
Elections , Newsline

Expect the Unexpected in 2024

Posted on Tuesday, May 23, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Expect the unexpected in 2024. With each passing day, chances of four major events grow – events that would fundamentally remake, or change in significant ways, the 2024 presidential election cycle. Three events relate to the Democrats, one to the Republicans.

On the Democrat side, the shape of 2024 is more uncertain than certain. The first event that seems a race against time literally, is that Joe Biden is visibly, undeniably dimming. Biden’s star was never bright, his 2020 candidacy a default position aimed at offering attractive non-action versus Trump’s zeal.

But today, indications of Joe Biden’s cognitive retreat, objective and growing disorientation, sometimes present often not, never quite sure of anything except the need to keep shuffling up to the mic, is clear.

Polls show Americans in general, not just Republicans, slipping away from support and confidence in “who Joe Biden is today,” regardless of 2020. And half the country never thought much of him anyway.

What this really means is that, speaking truth, many Democrats are looking around – some at RFK Jr., some at themselves – as alternate Democrat nominees. No one will say so, but the obvious is – obvious.

By way of corroboration for what some will think either wishful thinking or a curse, even the leading odds makers are seeing Biden’s decline as affecting the 2024 cycle. Thus, in the last six months, as odds of Harris, Newsom, Buttigieg, Michelle Obama, and RFK Jr. (a later comer) have risen, the odds of Biden being the nominee – while perhaps still favoring him – have declined markedly.

The second big event which may dramatically affect 2024 is growing awareness by Americans and even media – driven by Republican House subpoenas of Treasury and Justice – that Joe Biden was at the hub of an international pay-to-play scheme involving China, Ukraine, Romania and possibly others.

The significance of this fact, even in an “age of no accountability,” is not to be overlooked. The realization is growing that renominating a possible Nixon figure (actually far worse) could create down ballot losses is growing. Democrats interested in their own fortunes may reclaim principle, and abandon Biden.

The data continues to pour in, and while some will steadfastly refuse to believe what the documents show, it is going to grow harder and harder to trust someone who has proved himself patently untrustworthy, the clear beneficiary if not originator of an insidious public corruption enterprise. In short, do Democrats really want to nominate someone who may become an albatross?

Third, Biden’s mental decline (if any more obvious) and growing link to criminality (affecting polls) may trigger a completely different outcome, a turn intended to save face, avoid criminal action or impeachment calls, relieve AG Merrick Garland of responsibility truth, and reset the dial.

For as long as this administration has been in power – these painful, stumbling, retreating, economically and internationally disheartening 28 months – the possibility has always existed that Joe Biden would be gently persuaded, perhaps by the left-leaning nomenklatura about him, possibly Democrat leaders, to resign as an act of ultimate magnanimity – thus allowing America to be finally led by a woman.

The stutter step for many Democrats, which dates back to her poor performance in 2020 and abysmal performance as vice president, is that Harris would likely disgrace the Party, and claim the mantle. This is almost too much for many Democrats to bear, so the slow roll has occurred. Still, the possibility exists.

If Biden leaves office the way he left Afghanistan, a loser claiming victory, the result would be tumult in the Democrat Party, a race to explain, justify, and then knock Harris off the “would be nominee” list. The chaos that would result is both something to ponder, and also – not good for America.

Finally, on the Republican side of things, Donald Trump – despite healthy self-regard – is becoming a Democrat-driven victim, lawsuits, FBI actions in the Durham report, and the works generate sympathy.

Despite high negatives in some demographics, Trump is leading the field, and not by accident. The economy is a wreck any way you slice it, inflation unremitting, recession coming, spending and national debt stunning, foreign policy, national security, border sanctity, public safety, education and energy all in the tank – genuine concerns for most Americans.

This leads to the last variable, one that may lead to unlikely shifts in allegiance, forgiveness for past faults, and even a rethink – especially if Trump becomes more likable by design, evolution, or age.

The possibility exists that Trump could, with the right counsel and reflection, realign the country the way Reagan did in 1984, effectively offering policies, perspective, a record and authenticity that carry the day.

For many, these four events will seem unlikely, perhaps unsavory, even out of the range of possibility, but this column is a marker, a statement of what seems as likely as not, a sign of what may yet be. In short, an eternity exists between now and November 2024 – and into that vacuum much may be poured. Expect the unexpected.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman2 for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Makes perfect sense,.. Hopefully the republican party weeding out the rhinos can come together with a viable candidate be a Trump or DeSantis or maybe both. What makes a lot of sense is that old movie with Steve Martin “ship/Shinola” In any case “let’s go Brandon”

1 year ago

Too many RINOs in the republican party. Only looser on the demorats side. Civil war is imminent.
Annie get your gun!

1 year ago

Tell me RBC, what was so wrong with the policies that President Trump implemented in his first term in office? He took a country that was barely crawling along after 2 terms of Obama / Biden and created the best domestic economy in 40 years. No wars broke out under Trump and other foreign leaders both feared and respected him, because they knew he wouldn’t play the usual games. The Abraham Accords created economic unity and relative peace in the Middle East. Inflation was 1.4% when he left office and people had more money in their pockets.

He was the first President in over 30 years to actually stand up to China and push back against the managed decline of the United States that the globalists on both the left and right were making money off of hand over fist. Not merely talk, but actual action. All while the Democrats and the RINOs attacked him from every direction with baseless accusations for his entire term. Hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money was wasted on one bogus witch hunt after another. All to try and stop the most effective President since Reagan. So aside from a demeanor that wasn’t your typical weak-kneed, spineless politician measuring every single sentence uttered by pollsters ahead of time, what was so wrong? I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of business leaders over the years and in relative terms, President Trump is a pussy cat in terms of personal demeanor.

The United States was in sad shape and declining quickly before Trump due to some insanely stupid policies being pursued by both Democrat and Republican administrations. Millions of jobs had been off-shored to China, India and other parts of Southeast Asia since the 1990s. Trump not only stopped the hemorrhaging, but he started turning the country completely around. That is what successful business leaders do. They fix what is broken and the United States after 30 years of pursuing wrong-headed policies needed a lot of fixing. That Trump ruffled a few feathers by bound to happen. You and I both know Washington doesn’t like change. It thrives on the status quo and “going along to get along”. That’s fine unless the policies that are being implemented end up causing needless pain and suffering for the average American.

Sorry for the rant, but this nonsense that President Trump needs to be like your typical politician would completely negate what made his term in office so successful. A typical politician would have caved to the pressure in 6 months or less and basically hid in the White House until the end of his term in office. Accomplishing nothing. That may be good for the professional political class, but that doesn’t do much for the average American’s future.

1 year ago

Yet another comment censored by AMAC. Does the truth hurt too much?

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Doesn’t take a genius to see which one is better for the country and your family.
Dictator Beijing biden and Communist Party supports Lucifer.
PRESIDENT TRUMP believes in God.

Mike GT
Mike GT
1 year ago

Critical thinking ????
>>>What’s being done to secure 2024 voting from fraud ?

>>>What’s being done to prevent the 2020 circus show by democrats ?

China, Sorros, and many others will pour billions of dollars to secure democratic government, this is other government electing our president Wake up ! Please

Tim F
Tim F
1 year ago

I second Mike G’s comments.
Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and possibly Nevada will decide the election.
these six states are largely controlled by Democrats. Ballot harvesting, mail in voting, a month of early voting, a month of late voting, mail in ballots, sent to every household, voter rolls that are not purged. Left-wing corporations, like Mark Zuckerberg, pouring millions into voting precincts that are controlled by Democrats.
Need I go on???
“It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes.”

1 year ago

I expect what has happened since America’s first election. I expect the democrats to lie, cheat, steal, and commit any act no matter how despicable, immoral, disgusting, or dishonest it may be. That’s just what you do when you are controlled by Satan.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

biden has turned america into a hell hole. he is a criminal and he deserves to be in prison.

1 year ago

The real problem is that no matter how popular Trump is, or what he COULD do for the country, the deep state and media won’t actually let him be president anymore than they did before. We cannot fix that problem, ever. Someone else needs to be the nominee. I know a LOT of fellow conservatives that quite simply won’t vote for Trump again.

1 year ago

Trumps running for his bloated ego. He knows he would be a lame duck president,
Most of what has happened to Trump is of his own making. The nation needs a healer
not a divider and Trump is a divider.

William S. Klocek
William S. Klocek
1 year ago

DeSantis-Scott 2024

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

Being ever the optimist regarding this country my hope lies in the sincere belief that at least two thirds of legal voters are sane. And, will vote that way. Let’s think about each and every box we check with care. Do we really want more of the chaos of those currently in power. Ask yourself what did we do to deserve this? A pack of us bought a bill of goods brought to us by emotion, big money, and elitism. Anyone who is paid to lie should never be trusted with our votes. I’m betting on all we “basket of deplorable” citizens to save us. Face it we went from a thriving society into hopelessness in less that half of a term of those currently in power.

1 year ago

This is going to be a very interesting primary in both parties. Biden is weak and has a disastrous record. When a relatively unknown, like RFK jr., enters the race and has 15 percent right out of the gate; you know the Dems have problems.
As for the Republicans, Trump has only one direction to go and that is down in the polls. Trump did some great things during his term, but he was a lightning rod. He made some very poor staffing choices. Attorney General as an example. Trump, unlike the Democrats, has some serious contenders. DeSantis has a great record in Florida and a huge following. Also think Tim Scott could be a viable candidate. Senator Scott has a following and has no problem in raising money. Trump, DeSantis, And Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina.
I feel that both parties could go into the convention without a lock on the nomination. You can expect a floor fight at both conventions. I’m afraid that Democrat National Convention in Chicago will be a repeat of ‘68. Chicago is out of control and every nut job in the United States will be there to wreak chaos. Sit down with your favorite beverage and popcorn, and get ready for the brawl of your life. American people may come out on the other side bruised and beaten up; but possibly we can turn this country around and hopefully save it.

1 year ago

robert charles sucks

1 year ago

One thing not discussed is that many Americans are now awake which were formally dead asleep. The socialist democrats may be the masters of the blame game but are finding it much more difficult to pull the wool over the eyes of even the career democrats. Donald Trump doesn’t have to prove anything and Joe Biden can’t hide anything. The choice will be very clear. Freedom and protecting our constitution or more socialism/Marxism and a fast track to communism. Only God can save America but we the people still have a very important roll to play.

Theron Kuhn
Theron Kuhn
1 year ago

Only God knows !

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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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