
Economy , Newsline

Madness of Democrat Spending on Full Display This Tax Day

Posted on Saturday, April 13, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan


Tea Party Tax Rally. Protesters at a rally against government spending

In a nation bitterly divided along political, social, and cultural lines, perhaps nothing is more unifying in the U.S. in 2024 than Americans’ universal loathing of Tax Day. For decades, the April 15th deadline has left Americans of every political, financial, and socioeconomic stripe in a state of dread as they become bogged down in an endless sea of paperwork and fork over their hard-earned dollars to the federal government—often with few insights into where and how their money is being spent.

Under Joe Biden, the American people have all the more reason to be outraged. For the past three years, Biden and congressional Democrats have raided the pocketbooks of hard-working families to finance some of the left’s most radical—and most expensive—political pipe dreams.

Among the most egregious schemes our tax dollars are now being spent on are programs to provide housing, welfare, and even pre-paid debit cards for illegal aliens.

According to a recent congressional testimony by Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the lifetime fiscal drain—or taxes paid minus costs—for every illegal alien in the U.S. is approximately $68,000. Given that at least 7,000,000 illegal aliens have entered our country under the Biden administration, the bill for American taxpayers has gone up by a staggering half a trillion dollars.

Government data estimates that 59 percent of households headed by illegal aliens use at least one major welfare program, a far cry from only 39 percent of households who use welfare headed by American-born citizens. To top it all off, as Camarota notes in his testimony, illegal aliens receive “$42 billion in benefits, or about 4 percent of the total cost of the cash, Medicaid, food and housing programs examined in our [CIS] study.”

And of course, in addition to funding welfare for illegals, American taxpayers are also suffering the complete breakdown of law and order and flood of crime and drugs as a result of Biden’s border crisis.

Americans’ tax dollars are also now being diverted toward the left’s ultra-expensive environmental agenda, including Biden’s effort to force drivers into electric vehicles.

The Biden administration, for instance, has already provided more than $200 billion in electric vehicle subsidies, in addition to the hundreds of billions more “green” spending contained in Biden’s so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.”

Although Democrats regularly tout the supposed benefits of Biden’s $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles, as AMAC’s Rebecca Weber has noted, it ultimately serves as “a massive benefit for wealthy individuals who can afford to pay upwards of $50,000 for a new car.” Meanwhile, “it provides no relief to lower-income Americans who are pinching pennies to repair or replace old cars.”

In essence, Biden’s electric vehicle subsidies are nothing more than veiled handouts to his rich cronies, well-off friends, and wealthy political donors—a giant federal redistribution scheme that forces rank-and-file Americans to pick up the tab for wealthy elites to buy expensive electric vehicles (many of which are built with parts sourced in China) which the overwhelming majority of Americans cannot afford.

Of course, these are just two examples from the long list of federal programs and spending packages greenlighted by Biden and Democrats in Congress.

This spring, American tax dollars will also be used to pay for far-left green slush funds, DEI programs in the federal government, taxpayer-funded abortion costs, and even more handouts to Ukraine with no accountability for how the money is spent—among countless other ways that a majority of the American people undoubtedly do not support.

As CNBC reported last month, under Biden’s leadership, the U.S. debt is rising by a mind-boggling $1 trillion approximately every 100 days—a testament to the irresponsibility of Biden’s fiscal policy. From fiscal year 2021 to the present, the federal government has spent upwards of $23.48 trillion—far more than it spent even during the pandemic era in 2020 and early 2021.

Naturally, these reckless spending patterns have turbocharged inflation, imposing a hidden tax of anywhere from 20 to 30 percent on every American taxpayer—amounting to virtually the same tax rate most Americans will fill out on their annual tax forms. Though Biden and his allies have refused to acknowledge it, each and every American is paying this hidden tax every time they go out to buy groceries, restock their refrigerators, or pay their rent.

As Americans finalize their taxes on April 15, they would do well to remember what—and who—is triggering their exorbitant bills. But above all, they should be angry that in every tax bill they pay, they are actively subsidizing Joe Biden’s open border agenda, Green New Deal radicalism, and sky-high spending spree that is corrupting American culture, weakening the American way of life, and sending the American economy into a destructive tailspin.

For as many issues as Americans will inevitably disagree on this election season, most can certainly agree that Tax Day is far from a high point in their year—and this Tax Day in particular will be among the most maddening of them all.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
10 months ago

Let’s start with ALL the Billions of our Tax Dollars given to Iran supporting Terrorist by Obama and Dictator Beijing biden.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
10 months ago

I was under the impression that Congress existed to determine how and where money is spent. Why is that power given to the President? Biden cannot do this, so where is the congressional hue and cry?
We do not owe paying off school loans, overspending, “giving” money away to those who are enemies, etc., time for millions of lawsuits.

MJ Cunningham
MJ Cunningham
10 months ago

With regard to that $7500 tax credit to help you offset the high cost of a new EV, that credit is applicable and payable only IF you have a tax liability to offset. If you are like many seniors today that have only Social Security and a small modest pension, you will not benefit 1 dime from the EV tax credit because you pay no Federal income tax.
Before you make that EV decision, make sure you consult your tax advisor regarding the EV tax credit

10 months ago

Democrats Open Border Illegal Immigration is Changing the Very Foundation of American Society and it’s Intentional ! Within a Decade You will not Recognize the United States.
American Kids Under 10 Today Will Live a Very Different Country.
A United States Broken By Massive Debt They Didn’t Spend, and Spending They Didn’t Benefit From. These kids will more than likely See The United States Lose the Dollars Global Preferred Currency Status, another Massive Blow to the Country’s Economy. This They also Didn’t Create!
Another Words these Kids will Not Live in the Great Country the Greatest Generation and its Leadership Handed Over to Their Kids and Grandkids Kids who Lived The American Dream!Instead the 10 Year Old Kids today will Grow Up in a Broken America Handed to Them by the Me Generation and its Leadership! They’ll Have to Figure How to Live with and Pay Off a Massive $35 Trillion Debt They Didn’t create Or Enjoy! A Total Embarrassment to Current Leadership, and a Far Cry from the Inheritance the Greatest Generation Hand Over to Them!
It is Sad the American Kids today Will not Enjoy the Standard of Living the Generations Have Since the 1950’s!

George Cracraft
George Cracraft
10 months ago

Taxation without representation. I can’t run my house on a deficit how can the government?

Joe American
Joe American
10 months ago


10 months ago


10 months ago

This Sham of a President will be eventually prosecuted and FOUND GUILTY of TREASON for his CRIMES of doing his best to DESTROY AMERICAN CAPITALISM! He DOESN’T even have any SHAME in doing so!

10 months ago

Time for all employers to quit pulling taxes out of employees pay! This administration cannot be trusted with another penny!

G Morgan
G Morgan
10 months ago

And Taxpayers CANT do a Damn thing about it !

10 months ago

The dems, the ultra left, ole Joe, O, the Deep State all busy buying votes. And we the taxpaying public are privileged to pay for it. The destruction of America from within. Osama bin Laden said so years ago and we are here, the year 2024. All the dems know is to throw money to govern and no oversight or plan. If it doesn’t work use more money. From the war in the Ukraine, the border, the Green New Deal, to student loan forgiveness the American citizens are the pawns paying for all of it. And they themselves are suffering with high inflationary prices, low wages or no jobs at all, for they go to the illegal aliens arriving daily by the thousands. 2024 the year that will go down in history as the destruction of America.

10 months ago

The communist/democrats are very good at lying, cheating, taxing. It doesn’t stop with the federal government. I live in a democrat controlled state and they tax you on every little item they can find down to the penny. When you pay the tax for license plates for vehicles, the list of “fees” is almost a whole page long. I’m sure they stay awake figuring out how to charge another “fee” on our over taxed lives. Our governments are sorry and need to be re-vamped.

10 months ago

Its over for this country!
Anybody that would even think of voting for this a-hole thats in office should be put down. The most destruction will happen before the election. The Democrats want it let them have it, because there is no value left. They will pay for their it. It’s out of control and no plan to save it.

Michal Erdesky
Michal Erdesky
10 months ago

You are absolutely spot on as to how the Democrats are destroying

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
10 months ago

Is the author of this article serious? “Madness of Democrat spending on full display this tax day.” It’s NOT “Madness…”, there are at least two logical reasons that Democrats spend money like it’s water. 1) Anyone who receives some form of government assistance understands that it is in their best interest to support the Democrats on election day. 2) the ever increasing socialist spending will eventually crush our economy to the point that most of the unhappy voters will approve of, and vote for any Democrat candidate who is on the ballot. This will bring about an immutable Democrat power, a power that can be used to ensure Democrat rule for at least the next 235-years, (The American Constitution was ratified in 1789).
The only reason that there is now a split in the political thinking of the American population is that many pay taxes, while many more are nothing more than “taxsuckers”. Socialism is the bane of all who want to enjoy their inherent rights, ten of which are inscribed in the Bill of Rights.
By the way, I suggest that Joe Biden is just a lightening rod for the agenda of obama. obama’s puppet masters, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice manipulate Joe puppet strings according to obama’s instructions. The only thing that Biden thinks about is the next ice cream cone from the Good Humor” truck. Perhaps we should all drop Joe Biden’s name, and start using obama’s name for all things political in this country.

Paul W
Paul W
10 months ago

While I agree with the author, I thought that the house controls the purse strings and the so-called republicans control the house. It’s almost like it doesn’t matter who controls the purse because OUR money is ALWAYS misappropriated. Guess it’s an optical illusion?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

“Madness” is what I’m going sick into because this year I can’t afford gas for my RV on Memorial Day thanks to $5.00/gallon and up!

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

The article did not mention the cost of crime

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
10 months ago

It’s too bad national elections are held in November. Think of the possibilities if election day the first Tuesday after April 15th.

10 months ago

Could there b anything worse right now than the authoritarian, arrogant and very wasteful domination of the Democrat Party and its obsessive rules, taxes and regulations? …a sign of a very weak and incompetent leadership.

10 months ago

I have been saying this for at least 35 years, but no one’s listening so far. We all need to receive our gross pay every time we get paid. Then every payday we need to write a check to each government agency for the amount of money we’re paying taxes for. How quickly do you think people would realize that paying for a study on why ants go north in the rain instead of South isn’t worth their hard-earned money. People need to pay it outbound so they realize how much the federal government is wasting their money.

10 months ago

If you spent 1 million a day it would take $2,740 years to spend 1 trillion dollars. A trillion dollars is a million million or a thousand billion. The fact those scumbags in Washington spend it like it’s water going down the drain is literally mind boggling. Now they’re increasing our budget deficit 1 trillion dollars every hundred days or almoat 4 trillion per year.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
10 months ago

How about if the bill is sent to countries of origin?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
10 months ago

God forbid the DFems. dont get bafk in there. If so look for revolution. Lock up the traitors and throw the key away. Riots in the streets ,no food , tell the Biden bunch to eat these green electric cars. As for Trump ,if he is in ,take a billion or two , for fuel and dump these people back where they come from. And arm them. Then they could make a difference in there own country. Kyle L.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
10 months ago

You know what about the democrats,it’s tax and spend and spend and tax some more.I am eighty five years old and would like to meet joey,head to head,medically,physicaly and mentally.Iwould like to see why he hates AMERICA and loves our enemies.

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