
Elections , Newsline

DNC Elections Show Democrats’ Heads Still in the Sand About 2024

Posted on Monday, February 3, 2025
by Shane Harris

On the heels of sweeping defeats for the Democrat Party up and down the ballot last November, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) held leadership elections over the weekend to install new officers. However, the biggest winners from those contests might well prove to be conservatives and the America First wing of the Republican Party.

After Democrats lost the House in 2022 and then the Senate and the White House in 2024, the writing was on the wall for now-former DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. But the selection of Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Chairman Ken Martin as Harrison’s replacement offers little indication that Democrats have learned anything from their defeats – or that they are even willing to acknowledge that they have any problems when it comes to holding together their rapidly fraying coalition.

Rank-and-file Democrats hoping for a new direction for the party were no doubt horrified to read Politico’s reporting of the proceedings. According to the outlet, Martin, who notably served as vice chair of the Kamala Harris campaign, “said during his campaign for chair that the party already has ‘the right message.’”

As anyone with a firm grasp of reality can tell you, the results from the ballot box hardly support that analysis. In 2024, Democrats lost ground with voters under 30, Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks – all key factions of the Democrat Party coalition. Compared to 2016, Donald Trump saw an eye-popping 42-point gain with Hispanics in Michigan. In Nevada, he gained a whopping 52 points with Asians compared to his 2020 performance.

Clearly, Democrats have a big problem with their message. Yet even the other frontrunner for the DNC’s top post, Ben Wikler of Wisconsin, was not promising “a major overhaul of the party.”

Even more alarmingly for liberals, Politico also reports that Kamala Harris “privately called the three front-runners” before the election and “told each that she looked forward to working ‘closely with the winning candidate as soon as they are elected.’” In other words, it doesn’t appear as if Kamala Harris is going anywhere – and she may even be gearing up for another presidential run in 2028.

That’s more bad news for Democrats. In 2023, Harris set a record as the least popular vice president in modern history. Despite an all-out effort from the Democrat establishment and corporate media to sell Harris as the second coming of Barack Obama, she lost the popular vote to Trump, did not win a single swing state, and even lost ground to Trump in every state that both she and Biden won.

No one embodies the failures of the modern Democrat Party more than Kamala Harris. In 2020, Harris dropped out of the Democrat presidential primary before the Iowa Caucuses because she was polling at less than one percent. After promising to choose a woman, Joe Biden picked her as his running mate.

Harris went on to serve a dismal three years in office before an 11th-hour switcheroo bypassed Democrat voters to substitute her as the Democrats’ nominee for president instead of Joe Biden. She then became the first Democrat presidential candidate to lose the national popular vote since 2004.

The fact that Harris is still viewed as a leader of the party speaks volumes about the party’s commitment to identity politics at the expense of winning elections and delivering a message that resonates with everyday voters.

But it wasn’t just the elevation of Ken Martin and Kamala Harris that showed how out-of-touch Democrats are. The party also selected David Hogg as one of three vice chairs.

Hogg, a 24-year-old survivor of the 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, rose to prominence as an anti-gun activist. He has since become a crusader for enforcing far-left ideological purity within the Democrat Party more generally, including funding primary challenges to Democrats from swing districts.

Last year, for instance, Hogg celebrated the defeat of Alaska Democrat Mary Peltola, writing “good riddance” in a post on X responding to news of her loss. “Turns out being weak on gun control doesn’t save you,” he added.

Hogg also sold himself as someone who can win back young voters, particularly young men, for Democrats. “We have to win back our young people,” Hogg said during his speech before the DNC. “I am the only candidate in this race for any of these positions who is under 30… We must show our young people that we give a damn about them, that we support them, and that we invest in them.”

But the suggestion that Hogg is the right person to win back men and young voters for Democrats was met with outright mockery from conservatives online. “On behalf of all Republicans, David Hogg has our full endorsement,” Daily Wire senior editor Cabot Phillips sarcastically posted on X. “Nothing against David Hogg one way or another, but I would humbly submit that an Ivy League educated nice-hair guy who is most famous for being America’s leading gun control advocate is probably not the person best equipped to help Dems win back working-class men in swing states,” writer Tyler Harper added.

All in all, the DNC elections proved that Democrats learned nothing from last November’s shellacking – and unless they change course soon, they can expect more defeats in the years ahead.

Shane Harris is the Editor-in-Chief of AMAC Newsline. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
1 month ago

David Hogg and Kamala Harris.
Now there is a pair that embodies the same failed policies of the far Left. New faces, new names, same old lunacy and asinine ideas and that never work.
Speaking of David Hogg, his counterpart Kyle Kashuv paints a totally different picture but relatively little is known about him. Kyle, also a Parkland school shooting survivor, advocates for responsible gun ownership and is a conservative activist.
Kyle had his acceptance offer to Harvard University rescinded because of his conservative stance on the issues while Hogg has the bully pulpit of the legacy MSM.
(Talk about a stacked deck)
The far left Socialist Democrats will never take “NO” for an answer. They’ll be back, and with a vengeance. Even though Trump has won the election, it is still going to take a Herculean effort to right the ship. Stay vigilant.
Semper Vigilans.

1 month ago

I saw this on a t-shirt: “For Halloween I wanted to dress up as a liberal, but I couldn’t fit my head up my a$$”

1 month ago

The fact that the Dems can raise billions of campaign dollars and then blow $1.5 BB on a losing Harris campaign proves that they still believe their prior behavior “should have worked” and are willing to continue the long-run losing experiment. But don’t tell them to change, please.

1 month ago

Lets not give them any ideas. I realize that as marxists theyre stuck in the past but lets not throw them lifelines as they swim away from the ship. Kackles running again would be wonderful news.

1 month ago

The statement that the Democrap heads are still in the ‘sand’ is incorrect. A far more accurate statement would be ‘The Democrap heads are still fully lodged, deep inside their own colons’.
*Note: The hydraulic power needed to pull these vacuum-filled heads out, and the ear-shattering sucking sound it would make extracting such heads, would be unbelievable.

1 month ago

This article provides just one more view of the same “Democrat” posture. They deal in empty platitudes, because their essence is NOT about values or any contribution they make… They focus on giving an IMPRESSION of generosity, though, the taxpayers are always the ones who finance the perks that the Democrats promise.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Democrats with their heads in the sand? “Sand” must be code for “ass” because that seems where their heads are more likely “up”.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 month ago

Were their heads ever OUT OF the sand? I did not vote democrat for one simple reason: THEIR POLICIES STINK!

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
1 month ago

Democrats == EVIL

1 month ago

“Hogg, a 24-year-old survivor of the 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting”
How can you be a survivor of something you weren’t even present for? Hogg had to leave his home and go TO the school that day AFTER tge shooting took place. Also, his dad is ex-FBI and could be a deep state actor?

1 month ago

Beta males with pronouns and a lust for cackling Kamala. Did anyone really expect anything different??

1 month ago

Fun read, Shane. Thank you! Makes a MAGA smile.

1 month ago

It seems that the Democrat politicians can’t admit that they are failing the people, therefore, they can’t and won’t listen to the people nor learn from their mistakes and failures!! They continue on their path with their destructive agendas and ideologies!!

1 month ago

Apparently the Official Democrat Religion (any others claimed are for window dressing purposes) is Thou shalt not Ever admit when your wrong (even though you and everyone else knows you are) and Thou shalt Always Double Down (even when that is the most nonsensical thing you can do. Especially if it is!). Their Creed is Untruth, No Justice And The Democrats Way! “Look into the Sky high prices, their giving Us the Bird, It’s so Plain(ly stupid), It’s the party of Stupermen, the Democrats”!

1 month ago

Same Old Communist Policies!
Different Players!
Don’t be fooled by there Smoke and Mirrors tactics!
The Left is still the same.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Heads stuck in the year 1866 on Race

1 month ago

Perhaps this is good news for conservatives. Mr Hogg is a pig, lol and a hog again lol. He wasted his money on schooling just to become just as woke as Karmala. If she runs again expect more of the same policies she ran on. None!!

Andrew P
Andrew P
1 month ago

The Democrats are just in a holding pattern. They are waiting for circumstances to change, such as the inevitable recession, so they can pounce for the Midterms.

1 month ago

David Hogg is lterally a meme. The fact that Democrats are unaware of this shows how out of touch they are.

Endee One
Endee One
1 month ago

I laughed hardest at David Hogg, Mr. abolish ICE and defund the police…great call, Dems!

1 month ago

Not surprising.

Moma Chaunce
Moma Chaunce
1 month ago

A black man booted for two white men who are brought in to reverse the failures of the black man…who was there when the black chick got humiliated in her is a kid who keeps saying he survived a school sh**ting when e was 4 miles away taking a tinkle. He is to help bring back men
Hint…there are NO men in the democrat party…they were made Soi Bois by the obesae nin natural hair color and toxic feminists who run the dems.
The losers in charge of the lost.
This is the Demxorat Party. Racist, ageist, mysogonistic and rude. Like we always knew.

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a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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