
Elections , Newsline

A November Surprise Reminds Us This Election Is About Trump Versus the Casually Cruel Establishment

Posted on Monday, November 4, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

During an election season where every single day has brought us the unexpected and transformative, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by a horrible scandal involving a government agency. The seizing and killing of Pnut, an internet-famous and beloved pet squirrel, and Fred, a domesticated raccoon, would become a dramatic symbol of what this election is really about. The call for justice for Pnut and Fred has gone viral on social media.

The horrible situation came about after an anonymous person complained to a New York state agency about Pnut, setting into motion 10-armed government agents, arriving in a convoy, and ransacking the man’s home for 5 hours. Mark Longo, the pets’ caretaker, told the New York Post, “They treated me like I was a terrorist. They treated this raid as if I was a drug dealer. They ransacked my house for five hours…They asked my wife, who is of German descent, what her immigration status was. They asked if I had cameras in my house. They wouldn’t allow me to go to the bathroom without a police escort, who then checked the back of the toilet to see if I was hiding anything there.”

The armed state agents then removed Pnut and Fred from the home and killed them.

Horrible things happen every day, but this has touched a special nerve. Why? Because all those other horrible things we deal with come from the same cloth as this obscene situation—a government so big, smug, and sanctimonious it believes it is above the law, and it works to make sure the plebes know who’s boss. Why not do this when you treat parents who go to school board meetings to defend their children, like terrorists? Why not do this when conservatives are derided as deplorable, racists, Nazis, and garbage? Why not do this when you throw people in jail for years for “parading” at the Capitol?

We are responding with rage because it is the last straw; because it is an admission from the government that what they do has one meaning—to keep us afraid and silent. As James Woods perfectly noted on X: “When armed brownshirts ransack your house for five hours, and terrorize your wife with the subtle implication of deportation, they aren’t looking for a frigging squirrel. They are telling you who’s in charge of every breath you take for the rest of your life.”

Much of what is brought to us by a corrupt and blundering government – the open border, a bad economy, schools indoctrinating elementary school children in Marxist ideology, boys and men in women’s sports—among so many other deliberately abusive actions—are made even more real when something each and every one of us can immediately relate to—the safety and sovereignty of our own home, our loved ones, and yes, our pets. When a government believes it can do whatever it wants, terrorizing us becomes its first instinct.

That is what this election is about. We have been enduring (and fighting) deliberate efforts to shred the American way of life by bullies and tyrants who hate us. Our fight is about personal freedom, liberty, and fairness. The lie of the Democrats and their puppet masters on the left is laid bare when we deal with illegal immigrants being released into our country despite known violent histories. At least 99 illegal immigrants on the terrorist watch list have been allowed to walk unencumbered into our nation. A Venezuelan gang considered a “transnational criminal organization,” has been taking over apartment buildings and engaging in organized crime, including rape and murder, and yet until recently, we were lied to about their very existence.

FEMA spent so much money on Equity and migrant programs, that they were unable to answer over half of the phone calls for help from Americans dealing with hurricane disasters. But somehow, we have enough money to raid a man’s home to kidnap and kill his pets. This is the juxtaposition we think about when contemplating what we are becoming as a nation under the incompetent and corrupt Democrat bureaucratic establishment.

This is the state of this race. It was never about Trump versus Biden or Harris or whomever. It’s Trump versus the bureaucratic police state. It was in 2016, and it is so today.

Trump’s ability to adapt and understand the nature of the surprises that have permeated this election cycle is a testament to what you can do when you are completely invested in the nature of what you’re trying to accomplish. He’s running to be president again despite everything because he knows, as do we, that this is a deciding point more than just for the next four years but for generations to come. It is a decision between optimism and pessimism, government totalitarian control versus personal freedom, and barely surviving versus thriving.

In some ways, we’ve become inured to the suffering, and that’s what the Democrats want—for you to surrender and accept their repulsive “new normal,” but this election is the one chance we have to say, oh no you don’t! Parents, conservatives, and those who care about personal freedom, know that this is just the first effort to have agents of the state replace parents. Destroying the family unit and wiping out the legal and natural parental relationship and rights with their own children is clearly the ultimate goal of the government. Historically, we’ve seen this in totalitarian hell holes which always seek to remove parental influence from children. These cancerous states know they cannot survive without being able to indoctrinate the next generation from infancy, and then maintaining it throughout adulthood. This requires all-encompassing totalitarian methods.

What happened to Pnut and Fred was indeed cruel, and in the context of the world in which we are living, it is also a window into the casual barbarity permeating the bureaucracy at every level. Normally, one would believe that the people at these agencies and in government would not allow this madness to continue. But they do allow it because for them the leviathan is just too big to overcome.

So, on election day, November 5th, 2024 it falls to us, the regular deplorable “garbage” people, to say enough is enough. The Founders knew a day like this would come. They knew we would need a mechanism with which to issue a sea change. They hoped we would have the right people to vote for, and by the grace of God, we have that, too, courtesy of Trump, Vance, Musk, and Kennedy. From the start, we knew they were going after Trump because they really wanted to destroy us, and he was standing in their way. Now, it is our turn to be in front, because they really are after those men, so we happily stand in their way for them, and for ourselves.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

When the Democrats have been in control, the government fattens. Unfortunately, when the Republicans gain control, there is no reduction of that fat. So, if Trump wins and there is no real reduction, things will continue to get worse. The past four years, the nation has truly seen the DOJ’s abuse of law enforcement against the citizens without restraint. This has been just a small taste of “Brown Shirt” justice. If the Democrats take control — HERE COMES HE!!.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
4 months ago

Praise for Tammy Bruce for this article . Having a spirit to keep this Constitutional Republic ,this United States of America on course headed to an Honorable destination is in the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence — ” And for the support of this Declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives ,our fortunes , our sacred Honor.” Let truth and Liberty be the watchwords for all who value the principles that hold this Nation together. Something to help with strengthening the spirit — the 1941 song — ” We Did It Before and We Can Do It Again.” God bless America,land of the free, and home of the brave. Courage Not Fear.

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 months ago

Seems logical that either Peanut or Fred (whichever one didn’t do the biting) could have been quarantined and watched for rabies.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
4 months ago

Demonic rats indeed! If we don’t win this one freedom is lost!

4 months ago

This is why the recent SCOTUS ruling on Chevron was sooooo important. Government agencies are OUT OF CONTROL and need to be reigned in on Day 1 of Trump’s second term.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
4 months ago

WOW! This is certainly scary. Do we still have a Constitutional Republic governed by LAWS? Because what we are seeing now looks more like the Gestapos of yesteryears abroad, if they can just invade our homes without warrant and kill our pets? May God help us all.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

I’m hoping its both a landslide Trump win for the popular and electoral vote so I can enjoy these duplicitous a-holes cry about “stolen elections” and riot, loot, and burn down their cities… plus watching swinging legs on screen on MSNBC from the commentators mass suicides! The little things in life are best!

Gisele Parker
Gisele Parker
4 months ago

Well said, Ms Tammy Bruce!

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
4 months ago

It’s not about the squirrel, it’s about us.

4 months ago

Amend! Hopefully God will deliver our One Nation under God and give all of humanity one last chance.

4 months ago

And they claim that the Republicans are the fascists!! Google defines fascist as the far right side of the government. I am relatively familiar with German history and the fascists were the Nazi’s. The word Nazi is a shortening of the party, the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Sounds the the Left to me.

4 months ago

This is written after the election. And Trump won. These dictatorial incidents will stop and freedom and decency will return. Don’t count on the dems and ultra left to do that. They are Satan and will never give up. They govern as tyrants Pnut and Fred had no chance. Like they thought Trump Vance had no chance. I say it’s a good morning except to Nancy P. She is not having one, she announced that herself. May God take Pnut and Fred in his arms for eternity.

4 months ago

Something to think about… Recognizing the deviousness of the Machiavellian DNC, what are the odds that they try to prevent Donald Trump from becoming #47 by invoking the 25th Amendment NOW; thereby elevating Kamala to #47 until January.

Red Hawk 1
Red Hawk 1
4 months ago

P-Nut and Fred expose the human condition. They both chose this home for their safety as living outside in freedom was dangerous. The Democrats promise safety and control. The Republicans offer you the responsibility for your life. The Democrats’ safety and control will give us the same outcome that the home gave P-Nut and Fred.

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