“Please steal our TV spot” is the startling plea to GOP U.S. Senate candidates from a Super PAC leader whose group this week launched TV and radio ads in the Arizona Senate race that criticizes Democrat candidate Ruben Gallego for his “dark money alliance and corrupt political bargain” with a “Schumer-Soros smear machine” that the group claims is sponsoring millions in attack ads against Gallego’s Republican opponent, Kari Lake, so that “extremist liberal Gallego” can become the “puppet senator” of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and “anti-American billionaire George Soros.”
Calling out the Arizona media for giving Gallego a “free ride,” the ad features a stark screenshot of the front page of the state’s main paper—The Arizona Republic—and demands journalists press Gallego on his far-left voting record in Congress and his refusal to disavow Schumer and Soros as well as his “record of anti-Catholic bigotry.”

“Running against a left-winger like Gallego, Kari Lake should be running away with this race,” said George Landrith, leader of the Frontiers of Freedom Action PAC (which is running the media spots) in a press release. “She has great TV presence, and in the 2022 governor’s race, she won about 49.7% of the vote despite being heavily outspent and facing the usual sudden malfunctioning of voting machines in Republican areas of Maricopa County.”
“But Schumer and Soros are putting up a huge smokescreen by bombarding the airwaves with anti-Lake ads about abortion to hide Gallego’s real record in Congress.”
Landrith suggested this was letting Gallego run as a “Kyrsten Sinema moderate,” in reference to the incumbent Arizona Democrat who decided to drop out.
The anti-Gallego ad features a yellow banner stating “Gallego is no Sinema,” as part of what Landrith described as getting past the Democrat Party’s attempt to hide who Gallego is.
“People tend to vote for incumbents because they have names they know, but put a left-wing Democrat’s voting record on the screen along with pictures of Schumer and Soros and make reference to the Democrat Party’s anti-Catholic bigotry, and then the polling numbers change,” he said, citing a poll that shows the race is within the margin of error.
Even if Democrats had wanted to vote more moderately or the way their constituents would have wanted, they didn’t dare because the left-wing leadership of the party is holding them hostage. People like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her gang of five and the left-wing billionaires behind them say, ‘Vote left-wing or we’ll primary you.’ Trump was right to call this ‘the corrupt bargain’ that Democrats have to make with the left against the wishes of their constituents.
“Take Gallego,” Landrith continued. “He has a voting record no different from Ocasio-Cortez and the ‘Gang of Five’ radicals in Congress.”
The Arizona situation is similar to that of almost every GOP candidate running against the huge money advantage, Landrith said.
“We hope they will steal our ad because it’s modular. All they have to do is put in the right names,” Landrith said.
“It just comes down to using the ‘L’ word for liberal and the ‘E’ word for extremist, then demanding the state media ask the Democrat candidate to disavow his extremist supporters.”
Arguing that Democrats did this in 2022 to stop the expected Republican blowout at the ballot box, Landrith noted: “This is just what they did in 2022 to stop the Red Wave.”
Landrith cited a post-2022 study by James Campbell, a professor of political science at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, explaining how Democrats created a “breakwater” against Republicans in key states by leveraging mail-in ballots, mobilizing voters, and injecting huge amounts of ad money in the final weeks. This flood of money was used to launch a firestorm of attack ads against GOP candidates.
“Too many Republicans, on the advice of consultants and under pressure from family and friends to show what nice people they are, respond with ineffective defensive ads, either portraying themselves as ‘nice people’ who make breakfast and walk the dog, or focusing on obscure feel-good issue,” Landrith said.
“As a result, key races became more about Republican challengers’ reputations than about the radical voting records of Democrat incumbents.”
The anti-Gallego ad addresses this by asking:
“Why won’t he disavow America hater Soros’s lawless prosecutors that led to the wounding or death of police officers and shattered so many innocent lives?”
“Why won’t he disavow extremist liberal Schumer’s threats against the Supreme Court and voter ID?”

Another section of the ad, featuring fiery imagery, raises the issue of Gallego’s record of anti-Catholic bigotry, as outlined in a series of English and Spanish-language ads the group has been running during major broadcast news hours. These ads, which began three weeks ago, are credited with sparking a wave of media stories about the anti-Catholic issues taken up by Newt Gingrich (notably on Larry Kudlow’s show), Donald Trump’s article in Politico, and the New York Post about how the Catholic issue is costing Democrats—fueled further by the controversy surrounding the Al Smith dinner.

Landrith praised some GOP Senate candidates like Eric Hovde of Wisconsin for how they have handled the usual Schumer-Soros attacks. Hovde has put out an ad satirizing the attacks against him that has drawn laughs across the political spectrum. So too, Senate candidates Bernie Moreno in Ohio and Tim Sheehy in Montana have done hard-hitting ads citing the extremist left records of their opponents.
“In 1980, Super PAC ads were key to delivering 12 new Republican senators to Ronald Reagan, and all they did was use the word ‘liberal,’” Landrith said. “Once people realize all the attack ads against GOP candidates are just smokescreens to hide the fact Democrats are left-wing extremists, it’s the difference maker.”
Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.
Couldn’t agree more with this article. Pound the snot out of them. Peel away the protective barrier. If only more Republicans/Conservatives would listen.
The problem for Ruben is that he has consistently support the policies of the Biden/Harris administration that have given us: Soaring inflation and a sputtering economy, Raging violent crime, An open, non-existent border, Millions of illegal alien invaders, Destroyed personal savings, Increased threat of global war, The FBI/DOJ wielded as the Democrats’ secret police force, Targeted political opponents with “lawfare”, Perverts and pedophiles run amuck, Antisemites in the DNC shouting “Death to America/Kill all the Jews/Final Solution”, Government censorship of opposition viewpoints, A corrupt, dysfunctional first family stuffing its pockets with shady foreign loot. And lastly attempting to assassinate their political opponent.
For how many decades ? Nazi Soros and Co. (Chuck, Hillary, Billary, Nancy, etc.) have been getting away with murder (figuratively and literally) for at least 2 decades. Time to get a rope and sell popcorn in the town square !
Better be smarter AZ. You are a border state. You will lose your state if Soros has his way. Americans should be smarter by now.
I have been saying for a long time now, that it’s time for republicans to stop playing so nice. We are not talking playing in a sandbox here, in the backyard. This is about the American way, and protecting our way of life, culture, constitution, etc.
I live in Arizona and it’s sad the voting populace don’t see the danger in voting for Democrats time and time again. People in general are pretty stupid.
Great article, people in Arizona and across this country had better think long and hard, when voting here in 2024, we are on the edge of losing this great nation. This is not your daddy’s Democrat party, they do not believe in free speech, they do not believe in religious freedom, they do not believe in the 2nd Amendment, in fact I don’t believe that they believe in any part of the Constitution. The Democrat party only Believe’s in total and absolute Control, Old Hilary Clinton said it, that needed to limit free speech, on social media or they would lose control, the key word to the Democrat party is CONTROL.
Be smart, vote Republican and Vote early!
I live in Northern AZ why have we not seen one of these ads on TV! I wonder what time slots they are in and why we have not seen them, I can guess that they have been squelched but the MSM party of the LEFT. I totally agree that Gallego is a left extremist WHO DOES NOT EVEN RESIDE IN ARIZONA, but all the ads we see on MSM are his law enforcement backing (pure BS) and we have been seeing them ever since Senama backed out! ENOUGH already.
Wake up Arizona! Let’s send a message to DC liberals and take our country back. Vote Lake and Trump and make Arizona great again!
I agree with fighting the liberals by using their tactics! This “take the higher road” mentality that the republicans practice has given the liberals the advantage in state legislatures, Congress and in elections. I sure hope AZ wakes up, otherwise they get what they deserve.
Please post this ad on X! I’ll share it every time I see it!
Great article and the tactics used here are exactly what is needed in our efforts to defeat the Communists. Remember the fact that people like Schumer, Soros and every Communist cannot handle ridicule and really despise the truth. Every brain dead voter who casts a vote for Dome & Tampon Tim, Gallego, Schumer or the Squad, should be shamed and ridiculed mercilessly.
Liberal today has a different connotation than back in the 1980’s. Now it is not liberal but dictatorship. Schumer et al want to control every aspects of our lives. We see it every day with the Hurricane disasters. Florida is fortunate to have DeSantis as governor. He plans ahead to be ready after the storm has passed through. The dems have made so many mistakes and then they go on tv like Biden did yesterday and accuse Trump of what they just have done. That’s the way it is going in Arizona. They are buying a senator. S and S will see to it. Or should I say the SS. We should have spoken up much more during Trump’s presidency, about the lies the left were spreading day in and day out. Because now they don’t hide the lies anymore they act them out in rules and regulations direct from the White House. If you know your senator and he is a dem vote him out. Because all have been bought by Soros or other elite billionaires. And Soros hates this country with a passion, especially Trump and his supporters. He wants all Americans to walk in line. And we decline that. We are the patriots that follow the constitution. We think for ourselves, we work hard and believe in our fellow man. Americans are the most generous people, always ready to help a stranger. Now we have been targeted as enemies of the state. Satan rules America. Religion is frowned upon. The dems don’t allow to worship another god. They are our god and you better obey. Only don’t ask for any help, that goes to the Ukraine or Lebanon or Hamas. CBS news just fired a reporter for interviewing an Israel hater incorrectly. What? VOTE TRUMP/VANCE and make peace and love what drives America.
Just love how the party that wants to pack, even dissolve, the SCOTUS, eliminate the electoral college, no ID to vote, encourage open border, mass invasion if unvetted people, end the filibuster, insert more government into the internet to “fight disinformation”, defund ICE and the police, are the ones claiming they’re “saving democracy”!
Sounds like the next Schumer/Soros mariannette is going to be anti-christrian and antisemitic just like the commiecrats. I approve of these ads! What a brilliant idea for exposing what,who and how!!
This is not the only stunt the Arizona voter leaders are doing this time. I got a 1nch thick paperback book in the USPS yesterday to read and decide 6 proposals that will be on our Voter Ballot . It is so much to read and absorb, I really think that 99% of Arizona voters will not even try to understand and vote on any of them. For some reason I feel that with a Democrat Gov. and Mayor here in Tucson, it was taking a chance to get their proposals passed with only a few people opposing them. Usually a ” NV ” is considered a yes vote and their insane bills will be passed. This has never been done before , and much too much to expect from a high senior population , which we do have in the whole state. Some might consider not voting at all.
Here’s an Ad they should show across the USA..Illegal Aliens by the Packs of ‘Fighting Age Males’ in Military Uniforms Entering Through Remote Arizona Towns. Along with 113 Registered Illegal Aliens Voted in D.C. Presidential Primary.
Foreigners Purchasing Our Farmland. This all with Communist harris, Soros, and Dictator Beijing biden’s blessing.
Goodness can’t you guys even be honest yet about what happened in 2022. The machine malfunctions was contrived by the uni-party establishment to deny Lake the governorship. They needed to do it because all the levers they originally pulled in 2020 weren’t enough.
Glad the GOP is finally catching on to the Dem’s tactics AND going back at them with same tactics. About time!!!
I live in Northern AZ why have we not seen one of these ads on TV! ??
Nazi Soros mob should’ve been terminated decades ago !
Schumer and Soros and Biden and Harris and other Dems are at fault for what has happened in this country and then they lie and want more the same another four years with Harris there is no way it should happen. We need a better change since all they do up in Washington is collect a check and time to clean house a lot should go from both sides we need better people in Washington.
I’ve always said the Democrats play like junk yard dogs while the Republicans play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules. It is time the GOP wised up! You have to fight fire with fire.
His ads are running on Roku continuously. Hope some of the new anti-Gallegos ads will start running on Roku.
The Republicans’ problem is not smears. It’s Lake. The people in the middle like her way less than the base does. Enough to put up with Gallego’s many rotten votes. Pathetic how both parties always blame someone else for their own bad choices.
When you can’t sell your Republican candidate to voters, all you can do is tear down the Democrat.
Consider adding a period or two. Your sentences are way too long to follow with a quick read, what most of us do with news. It reads like a dense textbook
This looks likes the last gasp of Trumpism.
A big problem in Arizona is Republicans again put up a Trump favorite with no elective office experience and full of stolen election conspiracy claims. Kari Lake is a perky nobody , but she was wise to become a Mar-A-Lago Regular and give Trump her weekly tongue-washing. She’s going down like Trump faves Herschel Walker and Dr. Oz did.
Gallego would have had no chance against a better Republican senatorial candidate,