hope for my children and grandchildren if more people are smart and concerned as you. Thank you
A bigger question is, who is making these decisions? The fact that the Trump-Biden debate was scheduled before either party’s nominating convention is highly unusual. Who made the decision to put Old Joe into a situation in which he would surely fail? Unlike the Biden-in-a-basement 2020 campaign, the debate was designed to force everyone to see Biden do what we have seen him doing since elected to the presidency. After all, who needs arrows on the floor to show one how to find a podium? Who tries to shake hands with imaginary people? Who looks forward and back, left and right and still can’t figure out how to exit a stage? Main stream media tried to hide these episodes from the public, but those videos were out there and many of us saw them. Are we having a wizard-behind-the-curtain event playing out before our eyes? In China, the CCP selects the leader. In the Democratic Party, who decided Joe had to go? How can the Democratic Party possibly just select a presidential candidate by fiat and call that a democratic process? How can they continue to call Trump a threat to democracy?
She should be arrested as a TRAITOR and destroyer of our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and be punished like all TRAITORS of our GREAT COUNTRY. This should apply to ALL (demo-rats & rinos) as well. VETERANS have given their LIVES, health, their families sacrificed to keep this country free and the land where someone is supposed to be able to live as free people. This is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, “HOME OF THE BRAVE and OF THE FREE”. Stop the “socialist communist” dictators now, or live as slaves!
Joe is dead. K Harris is not electable. GOD is selecting Donald Trump to continue as President. He has always been President because the Democrats invented votes to steal the 2020 Presidential election.
In a puppet regime, there are puppets, Bided, Harris and a multitude of government agencies (DOJ, AG, HS, CDC, EPA, FBI, CIA, USSS, CAPITOL POLICE,…, and puppeteers,?
It is the puppeteers we need to be concerned with and to stop their cheat (rem:2020):
Obama, Soros, Clinton, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer,…
Kamala, and allegedly every other DEM, claim they were in the dark about Joe, BUT isn’t it interesting in just over a day: tens of millions appear from donors, Kamala is made the nominee even though she was never a candidate in the Primaries, the runner up in the Dem Primary is silent and demands nothing of his right to be the nominee as voted by the People, AND ALL of this ONLY takes place just AFTER an assassination fails to eliminate the competition that IS winning the election.
In addition to all the reasons stated in the article additional reasons NOT to support Kamala Harris include the facts that she has supported universal basic income, having taxpayers pay for people’s rent, supporting sanctuary cities (among other open borders policies), mandatory national gun buyback programs (actually confiscation programs since the government CAN’T BUY BACK SOMETHING IT NEVER OWNED!), financial transaction taxes, the green new “deal” (green new SCAM would be more accurate), fracking bans, and abortion on demand at any time for any reason, just to name a few of the extreme policies she would try to advance if (God Forbid) she became president.
JFK, LBJ, Obama, Biden, and now Harris, are actors, professional liars. They sell themselves with scripted performances and make fools of the voting public. The MSM has not reported on their actions and words when not planned for prime time. Obama, Biden, and Harris can’t put two sentences together without a writer. I see a difference with Trump. The MSM calls him an actor, but he is the only “politician” that I see as being the same person all the time, not an actor when the camera comes on.
Just give Kamala time to talk. Eventually, she’ll have to go off script and she’ll word salad about time, the moon, or electric yellow busses again. Ditzes can’t help it!
Whole Dem System covers for Biden day 1
“Lapses” by “Doritos” Cheatle is an issue worth looking into in the more than likely event that the goal of her actions, a scene of President Trumps head exploding on national television (weird how CNN had avoided Trumps rallies until the one where he was almost killed). That was a failure that I bet will result in the former Pepsico (awesome qualifications) being found dead unexpectedly from some strange “natural cause”. Weird how that has become so common in todays awesome America huh?
The assassination attempt was not performed by some deranged incel pimple suffering weirdo. The real President was the victim of a government planned action using the now cold little patsy as a supposed perpetrator.
Am I the only one that finds it strange that the DOJ/FBI can track and find every person that was on the Capital grounds on 1/6/21, but cannot seem to be able to open that creeps phone? Oh and where is that phone now? Will it too soon be lost? I betcha it will.
She and Biden formed the incompetent team put together by those ready to lead and manipulate them. The real power behind the throne. It would not shock me if she became a nominee with Hilary as her VP.
What else is New? Dems lie, cheat and steal
Is anyone really surprised by this? This is who they are. Corrupt and incompetent.
So hilarious! Last week Biden was Superman, now this week Kamala is the Messiah! LOL
The dems are a dictatorial organization started by O in 2008 when he was installed as president. They found out how to do it. And then in 2016 came this upstart Donald J. Trump and threw a monkey wrench in their plan for absolute power. In 2020 they found the demented Joe and ran him for president. Only he never held a rally with more than a dozen people. His handler a certain Mr O held tight reins on Joe. This same Mr O has total control over all the dem senators, representatives, governors. But most of all over Obiden. Along with old Ms P and old Senator S they just ousted Obiden and put a candidate forth with the brain of a chicken. Only she can be handled. She has no opinion or ideas of her own. She will be happy to repeat the words on the teleprompter. She has never received a vote from the people across America. Not in a primary only in the San Fransisco district for DA and as senator for the state of CA. Obiden’s ink wasn’t even dry yet on his resignation letter and she proclaimed she was the candidate for president. The king is dead long live the Queen. Was it a coup? Of course it was. Is it an insurrection? Overwhelmingly, yes it was. Kameltoe says she will run on her record. What record? She didn’t do nothing while she was VP. All we heard was that insidious laugh. And word salad till this day nobody understands. You know the passage of time is the passage of time. The children of the community are the children of the community. Ukraine is a small country in Europe….Obiden had an excuse, he had dementia, what is her excuse, brain dead? Het boycotting Netanyahu’s speech to congress is a disgrace. It shows she has no empathy for people who think different from her. Obiden is the same way. She is just a dumb sheep that follows him and O,P, S blindly because they can elevate her to president. It takes guts to sit down with a person with opposing views from your own. Her support of Obiden, by saying he is as smart as a tack, a vigorous president, when it was known all over the world he had dementia, and she knew it too. Why do you think Putin invaded the Ukraine because he knew Obiden wouldn’t do nothing. And defeating the Ukraine and drain NATO countries including the USA is his objective. He is not going to walk into Poland or other countries around him. That is why that H Clinton claim that Russia was helping Trump ridiculous on its face and proven to be so. Russia wants to keep Obiden in office. They know Trump is on to them and is not afraid to tell them Putin don’t even try. And I haven’t even mentioned the war in the Middle East. Hamas are allowed to walk into the capitol only American citizens are not allowed they are dangerous domestic terrorists. They are even going so far as giving an assassin free range to shoot at their opponent. And the reaction by many dems MSM and Secret Service was total indifference. They would rather be ruled by Obiden and now Kameltoe. This has been in the making since Trump came down the escalator announcing his run for president in 2016. And then he won. And since that day they have destroyed America because they were too busy brainwashing the people and finding ways to hang criminal charges on him to imprison him. After 2 impeachment that went nowhere, you would have thought they would have given up. But they continued and here we are. A country in turmoil, a world at war, and civil war rearing its ugly head. All thanks to a president that was brain damaged and a VP whose only contribution to the world was sleeping her way to the top.
camela, typical democrat = dumb, corrupt, liars, cheaters, useless, evil, anti-Christian, baby killers, fruits and nuts that don’t know which restroom to use, radical socialist/communist/marxist craving total absolute raw POWER to CONTROL everybody and everything to ENRICH themselves, and FORCE their evil anti-Christian lifestyle on children and society
I hope these people are held accountable for all the lies from Kamala to the very bottom.
Excellent article! Thank you for your information.
The dems are liars and murderers from the git. Everything they say must in some way cover up the lie that socialism is the best form of government. They must lie about the great leap forward, the gulags and pol pot. They regularly lie about cuba, the paradise to our south that so many risked all to escape. Theyre sympathetic towards Venezuela, where people eat out of garbage cans. With lies they try to camouflage their lust for absolute power, which is their common goal.
She is a perfect DEI candidate for the Democrat Party. She’s black, she’s female, and she has absolutely no experience for the position. Anyone that opposes her will be categorized as a misogynistic racist. That’s the other thing Democrat specialize in name calling. They substitute intelligent discussion for name calling. It’s like trying to deal with a five-year-old
Be not deceived, God is not mocked. They will ultimately get what they deserve!
the left thinks we common sense true Americans are stupid. They don’t realize we see things on video that they say, yet, they try to tell us they didn’t say it. so would that be a lie?????? it’s ridiculous that these people who are not American – they prove it every day – just hate this country – our kids, our laws and rules. who gave these dumos all this power – when did this all happen – i know that there are many out there who would never want this for our great country – i’ll tell you how they lie, lie, lie, lie, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat then they try to make us think we are the ones who lie and cheat! how do you get thru to this type of person and the voter! Yes we are going to vote for President Trump but the left i’m sure has something up their sleeve and will just expect us to sit back and take it. Please for this election have sensible people manning the election sites. I am 78 and would like to do it but i’m sorry my health isn’t what it use to be. I just can’t accept this country going down the toilet! Bring normalcy back and get rid of the drain and dangerous people who mess it up
Everyone knew right from the very start that Obiden was in cognitive, everyone also knows that Obama has been running this country to the ground right from the very start of Biden being in office he was just a puppet, well guess Kamala will be a puppet along with Michelle Obama , Ultimately Obama will be running the country he is a very evil man , and I hope God puts Trump in the office and keeps him safe . Trump 2024
After watching the Impeachment hearings on TV, I CAN’T BELIEVE Joe and Hunter Biden are NOT in jail. Also, listening to the Democrats speak at the hearing all they did was attack Trump. The hearing was about the Biden family NOT about Trump
So let’s address the elephant in the room! Who has been running the country for the past 3 and a half years? Certainly not Joe! We need to know and those involved must be charged with treason.
Be serious, how many people have you known in your life that will slam their boss in public to the entire world. The news media showed decline in Biden for some time now, so you can come to your own conclusion. Also did you ever play poker and bluffed a hand?
Biden should have been done 6 months to one year ago his decline did not just start now Harris did know what was going on and so did a lot of Dems but the would all fool the American people just lies that is what we can expect with Harris running for president will do anything to get into the White House and people that do not care for this country that will give her a ton of money to run against President Trump that is all the Dems care about BEAT TRUMP could care less about this country Harris does not know nothing about running this country but corruption will play a great part of her race.
Another democrat puppet.
The black vote will go to Kamala. There is one thing, the DNC could nomanate someone else and run them. mn Kyle L.
Now maby we go9nna have Tweedle Dum.
A Name change is in order,,, the Democrat party will henceforth be known as the Machiavellian Party.
Schumer said yesterday that they are going to make all 11+ million illegals citizens of the United States. They will all be voting thru the mail after receiving “our” money for food, rent, and transportation. The obama and pelosi voter fraud scheme has been greatly enhanced. I don’t see anything being done about this. The illegals were strategically placed all over our country where their votes will make a difference. Meanwhile illegals are being arrested all over our country. Americans .. both democrats and Republicans .. are being murdered, raped, and robbed by the illegals .. including our children. Do joey’s and kamala’s puppet masters care ? Go to IllegalAlienCrimes.com for details.
I pray to a higher being that Kamala Harris WILL NOT be elected President. That would be a TOTAL disaster for this already divided country.
Kamala, the democrats and the news media all knew and kept it hidden from the American people
I am confused! Which term(s) was Biden unfit to serve?
Kamala Harris is a fraud! Just like all the democrats. They lie, deceive and ultimately destroy. She is part of the party who has tried to get rid of the best President America has had in eons. She is a walking, talking fraud!
Kamala was part of the Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, etc COUP throwing Biden under the bus. All of the latter names including Kamala Harris lied consistently for 2+ years about Biden’s cognitive health. Lying and deceiving the American people seems to be a consistent characteristic of the Democratic Party now. Note how quickly she hit the trail as the Democratic Nominee for the Presidency after they dumped Biden!! She was his Vice President. Oh but Joe lies and deceives too, so it’s not a big deal. Now as Kamala runs all over the country as “acting President” she has become the Radical Democratic Chameleon!! She has no values or standards, nothing she truly believes in but rather she flips and flops like a fish out of water. She has stolen the Republican-Trump platform. However America, Americans if you make the MISTAKE of voting her into office for the next 4 years we will all pay. She will destroy our country! Kamala Harris is a fraud!!!
Given everything the democrats have pulled off since 2015 to get rid of President Trump beginning with the Russian hoax (courtesy of Hillary Clinton), given all the BIDEN-HARRIS have done throwing their power around scheming and conniving plans to get rid of Trump via the weaponization of law enforcement and our judicial systems it would not surprise me if the Democrats, inclusive of Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris along with their supporters played a part somehow in the assassination attempt on President Trump. Then the Director of the Democrats, Obama, along with Biden’s VP Kamala threw Joe under the bus…got rid of him!!! How can anyone believe anything from the democrats?? These people are genuinely evil!
KH is not eligible to serve as president. Her parents were NOT citizens.
Taken out of context: Psalm 116:11 “All men are liars” but the word for men actually includes women. I am not excluding Harris from this thought.
Article refers to TRUTH SOCIAL , so is writer and AMAC willing to stake their reputation by concluding that every post on that site is the truth and nothing but the truth!
America needs to wake-Up !!!
So much proof… so little time.