
Economy , Newsline

Democrats Have Touched the Third Rail

Posted on Wednesday, October 30, 2024
by Rebecca Weber

Vice President Kamala Harris recently claimed that Trump’s policies would be “catastrophic” for Social Security and Medicare – an accusation eagerly parroted by the liberal media. But the reality is that the biggest threat to seniors’ benefits this election is from the millions of illegal aliens that Ms. Harris hopes to make American citizens.

According to a new study from Americans for Tax Reform, Harris’s Medicare-for-All scheme could cost Medicare $2 trillion in spending for illegal aliens. Another analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies finds that each illegal alien granted amnesty would place an added net cost of nearly $130,000 on Social Security and Medicare. Multiplied by 10-20 million likely amnesty recipients under the Harris plan, that cost balloons to a staggering $1.3-2.6 trillion.

In my home state of New York alone, about 3.8 million people are enrolled in Medicare, while 4.3 million receive some form of Social Security. Democrats’ plans for mass amnesty would threaten to take away benefits from every one of them.

During her convention speech in August, Vice President Harris explicitly promised a “pathway to citizenship” for migrants. The Democrat Party platform also outlines a plan to grant amnesty and a path to citizenship to virtually every migrant illegally residing in the United States.

Apologists for the open borders policies of the current administration argue that illegal aliens are net contributors to Social Security and Medicare. They point out that illegal aliens are paying into those programs through taxes but in most cases are not eligible to receive disbursements.

This argument not only ignores the enormous level of fraud that is taking place, it also elides the fact that mass amnesty would turn illegal aliens into crushing drains on the system.

Social Security and Medicare have progressive benefit structures. This means that low-wage workers – which the vast majority of illegal aliens are – receive more than they pay in.

Additionally, most migrants work only a fraction of their careers in the United States but live out the entirety of their retirements here. As a result, the Federation for American Immigration reform estimates that illegal aliens could expect to receive up to 140 percent of what they pay into the system.

It’s not just Social Security and Medicare that are under threat, either. Under the Harris amnesty plan, illegal aliens would also begin consuming vast amounts of other federal benefits, including food stamps, housing assistance, Medicaid, and welfare, further threatening the fiscal solvency of those programs. Seniors and other vulnerable groups whom Democrats purport to represent would be most harmed by this.

Outside of these catastrophic financial ramifications, mass amnesty would also make it more difficult for beneficiaries to obtain the health care they need. One third of Medicare enrollees already report having to wait more than a month to see a doctor. Adding millions of illegal aliens who would be competing with American citizens for appointments would make this problem exponentially worse.

These threats are not just hypothetical; mass amnesty has now become the official policy of Ms. Harris’s campaign. The Democrat Party’s 2024 platform includes explicit support for the U.S. Citizenship Act. That bill would place millions of illegal aliens under the new status of “lawful prospective immigrants.” This standing affords them a defined pathway to citizenship and ultimately access to Social Security and Medicare.

Even if plans to pass this devastating amnesty plan through Congress fail, Ms. Harris would be almost certain to follow in the footsteps of Presidents Obama and Biden by attempting to ram through amnesty by executive action. Mr. Biden has notably engaged in egregious abuse of the president’s parole authority, simply closed more than 350,000 asylum cases, and recently extended Obamacare coverage to millions of illegal aliens. How long before Social Security and Medicare benefits follow?

Whatever path she chooses to accomplish it, after the past four years there can be no doubt about Ms. Harris’s goal – to ensure that every illegal alien let in becomes a U.S. citizen. Ms. Harris and her Democrat allies have repeatedly accused Mr. Trump of being a threat to Social Security and Medicare. But their mass amnesty schemes make clear that these attacks are mere projection.

That is why, as the head of an organization that advocates for seniors, I have urged Congress to consider legislation declaring that if you have ever entered the United States illegally, you will never be eligible for Social Security or Medicare. I have also invited the president of AARP to join me.

Regardless of the outcome of the presidential contest this November, illegal aliens should not be allowed to destroy the benefit programs seniors rely on. At the very least, every American citizen deserves to know where their elected representatives stand on this critical issue.

For decades, threatening Social Security and Medicare has been the unspoken third rail in American politics. But now Democrats are standing right on it.

Rebecca Weber is the CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and a lifelong resident of Long Island.

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4 months ago

Stop all benefits to criminals (i.e. illegal immigrants). In my opinion this would stop the flow.

4 months ago

How is it that they’re always telling us how the money for Social Security is going to run out but we Never hear a Word about how the money is going to run out for food stamps, subsidized housing, free health care and on and on. And what Really gets me is when they prioritize these parasites over our Veterans. So wrong. On so many levels.

4 months ago

Trump has a scheme??? Yeah, and his supporters are garbage, right. Illegal aliens are criminals. They don’t deserve Medicare Medicaid, Social Security, voting rights or anything that American citizens are entitled to. What they do deserve is to be deported back to their countries of origin. VOTE TRUMP INTO THE WHITE HOUSE if you don’t want comrade Kamala to grant these criminals citizenship.

Michael J
Michael J
4 months ago

Only those who are forced to pay into this ponzi scheme should be allowed to get some of it back.

fred smith
fred smith
4 months ago

It makes me sick to even know that we actually have criminals running the government right now! They would gladly steal anything you as an American worked for just to piss it away on illegals who have never worked for a penny of it! Democrats are way out of control. The power they have right now must be taken away from them or our country will no longer exist. They believe they can keep stealing from Americans and giving it all away to illegals simply to buy their illegal votes so that democrats remain in power forever! Americans should never vote for any democrat ever again if they love their country!

4 months ago

The Pilgrims’ believed that if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Veterans and seniors worked all their lives and made substantial contributions. Illegals do not. This must end in January when we reelect Donald Trump to the While House. Vote!!!

4 months ago

If you NEVER paid into SS you don’t deserve getting ANY benefits period!!!

4 months ago

I watched a podcast yesterday featuring Larry Kudnick, the head of Trump’s transition team. These guys are visionaries. He laid out a plan to make Social Security solvent again, reduce the deficit, and make the economy roar. Good things on the horizon once Trump puts the adults back in charge!

4 months ago

These people are illegals, many of whom, per border guards, residents and law enforcement are here to do us serious damage, period. To give them our money put in place by legitimate American working citizens not only borders on treason it IS treason and a rip to our Constitutional protections, Bill of Rights…which the demorats are bleeding from the eyes to destroy and the very freedoms and privileges that are for legal Americans only. There was an immigration system to become a legitimate citizen in place for over 100 years. Those who sought to become citizens took classes in our history, language, structure and everything America was built on. They assimilated into American ways.
How many of these unknowns are here to do Americans real damage, let alone personal threats? Why hasn’t there been a lash back against the dem/communist party? Once upon a time in a land far away a sitting president presided over the mass murder of American citizens, cheered on by the leftist “media”. He was impeached for ‘messing with an intern in the oval office”!! Not mass murder! Unfortunately he’s showing his face in public with the likes of Barack Hussein Obama another traitor to this nation who in a presidential speech claimed: “I’m going to fundamentally change America.” Just what, for crying out loud, did those people cheering for him think he meant?? Re: Clinton’s actions. The Demorat party published an internal memo that they were: going to “confiscate our guns”, but in light of the massive organizing of the militia all over the nation after the slaughter at Waco, decided to wait for a “more opportune time”. Sadly it seems, so many have forgotten, maybe don’t care that a sitting president got away with eliminating American citizens, including children.

Treason is not strong enough to describe what Harris/Walz and the communist democrat party is pushing! Anyone who’s actually listened to Harris must have a clue how dangerous she would be to this country. We may well be on the threshold of the last free Constitutional Republic ever to exist in history.
Sorry to be a downer but we’re in danger, even more than when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor…no it hasn’t hit full on yet, but remember our nearest neighbor Cuba was once a free and prosperous little nation. Folks went back and forth from there to America freely. Then Castro came in. “Benign” at first. Cuba has been under a dictatorship for decades since. Don’t take anything for granted. Whether you personally like Trump or not, remember that every promise he made in his first term he delivered on; and that was while Pelosi and Hillary were filing phony lawsuit after phony lawsuit in court for his entire term!

4 months ago

Hey Rebecca nice to see that you asked the president of AARP to get on board with you. Be nice if you will give a future update if she did and you two are working together to solve this problem.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Illegals blow away our SS & Medicare & Dems do ZERO

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

My mom had to stop going for skin cancer treatment because her Medicare benefits topped out. I hope somewhere the illegal that has theirs gets that hang nail taken care of…

Robert T.
Robert T.
4 months ago

It is unfortunate that writintgs such as this will wind up as “preaching to the choir” and have no chance of being reflected in major media.

4 months ago

After reading the comments, it seems we are all mostly in agreement. So let us continue to do what we can to enable our system of government to thrive and rise. If we do get an “efficiency expert” I hope we can return to the constitution and become a country of laws once more.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

The fact is the democrats hate born here AMERICANS especially in flyover country because conservatives are a threat to their corrupt agenda.If kammy and the clown get elected it will be the end of AMERICA that we seniors remember.It may have already gone too far down the dirty road to marxism.We do not live in a free country anymore.It really doesn’t make a difference who wins the election,there will be major problems.

4 months ago

This should not surprise anyone. The Democrat Party has always looked at the funds for SS, Medicare and Medicaid to be used at THEIR discretion. They do not like the American people who have contributed or are eligible for the other two funds. They are such hypocrites.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
4 months ago

Another issue not mentioned by the author. Here in Florida, Senator Rick Scott’s Democrat opponent has been running ads on television for weeks claiming that Scott authored a bill to eliminate Social Security. And the media allow this outright lie to run every day, unchallenged. And there are more lies I won’t go into here.

4 months ago

Oh, and by the way, If Harris’s mouth is moving, she’s lying!

4 months ago

The Harris administration policies are concentrated on making the invaders citizens and transfer all the social programs onto them and the citizens will suffer. She tells lies that Trump wants to eliminate ACA. Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump has a better plan in mind. Only Harris does not have that vision. Harris is continuing the policies of the past 4 years. More inflation to bankrupt the citizens and bankrupt America at the same time. Have we heard any policies she is proposing. She has none. Just continue what they started in 2021. What was that again? Oh yes nothing. That is why she tells us to look forward and not back. And just like the past the future will be just as empty and the past failed programs will continue. More taxes more inflation more invaders. For what they accuse Trump of holds no truth. Why didn’t he do all those bad things the last time he was our president. Harris will continue the disasters of the past 4 years. All our money will go to the Ukraine and the invaders. By 2028 America will be broke and we all will be living in tents and the invaders will live in our houses. Like Klaus Schwab said back in 2015. By 2030 you will own nothing, but, you will be happy. VOTE TRUMP VANCE and save America the land that we love, stand beside her…. and guide her….

heil biden
heil biden
4 months ago


MaryEllen Lempa
MaryEllen Lempa
4 months ago

What most people are unaware of or forget is that aliens often operate in the underground cash only economy. They contribute nothing but qualify for everything. They are overwhelming and destroying the healthcare, welfare, education, housing, etc. systems, not to mention our basic American culture and history.

4 months ago

I am GARBAGE?? I bet you are garbage too? Lets see now, I am a nazi, a deplorable, a fascist, they want me to vote and lie to my wife (if I was married) too? I GET it…they want me to be a democrat, ah ha! Sorry I CAN think for myself. Joe Biden’s comments that appeared to label Trump supporters as “garbage.” When you caucus and live and breed with a lower species of animal you will talk like the too?? You and I ARE BETTER than that. VOTE TRUMP 2024!!! save the children.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
4 months ago

Congress should have impeached her long time ago when they have proven the millions she let in the country with her malicious intent to make them all citizens, thereby they become perpetual voters for Demoncrats. Her inability to close the border is a clear treason to our country, So why was she spared the impeachment even with very clear evidence?

4 months ago

Just another way to screw us all. They already accomplished messing up the Part D program by using money from Social Security for their “green new deal”. The only thing green about it is the money they are stealing from us all!!!!

Terri Hutchison
Terri Hutchison
4 months ago

That is why Kamala will lose this election, horrible policies.

4 months ago

Democrats don’t care about Americans when loving illegals produces pathways to power. They want votes from people who don’t belong here because there are not enough people HERE that want democrats in power.

michael hess
michael hess
4 months ago

a vote for harris is a vote to cut your sociality security payment, your welfare check(if you get one), your medicare benefits. how much more can you stand to lose before you vote for trump? or do you want move into the poor class? vote for trump then.

4 months ago

This is all the truth. We would be accepting as citizens people who are even now bringing into this country diseases Americans haven’t had to deal with since the late 19th century. Add to that the amount of chronic disease which requires regular attention and education. Disease that leads to cardiovascular conditions, vision loss and mental impairment, such as makes a person dependent on disability benefits. I am not unsympathetic to these problems, but do we need to bring them here because their own country is corrupt and incompetent. We spent millions of foreign aid and what do we get for it – mass imigration.

4 months ago


4 months ago

The only pathway illegal immigrants should have is out of the country. Democrats only want them as voters. They will burn this nation to the ground to stay in power. If you don’t vote Democrat, the Republicans will throw you out of this country they tell the illegal immigrants. They don’t care about Americans that are here, we don’t count. The only ones that counter potential new voters. Let’s hope this country passes the national intelligence test coming this Tuesday

Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
4 months ago

We need to do what the founding fathers did, remove this vile corrupt regime and their army of vagabonds of illegal occupiers, with a military tribunal. Arrest the Kenyan, he was not a natural-born citizen and is an enemy agent.

4 months ago

Same old talking points the Democrats have used, like forever. Medicare, Social security, They could take the billions they have handed to the Ukraine and put it in these funds. America last is the Democratic theme.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
4 months ago

The leaders keep calling Social a benefit. It is not a benefit. It is an investment which each worker deposited money with the understanding that those dollars would accumulate interest and the payout at a certain age would be “a return on my investment”. That is not a benefit. Just like a 401K. That is not a benefit but earned funds from savings. Medicaid is a benefit for those who never cared enough to earn their way in this world, i.e. a hand out at the cost of folks who worked hard for many years and took pride in making a living and loved this country. Sad state of affairs we are now in, makes me cry.

4 months ago

We owe Illegal Aliens nothing. It’s bad enough the Dems want them here for their vote and cheap labor. This coupled with 3 supreme court justices said it was ok to send Illegal aliens a ballot in Va. Can you believe this? There are laws for aliens to enter our country. No one is following the laws. It’s time to round all the Illegal aliens up and get them the hell out of our great Country, this includes Harris and her corrupt followers. Judges should not be allowed to vote, that way they can’t be bought. Such corruption.

4 months ago

We better elect Trump and deport everyone of these illegal bastards.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
4 months ago

“Equity” will translate into equal poverty for all — except the Ruling Class.
Step #!; Permanently deny citizenship to all illegal aliens
Step #2: Start by deporting or imprisoning all aliens gulty of violent crimes.
Step #3; Make “Stay in Mexico” permanent policy.
Step #4 Keep gd socialists out of our WH!

4 months ago

Democrats destroy all that is good.

4 months ago

Any new law that Congress passes has to say that illegal aliens who crossed into the USA can NEVER get citizenship, unless they leave the country and goes through the normal route to get back in, LEGALLY. AND ANY government benefit is off limits to illegal aliens, period. If you list “Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security” only, Democrats will just sign up illegals aliens onto other programs and/or NAME A SIMILAR GIVE-AWAY FOR ILLEGALS BY ANOTHER NAME.

4 months ago

Well, all I can say in response to this article is that I’ve never seen a campaign run on stupidly until I encountered the Harris/Walz campaign. Wow! Can they actually dumb down their campaign even more! They will.

Thomas Deane Vann
Thomas Deane Vann
4 months ago

Given that a large percentage of Illegal Aliens work off the books they don’t pay a penny in taxes or pay one dime into Social Security or Medicare.

4 months ago

Campaigning is all make-believe, or “romance on short notice” for Harris and her cohorts. She’ll refer to a jock strap as a space shuttle if she thinks that will “earn” another vote. The Harris form of “governance” will never be anything but abstract thought. I won’t speculate on whether a drug-induced state is necessary to engage her in a “political” dialogue…

4 months ago

Ms Harris will not be President. Find something else to worry about.

4 months ago

Rebecca, I refuse to use the Leftists’ language- these are NOT migrants. They are illegal aliens, pure and simple and , in Federal law. We must stay true to the true meaning of words, not buy into politicized changes imposed by the Left. The UN agenda is to describe ALL around the world as ‘ migrants’ who can go and live wherever they choose. Please…a nation is not a nation without borders that are enforced.

4 months ago

She is a wackjob.

lothar baier
lothar baier
4 months ago

the argument that llegal aliens contribute to Social security is laugable at best and easy to refute !
in order to contribute to SS a worker needs a valid SSN when applying for a SSN the applicant has to proof that he is either a US citizen by birth or naturalization or that he is residing legally in the US and authorized to work , if neither of those conditions are met SSA will NOT issue a SSN !
Used to SSA was issuing social security numbers to foreign individuals forbanking or tax purposes , the cards issued to those individuals however were clearly marked “not valid for employment ” and holders of those cards were not eligible for benefits as employers could not contribute payroll taxes to those accounts !
This practice was later on abandoned and the IRS started to issue ITIN numbers so unless a illegal alien used somebody elses SSN which would be a crime there is no way any illegal alien contributed to SSA

4 months ago

Apparently, I had to work 48 years to give a Guatemalan a better life…

4 months ago

Need more proof that political party (regardless of which/what?), that it has become poisonous! Eliminate party, demand rhetoric, stick to facts and truth, objective discussion, decisions made on needs of the people/citizens, not themselves and we are NEVER told.
Those seeking election provide comments and statements assembled from the public (it is theirs to select = is it not? YES! That will go a long way toward individual accountability, validated, etc. Run for office on who you are – minus party. Why have we let party (encompassing secrets, haphazard, ignore the public, commit illegal acts, polarized and bogged down in inertia, separate from the people, and disgusting in the long run?
Vote for the informed mind, for America, no party bosses, no marching orders, no scared of position BS, and term limits where change is healthy. Meeting deadlines, adhering to the law, Constitution, and Bill of rights a must. Recently, the balanced budget required, but not adhered to, Trillions in debt and without say or inquiry never asked, but responsible for the repayment?
Seems we have no choice and we are in the vast, vast, vast majority to the 535 elected to office now. Than we must change it.

4 months ago

I met my wife in code Janeiro, Brazil, All the hoops we had to go through for her tented the USA legally were astounding, medical exams in Brazil, interviews at US Consulate in Brazil, all her legal records showing shows not a criminal and so on. It cost me over $12,000.00 for her to get here legally, Now she is a citizen here, speaks English well and works as a waitress.It upsets me that these Democrats have let all these people in without knowing who they are, not knowing their criminal records. This has to stop and they need to be deported to reapply to enter after going through the scrutiny my wife had to.Kamala was raised in Canada and like Obama really are not Americans but yet they are destroying the country

John England
John England
4 months ago

I recall Rush Limbaugh proposed amnesty and a path to citizenship only on condition they resided here for at least 15 years and receive no public benefits for 25 years.

4 months ago

The only thing catastrophic is Commie Harris and any MORON that votes for that incompetent clown.

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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