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Missing Presidential Seal Symbolic of America Under Biden

Posted on Thursday, November 3, 2022
by Matt Kane
Presidential Podium with out of service sign

Last night, Joe Biden delivered another fear-mongering speech directed at the majority of the American people. These days, the Democrat playbook revolves solely around deflecting attention from their disastrous government – of which they control two of the three branches of – while simultaneously attempting to connect and blame any form of strife or conflict on President Trump and his supporters, no matter how outrageous a reach it may be. The one visible difference between this speech from his others where he attempts to do much of the same, was the absence of the presidential seal on the podium he stood behind. While this may seem insignificant, it is yet another example of how out of the ordinary many aspects of this administration have been. But most importantly, the missing seal is symbolic, as it represents the United States of America missing a true President.

Surprisingly, determining truth when members of this administration (particularly Biden) speak is not all that complicated. The gaslighting conducted by this government is unlike anything ever experienced in American history. Narcissists get sloppy when they believe they have won. They are so infatuated with their ways that they truly believe that everybody will simply accept their words at face value. If you find yourself realizing that the accusations they place on groups other than themselves actually describe their actions, you are not crazy or imagining things. That is exactly what is happening.

Biden quickly attempted to tie the recent events at the Pelosi residence to January 6th. He attested that “an enraged mob was whipped up into a frenzy by a President” contesting the results of an election, repeating the almost 2-year-old buzz term “The Big Lie.”

The issue with this stance is that countless DEMOCRATS have contested election results in every election they have lost in the 21st century. Democrats had constitutional rights to object to those elections, just as Republicans had the same rights in 2020. In fact, Republicans had a far greater claim to object than Democrats had when they chose to do so. So, when “The Big Lie” is referenced, it is important to understand much evidence now exists that would prove the Democrat’s “Big Lie” is the actual big lie.

Biden stated that even before January 6th, people involved in the election process received death threats. But in the aftermath of the 2016 election, presidential electors lives were threatened when they did not cast their vote for Hillary Clinton, despite then President-Elect Trump’s victory.

He followed this claim by saying “The extreme MAGA element of the Republican party is the minority of that party.” Yet, Trump sports a nearly perfect endorsement record, while anti-Trump Republicans such as Liz Cheney lost their own primaries by historic margins, which contradicts Biden’s claim.

His rant concluded by chastising those who have not committed to blindly accepting the results of the midterm election. In doing so, he is attempting to intimidate MAGA candidates into accepting the results before one could even determine whether there are any instances of voter irregularities in an election not yet completed. Republicans do not demand this prior commitment from Democrats, because it is completely illogical.

As this article has outlined, Biden tends to speak outright lies and frame them as absolute truth. So that begs the question: Is Biden preparing a narrative that those who constitutionally question election results are threats to the nation, because he is aware of plans to make this election unclean? We will get the answer to that in a week (or longer according to Biden). It remains to be seen, but if history is any indicator, assuming there won’t be any Uniparty attempts to affect the outcome would be foolish.

Biden sounded afraid when giving this speech, but why? He was awarded the presidency during the last election, why is he so concerned with it, if his claims of an attempt to overthrow democracy failed? Perhaps he sees recent court decisions deeming many of the voting laws (which led to many of the irregularities in 2020) to be unconstitutional, potentially hindering plans the left had been banking on to deliver them a victory.

Maybe he fears the ensuing decision in the Supreme Court case Moore v. Harper could deem the way elections were held in 2020 as unconstitutional. It is impossible to read the mind of Biden, I think he would even tell you that. But what is clear is whenever he musters up the energy to give a prime-time address, he usually unsuccessfully attempts to hide the plans of the left behind the facade that Trump and his supporters are actively trying to ruin America, which is exactly what he and his group of swamp associates are doing.

In his inaugural address, Biden said he would be a uniter and has since become the greatest divider of any president in American history. Never has a president directly targeted a group of his political opponents as staunchly as Biden has towards Trump and his supporters. From his first moments as president, Biden has said one thing and done the opposite. America has not had a true example of a President since January 20th, 2021, at 12:00 PM, when Donald Trump’s term expired.

The presidential seal is a symbol of American pride, prestige, and exceptionalism. Since Biden has taken office, America’s border, economy, military, morale, and reputation have all been destroyed. The missing seal from Joe Biden’s podium was noticeable, but fitting because America is missing its president.  

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Keith Tularak
Keith Tularak
1 year ago

Biden is a Communist, just like Obama! Our fear of the Trojan Horse has been realized. The Democrat party has been infiltrated and taken over by Communists–in both Houses of Congress. Make no mistake that the entire “woke” culture is to instill Communism in our country.

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Joe’s been missing for quite some time. Even the presidential seal is embarrassed.

Ed M
Ed M
1 year ago

It’s obvious the weight of the presidential seal as well as the presidential responsibilities are to much so they left them home.

Gary J Toth
Gary J Toth
1 year ago

C’mon… does this REALLY surprise anyone? The way the country AND THE CONSTITUTION have been run into the ground, it shouldn’t. I just finished early voting here in KY. It was insane. The polling place was PACKED with triple lines out the door. The poll worker that checked me in said she’d been working the polls for nearly 20 years and had never seen anything like it.

Perhaps… just PERHAPS there’s a chance to pull the country back from the abyss.

pam clymer
pam clymer
1 year ago

Maybe the seal is missing because he is not the legitimate President of the United States!

thankful Floridian
thankful Floridian
1 year ago

The three branches of government are executive, legislative and judicial! The elective three areas of government are currently selfishly led by the dims: executive (joe DeMentia), senate (slumer), and house (ice creamer). Civics is a high school course!

1 year ago

Biden was not awarded the presidency. He won the presidency despite republican voter suppression and intimidation.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago


1 year ago

What happens when a man of low character, limited intelligence and zero integrity becomes demented? You get this. His base character and lack of scruples surface for all to see, other than dem robots of course.

Dan 0713
Dan 0713
1 year ago

Remember, this is the President who did not know that “LETS GO BRADEN” was actually a big insult to him and agreed with it last December(21).

Warren Yarnall
Warren Yarnall
1 year ago

that’s all the demonrats do…lie, steal, cheat and murder babies…that’s ALL they do…

Sarah S.
Sarah S.
1 year ago

Perhaps all of us who have not been group hypnotized and have all our faculties about us should pray for this character, Mike, who is so terribly misguided. He obviously has a lot of hate in his heart and a total misunderstanding of reality.

1 year ago

You can bet that this election will be as crooked as Democrat/Communists can make it. Probably even worse than 2018.

1 year ago

dis the Biden administration offer an excuse for the missing Seal?…tho, no explanation would be acceptable to me

Kathy Tyler
Kathy Tyler
1 year ago

You hit the nail on the head!

1 year ago

Hey at least they didn’t repeat the horrible red lighting and staging that was a homage to V for Vendetta like they did over the summer. Instead those watching this farce only had to contend with a ranting and senile old man pretending to be POTUS. The rest of the world already knows what Biden is. It’s just half the people in this country are too stupid to figure it out.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Presidential seal missing Are we to interpret that as an omen? That is something that would happen in politbureu

AnneMarie Brummer
AnneMarie Brummer
1 year ago

Biden, should be careful when he accuses the Republicans for the beaten Pelosie’s husband.
I’m Republican all the way and quiet frankly being accused of being responsible for everything coming out of Biden’s mouth.
I think every Republican should take them to court for slander. I know I’m not responsible for all the accusations of Biden. Its time he shuts his mouth .

1 year ago

In a week or so we will know what the outcome will be. As a law abiding retired American citizen I am doing my duty and casting my vote I only get one and whenever I pass on I hope I don’t vote Democrat for the next 50 years. So all you out there vote and pray for the voters and electorate to just do the right thing. Follow our constitution and leave it in God’s hands..

1 year ago

The Presidential Seal should never be used by the idiot called Biden// As long as this sleaze ball speaks the Presidential Seal should never be on the podium because this guy needs the Micky Mouse seal because that is who he reminds me of////

james carlyle
james carlyle
1 year ago

A disgusting example of American Politics

Frank Maddow
Frank Maddow
1 year ago

No seal? What would be the reason have they left the constitution as law of the land and went with the NWO ? We are ruled by the European Union! These elitist have given us to others . Biden is allowing a flood of able bodied men in by the thousands. Don’t be fooled the Trojan Horse has opened its gates!

YouTube zucks
YouTube zucks
1 year ago

Too bad we can’t kick out all the democrats infesting California

1 year ago

I didn’t notice the seal missing while being angered by his speech . I’m so tired of hearing from this President that I’m basically a domestic terrorist, because I have a different opinion. This vote is so important people to regain some sanity back in our government. VOTE TUESDAY !

1 year ago

Biden and his democrat party are an embarrassment to our country. What have they done to improve our security, economy, healthcare, quality of life and energy independence? The answer: NOTHING!

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
1 year ago

What happens when a man of low character, limited intelligence and zero integrity becomes demented? His base character and lack of scruples surface for all to see. The lack of ability to discern right and wrong. Willing to say un-truths that are fed to him along the yellow brick road? This Biden character has lost it and no one can change that. It does not take a six year old to see that something is wrong with this guy. I would love to be able to move in and around the Whitehouse on a daily basis to hear the talk and jokes that are spoken about his behavior. I wonder if they just set him in a room after breakfast and bring him out to have lunch with a few visitors waving and nodding as if he has half a brain left. I am sure the leaders of the other countries we associate with wonder what in the hell has happened to America? They elected a Buffone as a leader over there. He sets a grande example of what not to be like. I hope that comes shing through.

1 year ago

Methinks that Mike posts and views pretty much represent how fouled up DemocRat Politics are. Every post he makes drive a nail into the wall of political ineptitude or worse. But that is freedom of speech. Makes me feel like I’m not overly critical of the DemocRat Party. MIke should consider renaming himself Mikeseester. Then responders could post “has anyone seen mikeskeester?” … and get many retrorts the effect .. “if anyone has not seen mikeskeester, be careful … it will make you upchuck!”

Joseph Shunk
Joseph Shunk
1 year ago

I have to believe the lack of a presidential seal was in fact done purposefully. The question is why. Just a thought, but I have to wonder if it was possibly to give Biden an out, if the pushback for his demonization of almost half the US population became too extreme. I could very well see where they could attempt to characterize this as him speaking out as a private citizen and not that of a president that the seal would signify. A private citizen that enjoys the bully pulpit no less. But why quibble over that little detail.

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

The missing seal may be a warning if the coming elections don’t turn out the way the polls and multitude of interviewed people point to. The NWO has suffered several setbacks in their quest to destroy our free Constitutional nation and have become desperate to finalize their quest, even now, to lifting their mask and beginning to openly expose themself. Something really bad could be waiting in the wings and the answer to the question of why so many young single illegal males have been allowed into the US may be about to be exposed.

FDR once said: “In politics nothing happens by accident, if it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

1 year ago

Talk about mirror world ???? You peeps are straight CRAY CRAY!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

The seal is missing because DICTATOR Beijing biden is NOT
Legally president.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Not having the U.S. Presidential Seal every time DICTATOR Beijing biden speaks along with his COMMUNIST background colors and Marines standing by him is nothing but a SLAP in the FACE and INSULT to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and AMERICANS.
It proves that not only is DICTATOR Beijing biden is in COMMUNIST CHINA’S back-pocket but he and his Party ARE COMMUNIST by putting the

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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