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Homelessness, U.S. Divisiveness Reach New Record Highs Under Biden/Harris

Posted on Friday, September 27, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Americans now possess two new metrics by which the Biden/Harris administration quantifiably ranks as the worst in American history.  

As November’s election date approaches, the administration and the Harris campaign desperately seek to convince Americans that they’re somehow better off now than they were four years ago.  

The grim truth is that on a constantly accumulating number of measures, they’ve made matters worse than ever.  

It’s understandable, of course, that the campaign and its cheerleading media defiantly attempt to convince the American electorate otherwise, and ask people to disregard their own lying eyes and believe Biden/Harris surrogates instead.  After all, the pivotal question in any election remains Ronald Reagan’s famous challenge, ‘Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”  

With rare exceptions today, the unequivocal answer is “no.”  

To cite several salient examples, on the Biden/Harris watch illegal border incursions reached record levels, the cost of home ownership reached a record high, credit card debt ascended to record highs, as did gas prices, while inflation and declining median incomes punished average American families.  

This week added two new objective measures solidifying that ignominious reality.  

First, an in-depth Wall Street Journal analysis showed that homelessness in America has reached a new record high:  

The number of homeless people in the U.S. continues to grow, putting the country on pace to hit yet another record this year.  Counts from encampments, streets and shelters are largely higher than they were in 2023, according to preliminary data collected and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.  …  The Journal’s count includes about 550,000 homeless people so far, up 10% from what these places reported last year.  The trend thus far means the U.S. is likely to top the roughly 653,000 homeless people estimated in 2023 – the highest number since the government started reporting comparable data in 2007.  

Notably, the analysis pinpoints two of the Biden/Harris failures cited above as causal factors in the new record high homelessness levels:  illegal immigration and housing costs.  

“The latest homelessness counts,” it notes, “were largely done in January, just after the U.S. set a record for illegal border crossings.”  It subsequently adds, “Soaring housing prices and high rents have pushed families out of homes, especially since pandemic-era aid wound down, according to advocates for the homeless.”  

In other words, the Biden/Harris bears responsibility, and the crisis only continues to worsen under their policy mismanagement.  

Separately, the latest periodic Gallup survey on the problem of divisiveness in America reveals that it has also reached a new record high, despite the Biden/Harris promise to restore unity among Americans:  

A record-high 80% of U.S. adults believe Americans are greatly divided on the most important values, while 18% believe the country is united. The percentage seeing the nation as divided has ticked up from 77% the last time Gallup asked the question in 2016.  It is more than 10 percentage points higher than in prior 2004 and 2012 measures.  …  Americans have long thought the nation was divided on the most important values, but never to the degree they do now.  And that view is shared about equally among all major subgroups of Americans.  

That constitutes perhaps the worst Biden/Harris performance failure of all, considering that Biden chose to make the goal of “unity” the central theme of his inaugural address:  

[T]o restore the soul and secure the future of America requires so much more than words, and requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy:  unity.  Unity.  …  My whole soul is in it.  Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this, bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation.  

Mission not only not accomplished, but worsened under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  

The only unity that they have achieved, according to Gallup, is in the nearly universal belief that American divisions are now worse than ever in their lifetimes.  

Accordingly, Kamala Harris must now convince a skeptical American electorate that her presidency wouldn’t simply bring four more years of the same, or perhaps even worse.  

Timothy H. Lee is Senior Vice President of legal and public affairs at the Center for Individual Freedom.

Reprinted with Permission from – By Timothy H. Lee

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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5 months ago

It is just astonishing that Americans are “allowing” (because by not stopping Biden/Harris they ARE allowing this) American citizens, including thousands of veterans, to become homeless while the taxpayers fund hotels, debit cards, free cell phones, fees and other costs for staying to illegals from other countries, 95% of whom will never qualify for asylum!! Taxpayers are also FUNDING the NGO’s that are handing out cross the border free info in Mexico and other countries and breaking federal law by facilitating these crossings.
Yes, we are very badly divided. People like myself who can usually agree to disagree just cannot fathom that friends and neighbors in my rural OR area who are liberal, will vote for Harris. After being lied to for over 4 years (through Joe’s basement campaign and into his on vacation most of the time Presidency), and experiencing first hand the ruined economy. Some of these people have young children. How can they vote to make their children’s lives worse? How can I stay friends with people I now know don’t care about our country becoming socialist? I’m really struggling with this. I really do not understand.

5 months ago

You have a mental disorder, if you could vote for Harris – Walz, it is that simple

5 months ago

Harris will never achieve national unity, because…
1) She doesn’t want it. She wants a bigger platform from which to talk down to conservatives.
2) She’s a serial liar, and she needs more uninformed people to vote for her.
Nothing can say you’re stupid like a Harris/Walz yard sign.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
5 months ago

The homeless should gather on the sidewalk in front of the Whitehouse. Kyle L.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
5 months ago

I reside in a gated community and you would not believe the number of Harris/Tampon signs in yards. Just depresses me that these folks with grandkids don’t understand what is about to happen to America the Beautiful!

5 months ago

The dividing really took a leap under the Obama administration when Democrats began hating Donald Trump and publicizing it strongly through their propaganda arm, the mainstream media. I still haven’t figured out why they unleashed such a strong hatred of Trump over other Republicans. What did he do?

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

Didn’t you know–Slow Joe was going to “unify” the country. Never mind that he called 80 million people Nazis! Or that he is trying to separate children from their parents by pushing “trans” and “gay” ideology on school kids and refusing to inform parents!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Hey Joe “Bidenomics” is NOT working… And Kamala, we need leadership in that office to solve the problems you ppl created. Go stick your “holistic approach”!

5 months ago

This is exactly as planned. The whole game plan of the Democrats is to create chaos and anarchy and bankruptcy to America so that the Government can then step in to take control of everything. Americans are voluntarily and willingly handing over their control and power to the government. It completely dumbfounds me but they have methodically dumbed down and indoctrinated our youth since the Kennedy years. Evil is winning.

5 months ago

Expecting the government to do anything worthwhile and constructive is akin to the mating of elephants!
A lot of hollowing and bellowing takes place. Activity is conducted at a high level, and it takes two years before any results are seen!

Maybe it is time to elect real elephants to Congress?

5 months ago

The once United States of America must be dismantled. The “new world order”, lovingly spoken of in Bush Sr’s presidential speech, must be implemented so the leftist ruler wannabes can “ascend to their respective thrones.” A Constitutional Republic is an anathema to them…a free and unchained people can’t be ” managed comfortably” if they’re free, armed, understand the Bill of Rights and have the audacity of believing and knowing an Almighty God. But maybe that’s the bottom line….Patrick Henry: “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Our Founders, by and large, were God fearing men and women. They accomplished with their small armies and determination, the building of a nation. They put together a Constitution and Bill of Rights the likes of which had never, ever been seen in the history of the world. How many have ever read part of the Constitution? The Bill of Rights? Our true history as told by Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington? But now it’s forbidden in what now passes for “schools”. Perhaps we as a nation have dug our own graves.
Any takers?

5 months ago

This is only going to grow and grow.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

This homelessness is a result of problems and issues and policies that were not addressed for decades. Now when it reached these proportions there is no hiding from it or denying it.

5 months ago

This divisive topic, well duh. The gap between lib and conservative is a chasm where there is no hope of common ground. Homelessness, DUH x2. The increase in the homeless is painfully obvious to anyone who has their eyes open. Her comments about unity are vote bait, as are everything else the _itch says and these are carefully scripted moments with hosts that will not challenge her. Vote left if you want a hopelessly lost country, vote right if you want to at least see the spiral down the toilet stop and maybe, just maybe with a little time, regain some of our pride.

5 months ago

His whole soul is in it? What soul? He sold it decades ago in order to accumulate wealth in office. Hes a verbal prostitute, willing to spew words given to him by shadows slithering in the dark.

5 months ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Theyre ADDICTS not homeless anyone whose sane would have housing by now if any

5 months ago

…and it’s a growing problem in Walz’s Minnesota.

5 months ago

The division in USA has gotten worse since Obama years. And that is one of the reasons our National Debt has grown +$1 Trillion per year for 14 straight years. We have become a nation of attacking each other for our views instead of shaking hands and doing what is best for all Americans whether they are Blue or Red.

5 months ago

I believe we are approaching a critical tipping point in American politics. The Democrats believe that government is the answer to every problem. Thus, government has become their religion.
Conservatives believe that every person can solve his or her own problems and can help others out when they are in distress. This is why Harris denies the border crisis. This is why she turns her palms toward the audience when someone suggests a different approach. She cannot fathom that that there could ever be a solution that is not based on a governmental response. This is why she show no compassion or respect to the Gold Star families. This is why she refuses to attend events that honor active military and veterans.
She only cares about governmental intervention over people’s lives, not about people.
I think people are fed up with the Democrats and are ready to return to conservative policies that actually benefit people, not the government.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

The numbers will be Higher since the Federal government and the Georgia Governor going out of their way to not help Republican Counties from Hurricane Helene. Then add that Dictator Beijing biden is hiding as usual (on vacation as always) to keep the Dock workers from going on Strike to stop Supply Chain to Americans.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
5 months ago

“Unity” is an empty word. Anybody who uses it must explain what is meant and how it is measured. Biden chose to align with the radical left, and Kamala is no different (possibly worse). The left shuts down the opposition and divides people relentlessly to achieve their goals.
The kind of unity we need is in our commitment to preserve the liberties we have inherited; in our love of country; in our openness to debate and discussion; in our dedication to law and order; and in our insistence on maintaining secure and reliable elections.
i don’t see the Democrats fighting for these things.

5 months ago

If you vote for Harris/Walz you’re ignoring the facts that the Democrats policies are horrible and the fact that Harris has been a total incompetent as VP as well as as a fake and a fraud.

Unappreciated worker
Unappreciated worker
5 months ago

It’s the simple things in life you know. Like when I hear somone say “no one wa to to work anymore” on a minimum wage job and decide I’m going to take another break

5 months ago

A vote for Kamala Harris proves one to be complicit I. The total destruction of America. It’s S simple as that.

5 months ago

They claim they’re so patriotic, who the hell lets terrorists, murderers and criminals into our country and up to 20 million people under the Biden administration and favors as soon as they arrive here illegally they want them to vote in the 2024 election also. You don’t need more than 2 brain cells to realize they want to destroy this country. I don’t understand how almost half the country is so brainwashed by the corrupt democrats communist news media to believe that propaganda. The democrats [Marxists] M.O. are relentless lies, People need to wake up from this woke society.

5 months ago

And to think that people will STILL vote for “this” is mind boggling!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

I would do what you do but few ppl want to pay to see an old man naked on-line.

5 months ago

all by design from Traitor Joe and Kommie Kameleon

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
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Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
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