Democrats, bureaucrats, and the media have (somewhat) figured out that the “Nazi” and “fascist” labels for their enemies aren’t moving the American public. The new propaganda term now on an infinite loop is “coup.” Trump is committing a coup! Elon is committing a coup! They both are staging a coup!
“The media needs to WAKE UP and stop calling the administration’s actions ‘chaos,’” wrote the American University historian Allan Lichtman on X/Twitter. “THIS IS A COUP against American democracy.”
Professor Lichtman is right about the existence of a coup. But that coup against American democracy and indeed constitutional order occurred long ago. The Trump administration is finally stopping it.
What is a coup? The Cambridge English Dictionary’s definition is: “a sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army.”
Most people understand that a coup could indeed be bloodless. But the essence of a coup is that it is an illegal seizure of government power. On this score, Americans need to understand that the notion that the Trump administration’s actions thus far constitute a “coup” makes no sense.
Donald Trump is the elected President of the United States. Article II of the U.S. Constitution declares, “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” The buck stops, as Harry Truman famously said, in the White House. It is not vested in our administrative agencies. They report to the president, not the reverse.
Yet this has been the struggle for decades now. Americans experienced a slow-motion coup starting at least with the New Deal, which was itself the revving up of the “progressive” President Wilson’s establishment of independent agencies.
As Myron Magnet explains in a review of Ronald J. Pestritto’s 2021 America Transformed: The Rise and Legacy of American Progressivism, Wilson had himself declared in 1885, long before his presidency, his understanding that the new situation of an America much larger and more technologically advanced than it was a century before required administration that could be separated from politics.
When he came to power, Wilson made clear that his “administrators” were not just enactors of power vested in the Executive, as our Constitution had it. Instead, they were the ones to lead and even “rule.” Administrators were qualified to rule—in a way that politicians were not—due to their specialized knowledge.
In short, the age of experts had begun. Magnet cites Wilson’s own words about them: “Only comprehensive information and entire mastery of principles and details can qualify for command.”
President Franklin D. Roosevelt built upon this foundation of the American administrative state based on the claim that his expert commanders were themselves the heroes protecting ordinary Americans from the rich. Yet even FDR understood, as Magnet quotes him, that the attempt to exercise power over the millionaires by “creating independent regulatory commissions, who perform administrative work in addition to judicial work, threatens to develop a ‘fourth branch’ of Government for which there is no sanction in the Constitution.” As Magnet notes, “whether his tone was rueful, bemused, or proud I’d love to know.”
If FDR was ambivalent about an unconstitutional administrative state, the architect of his New Deal administration, Securities and Exchange Commission chief and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) board member James Landis, was not. Looking back later on the work of his expert hands, Landis took for granted, as Wilson had, “the inadequacy of a simple tripartite form of government to deal with modern problems.”
To Landis, the Constitution’s tripartite structure, with its antiquated notion of a separation of government powers, was simply too slow and inefficient for the modern world. After all, there are people suffering from problems.
Rather than a government by and for the people, the newly envisioned government was now an establishment of an expert commander, ruler, and leader class that is “for” the people. The language of “democracy,” however, was then and is now still used to justify this decidedly undemocratic system.
H.L. Mencken’s old, cynical definition of democracy was “the theory that the people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” The newer “progressive” definition is less cynical but much worse. It is that the experts know what the people need, and the people deserve to get it good and hard.
The ruling in the case of Humphrey’s Executor vs. United States (1935), which established limits on the power of the American president to remove the head of the FTC, ended up judging that the administrative agency also had both a “quasi legislative” and “quasi judicial” character.
In other words, administrative agencies that were supposedly in the executive branch of our government now had that executive power vested in them—and some of the legislative and judicial power. This meant that there was effectively no way to stop administrative agencies, even by electing a new Congress or president.
That class of supposedly benign Übermenschen in administrative agencies got a boost as successive administrations (especially Lyndon Johnson’s) both accepted the New Deal administrative state and increased its size and power to levels unheard of before. The administrative state cancer had metastasized. Nor was there much resistance to it in Congress, where many who enjoy not having the buck stop with them began to rely on these administrative agencies to effectively legislate for them. Easier to legislate vaguely and let the agencies figure it out.
This long-term development was the real coup—albeit one that took decades to accomplish. And it is what is being threatened now.
The Supreme Court, which had given unto the progressives for decades, has been taking away of late. And this is making the original progressive coup harder to justify, as its illegality is being recognized and scaled back by the highest court in the land. Reuters summarized in an article (surprisingly objectively written) what happened in the last Supreme Court term to our administrative state:
“The Court ended judicial deference to agency interpretations of statutes (Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo). It invalidated a regulation restricting ownership of bump stocks, suggesting that courts shouldn’t defer to agencies on mixed questions of law and fact, either (Garland v. Cargill). It exposed decades-old regulations to challenge, changing the long-held understanding of a key statute of limitations by ruling that the time limit runs from an injury rather than from when the agency first issues its regulation (Corner Post, Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System). Finally, the Court reaffirmed that procedural requirements for agencies have teeth (Ohio v. EPA).”
The Reuters piece goes on to say there may well be more coming from the justices this term. The Article I doctrine that Congress may not delegate its lawmaking powers to other branches may become more alive than it has been since 1935.
But courts move slowly and do not have the power to enforce their decisions. This is why the Trump administration’s actions have become the focus of those who want to defend the administrative state. Trump’s executive actions are changing things immediately.
Give the Democrats credit, however. The smarter ones have generally been targeting their ire more at Elon Musk than at Donald Trump. After all, to say that the President of the United States is launching a coup by seizing the reins of the Executive Branch gives away the game a little too much.
Instead, they attack Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). “We didn’t elect Elon!” is the rallying cry. The correct retort is that we didn’t elect anybody in the DOE, the EPA, or any of the other monstrous administrative agencies in our government. The key to making them really democratic in the fullest sense of “by” and not just “for” (really “over”) the people is to make them accountable to the people through the elected president.
While many have attempted to say DOGE is a new creation and thus needs all sorts of approvals, the reality is quite different. Lawyer Tom Renz described in “DOGE—A Lawyer’s Perspective” how he investigated what exactly this agency is and whether it is legal.
Renz examined the executive order that established DOGE found that it is not a new agency but an old, repurposed one. The U.S. Digital Service (USDS) was a creation of Obamacare designed to make government software run better. DOGE is a reorganization of that agency that uses existing law to create temporary staff, thus bypassing lawsuits and other lawfare that would have held up bringing on Musk and his team.
The executive order established that this agency would be operating in the entire administrative branch. Renz writes, “Trump ordered that DOGE teams be hired in every administrative branch agency. These teams are to include a team lead, a lawyer, an HR person, and an engineer. These teams work for USDS (DOGE) but work with and within various agencies.”
It was getting the DOGE team into the government networks quickly that eliminated the possibility of administrative state actors hiding everything that has been going on under their watch.
Thus, Donald Trump has ensured through DOGE that the president now has regained access to and a certain amount of control over the Executive Branch, whose power is vested in him alone by the U.S. Constitution. The confirmation of Trump’s appointment of Russell Vought as the director of the Office of Management and Budget ensures that another fighter for presidential control of the Executive Branch is now in a position to make sure that the president has that control.
All the screaming about a coup has been accurate enough, if not for the details. It happened long ago. Government by the people became government by the bureaucrats. Now, Donald Trump is taking action to end that.
If, God willing, he succeeds, we will again know that the buck stops in the White House.
David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X (Twitter) @davidpdeavel.
Thank you David for a lesson on the history of the corruption in our government. The deep state is finally being exposed. Sunlight, is a great disinfectant.
We need to do something about the judicial coup too.
In the first half of 1984, I was in the first semester of my third and last year in law school. Almost all of the first two years are required courses, and in the third there are electives. One of those was Administrative Law. It was an elective that you were “well-advised” to take. At that time, the Chevron decision was only a few weeks old. When we got to that, the reaction of everybody in the class was something like “eeyyuww”, and the prof just said, “Yeah guys (which included the women, of course), I know, but it’s where the law is right now, and we’re stuck with it.” And that was on top of everyone’s feeling that, “You mean that all of that stuff we learned in that year-long course in Constitutional Law last year is now halfway toast?”
So after nearly 40 years of that crap, you can’t imagine the relief I felt when Chevron was finally overturned. And now, the actual Constitution is finally being dug from under the muck of a very bad idea that began under Teddy Roosevelt.
The Founders would rejoice.
The DIMMs are exactly 180 degrees out of phase. They accuse Trump and MAGA of what THEY want and do! It wasn’t Trump who went to court to force people OFF the ballot! It wasn’t Trump who closed down churches and left casinos and bordellos open. It wasn’t Trump who engaged in multiple cases of lawfare and voter fraud. It wasn’t Trump who took bribes from Red China, Ukraine, and Russia!!
Scoundrels always scream loudest. Wonder how much Allan Lichtman was getting paid by USAID.
Beautiful!…..After all, Democrats love “whistleblowers”, they love Inspectors , general and otherwise, they love regulators. Instead of waiting for slow Congressional or Judicial action, which may never come, Trimp is simply inspecting and in effect auditing the agencies he supposedly is head of- the executive branch.
Oh no! If we’re not Facists and Nazis, we’re staging a Coup! Does anyone take this sheet seriously anymore? Aside from the Progs, that is.
“Democracy” can be defined a couple of ways. 1) Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. 2) Democracy is the tyranny of the majority levied against the rights of the minority.
The same people that brought us all this wasteful spending and a bloated government are the same people trying to stop the change we voters voted for. They want to continue not being held accountable and adding to the debt we can no longer afford. Their poor leadership is how we got here we voted for change let’s make sure we get it. Get on board or get voted out. IMO
Media & Dems are the COUP NOT Trump or Musk
Thank you President Trump. It’s been a long time coming.
Those of us who read and think have known for years about the deep state, aka the swamp. Mr. Deavel is absolutely correct. Trump is a legally elected president and cannot perform a coup against himself. May he and Elon, et al, be successful in their attempt to dismantle our illegitimate government.
With today’s technology, it is possible for everyone and certainly everyone in Congress and the President to access every single line item we actually spend money on in real time. Technology should make it possible for congress to monitor and control every action of the bureaucracy. Also every organization become admin heavy over time. All governments need to go through a serious downsizing every generation – say 40 years or so – to keep us from imploding under the weight of unchecked bureaucracy.
This “coup” is absolute sedition and in some cases treason. These individuals MUST be held accountable. Why have there been no arrests and why has no one been charged??? It’s time to stop this BS and put an end to these cretins who believe they are above the law and can do whatever they want. SHUT THEM DOWN! Start charging them and see how fast the rats disburse.
Simply said, the vast majority of Americans were about to rebell, kick ass, and take back the country. Happened before in the early days of the United States, and certain throughout history, was not pretty, and angry people do angry things. The word is, the instigators and compliance dubs need to be thankful to President Trump and Mr. Musk/others as their dominance was about to end.
Why do you think we have so many federal workers? It takes that much to funnel money to other entities but the entities it was meant for. The larger the budget the less accounting is done. The DOD hasn’t had an audit in 7 years. Former Deputy secretary of DOD argued it wasn’t about the money with Jon Steward? Steward asked when I want to know where a bill was paid for I don’t need to know that? No she said just where equipment is and how much. Well isn’t that interesting. A wife buys a very expensive dress. Husband sees the bill but it doesn’t state where it was for he asks his wife and she says I didn’t buy anything. He should just go ahead and pay the bill? And that is the same with DOD?. The accounting office and the American people have a right to know what the money was spent on. We don’t care where that piece of equipment is stored. Just how it got there and what it cost. With her answers and attitude it proves that the individual depts have too much power. They think they can just tell lies or omit details and we the people accept it. Well Biden might have soaked that up but Trump and his supporters want to know. The swamp has to be cleared. Mr Deavel is right. Obama started a coup and Biden tried to finish it. Trump is bringing the power back to the presidency and the people. The gravy train for the dem politicians and bureaucrats has left the station and is not coming back.
What kind of a “coup” the Democrats should be promoting is a “Chicken Coop,” which would greatly reduce the price of eggs!
However, the Dems are poor at business management but excel at giving away OUR money and completely cover up their doings!
The Democrats “govern” akin to the mating of elephants! All their doings is conducted at a high level, a lot of screaming and bellowing takes place, and better than two years pass before anything of positive good results!
President Trump is doing different from his first term he watches his back from the Dems up there they will stab him in the back. They try to screw over all those that come before them to be confirmed because just like before they want to go after President Trump and they do not want anyone to have his back so they can try to screw him over, but this time it will not work because President Trumps picks are all great this time and all care about this country.
I’d figure by this point the American people would realize what was going on these last four years and what’s happening now. I’d figure at this point to vote democratic would be because you believe in their Marxist agenda and rally for that to take place or your just naive to the goings on in this country. I think with the outcome of the last presidential election most people know of the corruption of the democratic party and the harms they caused and still seek to cause. But there are many still ignorant to the fact of the matter. Eloy Musk is a great patriot of this country and his involvement with this country can only be an asset not a harm. Many Americans are still hypnotized to the propagandas false news media and have not risen above that but those who seek will find out the truth of the situation and the harms done to this country.
The democrats scare me, I thought they were just stupid bad losers, but now I see that they are the ones staging a coup against Pres. Trump. People like ILhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Jamaal Bowman are stirring up the stupid people who are going to riot and burn and tear up things because that is what they do. I have never seen such hateful evil people who will not give it up. I think they are afraid of what Trump and Elon Musk are going to find out about them. It needs to be nipped in the bud right now.
The coup already happened when biden was installed into office. Trump is just cleaning up joe’s mess.
The Democrats accuse Trump of a Coup.
The Radical Democrats were living a COUP Since 2020.
President Trump and Elana please continue the work to drain the swamp. The democrats who are in laundering money and the Reno republicans who are laundering money are the ones against being exposed and afraid of prosecution. They should all be prosecuted and sentences as well as judges be disbarred who are not following the law for whatever reason. You are doing a great job trying to bring the country back to normalcy please continue the fight for the America People. We need you both and the rest of the nominees selected to be anointed to their positions to continue with the American dream and America First Agena!
I am with President Trump and the fabulous people he has picked to help him clean out the rats and demons. The American people have had enough!
The coup was the last administration. They had the media on their side either hiding stories from us completely or changing the facts so it fit their agenda!! All of the mandates that came from the Biden administration and they call Trump the Nazi and a dictator but the fact is that Biden tried to dictate to all Americans what products they can buy and I know they weren’t done with that crap!! Trump seems to want to put the Constitution and Americans first and I like that idea, for a change!!!
The News Media and the Democrats are a bunch of Cry Babies, because they have been stealing the American people blind for years and now they are upset because President Trump and Elon Musk are putting a stop to it !!!! Because the USAID that is not part of the U.S. treasury and all the money they have taken has been out of taxpayer pockets..And of course Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Ilan Omar, AOC, and most of the Democratic Party and the New Media are saying he is lying only it’s the other way around !!!!
Love this!
I’ve got one thing to say. I’m happy the left has been found out and, finally, stopped.
Democrats are apparently all retarded now. They have no intellectual thinking going on. It’s all fright, fight, and hate. It’s time to move forward and fix the mess that has been created by the lunatic radicals in this country.
This fight is critical to our future. The LEFT, with legacy media in tow, continues to pull strings with district courts to slow and frustrate efforts to address corruption and waste in government agencies. If the President cannot direct these audits and corrections we have lost the country. Congress has proven itself inadequate time and again to correct course. Along with the LEFT we have rogue GOP cliques that upset each turn to majority. Progress is stymied at every turn. Dims have taken to openly provoking violence with seeming impunity. Not a pretty picture!
Did DOGE discover the actual end-use of these funds: What I’d like to know is 1) was this funding for things like “trans operas”, “climate change”, & “gender affirming care” actually used for the (ridiculous) intended purpose or 2) did it get funneled into some overseas LLC and redistributed into certain political coffers?
The title of this well-written, informative article sums up our recent circumstances perfectly. The left made their insidiousness so transparent, in the way they illegally harassed President Trump, (and others), that it may continue to backfire on them for decades. I’m so glad to see how badly they failed to break the spirit of precisely the wrong man. This results from the exact same absence of intellectual discipline that formulated “wokeness”, and all the other “phantom values” they’ve pulled from thin air. The money that they’ve misappropriated to perpetually re-elect themselves will be completely known before very long, so, in many cases, I expect the only “public offices” they’ll be occupying will be restroom stalls. Congratulations.
There cannot be a better President than Donald Trump at this point in our nation’s history. What the democrats and the far left are crying about that they had almost wrested control from the executive branch but were found out just before they had accomplished their mission. Now DOGE and Trump will fix this blatant use of power by our bloated bureaucrats and set the country on a road to recovery.
Actually, he’s reversing the damage caused by one.
The Constitution does give POTUS the power over Executive Branch, but the Legislative & Judicial Branch were formed so that Checks & Balances are in place to stop the Executive Branch from not following Constitution & to prevent POTUS from taking over as a dictator or King as USA is a Republic & we need to keep that.
Is it a two-door sport coup? With a V-8;engine and an 8;speed automatic transmission? And white walls with curb feelers?
by Daniel Greenfield • February 18, 2025 at 5:00 am
Awesome article! Thank you!
There’s a new deep state in DC as of 1/20/25 at 12pm