Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), is disappointed by the enactment of the “gun control” provisions of the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” as into law by the President. We believe these provisions of the new law undermine Americans’ fundamental Constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment protection of our right to bear arms and due process to challenge adverse actions by government denying the right to acquire, possess, and carry firearms. This legislation was irresponsibly rammed through the Senate and the House in the last few days – and without hearings and meaningful public discourse, debate, and deliberation.
In the bill’s attempts to further regulate firearms sales to individuals, it seems to ignore that federal law already prohibits the purchase or possession of firearms by both dangerous and unfit persons, such as criminals, persons with domestic violence convictions, those mentally defective, or unlawful drug users, who would likely pose a danger to others.
In addition, one of the new gun control provisions discriminate against and penalizes young adults, which would include many in our military services, between the ages of 18 and 20 by imposing a longer purchasing waiting period on them than that of older adults, rendering them “second class citizens” in this regard. We note that the Supreme Court’s recent decision in the New York Second Amendment case held that “[t]he constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not “a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees. We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need…” The new law clearly seems to fail constitutionally in this respect, as well.
In conclusion, enactment of the gun control provisions of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and the ramrod method by which it was passed was unnecessary and a “pure politics” affront to the deliberative and debate processes intended for the Congress.
It sounds like a lot of congressmen and senators have voted to not win re-election because they voted against our constitutionally right to bear arms! Please remember their treachery when it is time to vote.
Hello!!!!! By law when a person turns 18 they are required to complete paperwork for the armed forces (in case a draft of our young people becomes necessary). They can serve in the military and put themselves in harm’s way for the protection of USA but they can’t buy/own/carry guns IN the USA! Sad and hypocritical.
Lets NOT FORGET the RINOs in both chambers of Congress that were absolutely crucial in getting this legislation through Congress so Biden could sign it into law. We expect this kind of garbage from Democrats, but we continually look the other way when so-called Republicans sell out the people and the Constitution over and over again. For all you squishy Republicans out there that keep voting for these RINO members of Congress, I suggest you strongly review what your voting priorities are going forward. Do you believe in the Constitution and what it stands for or are you just happy calling yourselves conservatives, but voting for Democrat-lite?
It may take some time, but most of what passed will be overturned because of the most recent decision by the supreme court.
“No one is bound to obey an unconstitutionaltional law and no courts are bound to enforce it” 16 Am jur 2d, Second 177 late 2d, sec 256
It does not belong to Congress. It doesn’t belong to special interest groups. It does not belong to the courts. It belongs to “We the People…”
Founding Father John Jay
Have a Great 4th of July AMERICA ????????
All the politicians know how to do is to pass another law because of a knee jerk reaction. Most of the politicians that are behind this new “law” don’t know what existing laws are on the books or how the system actually works. They also don’t know diddly about firearms. When this law makes little to no positive effect on crime or murders, they will have their opportunity to bring about full confiscation of firearms. That could be their final undoing. The majority of law abiding armed citizens won’t allow it.
Lets make more laws for law abiding citizens, while the crooks and muderers steal guns and commit crimes, just another stupid overreach of the Devilcrates ..
I have a suggestion what Joe can “ram through”… they can all take turns.
The problem with this gun control legislation is: 1. It is unconstitutional. 2. Establishing if someone is mentally capable of owning a gun is a slippery slope – Democrats think Trump supporters are mentally unfit. 3. If 18 year olds can fight, then they can have the right to get a firearm. 4. This legislation is a step toward elimination of the 2A. 5. Once again the Republican Party caved on our rights. Beware the Left, their motives are filled with guile.
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void” Marbury vs Madison, 5 US (Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved,there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogated them”.Miranda vs Arizona, 384 US 436 p491.
Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved,there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogated them”.Miranda. vs. Arizona, 384. US. 436 p. 491
“Look, look, we’re doing something!” Gotta love it when the morons say how their BS legislation is going to save lives.
The 2nd amendment is the “glue” that holds all our rights in check. If we lose or marginalize our 2nd amendment how long would it be before your right to assemble, worship, speech etc. would be infringed? The 2nd amendent is the “glue” the foundation of our rights!
When the Government fears the people, there is liberty
When the people fear the Government, there is tyranny
When will hunter Biden be charged for illegal purchase
It’s not likely this new gun control law jammed through Congress in the rush to appease the government’s critics for its past failures to stop mass shootings will move the needle in making the public any safer. First, it’s a piece of legislation — a law — which criminals simply ignore. Second, it will not stop those with evil intent from acquiring guns that are already available on the “black market.” Or, from stealing guns. So how, then, will it be effective in stopping further gun violence on a broad scale? It won’t, just like every other gun law already enacted.. All these laws do is restrict, impede, and penalize law-abiding citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment right. The very fact that Congress passed the “Bi-partisan Safer Communities Act” is simply another admission that existing gun laws don’t work and never have. Criminals don’t honor laws; that’s why they’re criminals. The mentally ill person or a terrorist who feels compelled to kill as many innocent people as possible will always find a weapon — whether it’s an assault rifle, a motor vehicle, an airplane, or a bomb. These are facts which the Left simply fails to acknowledge. It’s just easier for them to attack the civil rights of law-abiding citizens in their attempts to exert control. That political impulse must be resolutely resisted.
Criminals and crazies are still getting guns sold to them. I’m for the gun dealers and most of them are decent dealers, but there are a few that need to be fined or prosecuted that sell guns to object-able buyers. More laws will not do any good if they are not followed and enforced. I do not understand how the parade shooting suspect bought a gun.
The comment below that the 2nd amendment guarantees the other rights enumerated in the constitution is spot on. Once the 2nd amendment goes, you can rest assured the 1st amendment will the next to go. We really have to stop the expansion of the state; otherwise, we will find ourselves on the fast track to serfdom.
There are several things no one is allowed to buy or do until they turn 21. So I can’t see that the idea of denying assault rifles to teenagers can be thrown out for that reason.
Chuck Schumer has drooled for decades to pass something like this and now he finally got his wish with 14 fool Rinos falling all over themselves to show that they can be progressives too!
This kind of gun control has never worked and never will, but politicians already know this and don’t care. Their goal is another power grab.
Sadly even should Republicans get their big Red wave this November, Rinos will still be in charge, just not quite as fast as Hypocrats to destroy the nation: but almost.
I am no longer a Republican and will no longer donate to the GOP. I am a Conservative and will donate to individuals!