
Elections , Newsline

Election Integrity Is Winning

Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2021
by AMAC, Parker Bono

Election integrity efforts across America are winning, triumphing over the many left-wing attempts to stop them. From judges to the American people themselves, America as a whole is rightfully embracing election integrity measures and rejecting the notions against them.

In Arizona, election integrity recently won a critical challenge against the Democrats. In Brnovich v. DNC., the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the right of the states to alter their own election laws for the purposes of fortifying elections and making it easier to vote but harder to cheat. Specifically, the July ruling upheld Arizona’s 2016 ban on ballot harvesting and their outlawing of out-of-precinct voting.

Although the ruling applied to rules from 2016, the landmark ruling establishes a precedent and sends a powerful message to the Democrats and other enemies of election integrity efforts. The majority opinion in the case was penned by Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote, “Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act provides vital protection against discriminatory voting rules, and no one suggests that discrimination in voting has been extirpated, or that the threat has been eliminated. But Section 2 does not deprive the States of their authority to establish non-discriminatory voting rules, and that is precisely what the dissent’s radical interpretation would mean in practice.”

Alito continued by declaring, “In light of the principles set out above, neither Arizona’s out-of-precinct rule nor its ballot collection law violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. Arizona’s out-of-precinct rule enforces the requirement that voters who choose to vote in-person on election day must do so in their assigned precincts. Having to identify one’s own polling place and then travel there to vote does not exceed ‘the usual burdens of voting.’ On the contrary, these tasks are quintessential examples of the usual burdens of voting.”

Bans on ballot harvesting and out-of-precinct voting are not the only election integrity measures that Arizona has enacted. After the November 2020 election, Arizona’s Republican Governor Doug Ducey signed S.B. 1485 into law on May 11, 2021. The law further secures Arizona’s elections by automatically removing inactive voters who do not vote in two consecutive primary and general elections from the voter rolls. With at least nine other states enacting similar election integrity laws since the November 2020 election, Arizona is not alone on its mission to secure their elections.

Arizona is one of two states that is currently auditing a significant amount of their state’s ballots from the November 2020 election. On March 31, 2021, the Arizona Senate announced a full forensic audit of every ballot from Maricopa County in the November 2020 election, as well as a forensic audit of Maricopa County’s election equipment. According to recent testimony from Arizona audit leader Doug Logan, approximately 18,000 voters in Maricopa County’s November 2020 election “voted in the election and then showed as been removed from the voter rolls soon after the election.” More disturbingly, Logan claims that “We have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent.”

Lastly, Arizona Audit liaison Ken Bennett recently testified that “We found, I would have to say, thousands of duplicate ballots where those serial numbers are not on them. And so, it has created great difficulty to try to match up a duplicated ballot to its duplicate. And on thousands of the ones that a serial number was put on, they were put on by a, I guess you would call it, a dot matrix printer, very, very light.” For comparison, Biden’s reported margin of victory in Arizona’s 2020 election was just 10,458 votes.

In Georgia, Republican Governor Brian Kemp signed S.B. 202 into law on March 25, 2021. S.B. 202 is a comprehensive election integrity bill that mandates voters who request a mail-in or absentee ballot provide a form of identification, prohibits the mailing of unsolicited ballots to voters, expands early voting in rural areas, creates new security standards for ballot drop boxes, requires all Georgia counties to report the total number of ballots they have received by 10:00 p.m. on Election Night, and demands that every Georgia county certify their election results within six days of Election Day. Kemp and Georgia Republicans were met with rage from Democrats and left-wing activists across America for enacting S.B. 202, with Democrats going as far as challenging the new rules in court.

However, leftist claims against the common-sense election integrity measures once again fell upon deaf ears in court. On July 7, 2021, U.S. District Judge J.P. Boulee refused to block aspects of S.B. 202 that were being challenged by the Coalition for Good Governance, a radical left-wing group that sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in Coalition for Good Governance v. Raffensperger. To quote Judge Boulee, “The Court is not persuaded by Plaintiffs’ argument for a bright line exception to Purcell because they have alleged First Amendment harm. Plaintiffs have not provided authority, nor is the court aware of any, that would support this interpretation of the law.”

Like Arizona, Georgia is also actively auditing many of their state’s ballots from the November 2020 election. Due to a recent lawsuit filed by VoterGA in Fulton County, Georgia, all of Fulton County’s approximately 147,000 absentee ballots from the November 2020 election have been unsealed and are currently under review. According to VoterGA, a previous hand-count audit of ballots from Fulton County’s November 2020 election “Was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.” As evidence, VoterGA provides the newly analyzed ballot images from Fulton County’s November 2020 election, which were made public after a ruling from Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero.

According to the analysis, “The error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand-count audit is a whopping 60%.” The analysis also uses the mail-in ballot images to claim that “4,255 total extra votes were redundantly added to Fulton November audit results. This includes 3,390 extra votes for Joe Biden, 865 extra votes for Donald Trump and 43 extra votes for Jo Jorgenson.” Finally, the analysis states that “The VoterGA team found 7 falsified audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches.” In contrast, Biden’s reported margin of victory in Georgia’s November 2020 election was just 11,779 votes. Given that these are results from just one county, it is probable that the total number of impacted ballots in Georgia is greater than Biden’s reported margin of victory.

As a result of these disturbing revelations, Fulton County Board of Commissioners Chairman Robb Pitts recently called for more full forensic audits into the November 2020 election results reported by various Georgia counties. To quote Pitts: “It is also my understanding that other counties had issues in their elections and finding ballots not included in the initial tabulation. If you are requesting that Fulton County be the subject of such an investigation, then I believe it would only be fair that all counties with issues be subject to investigation.” Pitts is not alone. On May 26, 2021, an array of 531 prominent Republicans sent a letter to Governor Kemp urging him to utilize his authority and convene a Special Session to launch a full forensic audit into Georgia’s November 2020 election results.

Election integrity is not just winning in the courts; it is also winning among the American people. American voters overwhelmingly support common-sense election integrity rules. According to a recent survey, 89 percent of registered voters support removing dead voters from the voter rolls, 87 percent oppose ballot harvesting, 78 percent support stronger voter ID laws and signature verification requirements, 71 percent do not believe that any ballots should be accepted after polls close on Election Day, and 66 percent believe that ballots cast early should be counted as they are received.

Despite what Democrats deceptively claim, they are not in support of election integrity. Instead, they want to unconstitutionally attain absolute control over the entire election process, federalizing elections and essentially rigging them in favor of the Democrats. Conservatives are the only group actively fighting for sensible and popular election integrity laws, and as of now, they are winning.

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John Slenes
John Slenes
3 years ago

???? How can/do we fix election integrity questions? What can YOU do NOW? The answer my friends is blowin in the wind, YOU have to take ACTION, NOW!
???? Folks, a core part of THE solution is to push YOUR State, EVERY State, all 50 to do what Georgia, Texas, Florida, Kansas, Tennessee, and some others are doing – make election integrity laws stronger, more expansive, and with TEETH (criminal prosecution with jail time) for violations and convictions at any point in the voting process.
???? If YOU aren’t actively involved in that effort in YOUR State, you would achieve more results by volunteering with or starting an election integrity effort. Fecebook is proof positive that talk is cheap. The USA doesn’t need talk, it needs results oriented ACTION.
???? Every group member should communicate frequently with both your US House and Senate members to discourage support for HR1/SR and now HR4! And ask them to support the filibuster as it stands, no changes. We all need to vote for people who will produce action, results, benefits to We The People, not bloviation!
???? We could all be more like our founding fathers, take real, true, meaningful, results oriented ACTION! NOTE: this group is seeking 50 activist patriots to get seriously involved in pushing the group – more posts, comments, spreading the word, spread posts to large groups, new members, help with graphics for the page, help with a video for page/group, help with admin and moderating. Check us out, use us as a resource, join, be active!

3 years ago

I guess time will tell. We all know that the LEFT has their machine already in action. Outside of Real American Patriots standing ARMED Guard over Poling Places and when and where ballots are secured! We The People HAVE the Right! We do NOT have to take this laying down!

3 years ago

Excellent article, Parker!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

It has to play out this way, which it is…Without ” election integrity ” & our ” open ” southern border, we will lose this nation… In numerous other articles I have consistently stated the military will be stepping in under their Constitutional authority to protect this nation from both foreign & domestic enemies. They will REMOVE the current CCP occupiers in the WH from the top down. The current DOJ, i.e. FBI/CIA will be completely dismantled in it’s present form. I believe the POTUS did in fact sign the ” Insurrection Act ” in private, therefore unbeknown to most people, we have had a dual presidency in place since at least mid March of this year…
Yes, the audits should continue & yes the Democrats are in panic mode & yes they will continue to do everything in their pathetic power to shut it all down…
There is a concise reason why people such as Mr. woke himself, General Miley wants our 2nd Amendment rights taken away. Just as in Nazi Germany, in the early part of the ’30’s, they did just that, they rounded up everyone’s guns for safe keeping. We all know how that turned out, don’t we?
There are other certain well spoken people commenting on these articles that don’t believe our military any longer has the resolve to step up to the plate & get this done, however being the insufferable optimist I am, I whole heartily disagree with their conclusions that we have lost our military to WOKE…If that in fact were the case, we might just as well put a bullet to our own heads before they do…
God bless America…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Time for 2 Americas
Time for 2 Americas
3 years ago

Unless people actually start going to jail, a bunch of new laws aren’t going to help. It’s already illegal to vote in places where you don’t live, or for other people, or to count the same ballot 12 times, etc. The genie got out of the bottle when Hillary wasn’t indicted for destroying evidence and brokering pay-for-play deals. Now that a two-tiered justice system has been established, we are going to see more and political prisoners (i.e. Jan. 6th attendees) while the felony fraudsters go free to do it all over again until we’re Venezuela (they have elections there too.)

Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
3 years ago

“Winning” is the end all/be all for Democrat liberals who, like their Communist idols, believe in doing whatever necessary to advance their cause. There is nothing off limits if it advances their agenda of control and domination. Sadly, the media has adopted a similar moral code that enables the radical left to run rough shod over election rules and common civility……

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

The only thing that will save America is Election Integrity and good Constitutional Candidates that believe in equal treatment and fairness, and only watch news media that has a proven record of reporting the news as it is, not what they want it to be, when the news media finds their viewer are disappearing, they will find the truth will set them free.
BOYCOTT NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC ( or MSDNC ) CNN ( or THE Clinton News Network )

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

That’s great, but it has to move from the present tense to the past tense. From “is winning” to “has WON”. Otherwise, this country will cease to exist as a Constitutional Republic and be nothing more than a third world banana republic. These past five years have proven that the dim party has become nothing more than hard-core fascist and communist type tyrants that believe that we work for them, instead of the other way around. We the People ARE the country! To quote James Madison,The people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which the several branches of government hold their power, is derived.”

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

If proven that Trump actually won both Arizona and Georgia, plus the senate seats were actually won by the Republicans, it only stands to reason that Pennsylvania also needs a forensic audit.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Hooray, apply nationwide by states

3 years ago

I’ll believe it’s winning when Trump is back in the White House and biden, harris, pelosi, george soros and all the liberal democrats as well as romney, toomey, cheney and the rhino republicans are in prison. Then and only then will I consider election integrety winning.

3 years ago

President Trump 80 million votes…obiden 68 million votes…TRUMP WON!

3 years ago

Betting no useless democrats are too excited by this news.
NO CHEATING and voter ID, will keep the communists out of Our government.
Cannot imagine anyone with the brain voting for these morons.

3 years ago

In my opinion, the real answer for all of this evil going on, are actually the questions;
‘Is God…. listening?’
‘Is He willing to give us another chance?’ That is the answer we need more than anything else. Because as long as the demons in our government are ‘allowed’ to keep pushing us towards Communism, and not being held accountable for their treasonous acts, how can we really believe we can get back to election integrity? They haven’t been held accountable for the last election! They haven’t been held accountable for any of their criminal acts!

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

Never should have got this bad in the first place!

3 years ago

Talking about election integrity is only a first step…will AMAC and local conservative radio & TV hosts… PLEASE REVEAL THE NAMES AND DISTRICT IN TEXAS of the Texas Democrats who fled the state rather than vote….Texas voters need these names as their tax dollars are paying for their salaries and they need to remember who to not vote for in 2022….PLEASE SHOW SOME POSITIVE ACTION… AS NOT EVERYONE WILL LOOK UP OR REMEMBER THESE NAMES….COMMON SENSE IS NEEDED..JUST.NOT JUST TALK!!!!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Legal Americans should be allowed to vote without any difficulties!! The leftist should be jailed for interfering with the election process!

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

Newsweek has compiled a partial list of the lawmakers based on their social media posts and photos of their trip to Washington, D.C.
Among the Democrats who have left were Caucus Chair Chris Turner and First Vice-Chair Toni Rose.
Other Democrats who departed on Monday include: James Talarico, Senfronia Thompson, Ray Lopez, Alma Allen, Ramon Romero Jr., Donna Howard, Diego Bernal, Michelle Beckley, Rhetta Bowers, John Bucy III, Liz Campos, Sheryl Cole, Nicole Collier, Jasmine Crockett, Joe Deshotel, Alex Dominguez, Barbara Gervin-Hawkins, Jessica González, Vikki Goodwin, Gina Hinojosa, Celia Israel, Ann Johnson, Jarvis Johnson, Julie Johnson, Trey Martinez Fischer, Ina Minjarez, Joe Moody, Christina Morales, Victoria Neave, Ana-Maria Ramos, Jon Rosenthal, Gene Wu and Erin Zwiener.

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

To little, WAY TO LATE!

David Wynne
David Wynne
3 years ago

I’m a former local elected official from California. Twenty Eight years. Before that I worked in the local registrars office so I’m familiar with the voting process. Over the years I have seen a planned and concerted effort by the Democrats who control all state offices to rig the elections in the name of efficiency and fairness. It is anything but fair and efficient. The motor voter registration in the Department of Motor Vehicles was one of the first steps in clogging the voter rolls often with false registrations. Then they came up with the optional mail-in ballots similar to, but not the same, as absentee voting. Finally, they arrived at the all mail-in voting with ballots going out to everyone who has a warm body and is 18 years or older. There are ballot drop boxes everywhere to supposedly make it easier and more fair to everybody. No voter ID is required and ballot harvesting, recently declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, is legal and actively practiced by Democrats. The the only check that a ballot is legal is signature verification against the registration card which might have been falsely filed by somebody else in the first place. Obviously the signature would be fraudulent, but who would know? The system is inherently corrupt by design.

What it all means is that millions of ballots have the potential to be falsified through the ballot harvesting and registration process. Many ballot are mailed to the same address with different names and then collected by a team of Democrat operatives who vote the ballots for their candidates and then put them in a drop box. The registrar of voters has no idea who voted and depends totally on signature verification which is subjective at best.

It’s very likely that Governor Gavin Newsom will avoid recall because of the all mail-in ballots. It’s already baked in to the system.

All citizens should want and expect fair elections with all eligible voters having easy access to the polls, but our system says one person one vote. Voters have a civic responsibility to vote, but if they choose not to vote that is their prerogative. Do we want to make it way too easy to falsely file a registration in somebody else’s name? Under the California system it’s way too easy to cheat and people will cheat. We need voter ID laws so we can verify who voted and we need tighter policies on voter registration in order to verify that a person is eligible to vote and vote only once.

3 years ago

Everyone is missing a critical issue. It isn’t like ther were inadequate election laws and procedures in place long before 2020. There were, and there are. The fundamental problem, is that the existing laws and procedures were routinely and blatantly violated by various people, including many election officials, and nothing happened to those people. The problem wasn’t inadequate or missing laws, and consequently, passing new election integrity laws cannot even address the problem, let alone correct it. As long as bad actors can get away with violating our election laws and procedures with impunity, they will treat new laws with the same disregard as they did the old ones and elections will continue to be stolen.
Where are the laws that require the courts to IMMEDIATELY hear any sworn complaints regarding election malfeasance, before counting the results? Where are the proposed laws mandating serious punishment for such actions? Where are the judges vowing to clear their dockets and give immediate, emergency priority to sworn complaints about election improprieties? CRICKETS!

3 years ago

I know President Trump WON! The cheating democrats stole the election. Mail in ballots should be illegal and used only for specific reasons. Few and far between.

Paul deWitt
Paul deWitt
3 years ago

The article is well written but does contain one significant factual error. Arizona is not conducting a “full forensic audit” of Maricopa County. Only three of the over 700 precincts in the county are having all ballots reviewed. The state did not have sufficient funds to pay the contractor to do more than a partial audit. This seems to be a common misperception.

mickey meyers
mickey meyers
3 years ago

It’s about time, with all the Crying & lying from democraps, and the fake main sleeze media saying how everything was fair & square, above board….. Yea! right. 72 million of us Knew it was Rigged from the get-go… No Way Did Bribem Win…I hope these Judges see whats right in front of them when they pound that gavel on their desk,.. Fraud, Cheating, and Stealing, Our Election, Our Freedom of Democracy… I sure hope they fix this Election and every Election to come… SO.. This Kind Fraud WILL NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN…

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

The Arizona senators making this stand are excellent examples of stalwart citizens doing what is right. This is what gives the rest of us hope.

Linda Johnson
Linda Johnson
3 years ago

There must be common sense rules of integrity for voting….. We show an ID for many other situations, why should showing anID to vote be any different unless you want to cheat. Why keep names of deceased individuals on the roster unless again, you want to cheat. This is why democrats cheat and lie so easily. They are a bunch of thieves…..

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

So what does this “Election Integrity” mean? The Democrats are firmly ensconced in the positions needed to control all elections going forward! With the now proven techniques leading to discrepancies in the voting records, coupled with the resistance in something so simple as requiring a picture ID to vote, it’s debatable that this country will ever see another fair election. God help the USA…

Frannie Page
Frannie Page
3 years ago

we need to fight fraud in voting…c’mon Americans…we can do this!!!!!

3 years ago

Taking dead voters off voter rolls & asking a person for identification to vote is a no-brainer to me. Why does any state allow dead voters if they know that person is deceased.

3 years ago

If a person moves out of State , that that person disassociates him/her self from that State . And, no longer has the right to give or alter the future direction of the State. Simple as that . Movement out of any jurisdiction or District within a State also disassociates that person from voting in their former jurisdiction or District . Also, if you move out of an incorporated village or town or city , you likewise have NO right to give or alter the future direction of your former municipality . So, why is this an issue ?

3 years ago

My worry would be that if these states, that have problems, fix their problems, then the Democrats will just move these actions to other states that haven’t worked the issues. All states should make the appropriate changes that contribute to the additional false voting. Or we will have the same outcome in 2024.

3 years ago

I think you will enjoy this information for support of what you believe.

3 years ago

finally great news reporting. love it

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
3 years ago

What disturbs me is that the 3 court members appointed by Obama all were steadfast in voting against the majority. It shows just how woke they have become in direct contravention to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution when they were sworn in.

3 years ago

The idea that ELECTION INTEGRITY is even an issue that needs to be discussed is shocking. I guess it shows where our culture really is. DEAR AMERICANS: WHY WOULD YOU EVEN QUESTION THAT THERE IS A NEED FOR INTEGRITY IN ELECTIONS OR FOR THAT MATTER IN ANY AREA OF LIFE! If you poo oo this idea, that is a clue as to how much in trouble you are as a human being let alone the culture you live in!

3 years ago

Something positive for a change. Good Luck, you”all.

3 years ago

Election integrity??? … You want an 0example of Election Integrity? … Just watch the upcoming Recall Election of Governor “Hair Gel” Newsom here in CaliMexico September 14th! … it’s “mail-in” only! … What’s that tell you? Hundreds of thousands of people have already left CaliMexico and each and every one of them would have voted against him! And the only people moving in are “illegal” immigrants. I would venture to now estimate that we now have at least 13 million illegals here alone. What’s that? At least 40% of CaliMexico prefers to speak Spanish! … and of course, CAN’T VOTE! … At least Not legally! So any bets on whether Governor Newsom survives? … We’ll see but don’t bet against Newsom losing just yet!

3 years ago

Over the modern history of voting in the US (Late 19th century and on) the DemocRat Party has favored lax voting rules/regulations (IMO because it is easier for them to cheat and control the results to come out favorable to the DemocRat Party). And the DemocRat Party has pretty much controlled the media to their advantage in modern history of voting with a few exceptions. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A FAIR AND HONEST VOTING SYSTEM … you don’t have representative results of what the majority wants in its choices (and that is the beauty of Constitutional governance over all the other political systems such as Socialism, Anarchy, Ruling Family Dynasties, Communism, Socialism, etc.). Remember, historically the DemocRat Party in the US wants to RULE the Nation, while the Republican Party generally tends to be committed to GOVERNING ACCORDING TO CONSTITUTIONAL governance).

3 years ago

If you don’t feel that at least it is very extremely highly likely that the last POTUS election outcome produced results that did NOT reflect the will of the Majority of legal voters in this Nation, you are either naive or a typical DemocRat or a DemocRat that thinks cheating is justified because he/she believes the DemocRat Party is his/her religion.

3 years ago

The Democrat slime cheats every way possible. The cheating was so blatant and obvious. Republicans/conservatives need to have election officials at all polling places, If there are only democrats at the polling places, the cheating will continue. I have been a poll official in the inner city. White males need to be poll officials there. They are not going to kill you. You can talk sports, etc.

3 years ago

Even in the suburbs, Republicans/conservatives need to be poll officials there. Sign up at your city hall. You don’t need to give your political offiliation. They need poll workers. Speak up about any irregularities you see. Write them done. Text or email your representative/s about what you saw. Read the polling material to know what is allowed and what isn’t. We have only ourselves to blame if cheating happens. Know the rules and follow them and don’t let any officials say you can or can’t do something if that is not stated in the materials.

3 years ago


3 years ago

What a disgrace our election was last November. Now look where we are. No wonder people want election integrity. What happened last November can never happen again no matter which side of the aisle you stand in.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 years ago

Biden’s State of Delaware doesn’t even have early voting… how “Jim Crow” is that? They called Trump “Hitler” for 4 years + an “illegitimate President” so my opinion is “if CNN says it didn’t happen, it did”. I have no proof, just an opinion that if if they actually believe Trump is “Hitler”, you would do anything to stop Hitler from being elected, you would! Even fix an election. The deep government spies on citizens and gets away with that… why NOT fix an election? It’s not like it is a first!

3 years ago

“According to a recent survey, 89 percent of registered voters support removing dead voters from the voter rolls,”

Just 89 percent?

3 years ago

Election integrity ought to be on every states agenda. If the dumb dems don’t like it then it must be a good thing. What’s wrong with making it harder to cheat & still maintain election integrity. And what’s wrong with voter ID? It should be a must !

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
3 years ago

Blah, blah, blah. Laws only work if enforced. The fix is in, PERMANENTLY. ‘It is not who votes; it is who counts the votes’ – Lenin. Quit whistling past the graveyard and WAKE UP.

Jason B
Jason B
3 years ago

Wow! Just read this author’s bio and learned that he’s only 17. Given the current state of our school system, the fact that a young American has navigated his way through primary school (and is hopefully headed to college) while apparently avoiding the constant attempts at indoctrination and even managed to develop conservative views, is promising. Our nation is not well right now and there are many who want to teach our next generation to continue on the destructive path currently being laid. But knowing that there are young patriots like Parker still developing in our country, willing to speak up and spread the principles of liberty, merit, and the rule of law, gives me hope that our Republic can survive. Keep up the great work Parker! We appreciate you and we are all counting on you.

3 years ago

Our voting should be fair and we should be made to bring our drivers license for identification! We shouldn’t even be discussing this. Thanks to the Dems …….we are!

Democrat Blue Donkey Rivalry of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 U. S. Presidential Election.
many shell casings from bullets of different caliber in the background chaos concept in the world

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