The Democrats’ pending $4.7 trillion dollar Infrastructure Bill is a compound deception, not limited to $4.7 trillion, not “paid for,” not infrastructure. Democrat strategy – like Obamacare – is to speak lies with conviction, demand loyalty, concentrate power, spread fear, jam it through.
First, $4.7 trillion dollars – the $1.2 trillion “bipartisan” Senate bill and $3.5 trillion House bill, represents unthinkable spending, raising our $28.7 trillion national debt by a sixth.
Understanding how irresponsible this is tests language. This is a 45 with 11 zeros behind it – or $4,500,000,000,000. Each dollar earned by an American is then taken or assumed as debt.
Key fact: The middle class – roughly 52 percent of the country in 2018, more in 2019, less in 2021 – pays the nation’s tax bill. That is you and me. No amount of “taxing the rich” will reduce accelerating federal debt and spending. See, e.g., Which Income Class Are You?.
On the numbers, in 2021, the top one percent of earners – making $540,000 – earned 21 percent of income and paid 40 percent of taxes, while the top 10 percent (upper-middle class) earned 48 percent of income and paid 71 percent of taxes.
Incredibly, more than 107 million Americans – 60.6 percent – paid no income taxes, 59 million collecting federal welfare. See, e.g., COVID-19 Tax Relief Added to Increasing Share of Households Paying No Income Tax; Straight Talk On Welfare Statistics.
Overall, the federal government administers 80 welfare programs (not including those to which Americans contribute, such as Social Security and Medicare). Congressional Research Service reports the top 10 federal welfare programs grew by 378 percent since 1990. See, e.g., United States Senate Committee on the Budget.
Taken together, the lower and upper-middle classes pay the bulk of taxes – as they work, are most numerous, and are neither top one percent nor the bottom 60 percent. Forty percent carry-all.
No matter what Democrats say, we – the middle class – will pay for massive new spending. Making matters worse, Democrats plan to raise tax rates, pushing unemployment up, too.
At the same time, mass federal spending and debt trigger inflation since more dollars get printed without increases in labor participation, productivity, output, growth, income, or wealth. In other words, the dollars you earn will be taken at a faster rate and then devalued, even as prices rise.
Labor unions will ask for more money, which accelerates price increases and employment cuts (to pay higher costs), which reduces overall consumer spending, further slowing the economy.
What does that do? A shrinking economy shrinks the tax base – giving the lie to assumptions of a robust economy “paying for” reckless federal spending. Separately, inflation pushes the middle-class into higher tax brackets. This $4.7 trillion bill is a macroeconomic disaster.
Second, while $4.7 trillion is a mess, things get worse. As the Wall Street Journal observed, this is NOT a $4.7 trillion dollar bill. That, too, is a deception.
The real cost is far higher. Democrats are playing with language, placing traps that force higher spending. The stated price is a “phony number.”
Why? Because “Democrats are grasping for ways to finance their cradle-to-grave welfare state.” Beyond twisting “reconciliation,” the $3.5 trillion bill “hides the real cost of their plans.”
For example, the “child allowance” increase will cost $1.1 trillion over a decade but is extended only to 2025, with the expectation that dependence will force extension on the GOP.
Another trick is Medicare expansion, with limited benefits over two years, then spiking them in 2028, described as saving $500 billion, as the massive jump is delayed.
Another trap: The “universal child-care entitlement” gives $90 billion to states, but only for five years, enticing providers to raise costs yet only paying a seven percent of any family’s costs.
Elsewhere, the bill forces States to pay for “universal pre-K entitlement” costs over time. Ditto for mandatory “free” community college, which will be hard to reduce once online and will absorb students from paid educational institutions.
Other tricks, half-truths, time shifts, hidden lags, mandates, and pretend “savings” appear through the bill. See, e.g., Dems’ reconciliation bill has $6B transportation ‘slush fund’ that GOP aide warns could fund backdoor earmarks. The bill – is a lie.
Truth: This bill does not come anywhere near paying for itself. As the economy slows, costs incurred with higher obligations, mandates, taxes, and debt will multiply, with inflation and job cuts.
Notably, the Wall Street Journal confirms “the press has reported none of this,” adding, “do not expect an honest accounting from the Congressional Budget Office.” The bill is pure deception.
Third, bill contents are a disgrace, not honestly presented. One-fortieth of the bill is “traditional infrastructure,” while 39 fortieths redefine “infrastructure” as socialist largess, packaged as “must-have” federal entitlements, subsidies, and program growth.
Examples: Countless Democrat “wish list” programs, including within the $1.2 trillion bill “renewable energy,” “high speed internet,” “school and child-care” upgrades for water (traditionally state and local), “climate change resilience,” “electric vehicle” money, and vaguely defined “reconnection communities.”
The $3.5 trillion piece is worse, spending on leftist priorities, federalizing local programs, and gutting constitutional prerogatives – education and college to zoning and economic policy.
The list includes forcing “universal pre-K ,” “universal tuition-free community college,” “maternal, behavioral and racial health equity,” “pandemic preparedness” (maybe to include for elections?), “affordable housing,” “rental assistance,” “zoning” “public housing,” “clean electricity,” “weatherizing and electrifying homes,” “climate research,” money to “prevent wildfires,” “seek lawful permanent status” for immigrants, “community violence intervention initiatives,” “healthy oceans,” “low-income solar and climate-friendly” programs, “climate equity,” “green materials,” “electrification of the federal fleet,” a “Native Civilian Climate Corp” for Indian Reservations, and the list goes on.
Net-net, what does false price, false limits on spending, false payment scheme, open-ended socialist content mean? The Democrats’ “Infrastructure bill” is a massive deception.
This is not the appropriate venue for your employment ad. I’m no advocate of censorship in general, but your posting(s) should be blocked!
Dear Friend….please take your ponzi scheme somewhere else……you are not part of the conversation, and we do not want what you have to offer. Buzz off!!!
Need Hard Infrastructure NOT Dems soft plans,
Lying and spending tax dollars are the two things DemoKraps are best at.
And let’s not forget the ‘gender identity’ clause that will make it a crime to ‘discriminate’ against a person based upon their alphabet gender-identity. So, there goes free speech and religious freedom!
What I don’t understand is why no retribution on them – while we scrap/save and try to keep our families safe the Government continues to get fat an richer on us. Those that still care about this country and what it is all about need to bombard their congress representatives with vote no on all of these bills. We the people who support all of this are bleeding to death as prices soar and we penny pinch. The government dines on steak and caviar!
So basically if it comes out of the democrats mouth, it’s a lie.
EVERY SINGLE THING about the dims is massive deception. These people are evil, hardcore communists that are 100% all-in on Agenda 21/2030. That’s right, in addition to a multitude of other liberty scrapping initiatives (including the elimination of 2A and depopulation), they intend to end ALL private property ownership by 2030. That ain’t hyperbole…look it up. Anyone ignorant enough to believe the dim party has any resemblance to the dim party of even a few decades ago is out of their mind. These are marxist communists…period.
EVERYTHING Dems do is based on massive deception, that’s the only way they can push their agenda on us.
Lying is becoming worse in this country. Perhaps we should tax all government employees, elected officials, and left wing progressives for each and every lie that they utter. In a few months, we could eliminate the debt that we already have. This is all smoke and mirrors, but the worse case scenario is that federal government will put millions of Americans in a dependency situation where government handouts can never end. The legislators know that is the case, and it simply supports their Marxist viewpoint of what this country can become. We should all be paying attention to this government control, and we should all fight back as hard as we can each and every day.
As I constantly remind if you don’t know one trillion seconds is 31,688+ YEARS.
Every single person in the white house should be forced to live on the same income as the majority of Americans live on now until they get this mess of debt cleared up.
There are a few things I don’t like about Trump but when he was in office, he did not take any pay and our economy was good and our borders were safe!
When will “We the People” stand and reject these Socialists ? Without mass protests we are doomed !
Where is the leadership ??
Not one penny of these bills should be passed. They should be broken into small readable things so Americans can see what they are putting on us and decide if it is worth the money and debt.
Americans have to get active in stopping these libs.
And no version of the nationalization of voting laws should be allowed to pass.
All they try to get you to focus on is that they want to tax the rich! Everyone will pay more! I think the rich will do more under the table deals and hide their profits in foreign accounts. Average, everyday citizens don’t have that luxury. We have got to stand up to this tyranny. This administration serves mammon! They prove EVERY DAY that they don’t serve God! Just my opinion.????????✝️????????
Nancy Pelosi and her husband are worth over 167 million dollars, Capitalism seems to be working for them in spite of her socialist comments that it was no longer working well. They also own a posh hotel in Napa valley that cost 1000. dollars a night. Wonder how much tax they pay.
Every single person that continues to support the evil Demonrats is now considered a mortal enemy. Why? Because every dim-bulb considers YOU the enemy and must be isolated and eliminated. So bring it on, and the Righteous will prevail.
The absurdity is not in passing this bill it’s the creation of it it is a work of a madman
The Hidden Gift for Media Dems Put in Their Spending Bill Effectively Turns Every Outlet Into NPR…
Research this.. it can cancel coverage of all our unbias news coverage sources WE need to be sure their spending bill is not passed by contacting our leaders in DC…this is just one of the items it covers that are hidden from the public/voters.
Our only chance is to stop this BS in the Senate. It will only take one demon-communist-cRAT to vote NO and it’s dead. ONE VOTE! Let’s get on it.
Income taxes are only paid by 50% of the working population….I’m tired of the increasing load we will have to pay for with all these new spending bills if passed….how about instead of Income Tax we all pay a consumption tax??? Illegal and probably legal imigrants supporting their families in their country paid under the table send the money to their families..it doesn’t help our economy..yet they are receiving free benefits that we as tax payers pay for them. The “rich” pay the highest percentage of taxes….let’s put a cap on the income opportunities that our politicians are taking for granted…leaving office with millions of dollars…CLINTONS, OBAMAS, BUSHES, PELOSI (consider her latest stock buy/gains),SHUMMER.too many to name….not to mention those high paying pensions elected officials receive (including Judges) from us the taxpayers…let’s see some legislation to fix this fraud/waste. WE WANT LEGAL ACTION, NOT JUST TALK!!!
Absolutely correct. Have been saying this since Obama. They keep racking up the debt. And now Biden will be increasing taxes on retirement incomes, inheritances, and businesses. Add that to the increased costs of fuel for heating homes and vehicles, plus the resulting increased cost of food and household needs and we are headed back to the working poor. This administration will not stop until our nation is just like the rest of the third world countries unable or unwilling to supply or protect their people.
WOW// my dad told me many years ago==NEVER VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS because they will take your vote and then turn around and Screw YOU// This is exactly the reason I voted for TRUMP and they cheated him out of winning the election in 2020//Now I hope the idiots who voted for BIDEN will wake up and do the right thing for our country and realize what a great PRESIDENT he was and will becone again in 2024// WAKE UP AMERICA and get rid of this BUFFOON BIDEN//
Government subsitizing all these programs listed only incentives providers to charge more, knowing that the federal government will pay more because of a lack of accountability with the taxpayer moneys, free enterprize and competittion is eliminated,
The democrats always figure a way to try to make an orgy of wealth distribution look like a simple benign plan that will benefit everyone and afflict none. It’s precisely like chocolate coating a cat poop.
The behavior of these miscreants, Pelosi & company, i.e. 90% of Congress is simply off the charts…Absolutely none of this madness can be allowed to pass… They are setting the stage for a lifetime of backroom deals coming to them in the form of personal enrichment & out of public purview…
If nothing else, We The People owe a debt of gratitude to Donald J. Trump for exposing the Congressmen & women for the thieving crooks they are & have been for DECADES now…
Is it any wonder why they treated this man the way they did for ( 4 ) years & continue to disrespect the man, for they are still terrified of him as they should be… The Maricopa County audits showed ALL the FAKE numbers, despite the lies still coming out of MSM on Election Fraud committed in Arizona… Time to Decertify Maricopa County, AZ & with arrests forthcoming…Stay tuned, Georgia is next…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
Thank GOD none of our current leaders from the GOP or many of YOU for that fact, were alive back in the seventeen hundreds when our country was engaged with the British. All I hear is a bunch of complaining, nobody is doing anything and there is absolutely no leadership…the water is circling and we’re about to be flushed down the toilet.
Before any of you jump my case, Yes I’m doing what I can. I’ve written my Congressmen and Senators,and getting involved wherever I can…I’m too old to do what really needs to be done!
The fact that this bill is a fraud, is not news! Everything this party has backed since emperor Obama was elected has been a fraud. All designed to take the USA into chaos.
FRAUD,PURE AND SIMPLE! Fraudulant marxists who care ONLY about power, power to control you PERIOD! Dont fall for this lousy marxist wish list. Dont let them change the language. INFRASTRUCTURE IS ROADS, BRIDGES,SUPPORT STRUCTURE.Has nothing to do, NOTHING TO DO WITH social infrastructure. That is just garbage please dont fall for it again. You recal obama pulled this bait and switch on us. My dog created more shovel ready projects! Dont fall for this, call your congresperson, your senator, yell from the roof tops if need be but remember, your and mine, our grandchildren will have to pay for this garbage, You want that for your grandchildrne,their children? I dont think so!
America is now in serious trouble and we are slowly being pointed towards Socialism or becoming a 3rd world country. Things have to change now or America as we know it will no longer exist.
Has anyone talked to people who have come here from socialist countries? They know what it’s like. That’s why they emigrated. I’ve been to East Germany and seen what equity really means — it means everyone (except the elites) is poor. Wait 10 years to get a car, buy only in approved stores where items are limited, get the education the government wants you to have, need permission to travel across county/state lines, be permitted to leave the country only when you are no longer able to work. Yeah. Equity.
The democrats were always good at sneaking pork into any bill ever written however with Obama they learned how to bulk up the pork and then lie about it while telling everyone how fortunate they are that they are in control!
It seems like AMAC is getting like the evening news. FOX and NEWSMAX. Same old stories told over and over again with a little spin on the wording. We know the spending bill is against us, How about giving us some ideas and leadership on what to do to reverse it. That would be helpful and refreshing.
Bring it on. Quicker the economy tanks,maby the sooner a uprising will take place.. Kyle L.
Yup! Keep spending as much of our freakin money as you can you poor excuses of political crap!
You’re day is gonna come people are sick
America can you all really believe in all of this bullshit. Think about your grandchildren and their children. I don’t want to leave this world knowing I did this to my family. If any of you believe in this pork filled bag of lies then you were never for this country anyway. When you read this article see if you agree with the lies these communist people are making.
I can’t believe how blinded people have become, we are definitely seeing end times prophesy playing out before our eyes. Get right!
America is on the road to becoming the Old Soviet Union. While Russia now appears to becoming what the USA ONCE WAS!!!
What creeps these corrupt politicians are to the tax payers of America. They will never get the money they need from the RICH. They will take it from the middle class. Why do so many fall into their trap?
The dollar is going to crash and the political will to stop it is not there. Senior citizens are going to demand that the young – who know they will never collect a penny in SS – continue to fund their monthly checks. the same applies to Medicare. Single mothers are going to demand that everyone else continue to pay for their bastard offspring. Those dependent on Medic-aid are going to demand that we continue to pay for everything they need. Public employee unions and retirees will scream if anyone suggests cuts. Wait until local governments are faced with bankruptcy.
I have over half my assets in precious metals in my possession, not those bogus pieces of paper that in reality, are backed by nothing. My advice to anyone who has cash is to start making the rounds of pawn shops and coin shops to find minted gold and silver )Gold bars are easy to counterfeit). Buy only coins with no numismatic value and pay cash so no one knows you own it. That way the gov’t can’t do an FDR.
I’m moving to a rural area. When SHTF, even the suburbs will not be safe and Democrat run cities will be beyond my ability to describe without coming off like those people I thought were nuts 20 years ago.
I remember a case where a ship was so top heavy overloaded, while underway, rolled over, capsized and sank. This is the very image of this bill and our nation…..and it will be the death of this nation, if it passes. I have hammered my reps again and again, to fight these bills, tooth and nail. No compromises, no haggling, no discussions about reducing one part to expand another. It is the largest pork project since Swift meats began processing pigs. I have hammered every rep and senator I can get an address on, regardless of party….telling them no to do this to our nation. Not to put us in a hole so deep, even God can’t rescue us. Not to continue to be the idiots they have been. But all I get are form letter responses, invitations to donate to their “upcoming campaigns”, and worthless rhetoric. What else will it take to stop the madness?
Given the DemocRats morphing in to a Communistic set of goals, policies, election rigging, and tactics, it is no surprise that they have reached a point where massive deception is the only tool they know how to maneuver with.
Everyone on here who is retired, like me, brace yourself, for their “Plan” does not include us. Once they grab our saved retirement money, we will then be disposable. Like we never existed.
I am continually amazed how politicians have no qualms about abusing the taxpayers by recklessly over spending our money, when they protect and hide theirs behind “foundation walls” and other means. If you check, the majority of them don’t even pay their taxes, yet the IRS does nothing to them. I’m sick of all this. I think we need a “people enforced tax holiday” against our government. Everyone withholds paying any taxes and doesn’t allow withholdings from their paychecks. Put the money in a separate account and hold it until our government officials balance the budget and quit spending. We choke them by withholding our money. They can’t operate without us, and we need to remember that. Also if we all are withholding taxes, they don’t have the ability to arrest us all. This is how you cut the head off of the snake.
It is unfortunate that we cannot trust anything that the current Biden fronted regime in D.C. does. The installation of Joe Biden as president was a coup. Those who are in control of that coup, and now the U.S. government, are hateful Socialist billionaires such as George Soros and Communist China.
Socialism in the U.S. is nothing new. We had Socialists over a century ago when organized labor unions began infecting our work force. By 1912, there was enough Communist influence from Russian Jews fleeing Stalin’s brand of Communism to change our government drastically toward Socialism. FDR promoted more Socialism into the U.S. with the Great Depression. The big push was LBJ with his War on Poverty, which resulted in many more American citizens now being impoverished. In the eight years under George W Bush, we were led into more Socialism by Republican factions that dwell in the D.C. Swamp alongside Democrats. Obama was the next big push for Socialism, with Hillary Clinton expected to take up the banner. President Trump threw a huge monkey wrench into the Socialist machine, but Socialists were too powerful in the media as well as in all government agencies to prevent false accusations and the release of a deadly, Communist created virus, to allow Socialists to install Joe Biden as a puppet president.
We must always question all political moves by all politicians, regardless of their political party affiliation. The more politicians are able to become wealthy from being in politics, the less we can trust what any of them do.
Greed and power. So many lies. Our government is unaccountable and runs roughshod over those they swore to serve. Enough is enough!