It’s been a little over a week since Donald Trump’s landslide victory over Kamala Harris – and the deep state she represents – marking the historic culmination of a roaring political comeback by the soon to be 47th President. Donald Trump’s victory was significant for myriad reasons: in the electoral college, it was the most consequential performance by a Republican presidential candidate since 1988. Donald Trump also won the popular vote – by an order of magnitude greater than any Republican candidate, including his previous two bids in 2016 and 2020, ever. As it stands, President Trump is on track to generate almost 80 million votes – a feat made even more remarkable by the unprecedented conditions under which it took place.
Donald Trump was the first man in American history to run for the Oval Office while being prosecuted – by means of weaponized judicial lawfare – by his political opponent. He faced multiple bogus indictments and manufactured criminal charges, all with the design to sabotage his candidacy and prevent him from ever reclaiming the reins of power. His political enemy relied on legacy media apparatuses – including most cable news networks, pollsters, and mainstream newspapers – to do their bidding, demonizing Donald Trump in the most uncharitable of terms, calling him repeatedly an “existential threat to democracy” and his supporters “domestic terrorists” and “racists.”
The great irony of course was that Donald Trump’s victory was absolutely necessary to save American democracy. Donald Trump even avoided two serious attempts on his life over the final stretch of his campaign, because the media and White House so riled up the public imagination over the past decade by making the president-elect a bogeyman – and, downstream of that, the ultimate object of their own projection. It was not Donald Trump who was abusing the Justice Department and various, radical state prosecutors to raid the homes of his enemies and imprison his political opponent. Nor was it Donald Trump who was spearheading a draconian crackdown on free speech by working surreptitiously with Big Tech companies like Google and Twitter (before Elon purchased it) to censor truth tellers who so dared to criticize covid mandates or election fraud.
On the latter subject, this offers a perfect segue to address what now should be clear to all: the 2020 race was beyond all doubt fraudulent. This is proven by the results of 2024, in which Kamala Harris – who made a point of not distancing herself at all from Joe Biden and his agenda – somehow came up ten million votes short from her boss. Ten million votes is a massive number – this is not something that can be easily swept under the rug, or chalked up to voter apathy or other structural biases implicating the electorate at large.
Nor can the ten million no-shows be attributed to a relative lack of enthusiasm this year compared to four years ago. If that were true, Donald Trump would not have garnered even more votes this year than he did in 2020. In addition, the combined vote of Trump and Harris – 148 million and counting – is about seven million less than four years ago, but far surpasses by wide margins every previous election in American history. Furthermore, the argument that it was easier to vote in 2020 due to special laws (of dubious legality, mind you) enacted in the lead-up to that race, making it easier to vote from home or extending the election period, also fails because 1) many of those laws (albeit in abridged forms) have not been totally repealed, as evidenced by the fact that this year’s election took place over many weeks and was not limited to a single day; and 2) Donald Trump, again, obtained more votes this year than he did four years ago.
If these laws had actually incentivized greater turnout, then Donald Trump’s total vote amount would have been expected to similarly decrease this year – much as Kamala Harris’ total vote share was less than Biden’s. But that was not true. Instead, Donald Trump’s 76 million votes are more than any presidential candidate in history – save Biden’s alleged 81 million votes four years earlier, a number, like Barry Bond’s record-breaking 73 home runs in 2001, that should also be demarcated by a fat asterisk in the record books, given the widespread allegations of fraud – and everything we have learned over the past four years that all but vindicates Donald Trump’s original claims.
It is absolutely preposterous to take seriously the argument that Kamala Harris magically lost ten million votes due to apathy, or structural changes in how elections operate, or really any other explanation besides fraud. As it currently stands, Kamala’s 72 million votes (a number also likely inflated due to outstanding fraud in states like Arizona, Nevada, California, Pennsylvania, and New York) represents a 12.5 percent decrease over the four-year period. If the trends were consistent, Donald Trump should have received only 66.5 million votes this year – instead, he is on pace to get about ten million more than that figure. Even if you made the argument that another variable – voter enthusiasm – depressed Kamala’s turnout to Donald Trump’s benefit, that would probably account for maybe 2, at most 4 or even 5 million vote swing in Donald’s column. But even the most (extremely) generous estimation still would leave Donald Trump 5 million voters or so behind the 76 million he actually received this year. Thus, one cannot reasonably argue that the colossal difference of ten million votes is simply because of dampened voter turnout, and much less, structural changes in election procedures that disincentivized turnout (given, again, that Trump received well over one million more votes this year than he did four years ago – which was another record-breaking performance).
The demonization of those who so dared raise the question of voter fraud – the likes of John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani, for instance, as well as many others – and the untold damages caused to the integrity of our institutions by those so hostile to truth that they were willing to forsake constitutional governance to appease their vanity, are due for a major reckoning. Donald Trump was persecuted – and nearly thrown in jail (and would have, had the outcome been different) – because he simply wanted Congress to carry out its constitutional duties to allow state legislatures to review the electoral process, and investigate very real allegations of fraud in a select number of precincts nationwide. The idea that a presidential election can be stolen in an era and electorate as polarized as ours, is not a ludicrous assumption – quite the contrary. As was observed in both 2016 and 2020, the presidential race could be decided by a few ten thousand voters dispersed across a handful of battlegrounds. Really, in 2020, you can boil the election down to three particular counties: Fulton County in Georgia, Maricopa County in Arizona, and Philadelphia County in Pennsylvania, and find sufficient evidence of outcome-determinative fraud. Three counties are theoretically all that it would have taken to steal the 2020 presidential election.
And, knowing what we know now, between the easily hackable Dominion Systems to the rank lack of transparency in precincts like Philadelphia and Fulton Counties, that made late night dumps of batches of ballots unverifiable, and chain of custody tracing virtually impossible, there is widespread evidence that 2020 was fraudulent – and the onus to prove otherwise rests squarely on those who think it was not. Had Republican auditors and state legislatures been allowed to carry out their jobs and conduct a thorough investigation into just these three counties, it could have theoretically been enough to win the election for President Trump. In 2020, the combined electoral vote output of Georgia (16), Arizona (11), and Pennsylvania (19) was 46, meaning President Trump would have won the election if he carried all three – or even just Georgia and Pennsylvania, which would have gotten him to exactly 270. Thus, the argument that the election was stolen based on systematic fraud in a handful of counties distributed across the country is not only logical, but exceptionally plausible.
The plausibility is heightened by the response by the Democratic Party – and broader Left wing political coalition – that rendered it verboten to even speak the words “election fraud” without suffering massive personal costs. Usually, a telltale for nefarious activity is being bullied into not speaking about a particular subject. That has been the story of the last four years in America; it has led to some of the most horrific experiences for so many people – from President Trump down to election workers like Tina Peters to the January 6th demonstrators, who were in countless cases stripped of their liberties and thrown in jail for exercising their First Amendment right to peacefully critique the government.
Biden’s 81 million votes, if true, would have made him the most popular president ever. Yet, the most popular president was forced to step down midway through a high stakes presidential race by his own party because they believed he would not win another election against Donald Trump. How does that reconcile? Indeed, Biden was so much a liability for the Democrats that they risked everything by replacing him with Kamala Harris, the least popular vice president since the advent of modern polling, who had been consistently polling lower than Joe Biden, the most unpopular president in recorded history.
This is not merely anecdotal: it’s dispositive proof that 2020’s election results warrant the proper investigation the United States was denied the last four years. The Democrats made an effort to bury the skeletons, but they failed miserably – and because of their failure, faced a shellacking at the ballot box last week like nothing in living memory.
But the reckoning has only just begun. Those who nearly sunk this country – its liberties and values – for the power trip of the last four years should be in for a rude awakening. The types who improperly, unjustly, and unconstitutionally deprived Americans of their fundamental rights need to be held to account – it is the only way that integrity in our justice system may be restored, and the rule of law again might be revitalized on these shores – and that the hellish nightmare of the last four years might never again be repeated.
Paul Ingrassia, a graduate of Fordham University and Cornell Law School, is an Attorney; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the NYYR Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow Paul on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
Anyone who honestly believed that Joe Biden could pull in a massively higher percentage of the black vote, by campaigning from his basement in 2020, than Barack Obama clearly wasn’t the sharpest tack to begin with. Think about it for a few seconds. We were expected to believe that Biden, who used to pal around with former KKK members in D.C. and had a history of racial bigotry himself, was somehow a more attractive candidate to the black community in 2020 than the sainted Obama to a majority of black voters. That is just one of the many incongruities of the 2020 election that saw a number of the must win swing states suddenly moving in unison, in the middle of the night by nearly identical ballot counts, from Trump to suddenly in favor or Biden. The Democrats were so desperate to ensure Biden would win, by any means necessary, that they were very sloppy and, in many cases, painfully obvious in their ballot stuffing operations in 2020.
I was, as many of us were, dumbfounded while watching returns late into the night during the 2020 election. Around 3:00 a.m., votes abruptly stopped being reported, followed by the astonishing reversal in who was leading. Biden? The guy who campaigned from home and couldn’t rally more than a couple hundred supporters at his rare appearances?! His Christmas ornaments stored in the basement showed more vitality than he ever did. We knew–everyone knew–something fishy was going on.
Another variable to throw into the mix is the willingness, among some, to elect the first woman of color to be president. That might get harris a few more votes, but they’d be cancelled by those who just can’t vote for a woman or for a person of color. And, based on her inability to think on her feet and the stupid policies she came up with, I’m surprised she got as many votes as she did. Some people just can’t bring themselves to vote for someone other than a democrat, and that’s plain stupid.
I think it was Lara Trump herself who said the RNC had put out a request for 100,000 conservative poll watchers, and received 250,000 offers instead. More vigilance helped prevent fraud?
We have to get back to a simple, quick election process in order to regain the trust of all American voters. Voter ID across the nation (federal, state, and local), no massive mail-in ballots, one day elections, and proof that each person’s vote was counted. Voter rolls must be constantly revised to weed out duplicate voters, those who have moved, dead people, and felons where voting is illegal. Maybe we need something like a Social Security card that proves we’re legally able to vote and which is readily verifiable that a unique number has not already been used in the current election.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it’s a duck. It all adds up. May all the whistle blowers come forward and report their observations from 2020…
I’ve always said the 2020 election was stolen. We sat in front of the TV and watched it get stolen on election night, as one precinct after another was shut down for bogus reasons, windows covered, poll workers escorted out. Only to wake up in the morning to the news Trump had lost those precincts in in overnight ballot dumps. Everyone could see it. No one believed Joe Biden got 81 million individuals to pull the lever on his behalf. NO ONE believed that. The emperor has had no clothes for a long long time.
Bill Barr never took seriously Trump’s complaints about the voting patterns. Barr never seriously looked for fraud. He definitely failed Trump. The GOP, with their sweep of Congress and the White House, needs to fashion a Federal voting rights and procedures law for the entire country. Voting roles need to be cleaned regularly of moved and deceased voters. Voting ID needs to be mandatory. Counting the votes needs a deadline. This business of taking days or weeks to count the vote is just asking for fraud.
An investigation needs to be conducted to set the record straight.
For historical purposes and to hold those behind this actual insurrection accountable.
Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Cheney, the FBI, and the “Media” need to be exposed in this scheme.
The poor souls who did not “break any laws” but were caught up in the J-6 setup and have been languishing in jail need to be freed!
Should be interesting to see if there will be an investigation into the results of the 2020 elections or that things will be left as is as not to rile up the masses. Only time will tell during the cleanup phase of the new administration.
After the 2020 election, anyone thinking our government isn’t corrupt should have their head examined. It’s disgusting to me how many federal judges are as corrupt as Biden. If those people aren’t punished, we will see it again. Crooks like Hilary Clinton are above the law along with most high-ranking Democrats, they know they can kill and get away with it because sissies run our justice system. We need to restore our capital punishment and use it on people involved in this from this day forward.
Seems investigating the past is usually a waste of valuable time. However, in this case we need to pin down the crimes committed to get the last election twisted. For those slammed into prison to punctuate the false claim of insurrection we can do no less. For this go around we cannot fail to rescue our country from the thugs who defy the Constitution in the name of power and wealth. They have smeared our countries history with their actions. If not held to account for what they did we may very well see a repeat.
I would like to have seen remarks about ninety-four senators who could find no evidence of voter fraud! This, on the same day there were 21,590,000, postings on the internet complete with pictures and sworn affidavits which legally require follow up! High school kids could have found evidence of voter fraud!
What to do? Publish the names of those senators! Reactivate those affidavits.
Everyone with functional brain cells knew the night of the election of 2020 that it was was stolen. Period.
I would have been elated with a Trump victory in 2020. However, the loss gave the country 4 years to observe just what happens if a progressive leadership is entrenched. I think the poster picture of a once unhandsome man masquerading as an ugly women in an admiral’s uniform and a lipstick smeared wacko is prophetic of what/where our nation was moving towards. I believe that that visage and the actions of Biden’s cabinet as the results of those actions filtered down to the populace were very instrumental in the ’24 romp. As such, they were something ironically enough well worth the experience.
Thanks Paul for your informative and beautiful article here, that we hope can open the closed minds of the left. Keep up your great job of educating us. God bless.
Given what was captured on video in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, in 2020, it was quite obvious that a “democrat” cheating plan had been conceived and executed. None of what transpired under Biden during his 4 years “in office”, was ever legitimate… as has been obvious to most of us. It is a painful truth that has helped us to grow further into our required roles of ACTUALLY defending democracy… and tossing the “counterfeit candidates” into the trash can… where they belong.
i hope that all the illegal activities can be proven and those responsible held accountable. this must happen to see to it that what was done in 2020 is never done again.
Having worked early voting 2020 in GA, my gut told me something wasn’t right! Will the two workers in Fulton County have to give back Rudy Giuliani’s personal belongings they were awarded?
Let’s get this government straightened out NOW!
Thank you for this detailed article. I am going to save it and keep it to show others. AMAC articles are always good , thank you!
What do we call it when “conspiracy theorists” are actually right? Oh yeah, it’s a thing called “TRUTH.” The mainstream media, or their new name (we seem to get new names every couple of years nowadays), the “legacy media”, needs to lose all of its government protections that have allowed them to not be sued easily, etc.. Also, the people that were in charge of these outlets need to be arrested, they have too much influence over what people see, hear and think, therefore they have a greater responsibility to tell the truth. Now that they’ve done the opposite, they need to be held accountable and be arrested. It really is that simple. Some people will try and make excuses as to why that won’t happen, BUT, it really is not that difficult. If nothing else, the media needs to lose its protections, then I’m sure we’ll actually hear points of view from both sides of the issues, and even some truth.
No amount of logic or ever solid proof will ever convince the liberal left.
Several secretary of states changed the voting rules. Ronna McDaniel failed to challenge these illegal changes. There were plenty of shenanigans going on but the media refused to acknowledge it. Trump was winning in must win states. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Biden pulled ahead. He won some states by only 20,000 votes. They tried it this time with “We are going to quit counting for the night”, only to be told that it was illegal so they kept counting. Call us election deniers, but we saw what was happening. Why does it take so long for Arizona and Nevada to count their votes? Florida does it on election day….
I get SO tired of “media” who say “There is no evidence of fraud in the 2020 election!” If that were the case, why were 900 sworn complaints made by those who witnessed irregularities? Why were GOP observers forced out of counting rooms in PA and the windows covered with paper? How did Joey outperform both Hilary and Obama in the big cities while hiding in his basement? How about that “broken water main” [actually a leaky urinal] in Atlanta that forced everyone but 2 DIMMs out of the counting center? Do people need an anvil to fall on their heads to acknowledge what happened? Throw in the constitutional violations in PA and WI for good measure!
We now have it in our power to make sure that no more elections are ever stolen again. Come on GOP and do your job!
GOD knows what the Democrat/deep state/uni-party evil people did in 2020 and HE stopped them from stealing the 2024 election. The punishment for what they have done is coming!
As soon as I saw that 17 of 18 bellweather counties voted for Trump, but Biden “won” the election, I knew there was a foul odor in many places.
If the 2020 election and 2024 election were to be compared, wouldn’t the data show us on the map where the 10 million extra votes (now missing in 2024) show where the fraud took place?
A comment to a youtube ad for Good Night, and Good Luck, the Edward R. Murrow show, said the commenter couldn’t wait to to get tickets and remarked how pertinent this show is to present times. (Since we have elected a dictator, I guess).
Another comment was that with tickets being so expensive only the elite will be able to see the show, and they are already a captive audience, so the show will not be able to be enjoyed or to influence those without the money to afford tickets – that is those the creators of the show would most want to get the message to.
My comment was:
it is the radical left that was just voted out of office because the overwhelming majority of American voters were not buying their lies anymore. And if we eliminated illegals who were permitted to vote in left wing states and if we had voter ID, we wouldn’t have seen so many electoral votes going to Harris anyway which would mean that Trump would have won so many more than just a mere 312 electoral votes and the majority of the popular vote would have been much larger than it is already.
That makes it utterly laughable when disappointed Harris voters assume it is the end of “Democracy”. If all we were concerned about was democracy, then the overwhelming majority of American voters seem to have voted willfully for the demise of Democracy according to the left. Hilarious.
they’re still stealing. they will always cheat and steal and lie.
The 81 million votes for biden is why I never believed the 2020 election results.
81 million votes generated by an “effort” that couldn’t really even have been called a campaign? Yeah right. Although tens of millions of those “votes” were generated alright, but not by the “One man (person), one vote” legitimate means.
Genesis 50:20,21 20You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. 21No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.” So he reassured them by speaking kindly to them.
All we need to do is superimpose the number of votes from the 2024 election, over the number of votes in the 2020 election, and voila! We know exactly where the fraud was.
Although Trump didn’t get the 2020 election, it may have been because he was meant for better things. That is why the landslide and God has been with him on this journey.
Without the forensic investigation that was never done, this is probably all true. The important fact is that persecution only confirmed the facts we know now. The future is before us. We have a chance at freedom.
Harris did not exceed the number of votes Biden got in a single county! The extra 15-20 million fraudulent votes in 2020 made it impossible.
Yes 2020 election was stolen. It was stolen from Kari Lake too!
Great article. The dems tried as they might to make Trump a Hitler and his followers Nazis. Only the Americans saw through their evil plan as so much bunk. If COVID hadn’t come into play they wouldn’t have won the 2020 election. And even then they committed fraud. It took weeks to get the results. Even with the voting machines hacking. The ballot still had to be filled out by someone. It was difficult to get the cemetery voters to fill them out. This year we knew by 10 pm MDT Trump was the winner. Which is further proof fraud was done in 2020. Trump was ahead but too close to call and overnight Biden won. In spite of electrical and flooding problems at counting rooms in Georgia and PA and lost ballot boxes in Arizona who miraculously appeared days later. No this was an overwhelming mandate by the people that the 4 years of lies and bankrupting America and its citizens was over and done with. And they were not going along with their hatred of people opposed to the dem policies. They voted for themselves and for the country. And this the democrats of Obama and Pelosi will never understand. More will come out as to what was going on. The schemes and lies they came up with.
No more doubt. No more being called a liar when I said that the election had been stolen.
I love this article with all the stats. No one can any longer say that 2020 was an honest and fair election.
I am hoping and praying that the mainstream media will take a clue and start reporting the news as it really is and not liberally slanted. Time for all the truths to come out and celebrate that the USA is the real winner here.
And it’s time for people of color to realize that the democrat party is NOT your friend. They have enslaved you for far too long and then laughed about you being so gullible as to believe their lies.
The Republican party are called “conservative”. We want honesty, peace and justice for all.
We are now in peace because we know President Trump is for all people and that he has already made America great just by winning back the country.
We all know the democrats are not going to “go quietly into the night” but we will fight to the death to keep our country free and in peace.
Most citizens knew the election was a fraud!
Anyone that watched the election results on TV knew it was a fraud. Trump had ‘x’ amount of votes and after it went to commercial, he had way less. Even my granddaughter called me and asked ‘what the hell is going on?’.
I, also, can’t prove it but, I do think the 2020 Election was not conducted fairly.
US History will go down as the 4 years the USA had no Commander in Chief. Not only was the election fraudulent, but an individual with a declining mental capacity sat in the Oval Office while a cabal ran the nation, nearly into the ground I might add.
I appreciate the argument expressed above, and I grant it might be possible that the 2020 election was rigged, but no proof ever surfaced–yet. If it surfaces in the future, so be it. Meanwhile, Trump won this election triumphantly. I think it’s now time to focus on the future and see how we can make that victory count for our country.
Well yeah!
we know in 2020 when they shut down the vote count at 11:00 pm pacific time that the fix was in.
I totally agree.
Great article and TRUTHFUL in the fullest. It was obvious from the beginning and hit a high mark when the Pelosi led House was not satisfied with one impeach without any defense, witnesses, any evidence, any republican summonsed and allowed to attend without speaking a word per Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, or Pelosi or Democrat. Talk about American Law and Order when one party can have everything their way without evidence or the absolute “TRUTH!” They were on a roll and because they were so evil and successful they continued with Joe Biden, who was obviously brain impaired they pushed to run for president, then they chose Kamala Harris, “A FIRST! WOMAN, FIRST BLACK WOMAN, FIRST WITHOUT “PRIMARY” SUPPORT, NOW FIRST FAILURE AND FIRST TO CAUSE A FAILURE IN THE SYSTEM WITH A SITTING PRESIDENT (FAILURE) DROPPING OUT, OR BEING PUSHED OUT BY HIS PARTY WITHOUT HIS CHOICE.
Democrats cheated in the Milwaukee area too! This happens all the time. I would like President Trump to have our elections only use paper ballots that are hand counted by reliable honest individuals. If this would happen, there would be many more Republican officials securing our borders, schools and families!
I never believed Trump actually LOST the 2020 election… but wondered why he or others didn’t actually PROVE the fraud. YET, if we didn’t have the disastrous ‘almost four years’ of Grampa Joe and the Ho, we wouldn’t know how bad the progressives (regressives?) could make our country.This is a rude awakening, during which Trump / Vance will rescue this country. Joe should go into some nursing home w/good chicken soup; ‘Dr.’Jill and Kamala, both traitors, should be banished to Venezuela, Cuba, China, Vietnam or Russia to see what it’s like living like ‘an average person’ in these socialit/commie countries. YAY TRUMP / VANCE!
Mabe the 2020 election was to show the true colors of the Democratic party firsthand so we didn’t make that mistake over & over. Some lessons are only learned the hard way.
Ya gotta love The Donald!
I know a family in the Atlanta area who received 3 sets of absentee ballets in the mail, despite their entire household voting on the first day polls opened. They also received absentee ballets for former residents of their home who had moved out of state years prior and were registered voters in their new state. Why would that seem normal?