
Elections , Newsline

Democrats Cannot Win in a Fraud-Free Election

Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2024
by Matt Kane

Kamala Harris and the Democrats cannot win the 2024 election fairly. While mainstream networks focus on Trump’s alleged negatives, they pale in comparison to those of the Harris-Biden administration. The neocon faction of the Republican Party has claimed this election will be a referendum on Trump. However, the real referendum will be on the Harris-Biden administration and the Democrat party as a whole.

There have been a noteworthy number of “referendum” elections throughout history, where a nominee’s fate was determined by their, or their party’s, poor handling of a significant crisis. In fact, there has been one almost every decade since the 1960s.

The most important issue in the 1968 election was the highly unpopular Vietnam War, which coincided with a period of immense civil unrest following the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. As a result, President Lyndon B. Johnson, suspecting a voter backlash, became the first president to not seek reelection since 1928. Instead, his Vice President Hubert Humphrey was chosen as the Democrat nominee. But he could not overcome the public’s dissatisfaction and was defeated largely due to Johnson’s handling of those issues.

Richard Nixon was the beneficiary of the Johnson referendum. But just a few years later, it was he who prompted another. Despite the country voting in a landslide for him in 1972, Nixon resigned following the Watergate scandal only two years later. Voters expressed their disgust by voting out Nixon’s VP and Republican nominee Gerald Ford in the 1976 election, with historians citing Ford’s pardon of Nixon as a key reason for his election loss.

President Carter kept with recent tradition by allowing crises to determine his electoral fate. Carter’s presidency was marred by two historically awful issues: Inflation and the Iranian hostage crisis that began exactly one year before the 1980 election. As a result, voters arrived at the ballot box with empty wallets and immense anger over Americans being trapped abroad, causing the electoral map in 1980 to revert almost identically to what it was just eight years prior during Nixon’s 1972 landslide.

President George H.W. Bush was able to ride the coattails of the popular Reagan years to a comfortable Electoral College victory in 1988. But he would go on to preside over a recession and a major unemployment problem. These issues even prompted the emergence of a third-party candidate businessman named Ross Perot to run for the presidency, which undoubtedly aided in Bush’s defeat to Bill Clinton, in addition to the already dissatisfied sentiment regarding the economy amongst voters.

By 2008, it was another Bush whose reign led to a blowout election. George W. Bush’s high approval rating following the September 11th attacks had vanished by 2008, as he, like his father, presided over a recession. This culminated in a stock market crash on September 29th, 2008, just weeks before the election. His decision-making regarding the Middle East had also grown increasingly unpopular. Unsurprisingly, his party’s nominee, John McCain, was defeated in an Electoral College landslide.

Each of these presidents and nominees bore the stain of one or two very important crises in the lead-up to the election. These elections, resulting in relatively noncompetitive defeats, prove that a single major crisis is often all it takes to lose power—spelling catastrophic news for the Harris-Biden administration, which has presided over five.

The seemingly biggest issue of concern right now is the border crisis. Immediately upon taking office, the Harris-Biden administration halted border wall construction. They then ended Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), also known as “Remain in Mexico,” which required asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their immigration cases were being processed. They have also severely handicapped Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) ability to curtail illegal migration. This has resulted in a massive influx of illegal aliens who have wreaked havoc on American society by flooding its cities and committing serious crimes, including murders. Further, Kamala Harris’s appointment as border czar has created a rare situation in which a Vice President is seen as more responsible for a crisis than the President, making this failure uniquely attributed to her.

If immigration is the number one issue, the economy is 1B. Jimmy Carter has always been known as the inflation president, but Harris-Biden has actually managed it worse. Carter took office with inflation at 5.2% and saw it eventually rise to a high of 14.8%, an 184% increase. Harris-Biden took office with inflation at just 1.4% and saw it increase to 9.1%, which is a 550% increase. Carter inherited an inflation problem and made it worse, while Harris-Biden created one. Further, the average monthly mortgage payment has nearly doubled from $1,746 to $3,322, while the median household income has fallen during that time, crushing the American dream of homeownership for countless Americans during the Harris-Biden reign.

Harris-Biden has further emptied Americans’ pockets by waging war on the American energy sector. Their obsession with electric energy replacing “climate change-causing” sources of energy has been devastating. The administration restricted oil and gas leasing which harmed domestic energy production, and signed executive orders aimed at ensuring half of all new vehicles sold by 2030 are electric. This attack has resulted in all 50 states setting record highs in gas prices during their tenure, as the average cost of gas has been over three dollars per gallon nationally for nearly 1,400 days now.

Foreign affairs are another factor causing Americans unease. Even partisans acknowledge the increasingly hostile state of global affairs under Harris-Biden compared to Trump. Cries that Trump would trigger a nuclear war with North Korea were unwarranted as he instead brokered world peace before handing the keys to Harris-Biden, who have added salt to this wound by throwing endless amounts of money at foreign problems while allowing anyone (including those from countries where terror is ensuing), to illegally to cross the border unvetted. This exponentially increases the potential for similar terror as we are seeing abroad to reach the United States.

The final crisis is the weaponization of government. Under Harris-Biden, Americans are seeing unprecedented weaponization. Jack Smith was appointed special counsel in the classified documents and January 6th indictments of President Trump, both widely viewed to be politically motivated as Smith was directly appointed by Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland. Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis met directly with the Harris-Biden administration shortly before prosecuting Trump for election interference. In the New York-based hush-money case, Matthew Colangelo, who previously targeted Trump during his time in the New York AG’s office, recently left the Harris-Biden/Garland DoJ and joined Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s team that is targeting Trump. Beyond targeting the preferred candidate of millions of Americans, which has resulted in numerous assassination attempts on Trump’s life, Biden’s FBI has also targeted traditional Catholics, labeling them as potential violent extremists, in addition to Biden’s White House encouraging major social media platforms to violate the First Amendment by removing posts they disagreed with.

When push comes to shove, voters vote for what is best for their health, safety, and finances over rhetoric or personality. This means only a high-level voter fraud operation will allow this agenda to continue. As flavor-of-the-month narratives about what will sway voters flood mainstream networks between now and November 5th, recognize that any time a president or party has been widely viewed as responsible for significant crises, they are voted out of power. There are numerous instances of this occurring without any exceptions. Since Americans overwhelmingly view the Harris-Biden administration as the culprit in all these major crises, they cannot win legitimately.

A slightly edited version of this was previously published through American Thinker here.

Matt Kane graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor’s degree in political science. His work has been posted by President Trump and published by Real Clear Politics, The Gateway Pundit, Human Events, American Thinker, and AMAC. Follow on X/Twitter: @MattKaneUSA, Truth Social: @MattKane

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John Shipway
John Shipway
5 months ago

Ok, so the Demotards cannot win in a fraud free election. One HUGE problem with that meaningless statement is that the fraud is already in full bloom.
I happen to live in Wisconsin and currently the polls are speaking of the Presidential election being a close call. There will be fraud and its already present, active and open. President Trump will have to prevail by 15% to even have a chance at overcoming this fraud. I recall 2020 and there is no way on earth that Biden carried this state then and if reality prevailed Biden would have lost by double digits.
My God, does anyone still or has ever believed that Biden in 2020 garnered more votes than any President in history? Millions more than that fraud Obuckwheat managed in 2008?
Its open, its current and its going to get worse and yep, I’m talking about fraud in the coming elections.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
5 months ago

All my neighbors have Harris/Tampon signs in their yards. I guess they are wearing earplugs and blindfolds. Seems they enjoy pumping gas and buying groceries. They don’t know we have a military, but do we really have a military. Couldn’t prove it by asking Kamala. So sad!

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

We had some bad times and we had some good times but Biden time is a category of it’s own. Out of control overreaching government constricting the airways is beyond bad times She is poised to follow the path. By the hook and by the crook, fraud and worse they are determined to win.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
5 months ago

The Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – know they can’t win any national-level election without cheating and fraud.
Despite endless claims to the contrary by both the Democrats and their media whores, the Democrats have not had majority popular or voter support since the 1960s.
So, you ask, how do they keep winning elections?
Very simple: cheating and fraud, which they have been doing in ever-increasing numbers and with ever-increasing methods for many decades.
With that said, I will add the following. Ignore the polls, even those from faux conservative Fox. Trump is up by at least 30 points. What the media are doing is to make it look like the election is neck-and-neck so that when they steal the election, they can claim it was even all along but they came out on top in the end, fair and square. Don’t believe any of it for even one second.

5 months ago

Very good chronology and presentation of the current “kitchen table” issues. These issues alone should result in a significant victory for Trump, but the liberals are already working hard to rig the election, and sadly as Kathryn posted earlier, there are millions of stupid people who are eligible to vote.

5 months ago

And yet people still vote for these scum…amazing

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
5 months ago

We saw this back in 2020. The demoncraps told on themselves when they so proudly announced that the “cellar dweller” beijing joe biden won the election with more votes that obama…ROTFL Yeah…no way that legitimately happened. Also, anyone who isn’t in favor of Vote ID to prove US Citizenship to vote is up to no good. Even komrade kacklin’ kammy made people show ID to enter one of her rallies…LOL I’m sorry, but anyone caught committing voter fraud should be tried, and if convicted, executed. This is treason of the highest magnitude and should not be tolerated on any level.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
5 months ago

The title of this article sets the right spirit for understanding the responsibility needed to bring about victory of what is right and good and upholds the values of this Constitutional Republic,this United States of America. The history presented here puts the wrong doing of the current administration in perspective. I am 74 and the synopsis of the issues with previous Presidents who could not do what was necessary to have the Country proceed on a right course is very accurate and true. Being a Reagan Conservative since 1981 provides a sense of optimism balanced with having a realistic outlook politically. With encouraging thoughts for better days ahead, and navigating the Nation toward an honorable destination , let truth and Liberty prevail and let the American system be the source of moral and economic strength . In the spirit of defending the principles of Faith, family and freedom. And having respect for the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights .Well done Matt , this article is appreciated.

5 months ago

There’s another factor and that is the sad fact that our country is drifting with a marxist tide. The country is quite different from 1980 when there were plenty of conservative dems revolted by carter. Todays dems are leftist robots, programmed to the gills. Theres no cavalry coming to the rescue. So trump must overcome the above as well as outright fraud. The dems are going to cheat massively, probably win, then dare the rest of us to do anything about it. Im hopeful Rs take the senate and keep the house. Without that its russia 1917 or germany 1933.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Way back in 1972, when I was a kid, finding a quarter… or GASP… a DOLLAR was a big deal. And under Carter, $1.00/gallon was a lot. And the deficit wasn’t even ONE trillion let alone $35T. My, how times change!

5 months ago

Yes, the only way they can claim victory is by fraud.

5 months ago

Mr. Kane’s judgement isn’t flawed. Everything the Democrats point to is a scam of some sort…. and they blame all of US for living more effectively.

Brue Wood
Brue Wood
5 months ago

If President Trump and VP Vance aren’t elected in in November, then we will progress to a communist Marxist government that will jail an opponent for trying to run for office. You see the Democrat trying to do that to President Trump as I write this. If they can’t have them jailed, then they will try to Assi nanite. I not saying Biden/Harris are trying to do this but is very suspicious. God Bless President Trump and VP Vance and may Gods will be done. God bless America and may we become a great peaceful nation and protect our precious ally Israel.

5 months ago

The demonrats have turned voter fraud into a sleazy art form. The rampant dishonesty of the party’s “elites” Barry, Piglosi, Newscum, Scummer, Traitor Joe and now Kommie Kameleon, elevated to be the party’s “nominee” LOL we have probably seen the last of democrat (nazi) primaries. Now that they have successfully disenfranchised 14 million of their faithful’s votes without so much as a peep from their pathetic minions. Lawfare, inciting violence on their opponents, and disregarding the votes of the party faithful, are new wrinkles in an obsession with cheating and lying that goes back 150 years.

5 months ago

Yes, the democrats well oiled, finely tuned, high performance perpetual motion cheating machine is going at full throttle, as we speak.

5 months ago

The big cause of the Joe Biden/K. Harris failure is senility/stupid/ evil. GOD can put up with senility and stupid> He will not overlook the evil in this country. The evil is going to be stomped out very soon.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
5 months ago

When you are a crook everything you do is crooked. Their hearts are deceitful,and desperately wicked. They want what they want so badly that they will do whatever it takes to get it.

5 months ago

Everybody keeps throwing fraudulent voting at the communist Democrats and i don’t dispute that but i put a lot of that blame on the Republicans too who sit on their royal a&&&s and do nothing about it. You can’t tell me elections can’t be secured in this modern day. I know better. If Trump manages to pull it off and does nothing to fix the cheat then he deserves everything they throw at him in my opinion.

Michael J
Michael J
5 months ago

They don’t plan to win fairly, they just plan to win. Everything including assassination is on the table.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
5 months ago

Fraud was used in 2020 … a bit too much to make the fairness believable. So no doubt fraud is intended already for 2024, with the left having an exceptionally deficient candidate, worse than the last. The issue being, how to make the fraud numbers, closer, making the fraud appear more like a genuine win? Outright obvious fraud in 2024 is likely to start a civil war, before we are thrust into the inevitable WW3 with Democrats guidance.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Have to rerun 2020 to really WIN

5 months ago

That’s the central of their stupendous policies inclusive of allowing millions of migrants to enter United States of America, granting identifications to get them to vote fraudulently without immediate arrest and deportation. As for Republican platform, until recent development by DJT, they have failed to connect to the working class. Yet there are majority of Americans who are ill-informed that it has always been the Republican party originating positive transformation policies such as ending slavery, Jim Crow, and other sinister policies to that of the Democrats. However, the Democrats amazingly highjacked the narratives as if they were the originators. We need true history back in schools and not destructive lies.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

When have the Fascist democrats ever won a Fraud-Free Election?

5 months ago

Only way the demonrats can win is by fraud….for instance Newscum being elected governor…..Butthead Biden by fraud if anyone watched tv on election night. Even my granddaughter noticed that.

Roseann Carpenter
Roseann Carpenter
5 months ago

How sad, and to think we the people got stuck with a President, who was/is mentally deficient. We were enjoying the best economy in my history, and immigration was under control, there were no wars, and we could all afford our personal necessities, even luxuries, and we are expected to accept that the 2020 election was not totally fraudulent.
Why can we not have the votes counted by election night, no ballots brought in after the 8:00pm polls closings. This practice was prevalent in the 2020 election. And, the courts and the states legislators would not even look at the signed affidavits of the poll watchers.We see that no one has been prosecuted for perjury, ie signing an affidavit thats not true. And when has a campaign been run from a candidates basement, and gotten more votes than anyone in history? These are questions and observations that I have not heard anyone, except President Trump and the lawyers that collected evidence. And all have been prosecuted. When will this stop? just asking

5 months ago


5 months ago


5 months ago

Never could and never did. Now more than ever.

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