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Trump’s Musk, Ramaswamy Appointments Aim to Drain the Swamp

Posted on Friday, November 15, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Among the myriad indignities and hardships inflicted upon the American people and economy throughout recent decades of boundless government expansion, none exceed those of the progressively unrestrained federal administrative leviathan.  

That’s not a novel indignity.  

Our Founding Fathers specifically cited bureaucratic abuse among their grievances against the king in the Declaration of Independence, saying, “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”  

Just this week, we witnessed the latest tragic example.  Spirit Airlines announced that it is preparing to file for bankruptcy after merger discussions with Frontier Airlines collapsed and after the Department of Justice sued to prevent earlier purchase by JetBlue Airways.  

How did that needless bureaucratic intervention benefit consumers, company employees or investors?  

The incessant administrative onslaught finally provoked pushback from the United States Supreme Court.  In recent terms, the Court drastically reduced what’s known as “Chevron Deference” permissiveness toward federal bureaucracies, and also sharply limited agencies’ authority to impose regulations significantly impacting the U.S. economy.  

Following Donald Trump’s sweeping electoral victory, however, it appears that help from within the executive branch is finally on the way.  

Throughout this year’s presidential campaign, Trump repeated his signature promise to “drain the swamp,” a commitment to eliminate inefficiency, corruption and entrenched interest influence within the federal government.  That vision entails restructuring the executive branch’s administrative bureaucracies, which have over the years become bloated, grinding and resistant to reform.  If we can streamline responsibilities, reduce red tape and restore decision making authority toward elected officials rather than career technocrats, that will empower the electorate and increase accountability.  

The leading way to achieve that goal, of course, is through executive branch appointments.  

By choosing cabinet members and other personnel who share his vision of making government leaner and more accountable, the Trump/Vance administration might finally bring reform that alters the culture and performance of the federal administrative state.  

Enter Tesla chief Elon Musk and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.  

This week, President-Elect Trump announced that Musk and Ramaswamy would lead a new Department of Government Efficiency, or “DOGE.”  That name plays upon a 2010s popular meme and subsequent Dogecoin cryptocurrency, and the agency would operate outside of the formal federal government bureaucracy itself.  

Responding to his selection, Yale University Law School alumnus Ramaswamy persuasively noted that the new DOGE would fulfill the Supreme Court’s recent mandates:  

Here’s a key point about our mission at DOGE:  eliminating bureaucratic regulation isn’t a mere policy preference.  It’s a legal *mandate* from the U.S. Supreme Court:  

– West Virginia v. EPA (2022) held that agencies cannot decide major questions of economic or political significance without “clear congressional authorization.”  This applies to *thousands* of rules that never passed Congress.  

– In Loper Bright v. Raimondo (2024), the Court ended Chevron deference, which means agencies can’t foist their own interpretations of the law onto the American people. Over 18,000 federal cases cited the Chevron doctrine, often to uphold regulations, many of which are now null and void.  

– In SEC v. Jarkesy (2024), SCOTUS restricted the use of “administrative law judges” by agencies.  The same agency that wrote the rules shouldn’t be able to prosecute citizens in “courts” that it controls.  

– In Corner Post v. Board of Governors (2024), the Court held that new businesses can challenge old regulations, greatly expanding the statute of limitations & opening many more rules up for scrutiny. So we shouldn’t just look at rules passed in the last four years, but over the past 4 decades (or more).  

DOGE is ready to help the U.S. government conform to the U.S. Constitution once again.  @elonmusk and I are ready to serve.

For his part, Musk promises to accomplish within the federal “deep state” what he accomplished at X (formerly Twitter) by drastically reducing bloat and increasing efficiency.  

Also this week, the Trump/Vance transition team proposed an executive order that would create a review board of retired military officers to expose inefficiencies and root out personnel unfit for leadership.  

Although nothing is guaranteed, these proposals might finally bring reform to the overextended federal administrative state.  By selecting people like Musk and Ramaswamy who commit to cutting bureaucracy, reducing wasteful spending and bringing accountability, Trump can take the nation toward a leaner, more effective, more responsive government.  Accomplishing that will depend upon consistent execution and follow-through, but his choice of such decisive private sector leaders lays the groundwork for transformation at long last.  

Federal bureaucrats serve the American people, we don’t serve them.  It’s time that national governance reflects that.

Timothy H. Lee is Senior Vice President of legal and public affairs at the Center for Individual Freedom.

Reprinted with Permission from CFIF – By Timothy H. Lee

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

This idea of a Department of Government Efficiency is a good idea. The information in this article is appreciated. Something else encouraging and in the right spirit of operating government properly in the last paragraph ” Federal bureaucrats serve the American people, we don’t serve them. It’s time National governance reflects that .” Well done with this article Timothy.

3 months ago

GO , Trump go , can’t get the grin off my face & furthermore , if you don’t like it leave . These new policies will benefit every tax payer in America …. It’s about time !

Paul B.
Paul B.
3 months ago

I recommend reading “American Leviathan” by author Ned Ryun. It is the “How To” manual on getting rid of the progressive administrative state. President Trump is making the perfect move to select Elon and Vivek as heads of the DOGE. It will interesting to watch how they do it.

3 months ago

Our “government” has been an ocean of corruption, waste, incompetence, irresponsibility, and abject laziness for far too long. I can’t think of a better prescription for it’s institutional excesses than what these experienced, business-saavy entrepreneurs can conceive, oversee execute… while landing like the proverbial “ton of bricks” on the more incorrigible practitioners of lawlessness and workplace misconduct along the way…

3 months ago

Amen, Amen, Amen.
Go Elon and Vivek, get out the sump sump and clean out the swamp of all unnecessary personnel and committies.
Start with Obama and George Soros. They both need to be deported as domestic terrorists
Then the extra IRS agents that were going to rape and pillage the hard working American taxpayers.
Move on to every alphabet agency that was militarized against we citizens.
I finally feel like we are going to be OK.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

“Bureaucrats are NOT provided for in the Constitution. Therefore, their presence and influence should be MINIMIZED! Elon and Vivek could easily find multiple millions [possibly billions] of dollars of waste in the national government. Empty buildings across the country; employees working 4 or 5 hours per day but getting paid for eight; duplicative services from multiple agencies. When they find these things, will the GOP have the cojones to cut them out of the budget?

3 months ago

When I taught Risk Management at a local university, I told my students that the first task of a gov’t bureaucrats is to make more bureaucrats, so that they would gradually enhance their own position and rise in hierarchy and pay. Nothing in the past thirty years has disabused me of that position.
I wish Elon and Vivek well, but I’d always watch my back.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
3 months ago

How about adding; No government position pay shall exceed what that position would pay in the private sector.

Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens
3 months ago

I recently read a book titled ‘Overruled’ by Neil Gorsuch. It is an excellent example of the overreach of government that we never voted on! Hooray!

Vero Trump fan
Vero Trump fan
3 months ago

Drain the Swamp, I’m so sick of the corruption in both parties

3 months ago

Exactly. The democrats rule with total power and total obedience. Reps give that power to the people and for 245 plus years it worked. Under O and Biden Harris we lost that. Even many dems see it. That they need to listen to the people not the people to them. They have broken everything the past four years. The moral decay in this country is at a level never seen before. Sexual transmitted diseases are at an all time high. Mutilated children, pedophilia, drag queen shows are everywhere. 32,000 children that came across the border unaccompanied are lost. Mayorkas says they probably went home. Really? All by themselves? The other reason, it was Trump’s fault. Trump was not president. No but from when he was. Pretty soon they were putting any problem even years before he was president was his fault. Ever hear a dem say I am wrong? Not O not P nor S. Like some one said today they all should quietly go away. Finally a reasonable idea put forth. The dems since O have been ruling by name calling. And it escalated with Trump’s candidacy in 2015. They didn’t want an interloper in the White House. He did more for this country than all the presidents after Reagan combined. We finally had peace all over the world. We felt safe in our homes, neighborhoods and towns. We talked with one another. But since O all that has gone away. We are being censored, put on a watch list, pursued when we don’t want to take the COVID vaccine and branded a killer. While taking the vaccine made you a transmitter of the COVID. Who were the killers? The people know best what they need. But the dem party doesn’t believe in power to the people. They want power to those in power. They tell us don’t think, they will do that for you. This order went out all over the world. The MSM controls what we hear and see. And they were telling us. Harris would win. Only this was wishful thinking on their part. The woke are in shock let us hope they become civilized and see America as the greatest country on earth. It has problems but a perfect country doesn’t exist. But it works. With so many different races and cultures being American unites them.

3 months ago

President Elect Trump & VP Vance are assembling a Adminstration that will be Strong,Fair and for The America People.
God Bless America!
God Bless Donald J.Trump!
God Bless Vice President Vance!
God Bless Patriotic America!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Cant wait to send in ideas to DOGE
On X now & all crypto

3 months ago

Good always prevails in the end. Vengeance is mine saith the lord.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Given the depth of corruption, I think DOGE is like draining a real swamp with a SPOON! I applaud their efforts but I’m cynical; the swamp is protected by Deep State.

3 months ago

They have an immensely huge job ahead of them. When Obama swore to fundamentally change America, he installed his operatives into positions of power and secured the Carter era, Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 against tampering. It will take an act of Congress to amend it. This they need to do to make any real inroads. Lord, give them strength.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Drain, dredge, rake, pump out the best you can, there will be plenty of residue left.

3 months ago

And the chorus sings, “Hallelujah!”

3 months ago

It’s about F-ing time.

Carlos M Fernandez Jr
Carlos M Fernandez Jr
3 months ago

Total agreement.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

Trump, Musk, Ramaswami, etc., should sunset this “DOGE” department as without doing so leads one to question how establishing another bureacratic agency is somehow going to help cut back the number and scale of bureacratic agencies. Or perhaps limit this new agency to direct decision makers such as Musk and Ramaswami and forego the legion of coffee fetchers and the like that bloat ALL governmental agencies.
This DOGE idea needs to have itself explained or it will merely be another Department of Education, an agency with little purpose but a massive budget regardless.

Jene s.
Jene s.
3 months ago

I worked for two different companies in the private sector that every year would get rid of the bottom 10% of employees. It kept everybody else at a higher performance rate knowing they didn’t want to get in that 10%. Maybe the government should do something like this?

3 months ago

If you hear negative comments about Musk or Ramaswamy = get nine others to yell loud and clear “shut the **** up” we need change, prosecutions, and change. Go away dweeb, go away”.

The American people, patriots have been skimmed, cheated, over spent, laws broken and now is the time to right the ship.

3 months ago

“Government Efficiency”….such an oxymoron! Akin to “public works dept”. What we really need is a “government sunset” department. Hold up the U.S. Constitution against the U.S. govt bureaucracies and you will find 80% of them invalid. Ohhh…that could balance the fed budget I suppose.

Tracy Grabiak
Tracy Grabiak
3 months ago

Let’s make sure all the good the Trump Admin. can do won’t be erased or reversed by a future administration or a future Congress. The only way to make it last for generations is by making our state legislatures have an Article V Convention for proposing amendments that put the federal government back into it’s Constitutional box and then getting those amendments ratified. We need a grassroots army of activists in every state because only the state legislatures have the power to both propose and ratify amendments. Read and sign the Convention of States Open Letter to Trump and help to drain the swamp permanently!

Tracy Grabiak
Tracy Grabiak
3 months ago

Please read a portion of an email from Convention of States (COS) Action President Mark Meckler, copied below, and sign the COS Action Open Letter to President Trump –
“President Trump is preparing to head back to the White House. He did good work during his first term, and we have reason to hope that he will do so again…but we also witnessed the Biden administration promptly reverse much of what Trump accomplished as soon as Biden took power.
And if you thought the “resistance” to President Trump was bad in his first term, rest assured that the opposition is already making plans to undo any progress he makes the minute they get the chance.
That’s why it’s more important than ever that we work swiftly to call an Article V convention while Trump is still in the White House, so that the states can pass constitutional amendments that make these critical, swamp-draining measures permanent.
Leveraging Article V, we can also accomplish things that the president simply can’t, such as:

Imposing term limits on Congress
Limiting the Supreme Court to nine Justices to prevent future “packing” of the Court
Permanently doing away with federal government authority over healthcare, education, energy, agriculture, and a whole host of other areas in which the feds were never supposed to be involved.
If we want permanent structural change, the ONLY answer is an Article V convention.
And now is the time to make it happen. The ideas of limited government and federalism are winning, as we just saw reflected in the results of the election. That’s our signal that now is the time to ride that wave of momentum and surge forward in the remaining states so we can pass amendments that rein in the federal government and preserve liberty for generations.”

3 months ago

Sounds good, but my biggest worry is that all of the people involved do not realize that the US Federal Government cannot be run the same as a public business! Just take a few moments and ponder what I am saying here.

That’s weird
That’s weird
3 months ago

Alright Elon lets see how fast you can make your boar ancestors feel disgraced with your Indian curry sidekick lol

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Flag of Arlington County in Virginia, USA. Flag of Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA

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