With Joe Biden’s re-election campaign in serious jeopardy, the president and his team appear to be turning to a familiar strategy that Biden’s former boss, Barack Obama, employed to great success in his 2012 re-election effort – waging class warfare and attempting to cast his opponent as an avatar of wealthy, out-of-touch elites.
12 years ago, the Obama campaign hammered Republican nominee Mitt Romney for his personal wealth and Wall Street ties, asserting that he could never understand the financial needs of everyday Americans. (Romney is reported to have a net worth in excess of $170 million, and had a background as a private equity executive who had led corporate takeovers involving major job losses.)
The corporate media, always eager to help advance a Democrat narrative, famously pounced on Romney’s plans to install a “car elevator” in one of his homes as a symbol of just how disconnected he was from the experience of ordinary Americans. The story plagued the former Massachusetts governor all the way through Election Day, as did his infamous “47 percent” comment.
In the end, the ad hominem attacks worked, and Obama won re-election with a victory in working-class Ohio.
Now, Biden appears to be attempting to run the same play against Donald Trump, ramping up shots at the former president’s personal wealth in recent weeks. But painting the populist former president as an out-of-touch elitist will likely be a much tougher task than framing Romney as a plutocrat.
During a swing through Pennsylvania last month, Biden billed himself as a champion of the working class while, as The New York Times put it, attempting to “Romnify Trump.” At a campaign stop in Scranton, Biden alleged that growing up he “learned that money doesn’t determine your worth” while Trump “learned the best way to get rich is inherit it” and believes “that paying taxes was something people who worked for a living did, not him.” (An interesting charge considering that Biden’s own son has been indicted for numerous federal tax crimes, while Trump likely pays more in taxes in a year than Biden has paid in his entire life.)
Biden further asserted that November’s election is a choice between “Scranton values or Mar-a-Lago values,” referring to Trump’s iconic Florida property, where the former president has resided since leaving the White House.
During another campaign event in the Sunshine State just a few weeks later, Biden again stoked class division, trotting out one of his favorite (repeatedly discredited) line that billionaires only pay 8.3 percent in taxes. Biden also again accused Trump of supporting “trickle-down economics… where the very wealthy get all the tax breaks.”
With just over six months to go until Election Day, Biden appears to be leaning hard into the class warfare angle, hoping that it will produce the same results it did for Obama in 2012. But this strategy has several major flaws that will likely make it just as ineffective as his “Bidenomics” push or the ongoing Democrat efforts to use the legal system to sabotage Trump’s comeback bid.
For starters, Joe Biden is no Barack Obama—and Donald Trump is not Mitt Romney. Yes, Romney and Trump are both wealthy, but Trump has never exuded the elitist demeanor that Biden is now attempting to pin on him. Photos of Trump enjoying McDonalds and KFC on Air Force One or sipping a Diet Coke in the Oval Office attest to the fact that he is far from the snobby rich stereotype.
Unlike Romney in 2012, Trump has never run from or tried to hide his wealth. Trump was arguably the most famous rich person in the world before he ever ran for president. His very name was synonymous with glitz, glamor, and wealth.
What Democrats like Clinton and Biden fail to understand is that everyday Americans of all economic classes respect authenticity, and Trump is as authentic a politician as Americans have seen in decades.
Biden appears on course to make the same mistake Hillary Clinton did eight years ago. The Clinton campaign assumed blue-collar Americans would hate Trump because he is rich, but instead they hated Clinton for (in addition to so many other things) believing they could be so easily manipulated by simply labeling Trump as wealthy.
In this respect, it is Biden that could be facing the real image problem with voters when it comes to his financial status. Trump publicly and unabashedly lived the American Dream, building a real estate empire while finding success as a reality TV star along the way. Biden, meanwhile, has faced serious allegations of illegally using his political influence to secretly amass personal wealth (reportedly about $10 million) while falsely portraying himself as “Middle Class Joe” and “the poorest man in Congress.”
Moreover, Trump has an actual record of fighting for the economic interests of the working- and middle-class that immediately undermines Biden’s attempts to use class warfare as a campaign strategy.
For instance, as much as Biden likes to falsely claim that Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was just a tax cut for the wealthy, the actual economic evidence says middle- and working-class Americans saw a tax cut that was at least double the size of tax cuts seen by households earning $1 million or more.
That’s just one reason why 40 percent of Americans say Trump’s policies helped them personally, while just 18 percent say the same of Biden.
Trump’s deregulatory agenda also led to an average annual increase in household income of $3,100. Meanwhile, the number of people living in poverty decreased by 2.5 million over the first two years of the Trump administration. His renegotiated trade deals were a boon for American industry, and his protective tariffs helped re-shore tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs.
All of this also came at great expense to Trump himself. In addition to donating his entire presidential salary to charity, Trump’s net worth reportedly dropped by more than $700 million while he was in office – an immense sacrifice that clearly conveys his love for the country and its people. As Trump has often said, he’s the only person who ever got poorer by being president.
Under Biden, meanwhile, less well-off Americans have been hit especially hard by inflation caused by runaway spending. But instead of helping them, Biden has worked to give lucrative subsidies to his political allies in the climate change lobby, secure loan forgiveness for wealthy college graduates, and give tax credits to rich liberals who can afford to buy electric vehicles.
Biden can try all he wants to mimic Obama and turn Trump into Mitt Romney 2.0. But all available evidence suggests most Americans won’t find it very convincing – and it may even backfire on Biden himself.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.
Good article about the truth. But remember, there is more at stake than who the next president will be — The president-elect must also have the support of Congress to enact wise policies and laws needed to straighten out the mess of the last few decades. The voter must wake up to the shenanigans of the Left and elect responsible representatives to clean up the country and this unfortunately, will take many years. The older generation needs to educate those that are 40 and under as to the deceit of the Left.
And Biden’s wealth is all dirty money!
People need to realize Biden is making war on all of America: Rich, middle, and poor. His policy and tax ideas hurt everyone. Seniors particularly need to remember he voted twice to raise taxes on Social Security Benefits and we are now having 85% of those Benefits taxed. Biden is an evil man and an enemy of all.
I hope he’s right but I fear that the educators of the last 20 0r 30 yrs have put out students, now voting age adults that are stupid, lazy and ignorant. just the people thet are able to manipulate into voting for them.
Pray for our leaders and our country before you vote this November. Nothing is going to change until we make it happen. Be bold and spread the truth. You may cause friends and family to shy away from you but when you spread the truth, they can’t counteract with anything positive that our current administration has accomplished.
“Biden the Inept” is completely out of touch with reality and is nothing but a puppet of the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party comrade Elite’s.
He’s the one that represents and takes bribes from elite’s and countries like the Ukraine.
The only reason Obamanation got away with it was because he was black and no one would call him on his BS.
How does one amass a $10 million personal wealth on a senator’s salary (now about $170,000). That smells of something funny going on (like all sorts of money from his influence overseas).
The pot is calling the kettle black. Joebama’s crime family has millions resulting from their corrupt dealings, while Trump earned his wealth. If Bozo’s mud-slinging campaign and lawfare strategy against Trump fails, I’m certain the leftists have other BS shenanigans up their sleeves to either keep Trump off the November ballot or steal the election.
Following the Marxist plan day 1
I’d rather a president came in with his own wealth, then one that comes in and makes his wealth from scamming/stealing from us. Then blowing the money we are taxed on buying more votes for his next run.
Even if people believe Biden’s lies, there is no doubting that we were all better off during Trump’s term, although many dems prefer to forget.
Anyone who buys into anything crazy lyin’ joe is selling is certifiable. This guy is a loon and he needs to go home and take a nap. No one wants to prosecute him for his misdeeds and traitorous actions while in office because “he’s old.” If he’s too old to prosecute for misconduct and his traitorous actions, then he’s too old to be in office. You can’t have it both ways.
Trump build businesses (several) and a real estate empire to generate his wealth; Biden never worked a day in his life, cheated his way through college and law school, immediately began living on the government teat and the only thing he created was a criminal empire to shake down the Russians, Chinese, Ukrainians and some others with his son and his threats to withhold American money already promised. So, how does JB determine he knows anything about blue-collar working people? He’s made up so man stories of his prowess over the years that he can’t even recall honest details.
This is a good analysis. Hopefully voters will ask themselves if they’re better off now, compared to 4 years ago.
How odd that “President” Biden is pointing the “Priveledged” finger at President Trump… when Biden’s career has been shaped by brown-nosing super-rich donors like Soros, and receiving large, illegal payments from some of our most dangerous foreign enemies. He never offered to share any of those proceeds with me.
The saving grace may be that people recognize authenticity even when they don’t know what to call it, and there is a much better chance that Trump will do what he says he will do — especially because we have his record to confirm. Pray for America.
The bottom line is this…… If Joe the Briber stays in the WH come January, this country is finished. The Debt is unsustainable. The economy will collapse, anarchy will rule. If Dems keep either the House, Senate, or both, they can pass any Unconstitutional bill they want. The Constitution and Bill of Rights will cease to exist.
How did Biden Obama or Clintons came to their mega millions Certainly not by running a business The voter better see that every penny they have came from him or graft and bribes Without the working class they would not have but a fraction of the wealth
Still have 7 months left till November. It is going to get very dirty and very ugly. Shameful display of America on the world stage.
No taxes on overtime beats loan forgiveness =votes!!!
Biden and the Socialist Democrats are murders and no good pieces of shit! Sorry for being so forward but they don’t care why should I.
Certainly is the case of “the pot calling the kettle black”, n’est pas?!? Biden himself is a wealthy elitist. Why doesn’t the media point that out, not mention how he became so wealthy/affluent!
Some people become wealthy legitimately and legally, he did not, according to his do-nothing history and his questionable history receiving money from questionable sources and his son, who referred to him as “the Big Guy” in regard to their shenanigans!
I don’t believe anything that a democ rat says.You have barry,schumer,shiffless,nadler,bidens ALL,and this list could go on almost forever.There are Republicans that aren’t worth their salt,but it’s almost all democrats,they just can’t wait to p1$$ taxpayer money away to foreign countries,most who hate AMERICA while AMERICANS suffer under the thumb of bidens dictatorial policies,it’s obvious that the democ rats don’t like AMERICA.
But who do the wealthy elites support? It’s Biden, because he is the candidate who protects their privileges.
So how much are the Clintons, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi and the Biden crime family worth?
Biden doesn’t have a clue about “class” as he is one no-class excuse for a human being!
Two things we know for sure. Joe Biden is “Out of Touch” and Donald Trump earned his billion dollars, unlike Biden who had to steal his 200 million from the American Tax Payer. If we all remember correctly, Donald Trump donated his $400,000. yearly salary to agencies of the federal gov’t. like the national park system. Never took a dime in pay.
Nothing Joe Biden says can be taken seriously, along with the rest of the Democratic party.
Romney is still out of touch. Biden and Obama never represented the average American. Neither experienced hard work or earned their fortunes through individual labors. Guess it boils down to what voters believe; political lies or honest performance.
Well now the Biden!? Now that might sound right to the Stupid ,but the truth of the matter is the lies and deceit will continue as long as the person who is serving in office is serving themselves !? The Biden are a bunch of career politician who continue to choose Greed over the Peoples!! Who fear Trump because of his desire to work for the Peoples instead of Big government!? You take the Stupider who are on the Lazy payroll will of course continue to believe the Biden instead of the Freedom !?
Joe (or should I say Obama?) gets more contemptible by the day. No, Joe, you didn’t inherit a $million NOR did you turn that $million into $Billions! You don’t have the know- how, savvy or intelligence to do that. But thing is, Joe, you do know how to grift from Americas adversaries and sell favor and entree to them by creating policies that help them rather than your own country. That’s how you live in a multi-million dollar home on the beech on a poor senator’s salary m–no matter how many speeches you give an how many of your books headed to the dustbins, you wouldn’t ave made the money that afford your life style. So explain away how you are still in touch with the Everyman citizen? You prove yourself to br more Obamesque every day..
Joe is desperate and will not hesitate to stoop to new lows to attempt to beat Trump.
The only reason many Trump haters despise President Trump is: JEALOUSY, plain and simple. Personally, I would rather have a successful businessman leading our country than a professional politician that has fed at the public trough for over 50 years. Biden has never worked an honest job in his sorry, pathetic life. He has lied, cheated and plagiarized his way throughout his life. Don’t forget Corn Pop, hairy legs, sniffing female hair and other weird behaviors.
Marxist Sinophile Joe and his henchmen are nothing but rogues, rascals, racketeers, renegades, reprobates and recreants, and TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DemoRATS [with apologies to Judith Viorst].
Our country can’t withstand another 4 years of the demonrats in the Whitehouse. They are NOT for the people but for themselves…..we’ll all have to learn to speak Chinese.
that SOB hasn’t a clue and doesn’t give a s*** about the working class. only a fool would believe that and america has millions of fools.
Joe Biden is a white, racist, country club-backslapping idiot elitist… you can add “senile” to that list now. “Pause”.
At least TRUMP got his wealth honestly – and he didn’t even take $ for being President! Then there is the Biden family…. how much has been illegal payouts!
Biden is delusional and distanced from reality. Also “trickle down economics is a media construct and is not part of modern economic theory or practice.
Biden’s strategies are like Obama’s because Obama is actually calling the shots. This has always been his third term.
Nothing new here from The Great Uniter: Demonize and divide. The PoS from Delaware is a disgrace to Article II of the Constitution.
Yeah Right. Trump is out of touch! At least he isn’t running on an INSANITY platform!
The communist/democrats. Just doing what they do. No surprises here.
Hypocrite Obummer should talk. His net worth is between $70 – $130 million. Almost up there with Mittens. Even capitalist hater communist Bernie Sanders net worth is approaching $3 million. And it’s from living off of us taxpayers in so called public service. Which is basically, hating America, kissing corporate buttts, getting wealthy thru influence peddling, back scratching thru corrupt pursuits. Don’t need to spend a fortune to get a college degree to do all of that. The populist working person needs to realize that the demorat party has LEFT you and gone full radical LEFT WING. Wake up, they are NOT the party of the middle class working person, anymore.
Class warfare. Is that like 2 Kindergarten classes having snowball fights in the middle of winter? ????
Excellent article. Meanwhile, Dictator Beijing biden Sues Iowa for arresting and deporting his Illegal Aliens whom he puts before Americans and the law.
excellent article as are some of the comments below!
Under O we made no money under Trump we made good money which we lost and more under ole Joe Obiden. And we will never recover if Bidenomics and his spending policies keep going.
Mr. Biden, do us All a favor, retire; it all fits, like cream rising to the top on night over fresh milk from the cow; for you to be the Vice for BHO, Radical mentored by a Radical, with the younger updating the elder on the shortcut to destruction for The USA, still the God given greatest country on earth— second to Israel, because The Bible God of all creation ‘ordained that country as His own’. The book of Numbers as a whole gives it, chapter 34 is titled: Boundaries of the Promised Land given to Moses By God Himself. Good night–morni g
People need to look at what everything is costing us now it is all the Biden and Harris team and the Dems that support what is going on and just do not care time for this to stop.We need to get new leadership in Washington he comes here and does nothing but lie and all most Dem women here like is that they like abortion and Biden and Harris support that.