
Economy , Newsline

The Trump Economic Boom Is Already Here

Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2025
by Ben Solis

“MAGAnomics” is already fueling a second Trump economic boom.

President-elect Donald Trump’s first term was defined by a historic period of economic growth prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Manufacturing jobs came flooding back to the United States, the stock market climbed to record highs, wages soared, and various minority groups, including Blacks and Hispanic Americans, saw record-low unemployment.

Biden’s tenure, meanwhile, was defined by soaring inflation and an ongoing cost-of-living crisis. The 20 percent rise in hourly pay since the pandemic has been entirely erased by 30 percent increases in rent prices, 30 percent increases for a gallon of gas, and roughly 28 percent increases in the cost of electricity.

Trump’s central campaign promise in 2024 was to bring back the growth seen during his first term – not just through good policy, but through reviving the American people’s faith in themselves and their country. Even before Trump has officially taken office for the second time, he already seems to be fulfilling that promise.

Following Trump’s victory on November 5, the stock market jolted higher as investors celebrated the news. The S&P 500 rose 2.5 percent, its best day in nearly two years, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 3.6 percent and the Nasdaq Composite jumped 3 percent. These gains reflected firm confidence in Trump’s proposals to fuel new investment and economic growth.

“Most investors are optimistic as expensive equity prices indicate,” said billionaire investor Howard Marks, co-chairman of Oaktree Capital Management, an alternative investment company. “People are optimistic, unworried, and anticipate positive outcomes.”

Robinhood’s chief brokerage officer, Steve Quirk, also said trading volumes on its platform “exploded” on election night. Brokerages preferred by retail clients and institutional powerhouses, including JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup, noted similar trends.

“These are not short-lived sentiments,” retired Italian economics professor Gianbattista Aicardo told me. “The developments are impacting market asset performance in the long-term, creating a solid surge of optimism, not just a temporary wave.”

Investor confidence proved well-placed just over a month later when SoftBank Group announced plans to invest at least $100 billion in the United States over the next four years. According to The Wall Street Journal, SoftBank “estimates that its U.S.-based investments will create 100,000 jobs focused on artificial intelligence and emerging technologies.”

Other industry leaders are also increasing their investment in the United States. Enbridge Inc., a Canadian pipeline and energy company, has said it sees an opportunity to move “several hundred thousand” more barrels of oil per day within the U.S. over the next two to three years. The firm is also planning for an expansion of its U.S. operations to expand the transport of Canadian crude oil, creating thousands of jobs for Americans.

Meanwhile, Dubai-based developer DAMAC Properties has said it will invest at least $20 billion “over a very short period of time” in the U.S., primarily in data centers in the middle of the country – the region most affected by offshoring and job losses from globalist policies.

This sudden surge in investment is not the result of chance, professor Aicardo told me. “Unlike his predecessor, President Trump offers what businesses desire: tax cuts and deregulation.” The “pro-business mindset” that characterizes Trump’s industrial policies, Aicardo said, is “even more crucial for durable growth and market optimism.”

Other economists and fund managers interviewed for this column are confident that the industrial growth due to Trump’s plan will boost the value of American companies, from mining to steel plants and heavy machinery. Technical education and healthcare companies also stand to make gains. Overall, economic growth will help stabilize the housing market and reinforce consumer optimism.

Trump’s commitment to cryptocurrency has led to soaring confidence in that burgeoning market as well, with the price of Bitcoin surpassing $100,000 for the first time on December 5. Kris Marszalek, CEO of crypto exchange, has said that he looks forward to working with Trump to make the United States “a global leader in digital assets and innovation.”

But the resurgent optimism following Trump’s victory isn’t just due to conventional pro-growth economic policies. Trump has also displayed outside-the-box thinking like his proposal to build “Freedom Cities,” aiming to revolutionize American infrastructure and urban development. The plan involves constructing up to ten new cities on undeveloped federal land, utilizing advanced technologies to enhance living standards and stimulate economic growth.

“Freedom Cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of people a new shot at homeownership and, in fact, the American Dream,” Trump has said.

President Trump’s industrial policies, which promote American manufacturing, create jobs, foster vocational education, and encourage innovation, will be the cornerstone of lasting American prosperity.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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25 days ago

The author is at least a couple of months too late with this sort of article. The markets started taking off in August when it became crystal clear that Trump would steamroll over Harris (assuming an honest election) and sane economic policies would return. Just look at the trend line of the S&P for the last year to see where the stock market began rising quickly on the expectation that Trump would once again be in the White House.

25 days ago

The Democrats have quit pretending that they want America to fail! They are out and out saying it. I am totally amazed why would a party want to destroy the country that they supposedly represent

25 days ago

Thank you God for bringing us President Trump to hopefully turn things around for our beloved country. I’m still amazed that some people are still ‘downers’ about his leadership and style. Hopefully they will see just why we need someone of his caliber to lead our nation into excellence.

25 days ago

Trump the innovator. Seeing a bigger picture beyond the here and now but into the future. That’s why business is optimistic to go for the gold. After years of stagnation and spending our tax dollars abroad America is coming alive again. People see a great future and have hope again. They know with knowledge and hard work everything is within their reach.

25 days ago

I want to move out of Michighanistan, and into a freedom city!

25 days ago


Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
24 days ago

We pray for Pres. Trump’s safety from our enemies. May the Lord always protect him and his family.

Deborah Clark Thompson
Deborah Clark Thompson
25 days ago

It’s amazing how frequent the White House is posting on FB of how much they have accomplished. They will never give President Trump any credit! I’m sure it’s hard to leave the White House knowing you will be considered the worst president in history.

24 days ago

Okay this is probably the thing about Trump that I like the most: he is a businessman not a politician. We the people have heard enough hot air about all of the libertard crazes throughout the years. It is time for some common sense practical solutions to turn our nation around. The only other thing (and in my opinion the main thing) Trump needs to focus on is to return this nation to the Judeo-Christian policies it was founded on. If Trump starts there the rest will fall into place because GOD will bless us again.

William Scott
William Scott
25 days ago

This is very encouraging, just what I believed would happen is now taking shape. Numbers don’t lie!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
25 days ago

Early stages for sure

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
25 days ago

When my bank account balance stops treading water, then I’ll celebrate!

25 days ago

That’s great news for the paper pushers. Now go out and report on the 8 dollar for a dozen eggs the 6 dollars for 2 pound bag of oranges .

Carrie Mataraza
Carrie Mataraza
24 days ago

Exciting to learn about. I just wish I were a lot younger and could see the reality! Haven’t felt that in awhile!

24 days ago

Thank you Lord for bringing common sense and sanity back to America.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
24 days ago

I’m all for inside and outside investors to spend money in our Country; however, I’m not so sure I want to see data centers in the middle of our Country, paving over our farmlands. I’d like to see farmers prosper and make a great living doing what they love, farming. We need the middle of our Country. It’s our breadbasket. These farms are the major food producers for us. If we bring in the data centers and other technology, we MUST save our farmlands, across the USA, and keep them from being paved over.

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