
When President Joe Biden was sworn into office in January of 2021, he was handed an economy with 6.3% real GDP growth, inflation was 1.4%, and the price of gasoline was $2.39 a gallon. That is, even though Trump’s last year in office was marred by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, Trump steered the ship through those uncharted waters and continued to keep policies in place to help small businesses.
Fast forward one year, and real growth has slowed to just over 2%, inflation sits at a historic 8% year over year highs, and the price of gas is up over $4. New numbers released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis show that in the first three months of 2022, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) actually shrank at an annualized rate of 1.4%.
These depressing statistics fall on Biden and Congressional Democrats guided by the false belief that spending other people’s money can get you out of any mess. Congress has approved over $6 trillion dollars in new spending, mostly under the guise of coronavirus relief funding. That spending has resulted today in record inflation and depressed employment numbers. You might hear Democrats argue that the U.S. economy grew by a record high 5.7% in 2021, the fastest growth since 1982. However, inflation outpaced economic growth, wiping out any wage increases and costing Americans.
In addition, the Biden White House has released Executive Orders and regulations on everything from energy and climate, to mask mandates and immigration. Under President Trump, America became one of the largest oil exporters in the world, exporting 5.26 million barrels per day in 2016 and 8.51 million barrels per day by 2020. In Trump’s last year in office, the U.S. “exported more petroleum than it imported – marking the first time that has happened,” according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s February 2021 Short-Term Energy Outlook.
President Biden’s actions have depressed energy investment. He has single handedly reversed U.S. oil output, leaving Americans at the mercy of OPEC and higher gasoline prices which amounts to a large new tax paid by the majority of Americans. America’s return to being energy dependent is a real national security threat, not just for us but our European allies too, who now find themselves increasingly squeezed in the region.
Biden would be wise to quickly put in place President Trump’s agenda for the economy, border, and energy. President Biden should take these steps now, announce a moratorium on all new regulations, and work with Republicans to bring back the Trump-era economic boom.
Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action
Another fantasy article. There is ZERO chance that any Democrat politician will acknowledge that their policies have caused significant harm to this country, since the current administration and Congress obtained total control. As a matter of fact, their policies are producing EXACTLY the results they were intended to produce. In order to bring about the wholesale transformation of the country into what the Democrats view will be a socialist paradise, they first have to completely collapse the current economic and social system of the country. That entails causing wide-spread pain and misery to the general population, that will only increase the longer the Democrats control all the levers of power. That is how the socialist transformation process has always been done in every other country that went socialist for over 100 years now. Look at what countries like Argentina, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Russia, China, Cuba, etc. were like BEFORE they all went socialist. Now compare that to what they look like today and under essentially the same policies the Democrats are imposing here with ever greater frequency. Nothing the Democrats are doing are mistakes or errors in judgement. They fully understand the results their actions will produce. They are doing EXACTLY what they said they would do in their 110 page 2020 Democrat Policy Position paper, that was readily available for everyone to read, that they all ran on in 2020.
Anyway, nothing will improve as long as the American people allow the Democrats to remain in power. How the American people rectify that mistake is anyone’s guess at this point. Being asleep or being sheep does have its negative consequences. One would have hoped that the American people would have been smart enough to learn from the mistakes of those in other countries that fell for the socialist siren song before us. Apparently not.
Biden and his cronies will never bring back any of the good that President Trump did.
If biden were the least bit concerned about the “little people” (the middle class and lower income citizens), he’d have done something about the economy long ago. All the signs were there, and his advisors were aware of the situation. But they are so tightly bound to their socialist agenda that the many millions of people who are suffering is of no consequence to them. They’re collateral damage. Instead, Blamin’ Biden points the finger at truckers, supply chain operators, Covid, Russia, and even climate change as the sources of all our problems. Look in the mirror, Joe. There’s the real problem.
If voters fail to heed the siren blast by voting them into office again, we’re sunk. We will have done it to ourselves. Don’t sit out these elections, good people. Every vote counts!
Loopy Joe will never do anything positive or good for America. That would defeat his Marxist agenda of getting America into the one-world government. Besides, he doesn’t even know what city he’s in. It’s others, like Obozo, who’s running the country.
Common sense solutions are NOT in Biden’s thoughts or actions. He simply has no clue how to fix the mess HE got us into. We were doing so well & he stopped it all. It will take us a very long time to get back to where we should have been. So sad that the President and his so-called ‘advisors’ are so out of touch with the real world.
He’s working on behalf of the CCP… he has no interest in reviving the US economy.
Anyone who thinks what is now taking place in this nation is the result of stupidity, incompetence, and/or bad policies is just not seeing the big picture, which is necessary in order to understand what is really occurring.
Biden is a senile old fool, yes, but that is irrelevant as he is not in charge. He is nothing more than a puppet on a string, and there are several people behind the scenes in charge, among them Obozo, Susan Rice, and George Soros.
The ultimate goal is the destruction of this nation, the downfall of Western Civilization, and the creation of a worldwide dictatorship, to be run by and for the benefit of a tiny super elite.
And all is going according to plan.
The intentional release and the timing of the release of Covid, a lab-created bioweapon, was for several reasons, chief among them to set up the conditions and circumstances that would allow the use of massive fraud to steal the 2020 elections and get Trump out of the picture, and to kick start the implementation of “The Great Reset.”
What they did to us during the lockdowns, and what they are doing now with the inflation, is part of the plan for the destruction of the middle class, the backbone of this nation and all Western nations.
The middle class is largely independent of and has little need of the government day to day, but they want everyone dependent on the government for survival.
A dependent population is a compliant population.
If your ability to pay your rent, to put food on the table, to literally survive from one day to the next, is dependent on a monthly check from the government, you will be a good, obedient little drone.
Misbehave and they cut you off and hang you out to dry.
Get it now?
Remember, Poor ole Joe is just the stooge of “The Party” chosen because of his demonstrated ability to follow directions. The “party” though Joe could hold it together and follow orders. But Joe keeps forgetting
“How Biden Could Bring Back the Trump Era Economic Boom” he and his posse of communists may be evil but they are not that dumb. Not one thing they’ve done since they usurped they the White House was done for the benefit of the United States, or its people, now that they are so close to destroying the country, and eliminating the Constitution you believe they would be even remotely interested in getting our economy booming? Where have you been? It took skill and malice to turn a humming Ferrari into a wrecking yard worthy Yugo. These commies aren’t here to save anyone but to destroy this country once and for all. If anyone wants to save America – don’t vote Democrat, and this time don’t let them cheat either.
Biden does not know or care. This is the democrat’s plan to destroy America.
He’s too stubborn to do any of that, it would tell everyone he was wrong to sign all those orders on day one. He will NEVER do that. Record illegal alien invasion, record food prices and fuel and home heating costs. He would rather trash his America hating party first.
WHY would Biden/0bama want to do any of that??? Things are all going according to plan. Destruction of America, right on schedule. Voting and petitions are NOT going to fix this.
Gross ineptitude is their standard MOA. There is no way common sense will prevail with these loons.
And ditto what Lawrence Greenberg said below.
Why are we obeying executive orders when they only pertain to the executive branch of government? THEY ARE NOT LAW. If they were we could tell the legislature to go home because they would be out of a job. Biden is not a dictator. WHY ARE WE LETTING HIM ACT LIKE ONE?
I am tired of telling people this. PLEASE READ ARTICLE 8, SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE CONSTITUTION. It say, ” ALLL LEGISLATIVE OR LAWMAKING POWERS GRANTED BY THIS CONSTITUTION SHALL VE VESTED EXCLUSIVELY IN THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. That mean that the executive branch can’t make law, weather they call it an executive order or a mandate. Call your elected officials on this. Put there feet to the fire because I believe that our government know less than it’s population about what is in the Constitution.
Biden is not going to do anything. He is not menially capable to do anything. I also believe that he doesn’t really know what is going on.
The people running our government and using Joe Biden as a front have no intention of bringing prosperity back, their goal is to bring down America and destroying the middle class is essential to that goal. Every insane activity and action they have taken since January 2021 is aimed at that goal,
But we can stop them. We have the law on our side if we will just use it. The Constitution is more than the 10 amendments.
Biden is not smart enough to bring back Trump’s economic boom. He can’t even speak, he can’t even turn around in the correct direction to get off his fake stage.
For Biden to go back to Trump’s agenda, the Demos/Left/Progressives would have to rip out all of their plans/agenda in their playbook. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !!
Yes, the country is going as they planned (as in several comments before). Yes, we need to get the good conservative Republicans in office and get the Democrats who are pretending to be Republicans out and all the primary elections are vital. Most of all, we need to get on our knees and pray to the God that this country was founded on and ask for His help, unless He has turned His back on us because of all the babies we have killed. Read the Word. He turned his face away from nations who did exactly as this nation has done. Sad, but true.
And i think ill ask to join the pga.
Reopen pipelines
Reinstate Trump policies
Dump Radicals
Cut Govt waste
Remember that old saying — “a leopard can’t change its spots”? Biden may not be a leopard, but he is an old and inflexible ideologue. The man just isn’t going to change methodologies now, even though it would benefit the country and his approval rating!
Let’s be perfectly clear, this is NOT incompetence, we are being deliberately being destroyed from within, by the filthy America LAST Commie/Globalist/DemoncRat traitors now in power (with the help of equally traitorous RINOs)..
The corrupt, fraud puppet traitor has ZERO interest in unleashing the economy…day one in office the expletive traitor, at the behest of his handlers and Chicom/Globalist Elitist masters, DELIBERATELY ended everything positive our America FIRST, anti-Commie legit President Trump did to stop Commie Obamie’s “funamental transformation” of our country.
The fraud puppet signed myriad EOs (probably written by main handler Obamie), opening borders (aiding and abetting millions of unvetted illegals), and ending our energy independence (yep, both had been fixed by Trump). Signing pork laden bogus $trillion bills, woosifying the military, indoctrinating our youth, fearmongering to get sheeple to accept masks and jabs that harm more than help, ginning up mayhem/distrust/division, the fraud puppet and cohorts put the destruction of our Republic on hyper warp spee…and are well on their way to their evil, insane utopia where we will have boots on our necks while they have all the power, control and wealth.
Absolutely pie-in-the-sky dreaming! Observe what has occurred during the past year and it is without a doubt, Biden’s efforts to destroy America is deliberate and he has NO plans to listening to you or any of us! Please be realistic, Sir! Next time, please include a link or website to that map you were referring to.
Be that as it may, I am holding Mr. Carlstrom’s request for another donation to AMAC Action from the minimum amount of $162 to $324 PLUS and he writes such optimistic dreaming as this? Well, Mr Carlstrom, I will be placing a large, personal “check” in th provided envelope!
I’m sure it will tickle the cackles of your heart! LOL
Biden was on TV today & said that he decreased Fed Debt by $350 Billion in year 2021. That is the first time I have heard this, and how is it possible with the huge spending last year. And, a couple of days ago , he said debt will be reduced 1.5 Trillion this year. Can AMAC or anyone verify or explain these two statements on Fed Debt in the last week from WH???
Biden on TV today & said he is meeting with people to take care of Baby Formula shortage. Doesn’t Biden have any Cabinet members that can take care of problems like this ? Is be being a micro-manager or does he not trust his people. He turned border over to Kamala & how is that working out.
We will never know where Trump economic plans would have ended up at end of year 2020 —- due to fact that Covid-19 hit & turned USA upside down. But, what I have read is that Fed Debt increased every year of Trump’s term. I consider Federal Debt as a very important component of any economic plan.
Biden will let the country go to pieces before he does the right thing. The dems will not approve doing anything that resembles what Trump did lest Trump would actually get some credit and the dems would be exposed for their failed policies.
King Joe Biden loves the rich; gives a little to the poor. Will do nothing for the average American taxpayer. He hates his own country and is destroying it faster then I thought. I don’t recognize my own country. Too sad!
LOL. That’s the last thing he wants to do is bring back anything Trump. He wants One World government and work with Klaus Schwab – but he doesn’t realize he would be one of the ‘worthless’ people.
All the proof concerning the fraud that was committed during the 2020 election is there in addition to the dead people voting, people voting several times in their own state and other states, the drop boxes which about 2000 people were paid approx. $45000 to pour thousands of ballots in drop boxes for Biden, millions of illegals voted and many blue states let anyone vote and no id was required. NYC just gave illegals the right to vote.. The Supreme Court should have looked at the evidence a long time ago and three justices wanted to do just that, Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch but were denied by Roberts because they needed one more. Are you kidding me? This country and the world is a disaster. I fume every time Hannity, Carlson, Waters, or anyone else refers to the piece of cow dung in the White House as our president. He is a fraud. He is corrupt and has been for decades. He is a racist. He is suffering from dementia. Everyone says he needs to be impeached. NO! He needs to be exposed for the fraud he and everyone else in the White House is and all need to be held accountable. Mark Levin screaming why aren’t Americans standing up and fighting for the truth to come out and change things. Well, most of us have no voice, or money or means. Who and how are we to fight? Most of congress is bought by George Soros, add to that he’s got most of the judges, prosecutors, secretary of states, governors, mayors, police chiefs, the Clintons, Obamas, even high ranking military. Who gave this Godless piece of cow dung, Soros, American citizenship? Not one thing that is going on today would be happening under the rightful President Trump. I can’t even listen to FOX News and barely all the emails I get from so many outlets. A government becomes corrupt because the people just don’t care until it is perhaps too late. I won’t send one nickel to the Republican Party even though they constantly message my phone 24 /7. It was the Republican Party’s chairwoman who stopped over 40 secretary of states from going to the Supreme Court with evidence of the fraud. Fauci and others are already gearing up and warning us that in the fall there will be another pandemic. You can count on that. No amount of money is going to put any candidate in office that is for God and Country and the People. You who could have overturned the 2020 election and didn’t will have to live with America’s death. You can put money on this. It’s not just George Soros, or the Democrats or the Rhinos but the left has infiltrated all state, county and city and town governments. Our schools, our courtrooms. Trump supporters met in Washington DC but they didn’t storm the capitol. No ANTIFA and BLM did and they were sanctioned by the FBI. There is no department in our government that hasn’t been breached by the left. And what alarmed me was this has been planned for decades. Then God chose a most unlikely man who had never entertained running for any office. He had a good life. A great life. Beautiful wife, great kids. But he ran and I believe that God chose him. And he did so much good and weren’t we all proud to be an American. Trump usually mentions God and I have heard him give the glory to God and Jesus. I have never heard God mentioned by the left. EVER. The left has never read our Constitution or about our Founding Fathers. I have. I don’t remember ever being taught the real history of this country and very little was taught about the men who when they signed the Declaration of Independence, they were marked men but men willing to give their lives. No other nation in the world has ever been created under God and under Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. We were the Great American Experiment and for over 245 years, our Constitution has stood. We have been a beacon unto the world. We do not have a history of systemic racism. If that were true, why do millions flock to our shores? Under a One World Government, you will not have the liberty and freedom we have enjoyed for over 245 years. There will never be a pursuit of happiness. And those Founding Fathers and those who fought in the American Revolution will be for nothing. We do not have a democracy. Democracies do not work. We have a very unique government and it is a Constitutional Republic and our Founding Fathers created the best government in the world. A small federal government that the left want a huge federal government to control every aspect of your lives. Doesn’t anyone remember Sanders saying that Russian gulags should be brought to America for those who needed to be re-educated? He honeymooned in Russia. I say he should lose his American citizenship and all he has and ship him to his Mother Russia. No one like Sanders, Cortez, Omar, Warren, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, McConnell, Graham and so many others should not be in our Congress as anyone who does not like what our Founding Fathers built and many died forshould not be given any power over the American people. And on our Supreme Court if you can’t identify your own sex, you don’t belong on our highest court. Politcs should not be on our highest court. And it might surprise you that our Founding Fathers prayed as much as three hours a day when drafting our Constitution and they referred to the Geneva Bible. Everything to run a government and how to live as people is contained in God’s Word. Our Bill of Rights is derived from the Ten Commandments. Yes, this country is so very different from all other nations in the world and just like when you believe in God and have a personal relationship with Him and you go to Him every day, you are vilified and hated by many just as Jesus was. It is an age old war, good vs evil and good has always won. But God warns us, that a time will come when it seems as if evil is winning. God is just giving us a chance to put Him first and He will bless us as always. The songs God Bless America, the Battle Hymn of the Republica, My Country Tis of Thee; I hear them and I say to myself, “It is well. With my soul. It is well. It is well. With my soul. ” We are such a special country and have always had God’s blessings but I fear the foothold evil has wrought may be too late. For me, unless the Supreme Court looks at all the evidence of the massive fraud during our sacred election of 2020, well, I know where I am going. I have shed so many tears since 2020 and my heart is heavy. I keep hearing Taps. Is that America’s death?d
How Biden Could Bring Back the Trump Era Economic Boom (easiest) 1) admit stealing the election. (impossible) 2) get a brain.
Just this week Biden’s Interior Department nixed 3 offshore oil leases. I’m not sure how many on shore drilling permits are being issues or how fast they are being processed. I’m not sure if our President even understands how to turn the situation around or how easily it could be done. So sad.
This current White House resident makes me sick. I’m an 80 yr old widow of a deceased retired Police Officer. I’m struggling to live on half of his retirement of 30 yrs ago. I have no idea how to survive as are most Americans.
You made one error. Biden was not elected into office…he was installed and should be removed by US Marshall’s
We must understand that the Democrat-Marxists are more interested in achieving their energy, open border, world gov’t
I sware,since Branden took office,
the days on the calendar have come to a crawl!
It’s ground hog day, every day to
boot! Disaster after disaster!! His actions even top Murphy’s Law!!
President Cabbage Brain could, but he won’t. The Nazis, I mean Democrats, aren’t interested in America.
Don’t hold your breath. They do not want to have a prosperous economy for American people, only for politicians!????????????
He could confess to the crimes we ALL KNOW they committed, of treason and fraud, thus beginning the disassembly of the criminal enterprise called the “Biden Administration”.
Until we choose to act instead of debating these things to death, nothing will change. Everyone knows what happened and we have known all the way back to Slick Willy. The cowards on both sides of the isle don’t want anything to upset their trough… Pence knew what he was supposed to do and he failed. We can look at all of the criminal behavior and questionable progressive politics clear back to Woodrow Wilson and track where we’ve been duped as plain as day and yet nothing is done to fix it… Oh look! The emperor is naked! (Again)… And not only does he not know he’s naked but he doesn’t know who and where he is… Will somebody please throw him a bathrobe and maybe a box of disposables… Soon, there won’t be anything to fix… What a shame to let the best example of self governance slip into history without a struggle… ATM1
Boy now that’s the biggest joke ever old uncle Joe doesn’t want to make America great again all he wants to do is destroy America he and his party it’s just that simple
He doesn’t care about the American people all he has been interested in was to kill everything that Trump instigated!
Such a travesty what has happened under Bumbling Biden! Conservative voices are silenced and crime in Blue Democratic states is out of control. The southern border is a mess and dangerous people keep pouring over. He’s such a Lame Duck of a president. If I didn’t have Faith in my Mighty God, I would be lost.