
Elections , Newsline

Explain Yourself, Kamala Harris!

Posted on Friday, September 13, 2024
by Outside Contributor

So we’ve been through an entire debate, and Kamala Harris still hasn’t explained any of her extraordinary policy flip-flops.

I’m sorry, a person can’t just wake up one morning and abandon their entire worldview without an explanation. I mean, they can try, but no sensible person would take them seriously. Sure, politicians have been calibrating and triangulating their positions since Pericles. Most have been compelled to explain their ideological evolution – or have the decency to lie about it. None has ever relied on an army of anonymous campaign flacks to erase a lifetime of positions.

Well, not until Harris.

We all understand Democrats are desperate to shield voters from their candidate’s mind-numbing tautological rhetoric. Who can blame them, right? “Kamala Harris” is an empty vessel to be filled with the aspirations and dreams of gullible partisans. And allowing her to speak extemporaneously in public would kill all the joy, quicky.

These swirling platitudes and nervous laugh, however, don’t suggest that Harris isn’t bright. They suggest that she has no genuine philosophical or ethical belief system – other than, perhaps, obtaining and using power. Indeed, there’s little chance she will coherently expound on her sudden policy U-turns because they make zero ideological sense.

Let’s remember that Harris hasn’t merely been tinkering with the top marginal tax rate in her economic plan. She’s on the record championing, often quite passionately and definitively, a bunch of completely harebrained extremism.

“Will you fully endorse the Green New Deal tonight?” an Iowa voter asked Harris in 2019.

Yes, she answered. Fully.

“I support a Green New Deal, and I will tell you why,” Harris said. “Climate change is an existential threat.”

At the time, the price tag of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s, D-N.Y., trendy transformative idea to save the planet was about $10 trillion – though, really, the cost of deconstructing modernity is more likely to be in the tens of bajillions.

Harris’ campaign contends she no longer supports policies of the Green New Deal. And that’s fine. But it would probably be helpful to know what initially led her to back the elimination of fossil fuel energy production, the near-banning of meat and air travel, the retrofitting of “every building in America,” and a government-guaranteed job, home and “economic security” for all who are “unable or unwilling” to work.

Because some policy ideas are too dumb to forgive.

Remember, as well, that Harris didn’t endorse these policies as some idealistic young person. She was in her mid-50s, a senator from the most populous state in America who was running for the presidency, the same job she now seeks, when she thought it was a good idea to endorse the elimination of the combustion engine.

The economy is just the start. Harris has yet to answer a single genuine question on why she advocated the elimination of private health insurance or the decriminalization of illegal immigration. These aren’t tweaks in one’s political agenda. They represent two of the most vital issues facing voters.

Harris is also on the record supporting taxpayer-funded universal health care for illegal immigrants. On a 2019 ACLU questionnaire, the future “border czar” wrote that she was in favor of taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants – though she also pledged to end detentions altogether.

“Let me just be very clear about this,” Harris assured CNN’s Jake Tapper, every “human being” in the United States, citizen or not, deserves access to all government services, “period.”

The anonymous campaign official tasked with walking back this position failed to let us know why Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, no longer believes “human beings” deserve care. Though, to be fair, flip-flopping on an appeal to emotion is never easy.

Of course, an appropriately curious voter might also want Harris to clarify whether she regrets helping bail out Minnesota “protesters” who were burning down minority neighborhoods, whether she is still a fan of the “defund the police” movement, whether she still believes Black people should have their own set of laws, or whether she still supports the reparation racket, probably the most un-American vote-buying scheme in existence.

Harris has been able to treat over a dozen major on-the-record stances as if they never existed. Modern campaigns ostensibly exist to provide voters with information so they can make educated decisions.

The vice president, self-styled defender of our sacred democracy, isn’t even pretending it matters.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books – the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

Remember, VP Harris is only doing what her handlers tell her to do. Those handlers are still banking on the ignorant and cheating at the polls.

6 months ago

She was never nominated in a primary election. That is how we pick who we want to run for president. There was not democratic primary. She was appointed by her party. That is not how it is done. She is illegally running for president. If she gets in, we will have another fraudulent president in office.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
5 months ago

“We all understand Democrats are desperate to shield voters from…” the truth about what the Democrats are really planning to do to this country. The last 3-1/2 years are only a taste of what is to come if the Democrats are allowed to steal this election.
For those who seem not to have noticed, over the last several decades, the Democrat Party, never any friend to this nation or its citizens, has morphed into The New Communist Party of the USA. And as such, they share the goals of all true Communists since Communism became a viable political movement well more than a century ago: the destruction of this nation, the downfall of Western Civilization, and the creation of a worldwide Communist dictatorship. They are accomplishing their goal by destroying the very fabric of this nation, ripping apart our society, tearing down our culture, and breaking down our economy. If Harris is slimed into The White House through fraud and cheating – and you had best believe the Democrats are working full steam ahead on that – then the final destruction of this nation will be orchestrated by her puppetmasters. And if that happens, anything we can call “freedom” will disappear from this earth forever.
Get out there and vote like your life and your families’ lives and the lives of future generations depend on it – because they do

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

She is only a puppet that will dance whichever way the strings are pulled.

5 months ago

Kamala was raised a Communist, both her parents being card carrying party members.. She is duplicitous because her ideology goes against the culture of the USA. Hence her psysedonym “Kameleon”. She is neither sincere nor capable of managing the USA. She is phonier than her icon Obama. Her party supports Marxism as portrayed in their Platforms for 2024 & 2020 which is where she gets support, because they only desire power, not justice, not equity, not equality, nor the security of the USA.

kitty hogan
kitty hogan
5 months ago

she’s a giddy DEI gal in way over her head. Never got one vote for president from the american voters. NOT ONE VOTE..this is a total joke

5 months ago

OK. Here’s the deal. Cackling Kamala is a habitual liar. It’s quite obvious that she doesn’t make her own policy and never has. The puppet master is fully in control, and it’s election time. Any other questions?

6 months ago

Simple explanation, she follows the Marxist principle of “The Ends Justify the Means”, or in the slightly changed wording of a Seekers song “(Lie), Steal, or Borrow”. The original lyrics were “beg, steal, or borrow”. What the Chinese Communmist Party terms “Unrestricted Warfare”, anything goes.

5 months ago

Simple answer: she is pretending to be moderate because she knows that the American people would never vote for or support the progressive extremes she believes in. BTW: it is not more complicated than that.

6 months ago

Kamala Walla Ding Dong…that’s how she should explain herself!

James Popielarz
James Popielarz
5 months ago

Let’s not kid ourselves. What happened the other night was not a debate. A debate is an exchange of ideas. What we got was high schoolish name calling,,and wierd facial expressions and out right lying that was not fact checked.
I’ve grown tired of debates as of late. I want to see Townhalls. Let THE PEOPLE ask the question.

5 months ago

Extaordinarily well-written, concise, and factual article. I loved every word!

5 months ago

It seems very clear that Harris won’t let anyone know her intentions until legislation to make them law is on the House floor. With all of her contrary messaging, Harris certainly does not come off as a friend of “Democracy”.

6 months ago

God help us if Harris gets anywhere near the WH. Our country would die a quick hurtful death and there would be no going back.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

72 hours later Communist harris said she will Ban our right to have guns after she lied saying she wouldn’t take our guns at the debate.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

Why doesn’t Communist harris explain to everyone their secret agenda of forcing everyone to have a Digital ID including one to use the internet? They are taking away our freedoms of Privacy and Choice just like they have been doing for over the past 3 1/2 years. They (including Bill Gates, his idea) can shove their Digital ID where the sun doesn’t shine.

6 months ago

It’s all staged. As I said back in 2015, a woman is not eligible to run for president. As I see many jaws dropping at that remark, go see for yourself. You can find it on any search engine. Look for, “Article two of the constitution.” Read the entire article, it’s not that long and discusses the executive office. Every reference to the Executive Officer is “He, Him, or His”. You won’t find the words “Her or She”, anywhere in the article. Our founding fathers were referring to a man. “Oh.. but women’s’ rights was passed back…”. That doesn’t matter. Our Constitution is a contract between the people and federal government of this country. So it’s been branded and will stick like glue. It’s the law! Not that the criminals in D.C. follow the law in any shape, form, or matter. To get women eligible to run for president, congress would have to add an amendment to our constitution. Which is something they will never do. Most who serve in congress are as ignorant about the contents in the constitution as those reading my comment. That is not an insult to the readers here, it’s a fact. LOOK it up, “Article two of the Constitution”.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

I noticed the US astronauts stuck on the International Space Station have done more interviews than Kumala has. And without it being SCRIPTED!

5 months ago

Because she really truly doesn’t care. I know I flatly refuse to vote for an appointee for any reason. I am an American and will only vote for one who has gone through the long grueling process to be nominated and get there name on the ballot the way every other candidate has. She’s a phony, she changes her mind like most people change their underwear. She stands for whatever the trend of the hour is.

5 months ago

Kamala Harris is banking on half of America’s dislike of Donald Trump to usher her into the White House. That’s a poor policy platform for the person seeking the most important job on the planet. And an even poorer reflection of the IQ of her supporters. Looking at all she and biden have done to ruin this country, I can’t understand why voters would want more of that.
There is no explanation for Harris’ numerous flip-flops. She’s beginning to sound more like Trump every day! She might say the words, but she has no idea how to go about achieving those goals. Clearly, the only thing the other half of American voters want is to see a capital “D” on the ballot, and then check that box, Pavlovian style. Even Alan Dershowitz (sp?), liberal of all liberals, finally dumped the D party.

Dan Danser
Dan Danser
5 months ago

Kamala the Chameleon says her core values haven’t changed. BUT, what are they, What she said Now or then? Why hasn’t anyone asked her what they are? You have some ‘plaining to do lady.

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